Have you often wondered or questioned what's real? I ponder this rather often. Especially with all that is happening
If any of you ever watched the matrix you'll get what I'm saying. I have known things before they happened - finished people's sentences before they even said what they had to say. My dreams are of days yet to come. And I know I sound crazy here
Just thought I would share this.
Well all that what happening to you with knowing things before they happen, we all experienced it and that has scientific explanation.
Run away, the past will bite again
No matter where you dwell
Here again, a captive of the howl
Welcome back to hell
Faithful, as the full moon is rising
Beauty and the Beast are colliding
Sharpened edge touch liquid flame
Deepened seed soaks anger's reign
Arching back, shape-shift derange
Father, how I watched you change
Am I savage?
Scratching at the door
Am I savage?
I don't recognize you anymore
Tooth is fang, twisting under skin
Foul tongue, black breath
Snap inside, the Beast about complete
Soon infects the rest
Faithful, as the full moon is rising
Beauty and the Beast are colliding
Sharpened edge touch liquid flame
Deepened seed soaks anger's reign
Arching back, shape-shift derange
Father, how I watched you change
Am I savage?
Howling at the door
Am I savage?
I don't recognize you anymore
Inheritance, the past has bit again
The next heir of anarchy
Stretching skin so far beyond belief
I feel
The ever changing, you, in me
Am I savage?
Scratching at the door
Am I savage?
Howling evermore
Am I savage?
I don't recognize me anymore
Anymore, ha ha ha
Am I savage?
Everyone on the road has heard the Legend of the Black Dog. The black dog supposedly comes when a truck driver has been driving too long and starts to fall asleep at the wheel. He or she will see the ghoul running toward the truck, just before the crash. The apparition causes the driver to steer off the road, or into traffic, and results in an accident that kills the truck driver or an innocent person.
The origins of the black dog are difficult to pin down, though in various pieces of European mythology dogs have been associated with death. Their scavenging habits may attribute to these beliefs, as well as the fact that black dogs are seen almost universally as malevolent. It’s possible the black dog legend is a throwback to a belief held by couriers of freight as far back as Egyptian times.
I think this is very interesting. Having worked with a lot of foster dogs, it is always the black dogs that are adopted last. I have also had people tell me that they are afraid of black dogs; often they don't know why, they just are. I have a very tall, almost all-black, Greyhound. People are terrified of him even though he is extremely gentle. They don't give him a chance. Interesting post.