mkay made a forum topic...lets hope this one pans out better than the last topic i started
It is really hard for me to bring something decent to the forum I swear. I get too angry at one line responses.
*goes back to plotting for new topics*
Ok, now I am a bit confused. The stamp option was removed from the database. Meaning whoever is stamping the database is taking the time to hunt down the stamp code, using copy and paste, and repeating this step for every entry.
I'm sorry when I'm rating the database I'm just trying to get through it not trying to leave my mark...
It takes way too much time and you look ten times as stupid now.
At least back then you could have hit that box out of habit or accident. :/
Yeah, people are stupid. The new ways around their crap is aggravating.
They do it to show that they can go around they system. "haha I still stamped it" type thing. It just makes them look more stupid like you said.
Man aren't we lucky that there are many zombies running around this site.
They must be going really hungry with the lack of brains.....
Er... I mean HEAR HEAR =P
Sarcasm...not funny
I thought it was funny since I'm saying this after spending my day trying to post in the forum. :/
Methinks I should just step back away from the forums now.
I may have to get angry and thats not a pretty sight.
*blows out her single candle*
Happy 1st VR Birthday to me. :)
congrats :-)
Happy VR bday!
You know the economy is shit when toilet paper is expensive.
I see since it was a 3-day weekend the drama took a small break.
But.........its back in action. :/
Doesn't the saying "Mind your own business" mean anything to anyone?
Seriously, drama needs to disappear.....
Seriously. If people could actually just stay out of everyones affairs, things would be so much better. Unfortunately, drama has become a huge part of this site, as annoying and ridiculous as it all is.
So I made a HUGE change to my profile.
I re wrote the whole about me part.
And I redid my little friend box. (updated and changed it up)
I figured since it has been almost a year since I originally wrote that I needed to change it.
In light of my back hurting and having a sunburn I'm incredibly happy. :)
And I want me some cake. *nods*
Ok I'm starting to worry. I never got an email from here confirming the order for Amia but yet the money has been taken out of the account.
It is still a free account and I did it on Tuesday. :/
It is starting to piss me off because I paid for it and it hasn't been activated.
I think from now on I'm going to just order through the VR store.
The profile is done. :)
I'm bringing back an old theme.
Someone that I love to death and any guy would agree. ;)
Plus some new music.
I feel as if I've been neglecting my journal again. :/
I will probably be updating the profile again in the next day or two. This time something a bit darker then what it is now.
I want to let a few things loose but I haven't found the words to do so yet. But all good things come with time.
Ok off to finish plotting.
If people look at my profile the next few days it may have something funny going on with it.
It is easier to test my codes for the nav box there then in my journal atm.
I will keep people updated when I get stuff sorted out. the most I can get right now is a box with the links in it.
So...thats a good start. :)
And the double boxes are back in action. :D
*does her little dance*
Now next project.....figure out Nav boxes. :)
I'm so glad I was with John before joining this site....
I wouldn't be able to handle the crap that usually follows....
*holds mouth shut*
Cassie is going to be a good little girl and go back to playing Dofus. (When in fact she would love to let loose right now)
Ok, I fiddle fucked with my profile. I also fixed the table and made it not opaque. I figured it would make it look a lot neater that way.
I also removed all the protection stamps and my friends box. I figured I'm not going to bother with them. If I'm given a protection stamp or something I'll put it up in here. So in essence my profile is shorter. :/
But.....Yay for navigation links. :)
Good thing I don't have to fiddle with the other page.
Ok, so with this new change to div tags on the site I'm going to be working to fix my profile up.
Can't use style attribute. :(
Lets see what I can come up with.
iframes, my dear. A godsend!
I hate iframes. I'm seeing if I can work what I have now into a new style.
Its been a while since I've messed it up a bit ;)
At least when you fiddle with yours it turns out good..I mess with mine,and I end up wiping the whole thing out..
Omg the idiots are loose.
Here is the Acolyte question and my response.
Ewww groady
*jaw drops* Oh my gawd...
Luckily, the asshole has deleted!
ROFLMAO!! Yeah this guy will be here long... Oh, no wait... I think I hear the clock ticking for account suspension!! *rolls eyes*
Always nice to know I can count on these for a good laugh.
I can't believe you passed up suck a wonderfull offer...
What a fuck tard.
I demand a dance emote.
That is the biggest thing I miss from WoW....
My compliment is going to go to birra. He has a great taste in music, sports, and his profile is always a great read. Plus I'm digging the new background on there. :)
I was bored and decided to check out the polls and saw this one:
Who's the better band?
Breaking Benjamin 16 12.21%
System of a Down 55 41.98%
Aiden 1 0.76%
AFI 20 15.27%
Trivium 9 6.87%
Puddle of Mudd 30 22.9%
Total Votes: 131
I want to know why the hell would you group those bands with System of a Down. Totally different styles, sounds, and type of music.
