Stakes, It's what's for dinner tonight!
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11:22:04 Feb 03 2019
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Stakes through a human heart are most often fatal. The brain can survive no more than six minutes with out oxygen supplied by the heart. Bleeding to death often occurs within five minutes. My research has led me to believe that in the past people concerned with vampires would stake a corpse to it's grave to keep it from returning to life. At some point in time this belief evolved into being a method to harm or kill Vampires. How valid is this belief? What effect would stakes have on a Vampire's heart and their bodies?

The following links are some article examples written about real stakes being used in history.

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Termagant (58)
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07:50:33 Feb 04 2019
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Staking a vampire is nearly impossible because locating a vampire is impossible.

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Interloper (47)
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08:03:29 Feb 04 2019
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No staking a vampire is a myth. There is absolutely no way to kill a vampire.

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08:41:04 Feb 04 2019
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At thecrucible, and Maraselah2 : Thank you for your responses but if you could, will you elaborate? I suppose locating a vampire could be nearly impossible but then could a vampire stake themselves? Why is there no way to kill a vampire? Is this because a vampire is a non physical entity? Is it that a vampire is already dead?

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Venerable Sire (137)
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12:42:54 Feb 04 2019
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There is a dichotomy here, between fact and fiction. Most documentaries on Vampires speak of diseases and how the dead can be raised. Staking, for example, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, emphasises the fleeting thing we call life. Even a thousand year-old vampire could be reduced to ashes in a matter of seconds.

Staking, historically, is just how the people in that time period deal with superstition, safety, and sanity. The last thing any governing state would ever want is an uproar amongst its citizens. So, they work on putting the mind and spirits of the people at ease by staking these supposed cursed beings, called Vampires.

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22:42:20 Feb 04 2019
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This is an interesting point of view Tristesse. You think at some point the leaders of the community came up with this solution to the hysteria surrounding these corpses that were blamed for things such as disease and night terrors?

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Firebrand (79)
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04:17:23 Feb 05 2019
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In the folklore theory wood does not kill vamps

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Venerable Sire (137)
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07:19:54 Feb 05 2019
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@ vXVampre

Of course. These staking occurrences took place during the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages. So, why not? It gives the masses a sense of peace seeing that the authorities have done something physical, to these supposed reanimated corpses.

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Termagant (58)
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10:48:26 Feb 05 2019
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Vampires exist in myth, historically. In the past 40 or 50 years there has been some documented vampiric activity, with the most recent being cultural vampires and reports from the public. The Highgate vampire is the most recent vampire I can refer to from historical timeline, which could not be defined as a human, in terms, and exhibits the behavior of a folkloric vampire. Despite everything found about that particular vampire, I cannot find factual source evidence about them in books, .edu references, or anything from a university, so, the legitimacy of online material is questionable. Regardless, the strange nature of that particular vampire, from my perspective, seems to contain some version of the full vampiric expression - from their roots to their exposure in the 21st century (ask me more about that if you want - I can elaborate, I’m trying to make this post short, though, to the point, so I can answer your question). In recent years (the past 20-30), there has been a culture/community of vampires - active, and who live in the same reality as the general public, with only their unique qualities being the difference. Supernatural vampires flying through the night are not medically recognized nor do they factually exist... That is all of a magical and fictitious reality; running hundreds of miles per hour, animate beings who resemble marble statues, winged humanoid demonic/angelic beings, they all exist with no solid basis i.e., in the imagination, dreams, and mythical realities, only.

The only modern living vampires who exist are of sub-culture, meaning they practice vampirism and they do this because of energy depletion (if you read every forum and informational website in the RLVC, looked through every vampire video on YouTube about “coming out of the coffin”, and searched through the works of vampirists, historians, modern studies in social science, and books or studies written and published by community members/participants, it is likely you will find a better description of how a Sanguine, Psi, Tantric, Elemental vampire will define vampirism. Recently there has been other vampires which are not of the four standard types, yet, I am my only source for this, and I’m not stating it as a fact, just as an extra note; Sun Vampires were more evident in the early 2000’s to now, “sanguivore” is a recent term, I beleive (and is one type which I don’t know a lot about), there have been quite a few of those who appear to be sanguine vampires which are 50% witch, and 50% vampire (just another observation), and Kore Vampires, which is a vampire that has Kore as their aspect. All of this last paragraph concerns the community of living people who are of a vampire sub-culture.

