Is this Vampire Rave, or IdealAndHonestGodFearingCitizenRave?
Sometimes it's hard to tell.
ViolatedChicken, I know you're there to damage LordFangor's "reputation"....
I'd give you a 3/5 for effort. Not bad trolling, there. I'd say you might be a match to LordFangor. Whatever they did to you (DivineRapture?), it must have been something pretty big. But you won't share.
When I was 15, one of the first sites I was a regular on was There you could play games and chat in a lobby, and I played Whammy Plus. I chatted in the lobby and in the game rooms, too. Some days, I felt evil, so I commanded my own little army to attack people and make them feel discouraged about beating my all-time high score in Whammy Plus. Sounds familiar, VLAD?
This is when I was 15. You really need to grow up.
Allergy season is coming faster and faster every year. What the hell? Is it the medicine? I am half-thinking I should just go cold turkey this year and see if not using the allergy pill would help me. Then again, it's only one or two pills a year.
Fact: 99% of Anons are related to Marci/Teetee/Guru/Dave and all that inbred group of people.
Profile for Pulse
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House Membership for Pulse
Thinking is Waste Of time
Set at 20:14 on September 10 2013
Member Name: Pulse
Status: Antagonist (37.05)
Rank: Regular Member
Honor: 29 [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation: Divinum Dracones (Coven)
Mentorship: Pupil of Internal Damnation.
Account Type: Premium Member
Referred By:
LordFangor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Birthdate: January 12, 1993
Age: 20
Location: Near ur Gf
I tend on fixing the issue of him being referred by the man who fucks live stock
I have been order to down rate and block by LordFangor
People who smoke indoors.
You might be the best person in the world, but EWWWWIEEE *scratches my nose and face frantically and runs away crying*
Business like this have it good, kind of. On one hand, you will never be a millionaire with this, but you can't really write a bad "yelp" on VampireRave. So any attention becomes good attention.
Can't say the same about my FORMERLY favorite local restaurant, though. 100,000 twitter followers, HEAR MY CRIES!!!
Went to meet a client today face to face. I usually don't do this, I meet them face to four faces in suits, but this time it was only me in a bacon tee. Why do I do this? Officially, to sometimes be polite and nice and talk to people on a human level. You know what I get? People crossing the "I'm nice, just chatting with you and bullshitting" boundries into the business boundries. So when I finally get home and get down to business with people, said people will often cry to me how I'm so nice in person and then do a 360 at "nights" or when I am doing business. Nigger, it's not that I'm doing a 360, it's just business is business, bitch ass. Man, I always kick myself for trying to be human with people. Most people just don't get it. They take advantage of it. It is those people that usually get grilled and fucked up by me in the worst way to these people - emotionally and mentally.
Oh and damn you for keeping business, business...and personal, well personal.
I will never take it personally.....from someone who tells me not to take it personal.
LordFangor and LadyFangor. Has there ever been a fictional offspring on VR? Say, OffspringFangor? It would be neat to have one. Be like a woman, baby....samurai.
OffspringFangor, reporting for duty.
Lmfaoooo!!! I have an extra account currently in the classifieds. Yours should you decide to run with this hilarious idea. *adds fuel to the fire, the fans the flames*
For Fuck Sake dont promote their stupidity
Whelp, first day of school today for the little ones.
September 9th. It's a bad date. It stupid-shames a so many kids, every year, since a long time ago. It should go to jail or something.
Like it or not, redheads have a certain power on VR that no one else has. Don't believe me? Look at one of VR's original banners.
Or is that a blonde? o.O
Redheads rock definitely.
LMFAO! I have to say that I agree. I happen to love being a fiery red.
Interesting...I'm yet to discover or see evidence of this power. I'll have to look around more...
I'm like Floyd Mayweather. All black, all ballin.
Blackened Wings, it's unfortunate I share my blackness with you. Tonight at dawn, I make my path to the elders. Whom shall take your blackhood away....and put it to good use.
Ole' Blackthory of the Curvy Hill....take Blackened Wings's blackness away.....
Chase, you big disgrace.
Charging people for their own money, you ugly face.
If you were a flower I'd put you in a vase.
With no water.
Your daughter. I kidnapped her. Punched her. And released her. In an endless well.
Go to hell. I hate you.
You're evil. I despise you.
Put that money in my closet. No deposit.
You're an old man with no legs.
I don't know what rhymes with legs right now. Kapow. You're dead. I am not going to bed.
~Black Robo Cop Productions ~
VRs burning question: Are you a returning VR member or do you have another account on here?
My advice to people who ask that question is don't try to find the identities of people who hide them, try to find the identities of people who don't. Those are the people you should be really worried about. The innocent, book-reading, sweet-talking monkey asses. They sweet talk you just like they sweet talk every single body else. Bitch, you better believe it. I learned it the hard way, being here since the get-go. It's the ones that stick around that you really need to question - "How the fuck did you stick around for so long, son?" Watch their answer. If it's anything but "I'm a little bitch on a leash", run SON RUN NOW!
LMFAO!!!! Well, that answers that question.
I agree 250% with this:
It's the ones that stick around that you really need to question - "How the fuck did you stick around for so long, son?"
Oh my god I just realized how obvious some people can be. In a site with ten dozen active users, it's hard not to be. Oh shiiii
Black robo out.
So much tainted residue here. I can make a potion with this.
When someone tells me they are born in 1997, I feel like they are 3 years old, when they are in fact 16.
2 friends mysterious and 2 journal adds. Spies are invading my blackness. Spies, I tell you!!
I view pages like the clickity clack.
I view pages like the clickity clack.
If you wanna message me you better stay back.
I might hit yu with my black attack.
~Black Robo Cop Productions ~
You see fuck all, little hair ball.
wikity wikity freshhhh.
You are delusional, careful cause you might fall.
boom boom pow. chika chika boom boom powwww.
I'm BLACK. Who wants to talk to a black robo cop, huh? You scurrrrrred?
17:49 Sep 13 2013 the end, does it matter?