And of course System is a million times better then those bands. :)
I'm sort of confused as to why people say it took me long enough to hit sire. :/
I've only been on the site just under a year. (May 22nd will be a year)
Hell, my hunny has been on here for 3 years and isn't a Sire.
I thought I made good time personally :D
Watch it take me 3 years to get my other account to that point. I'm too lazy to rate things on there. Plus too many people start crap with rating.
*sings to her playlist on Amia*
Oh if anyone reads this, can ya take a look at my other account (Amia) and tell me if you can read the font. I can, but I'm not sure if anyone else can LOL
A year is really good time. Anything shorter is almost indicative of a true addiction issue. Congrats on making it... more importantly, congrats on never having to rate a single thing out of necessity ever again!
Cause it's fun to say it =P I said the same thing when Craig made Sire lol.
:) I think you put a lot of effort and time into it to reach it in this time.
But I have to say- It is fun to tease people once they make it as its soooo freaking long to get here.... lol
I have a new favorite word.
For those that don't know what it means, it is a shade of purple.
(I didn't know until a good friend made a guild in Dofus by that name and I had to google it)
The color of the word is the exact color of it. XD
Don't ask, I'm random tonight.
Gotta love when someone makes you smile just from a random gesture.
Granted it was through an online game, it was still sweet.
A dozen of orchids. Freshly picked.
Ni Ni VR
*tucks in*
ffs who is stretching the journal page?
It needs to be fixed.....
Your Status: Necromancer (Level 27)
You have completed 62% of this level.
Pages Viewed Score: 28 x .30 = 8.4
Time Spent Score: 28 x .50 = 14
Ratings Score: 22 x .10 = 2.2
Posts Score: 17 x .10 = 1.7
Score: 26.3
Referral Points: 0
Referral Modifier: 1
Mark Bonus: 5%
Mark Modifier: 1.05
Total Score: 26.3
Ratings Score: 22 ( 5730 of 13611 or 42.1% )
Welcome Abstract
Your Status:
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
63.55 days
You have completed
62% of this level.
So thanks to someones profile I now have a massive headache.
I'm sorry, just because flashing bright colors doesn't fuck with you doesn't mean it can't be harmful to others.
Learn some consideration......
I know how you feel.
There was one on here the flashed red and white as a background... and it had lime greet text to top it off. It's crazy...
Aw, come now, that's the kind of thing my gran would have said!
Besides, is a profile not for self expression? As long as it doesn't go against the ToS it is entirely at the owner's discretion as to what they put on it. The whole idea of it goes against consideration for others. =)
And again, consideration may not be a part of the TOS. Neither is common sense apparently, judging by many members on this site.
But when I have a pounding headache because of a profile I have all rights to bitch, moan, and complain about the lack of consideration.
Plus, I hate overly animated backgrounds.
You need to get a browser with a "go back" command lol
I have added a new part to my second scroll box.
Mostly about people stamping me.
Just a nice little request about not leaving stamps that will make me get sick to my stomach or stretch my page. LOL
After reading through a few journals and seeing people step back and examine their profiles for copyrighted images I am proud to say that the only copyrighted thing on my profile is the music. (Can't really help that fact, Queen and Ram Jam just rocks)
As for the rest of the artwork and stuff, right down to the stamp I use, I created it. I own the copyright, and I will be quick to step up if I see it being used elsewhere. And for those that say "Oh I saw that picture on DA..." I can bet it was from the DA user Abstract-Halo. (Which is me)
The same is with my other account. The art on there is mine as well. I think the only thing on that account that isn't mine is the coven crest that I display.
So I am proud to be part of the copyright free club. LOL
PS- MY journal background was made by me too
As of right now this is what I am looking at status wise:
Your Status: Necromancer (Level 27)
You have completed 62% of this level.
Pages Viewed Score: 28 x .30 = 8.4
Time Spent Score: 28 x .50 = 14
Ratings Score: 22 x .10 = 2.2
Posts Score: 17 x .10 = 1.7
Score: 26.3
Referral Points: 0
Referral Modifier: 1
Mark Bonus: 5%
Mark Modifier: 1.05
Total Score: 26.3
Ratings Score: 22 ( 5692 of 13518 or 42.11% )
Welcome Abstract
Your Status:
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
62.54 days
You have completed
62% of this level.
Lets continue shall we?
Here is a message that was sent to Raz after he wrote a journal entry voicing his opinion. Gotta love censorship at the finest.
As I stated, drama may be forthcoming. Here is the prelude to it. I wrote this journal entry because I noticed that some pictures were stolen from someone here on this site.
Here is the screenshot of the journal entry I made.
Had to take a screenie just in case they decide to delete another one of my journal entries.
Here is the messages back and forth regarding a journal entry I wrote on this matter.
And this time I actually rearranged the message for easy reading lol