> I am one of these people. I suffer from severe energy depletion, and I drink blood to restore energy. I live in the night, and I sleep in the day. I participate in research, informing the public, and projects. “Working” is my connection to the community of vampiric individuals. Although I feel that I am different, there are only a few things about me which echo the patterns and behavior of the subject in myth. Those few things are recognized facts about a person that a Doctor usually has some part in identifying.

I would say that what I’ve found in published science, that pertains to vampires, as a whole and at a glance, is usually an impression of a vampire, it alludes to a vampire and isn’t solid evidence for vampires, an example; said “vampire” has an inverted circadian rhythm, is sensitive to light and sound, is exceptionally healthy, yet somehow still falls ill with the same sickness, repetitively, yet their vital signs indicate perfectly good health, they exhibit all of the traits of a healthy person, and anything which is out-of-the ordinary is something which a person might interpret as vampiric. An example of something that is out of the ordinary; aside from their inverted circadian rhythm and sensitivity, all that is found is some low level of something... and in order to fix the level they would need to consume something to restore the balance, and what they would need to consume might have some relation to vampirism.

There are probably more findings in science which would inspire thoughts of vampires... that is just one example I know of and have seen on paper, in the establishment, factual and identified by a doctor.

Sorry about first vague post... I wasn’t sure if a long and drawn-out post was neccessary or if a simple one would be fine... some people do not like tons of reading material in forum posts. Truthfully, I don’t think I could be thoroughly informative if I left any of this out. Some might be completely aware of the information, though, so I stuck with a short post to begin with. A standard response.

To summarize this information, killing a vampire is impossible because they don’t exist... Of course people beleive in them, there’s folklore and many cultural communities are active to this day - yet there are no established or medically recognized vampires.

If you “staked” a person, which is really no different than stabbing, and killed them, you would be a murderer and they would be a victim. What would be found after the event would be evidence that a homicide had taken place, and an autopsy would reveal that it was a human. You would likely face the severe penalties, which are the consequences for such actions. Not only this... your crime would be committed in prejudice if not delusional thinking. An innocent person who did nothing to you would forever be a victim and forever you would live with what you’ve done. If someone is persecuting you or harassing you and is vampiric you should tell the authorities, tell a psychologist and a priest. If it is something else you are experiencing such as a struggle which involves a vampire, talking to a counselor or therapist might help.

Do you have plans to kill people vXVampre? If you have plans to kill people - I think you should seek medical attention and tell them what you are experiencing so that they can lead you to the right place for help in eliminating homicidal thoughts, as they are beyond dangerous, to yourself and others.

An interesting question vXVampre... seeing as it happened recently. I was attacked in some way as I was walking down a dark alley way, by a group of men with what, at first, looked like crosses... as if to stake and crucify me... which is still something people do in some countries and I would imagine they do whatever they want wherever they please. It is a mystery what happened to me after that... it seems I disappeared in a sense.

Vlad The Impaler Impaled his enemies while he ate dinner, and he also drank the blood of his enemies - it was custom in his tradition. It is not published in any sources that he was a vampire or that he “staked” vampires. Impaling is not so different than staking and crucifixion. Blooddrinking is a vampiric practice, and Vlad The Impaler’s activities were preying by nature... that is my take on the matter. The predatory nature vs. the preyed upon nature, and what some might see as the politics of the vampiric realm, is not a simple one to describe so I’m leaving it out. Those two paragraphs are the best answers I have to your question about vampires staking other vampires.

