Beach plans got canceled because it looks like shit outside. *sigh*
So a few of us are going to hang out at a coffee shop for a little bit and catch up.
And here is something I just took messing around while getting ready.
Gawd my eyes...
*rocks out*
I want to go to the beach now...
Not Gulf side though....
Nothing beats surfing at Cocoa Beach when a storm is offshore.
My thoughts are with everyone else having to run from the storm. I know the feeling. :)
I'm just crazy and like playing in storms lol
My thoughts are with everyone that is along the Gulf. Including myself. o.o
Right now that hurricane is slamming the Keys so it is still up in the air as to where it will go.
And if anyone tells me that it is supposed to to hit NOLA I'm going to smack them. Hurricanes can change at any minute. So it could swing towards Texas or towards Florida. :/
Best of luck to everyone that has to evacuate. If it swings my way I'm screwed so I don't bother with evacuations. The state is 90 miles wide. Hurricanes tend to be wider then that. I can't evacuate to anywhere within the state without it hitting us. I just sit tight and watch the storm pass.
And watch Gustav tear one side up and Hannah tears the other side up :/
I hate this part of the year. *sniff*
It must be frightening living in that part of the country. My thoughts and prayers are with those in the line of Gustav....
Sleeping meds are awesome.
Especially since I have been having issues sleeping through the night. *nod*
Had that happen last night. I started to wake up a few times during the night, popped a few of those nifty pills, and I was out the rest of the night.
I wish there was a better way sometimes.....
Ok so this baffles me.
They advertise on TV a pregnancy test that can tell you if you are pregnant 5 days before your missed period. Last I checked most women wait until they missed their period before getting a test. :/
So what does making it so that you can tell 5 days before your period really do?
Absolutely nothing because the average woman will go "Oh shit, I missed my period. I have to get a test."
Indeed, 5 days before missing your period, it's contradictory how can you know you're going to miss it?
Because many women have irregular periods, cannot tell when they'd be due and therefore can't tell when they've missed. If you're pregnant, this test measures the extremely low levels of HCG present in that very early time. Makes perfect sense to me :-)
I have such a nasty headache right now.
And I'm hungry. :/
I don't want to take any pain meds until I eat.
And I don't want to eat until I figure out what I need to do the rest of the day.
I can't sleep. I started reading that book I got today and now I'm starting to shake and sweat.
I forgot how detailed that author was about the effects of meth. I don't think I'll be able to sleep well tonight. I just don't want to have any using dreams. Those suck major ass. So I think I'll work on some stuff and push it out of my head. I can always finish the book tomorrow.
I finally got the book I have been wanting today. I haven't started it yet but I'm looking forward to it.
It is called Glass and its by Ellen Hopkins.
I read two of her other books and I love how she writes them in prose completely. :)
I feel so blargh.....
I don't know why, I just want it to go away.
Plus I wanted to talk to someone tonight and didn't get the chance. :/
Just a picture of me and Eca. Thought it was cute so I'm adding it here.
Ohhh look at those blue eyes on him. He is so cute. And mom is always a cutie. :)
Hurricane thingy passed over me and I didn't notice. Figures lol
I have been at a friends house all evening. We needed to get out of the house for a little bit. It has been fun. Didn't plan on crashing for the night but whatever. :)
When I get home in 3 hours I'm probably going to pass out.
Something I have needed to do for the last few days. I have had about 6 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. My health isn't exactly doing awesome right now and I really wish I could figure out why.
Here is a picture of my little baby Eca.
I ♥ him so much.
I'm so excited that camera should be here soon. *grins*
And the new computer comes tomorrow. XD
So I should have my new camera tomorrow or Monday.
I'm so excited. I'll finally get to take some pictures of my babies.
Oh and of my short hair. XD
I think the only problem with the camera is that it is pink.
I think I can deal with it.
When life hands you lemons make grape juice and sit back and watch the world wonder how you did that.
I think I have a slight concussion.
Never fun.
I also feel like I was ran over by a semi.
I can't wait for HOS this year.
Its nothing but sex, blood, and gore. XD
Something that fits me perfectly.
Abstract thoughts behind harlequin faces causes unintentional confusion.
