... of everything.
I'm sick of feeling like I've been used or made a fool of... especially by people I thought I could trust and count on.
I'm having a very tough time lately, in several areas of my life... and I've made the conscious decision to try and deal with it alone.
The future I once saw for myself is fading fast... and I'm thinking it might be better that way, for me and for the people I love and once loved.
I'm pretty scared right now.
There's always a drive to handle things on our own especially if, at some point in our life, we had a hard time getting people to actually trust us or think that we're capable of doing things on our own.
That being said, you don't have to deal with stuff by yourself. There isn't anything wrong with or weak about asking for help or at least an unbiased opinion. Its really hard to deal with complex or emotional problems if all we have to go on are our own feelings and biases.
We haven't talked much for a long while and I do have plenty of issues of my own BUT I still am a friend and I'm always willing to talk, help, guide etc my friends if they just ask.
I'm here for you, even if it just has to be in spirit :)
never give up on your dreams. For without dreams then you are without hope. And a person without hope has no will to live . Not a very good thing.
So strive for the better, prepare for the worst, and give life and those that are trying to hold you down some hell.
I know how you feel, I truely do, but never give up, I am so glad I never gave up, I knew in my heart what was true, because when we are at the darkest point, we just have to look for that sliver of light which is our hopes, however dim it may be there is always hope if you just look ! HUgs !
Cajome, My dear Cajome...I am so sorry to read that you are having to go through such darkness...*a long warm hug*...
You have been such a joy in my life (even if I may be a silly gal somewhere in California behind a screen), you befriended me when I came back to VR and I want you to know that I CARE FOR YOU A GREAT DEAL and it pains me to see somebody so precious go through such a difficult time. Makes me feel ridiculous and helpless. Its not that nice guys/gals finish last, it just makes it so much harder to come in on time when so many assholes cheat the angels to the finish line (if that makes any sense to you lol).
My whole point to this is, you are loved and cherished...and I hope that you know that I am ALWAYS here for you!!! ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS!!! For anything at all. Please know Im here and I care for you...and from the comments I see...Im not the only one here who holds you with such high regards. You are a truly amazing friend!!! *huggggsss you hard*
Please dont be scared Cajome...we love you very much!!!
Not to sure who or has wronged you or what is going on, but always know that there are people on here who love you lots & who would walk to the ends of the earth to make things better! Please don't give up. Once you do that then you begin to slowly lose the essence of who you really are.... You aer to sweet of a woman to lose so remember that you are well liked & loved by many. They will always be here when you need that shoulder or an ear to vent
Not sure all what your meaning is but I feel something in wanting to say but holding back...and the feeling I feel is cold....so please...hang in there...and if you need to talk even though I am on at odd times let me know...
My dearest CAJOME, please do not think you have been made a fool of.
Wanted to let you know, I am here for you and your family. If you need me or anything at all, please call me. I will stand by your side through the thick of it all.
Us nice girls, don't have to finish last, we can stride to rise to the top. Trust me. I will push your ass up to it if I have to.
Love ya sis
The healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he's got an abscess on his knee or in his soul. ~Rona Barrett
I've given you my phone number......use it :)
18:16 Feb 20 2010
21:29 Feb 21 2010
Me too sistah!!
Call me for a chat!!
07:14 Feb 22 2010
Aaww i'm sorry :( ::hugs::
18:20 Feb 23 2010
understand. but know that you don't have to do it alone. :) (regardless of what your previous entry says!)
10:17 Feb 27 2010
I don't presume to know what's hurting you, sweetheart....I know that with every fiber of my being I am here for you....good times....bad times....inifferent times, hell....all times....visits to wonka land (sorry, got side tracked, and thats an inside joke to everyone else lol). Cajome, my precious friend,...tell me what I can do (if I can do anything!) to help take this pain away, or at least some of it! I know I probably cant because i am far from you...but I want you to know that you are loved and cherished!!! By so many too! I am so sorry Cajome...*hangs head* do you realize how very sad I am to hear that you are going through this sadness? That I wish/pray ALL of your troubles and pain away. You are not just somebody I know online.,...you're my friend! I'M HERE FOR YOU!!! Always! Forever! I promise!
*huggggssss you hard*