Could Reincarnation Be Only Memories Passed Though DNA
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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:06:40 Apr 28 2019
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What is DNA memory?

Behavior can be affected by events in previous generations which have been passed on through a form of genetic memory, animal studies suggest. Experiments showed that a traumatic event could affect the DNA in sperm and alter the brains and behavior of subsequent generations.

A few years ago the BBC published a report in which lab mice showed that a traumatic event could affect the DNA in sperm and alter the brains and behavior of subsequent generations. Both the mice's offspring and their offspring were "extremely sensitive" to a scent and would avoid the scent, despite never having experienced it in their lives in which the 'Parent' mice were trained to avoid the scent in the study and that they passed their aversion on to their "grandchildren". It was labeled "transgenerational epigenetic inheritance" Dr. Brian Dias stated that "This might be one mechanism that descendants show imprints of their ancestor."

If you do a quick google search a ton of studies show that seems to confirm that Memories can and are passed through generations even up to 14 generations.

Quote: In Assassin’s Creed, the video game series-turned-movie, the protagonist is able to “remember” the memories of his long-dead ancestors through a special machine named the Animus. Although this is not actually possible, sadly, the idea that we “experience” what our ancestors went through isn’t actually wrong.

One study even shows that it appears that the experiences of your ancestor that lived 14 generations ago are potentially having an effect on your life right now.

Our genes are inherited from our parents, and theirs from their parents before them. If these mutate, our genetic inheritance changes with it. However, changes to how our genome “expresses” itself – how it behaves, essentially – can also occur due to environmental changes, like ingested chemicals, exercise, and psychological issues.

When our ancestor went through a period of excessive stress, this “experience” can be added to our genome. An extra layer of information is placed on top of our DNA sequences. The DNA sequence itself doesn’t change, but its “clothes” do, so to speak. Generally speaking, this is known as the vaguely defined field of epigenetics, which means “outside genetics”.

The authors of a new Science paper describe it more precisely as “transgenerational transmission of environmental information.” It has already been seen in humans – Holocaust survivors’ descendants, for example, have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood, which means they’re more vulnerable to stress and fear.

A study was done on worms that proved they could remember the experinces of there ancestors. I promise I am not making this up. Many of the studies suggest that if a father dies of drowning that is it likely the son will be afraid of water. Then what if the son has a dream where he is drowning and upon waking thinks in a past life this is how he died when in fact it was a DNA memory passed from the father to the sun. Then if they state these memories can be passed to 14 generations, you have a Great x 6 father who was a King and these memories via DNA is passed to a son of today and in his dreams he is king and assumes this was a past life when in fact it was again, DNA memory passed. I know some have posted here in Renicantion threads they believe they were a certain known person of the past. What if in a way they were right but, it was, in fact, an ancestor who's memory has been passed down.

So if worms can “remember” the experiences of their long-gone ancestors, can humans? What are your thoughts on Reincarnation that it may really just be a memory passed down to us from a dead relative 300 years ago?




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Sire (106)
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19:42:32 Apr 30 2019
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While some studies may have shown that certain inherent traits, and perhaps even phobias, may be held in the D.N.A. and passed to offspring, I do not believe there is a factual basis proving a correlation between D.N.A. and reincarnation. Granted, I have not read all the information there is but I also don't know that I believe in reincarnation, either.
If we are all reincarnated, why is it that such a small percentage of people claim to remember some of their past lives? I'm not trying to discredit anyone's beliefs. I just think there are far more questions that would need to have proven answers before I could become a believer, myself. Will any of those questions be answered in my lifetime? More than likely, not. I think that if it were proven, then organized religion would have something new to wage war on. Not that it seems to need a valid reason to do so, anyway.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:45:14 Apr 30 2019
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I do not believe in it either personally. I know many do though. Oh the Egyptians were big on it, right? That is why they had all that stuff in there tombs. I thought the studies were very interesting about DNA memories being passed down and the studies done on animals that proved this could happen. Not to mock people but a lot of people who say they were reincarnated it seems its always as a King, A Queen, some famoues person. I have yet to hear someone who believes in reincarnation claim they were a pig dung farmer in a past life or handled King Henry's 8th chamber pot duty. Check out some of the sciencetisc's studies though when you have the time. I would love to hear your thoughts after you read a view.

And thank you for your post!!!!!!!!! I mean that!!!! This part of the forums use to be so active with so many sharing knowledge and viiew points. We use to have amazing debates but these days seems most just want drama.

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Great Sire (118)
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22:03:09 Apr 30 2019
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Interesting topic. The word reincarnation, which for some mean the rebirth of a soul in a new body. That is one aspect. The other aspect is those who claim to speak with the death. My dilemma is, if that person die and reincarnated into another body, then, those people who claim to talk to the death, are fake. For me, if reincarnation was true, then, where the soul reside? the heart? the mind? well, now is getting more complex, DNA, which was discovered in 1953, can not play a major role in reincarnation, due to the fact, that what is reincarnated is the soul, and the soul do not contain DNA.

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Arch Sire (194)
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20:15:40 May 01 2019
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As you know from my journal- I believe that memories can be passed down via DNA. I can't give you any proof, that's not what belief is always about. It's just a feeling and I don't think it's even necessarily a "given" that happens for everyone.

I'm of the mind that things usually have a good logical, scientific reason before things should be assigned to the supernatural. Some of our innate passions and fears I believe stem from these memories. Far too often things get so specific that it just seems like the case. Beyond new scientific studies, it's often been the plot for many stories and movies- someone being the descendant of an old lore, back in the same situation with that funny thought of "this seems strikingly familiar" beyond mere deja vu.