2 years ago today I was sitting in my second rehab. I remember getting there late in the evening and when they went to give me dinner I couldn't eat it. I was a vegetarian and they left me some meat stuff for dinner. I also was hungover like a bitch.
I normally didn't have a drinking problem but the night before going to rehab I decided to get trashed on 3 bottles of Jack Daniels with my boyfriend at the time. We both knew that it would be my last time doing something like that in a long time.
It didn't help that earlier in the day I smoked a boat so I was already cranking when I started to drink.
Finding out earlier that week that I would be sent out to a juvenile program hit me hard. I didn't want to go at all. This would have been my second run through in less than a year. The first program I was in was a mental health/substance abuse place. That place almost killed me. And I mean literally. They misdiagnosed me with bipolar disorder and had me on depakote. Those medications were bad for me and caused me to end in the hospital.
Anyways, that first night in rehab was not fun. On the transport van I was sitting there thinking about what type of place I was going to be heading to. All I saw on my tag was F.W. Halfway House. A halfway house didn't sound all too great. :/
When they picked me up from the detention center they seemed really nice and cool. Then when I got there I found out why. I was in a low-risk, hardcore drug rehab. I mean we had a fence, but anyone that wasn't 300 pounds could climb it fast. There were no locks on the room doors and I actually would have a room mate. My last program I was secured in a room by computer operated locks and I was alone.
I walked in and started my paperwork. The whole time I just wanted some fucking aspirin for my headache. My caseworker didn't want me to take any until they drug tested me. lol
Sure enough I failed that drug test on so many levels. Apparently I had Xanax, methamphetamine, and opiates in my system. Obviously they could tell that I drunk the night before also. (By the way I don't know how the Xanax got in my system.)
Lucky me I got sent down to the floor during a NA meeting. Everyone was talking about how they are addicts and are willing to change. All I could think was, "Yeah I said that before once and it didn't happen."
The next day I had a meeting with my counselor and the psych doctor. They were about to diagnose me with something again.
This time I wasn't going to let them just throw some cookie cutter thing on me so they can pump me with medication. I told the Dr straight from the start that I won't take them and he told me that my issues can't be fixed with any meds he could subscribe. He has written my diagnosis down as some things that I had never even heard of before. I was told I had Cyclothematic Disorder, Adolescence Onset of Anti-Social Disorder, and Agoraphobia w/Anxiety Attacks. The only one that I could figure out was the anti-social disorder. The rest confused me to all hell. Me being the super intelligent person I am decided to ask what was wrong with me. Cyclothematic is pretty much a version of bipolar and Agoraphobia is the fear of crowded places to thepoint that it harms someone metally and physically. (Finally someone figured out my biggest issue)
Through out treatment my counselors tried to pinpoint the reasons why I used drugs and all that they could come up with was the reason I gave them to start with.
I needed something to keep me awake and to put me to sleep. I had too much on my plate as a teenager. I turned to drugs to force my body awake and to sleep when I needed it. I essentially created time for myself through drugs. Because of that, I had to undergo time management classes and other things like that.
Two years later I look back and smile. I haven't done any drugs in two years. I haven't even drank any alcohol even though my counselors told me that I was an addict out of necessity and drinking wouldn't affect me like other addicts. (Not many people will tell an addict that line) I have been a good girl in this time frame.
And the night I turn 21, I will probably not drink. I think I don't need it. It isn't because I'm afraid, it's because I have grown up. :)
congrats, I am very proud of you *hugs my favorite and one and only ferret*
*jumps in on the hug*
Our Ferret rocks!
Went and saw Dark Knight finally. (Don't shoot me, lack of funds mean lack of movie)
I enjoyed it a lot. There was something oddly creepy about the Joker in a nurse outfit. XD
I also got my Harley shirt today. WOO
I agree, but Heath gave me the creeps through the whole movie, he was so fantastic. :) A fitting *tribute* to him.
That, and he looks better in the damn outfit than me! lol.
disturbing yes but now imagine seeing batman wearing it that is even more disturbing XD
Can I ever do anything right?
I mean seriously. Is there something genetically wrong with me?