Cool backgrounds are great and demonstrate your mastery of html. But, bottom line, if you want people to read your profile, find a background that doesn't clash with your text. Some text colors are hard to read against certain backgrounds. Sometimes it isn't the color, but how busy the background is.
Post stuff that you did yourself. I see the same old gothic, vampiric art over and over again. Get that digital camera out and take your own pics. Get a scanner and do you own art in some way.
A digital camera can do wonders, turn off the auto setting and try and take picts in various light conditions, look for the pic you want, or compose it.
Get those sketches you did, or digital compositions you did and share them. Thats what most folks want to see.
Hey, the idea of a profile is that you tell us about yourself. Don't say ask me. No one will. Tell us something, we are all basically voyeurs, wanting to know something about your life.
Not your real name, address, telephone, email, credit cards or anything like that. Not quizzes. Most folks don't care about what music you like, unless there are some favorite bands that help define you.
You know what, nobody cares. If you bi, good for your, if your gay, good for you. I personnally don't care, most folks don't care. You don't have to declare it here. If the Rave is a coming out thing for you, more power to you. If not, nobody cares.
If you are under 18, bottom line, nobody wants to know.
Hey, nobody cares if you are bitch, and you are gonna kick my ass if I don't like it. Be civil. Why be on social networking site if you are going to act that way? Get over yourself!