Why does it seem only such a small number have these "memories"? Maybe there aren't enough people willing to even entertain the idea of it. Same can be said why so many believe in anything while others do not. There is only a small population of the world with Eidetic memory- make sense to me a small population of people can tap into these kinds of memories. Not every human is using the same percentage of their brain- and it's not always a choice. IQs are different- and for many people, no amount of studying will ever size them up to a person who comes by academics far more naturally.

It's not something I can even debate, only give my thought and move on. So many people are set on the idea of "past lives" there is just no conversation to be had about those things coming from a very different source.

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Hellion (73)
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05:15:24 May 04 2019
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I also think that our dreams are gateways to our previous lives, especially if you have recurring dreams of the same situation. It's fascinating that science is starting to trace our DNA to our past lives as well!

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Firebrand (79)
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18:14:56 May 05 2019
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I agree with Markus there has been so many old souls with stories behind them. Some are just simply stories while the others are facts. However pertaining to the actual topic. I have no doubt in my mind that it has anything to do with the DNA. But of course there is no actual evidence or explanation on that topic. So personally you’ll be exchanging one opinion for another.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:55:03 May 14 2019
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Actually, there is sciencetfic studies down on this topic, thus there is some evidence on the topic.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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19:08:44 May 17 2019
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I agree that beliefs and scientific proof are, oftentimes, at odds. I also think that a person can believe in something so much that it will become a reality even if only in their own mind.

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02:33:44 Jun 14 2019
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My answer would be no. The soul is the recorder. The DNA would have nothing to do with storing memories of your past lives.
My son remembers 4 past lives, and neither one has anything to do with DNA. They were all very different locations and paths.
Paths are for learning only. There are cases where people's memories are triggered by being around familiar things and people.
And sometimes people do lie about their past lives to feel important esp the grander ones, like kings, queens, etc etc.
Only the soul is being triggered by being around familiar things. That is all. I know that sounds like an "assumption", but I
base that on more reliable sources that know why reincarnations happen.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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12:33:32 Jul 06 2019
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Interesting subject to discuss. I think to try to join two separate issues, one being reincarnation and the other being DNA memory is, however, a mistake. I think they are both separate issues which need to be looked at individually, although I would concede that past life regression could be mistaken for DNA memories in some cases. It has been suggested we have the ability to chose a mate to procreate with based on smell alone, which comes down to choosing the appropriate DNA match which our DNA is most compatiable with. That being said it makes perfect sense that our cells retain information from early generations to aid the procreation process in the future, (otherwise, there would be no need to use a smelling process of elimination). Looking at it from the point of view of brain cells, which store and retain memory information of life events, it is therefore just as plausible to me that DNA 'life' memories can be passed down from generation to generation. :)

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Great Sire (118)
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11:54:10 Jul 20 2019
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Excellent comment. You wrote, "brain cells, which store and retain memory information of life events, it is therefore just as plausible to me that DNA 'life' memories can be passed down from generation to generation". but, when people die, those 23 trillions+ cells, go belly-up, and they die. So, How is that those cells can pass memories into others generations? just curiosity.

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Carnal Creature (56)
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07:53:51 Nov 09 2019
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Well the topic has been talk about DMA it holds knowledge and it how we know to put food in are mouths so it more of the spirit comeing back into being and can remember their past life as DMT happens to be the reason of how we come into being

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Venerable Sire (133)
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13:28:28 Dec 20 2019
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This makes me think of PTSD in a way. Do you think people who fear things pass them on in memory as caution?

There are certain phobias I have where I feel my fears were passed down. I believe in it.

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Bete Noire (44)
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03:02:37 Dec 22 2019
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Another experiments have shown that things do hold memories, one would be water for example : -
Water can hold 41 memories, that is to say, if you have one litre of water and you add say one drop of chlorine to it and then one drop of red dye to it. Then you can with equipment tell how much chlorine and dye there is per ml. You can add up to 41 things to water before its memory runs out. Later experiments found crystals can also hold memories and those memories are in the form of frequencies, but that is for another forum.
So, how does all this relate to the topic at hand? Since we know stuff in general does hold memories, it is plausible that the human would also, yet its true finding would go beyond the DNA level down to the ENERGY level.

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Carnal Creature (56)
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20:24:11 Dec 31 2019
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Well their is evidence of this with children that know of how they died and know where they die as the story's keep coming of souls from ww2 as old soul's are poof that the soul will come to the living in a new body as energy is never gone to waste just become a new form

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01:23:52 Jan 03 2020
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I guess it would depend on what you believe

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Ethereal Being (31)
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01:59:52 Jan 13 2020
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Individual energy could hold a memory of what it once was. Now let’s just say that a piece of energy in your brains memory cells once was part of the brain memory cells of another person, weird yet feasible.
Now when you dream, I wonder how much of the dream is our own memories in play and how much is the memory of the cell/s that contain memories from when they were in the other person. This could also be the case for parts of De ja vue. Some or all the de ja vue moment may be cells in your brain recalling events from when they were part of another person / creature or whatever’s existence. Cell energies memory may hold the key to hereditary diseases and many other things, of which are mysteries to us currently. Yes, the true nature of energy memory needs plenty more research dollars thrown at it. Some people may say that hereditary illnesses are in the DNA or Genes. What they need to remember here, is that even DNA strands and Genes at their smallest level are nothing but energy. So, to truly understand the makeup of illnesses, we need to look at energy memories and as we know they are nothing more than a frequency, and frequencies can be manipulated.

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