Tristesse, there is very little scientific evidence regarding the staking of vampires, whatever caused a body to seem reanimated is not understood by the public or by science... no one knows what caused it, so to assume it is a “vampire” might be a stretch in comparison to the thousands of possibilities which science has yet to discover. Recently discovered was the fact that 99.9% of science has still not been discovered. Science is an atheistic field by nature, and there are no facts based upon belief. My personal thought about “vampires” being animate corpses which were continually staked in their place of burial is this; that active parasites managed to grab some part of the desceased person’s existence and possess it, as the science had put them down, which then opened the door and allowed for something lesser to take and persecute.

Maraselah2, I think it’s possible to kill a vampire, I don’t think it’s possible to end their existence though... if they don’t get up then they exist conscious in their death, if they do not pass away and spiritually move or inhabit some new existence then they are somewhere ... I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same thing... I felt like sharing my thoughts on the matter.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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15:52:42 Feb 05 2019
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"Tristesse, there is very little scientific evidence regarding the staking of vampires, whatever caused a body to seem reanimated is not understood by the public or by science... no one knows what caused it, so to assume it is a “vampire” might be a stretch in comparison to the thousands of possibilities which science has yet to discover. Recently discovered was the fact that 99.9% of science has still not been discovered. Science is an atheistic field by nature, and there are no facts based upon belief. My personal thought about “vampires” being animate corpses which were continually staked in their place of burial is this; that active parasites managed to grab some part of the desceased person’s existence and possess it, as the science had put them down, which then opened the door and allowed for something lesser to take and persecute. "

Oh really, the crucible? Looks like we ought to have a mindless faith/belief in historical "documentaries"? Clearly, none of us have ever been to Ground Zero to test our claims. No one person, other than relying on ancient historians, have all the answers. This has taken me years of research and of course, my own gnosis.

There is the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages and the Age of Enlightenment, when Science really came into its own, which is the era you are speaking of. When these supposed ancient vampires were stakes, not at the point of death, but soon after certain oddities have gone on, scaring the shit out of townfolks, did the stakings take place.

Everything that we have to say about this topic would be considered as Hearsay... "he told me that... she told me... according to experts and scientists, they have said..." This can go on indefinitely.

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Termagant (58)
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15:22:45 Feb 06 2019
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Do you have a link to documents or do you know of a place where they can be located? I’m referring to the kind of documents which provide evidence that the popular rumor has any solid ground.

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03:48:40 Feb 07 2019
Read 552 times

I have no intentions on planning or committing a violent crime against anyone or anything. I am not too sure as to where this inquiry is coming from but I do not mind the question. All of my questions are intended to provoke discussion and are of theoretical and hypothetical nature.

Thecrucible are you looking for a document that is a study of grave sites with stakes in corpses?
I provided this link at the beginning please take a look here.


The article discusses that several examples of this discovery exist and that the tradition or superstition is still carried on today.

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Great Sire (118)
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12:46:15 Feb 15 2019
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According to Hindu mythology, the Rakshasa were considered to be demonic in appearance and their sole intention was to drink blood and eat the flesh of humans. They appeared either very beautiful or quite unattractive in appearance. According to my research, some are said to possess poisonous fingernails, shape-shifting ability, and increased strength and could move at extraordinary speed. On the other hand, there are also sub species of vampires which are the opposite. Does this sound familiar, anyone? Also, there are no mention of stake or how to kill a vampire. Most of the stake stories came after Hollywood start making movies to make money.

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Great Sire (118)
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13:02:41 Feb 15 2019
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Teachings Of Narayana Vampirism Revealed Within Vaisnavism

Tempel of Azagthoth
P.O. Box 4932
Cary, NC 27519-4932

email to: wampyrism@hotmail.com or writing to me via
the Tempel ofAzagthoth

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Firebrand (79)
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19:01:52 Feb 19 2019
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I believe that wendigo’s were also very similar to what’s considered to be a vampire. But of course it’s only a myth that they existed.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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23:17:14 Feb 20 2019
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No, wendigo's are shape-shifters.

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Firebrand (79)
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21:07:20 Feb 23 2019
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But weren’t they created because they were a type of cannabinol. being able to live hundreds of years to begin with. I don’t recall the whole theory about them (shrugs my shoulders) so I could be wrong.

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