I can feel them forming
Around the edges of my heart
Black tendrils reaching out
Tightening with every beat
The feelings of numbness
Ever so slowly increasing
The knots building over
What was once light and love
Is now darkness and pain
The tears no longer flow
Dried up stains on my face
Slowly blinking against the day
Just survive
The motto that is repeated
Over and over in my head
But the scars keep ripping open
The blood keeps dripping
My body finding new sources
For the tears to fall
New tissue forms
Thicker and tighter
Beautiful scars
Wrapped around my heart
I'll live through another day
The doors shut tight
Not even a crack of light
The darkness unfolds
What a sight to behold
Thin tendrils start creeping
The blood barely seeping
Through the scars within
You love not even your kin
How does one survive
With no way to revive
The light forever dimmed
You know you have sinned
Love lost in the night
All because of your fright
Dig deep inside
Try once more to confide
Falling to the ground
Shattered to pieces without a sound
Pick them back up
Take another sip from your cup
Just another day in pain
As always in vain
The hand reaches out
Your body cold as ice
Your heart pounding in your chest
The thoughts race
Tears threaten to fall
This happens every time
The scars form again
Each time thicker than before
Somehow he manages
To cut right through them
Finally feeling understood and accepted
But so often misunderstood
Body signals crossed
Heart and soul bruised
The never ending bleeding
Pools at your feet
You know you won't leave
You know you won't say anything
You'll sit and wallow
Fighting back tears
As your stomach begins to churn
You'll spend another day
Sitting in silence
Pretending everything's ok
All the while falling apart inside
The blood pools
I want to scream
I want to cry
I want to let each and every one of these horrible fucking emotions out
I want to be seen
I to be noticed
I want to be remembered
I want to be loved
I want to be accepted
I want to be understood
I want to be alone
I want to be in the crowd
I want to sleep
I want to be awake
I want to know
I want to forget
I want to hurt
I want to be happy
I want to just fucking be ok
Fuck all this I just want one day fucking day where I don't feel like a horrible fucking person. Where my bad decisions aren't breathing down my neck. Where I'm not stepping back to make someone else happy. Where I'm fucking loved completely without a break. Without hiding. Just without the pain. I want numb.