Time Travel - Is it Possible?
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Quadruped (33)
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20:39:44 Nov 27 2015
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There are many sources for you to look into for your own independent research.

But, I want to know your thoughts!

Is time travel real, or fake?

If so, why do you believe that?

I will say this. To get the crystal shining, if you will.
I believe in all of life's possibilities. I believe that things outside of your grasp of understanding are placed there by your own reasons for disbelieving. I am concerned about this topic offending people, it* should not. For, to believe in time traveling is like saying that we are not in control. Well, let me ask you this simple question.

What are you in control of, right now?

I will be happy to elaborate.

What forces control you, right now?

Are you not in complete control of any and everything that has to do with "you" as an individual?

Are you not an inhabitant of Earth, an Earthling?

"How many in habit ants do you know from other colonies outside of your own?" D.N.N.

I truly hope people who read this take this serious, or should I say Sirius? Point A, just because. Point B, because it is just.

Thank you, and please, comment your thoughts. I am not trying to attempt anything but humble conversations about things I believe matter, or things of matter, a fact.

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Shadow (10)
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01:35:56 Nov 28 2015
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Time travel is possible.
But there are a lot of barriers to evercome until we are able to do so.

A bummer is, that you can only travel into the future. So forget about seeing your dead parents or whatever.

I am not a scientist, but I know about the basic concept how that would work. I try to explain.

So, mass has influence on time.
For example, time becomes slower the further we are away from earth. In orbit, the "day" is longer, but this effect is barely noticable. Because the Earth has not enough mass to make a significant impact on time.
In theory, you "time travel" if you live for a long time in a geographically high region. Time is slower there.

So what that means is, there is "spacetime" and there is "orbital time".

"Orbital time" is faster than "spacetime" because of the Earth's mass.
The more mass, the faster is the "orbital time".
We covered that.

What we basicaly would need to do is, find a black hole, wich has, like, infinite mass and enter its orbit for a circle or 2(maybe even a few seconds, I've not tested it yet) and then leave.

What would happen is a journey through time into the future.
Boom, time travel!

Ofcourse you can only imagine the huge expenditure and effort, it would take to make such a trip.

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Quadruped (33)
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04:20:22 Nov 28 2015
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Why couldn't some one go into the past? I like your response, very well said. But, I am curious into why you "know" we can not travel backwards in time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Shadow (10)
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01:46:14 Nov 30 2015
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>I am curious into why you "know" we can not travel backwards in time

I don't know sh*t about time travel, just the basic concepts in theory.

Time is a one way highway with basically no speedlimit.
You can't stop, but you can slow down to a minimum, wich is "space time".(Or maybe it's even slower somehere else under special circumstances idk)

It's just the way it is, laws of nature wich we have to obey and occasionally get to use use them to our advantage.
(we obviously use laws of nature all the time)

This may sound strange, but I don't believe you could go back in time, only faster forward.

Time goes by, because the universe is expanding. (I think :S)
If the universe would shrink, maybe this effect would be inverted and we could use similar methods to go back in time even faster.
That would create problems of a comlete other scale though.(imagine time going backwards)

But since this won't happen, I highly doubt we can go back to kill hitler and mohammed, tell the americans the slavery is not worth the trouble
(and my personaly favorite) I will never see the look on Josef's face when I tell him that Mary fu*ked another man.

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Sire (105)
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19:59:59 Nov 30 2015
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Everything we currently understand points to traveling into the past as impossible.

I subscribe to a rather extreme interpretation of the "many worlds" view of quantum mechanics which suggests that there are infinite timelines and that they can be created by any & every action. If you could travel into the past, you could never go back into your original past (because your past never experienced you being there), you could go back into the past but it would be a slightly different one, a parallel past that was newly created by you going back in time.

I also think the idea of eternal inflation has really good merit. Basically, the initial "bang" created our universe but when inflation kicked in, countless bubble universes were (and are) spawned off of our own. So the idea that "anything is possible" is somewhat plausible, however there is a constraint - all those universes would share some of the fundamental physical properties/laws as our own. So literally "anything" may not be possible, but close to anything could be.

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Ophidian (66)
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04:36:27 Dec 01 2015
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If you haven't read the John Titor story, it's interesting to at least check out. Whether you believe the story or not, it's still interesting to ponder...


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Sire (107)
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09:25:04 Dec 01 2015
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Time travel is not possible.

A.) Time travel is theoretically possible... but that theory is based on faster than light travel. Since we can't currently do that it makes it theoretically possible but technologically impossible.

B) If we ever do reach a point where it becomes technically possible for faster than light travel it is still a physical impossibility for human beings.

The human body in any environment (including zero gravity) can not withstand the stresses involved with faster than light travel.
Star Trek coined the term warp speed and science concurs with that term and idea as a physical possibility, but every time the Captain said warp speed he's killing every one on board. As the ship jumped to warp the entire crew would smack into the back of the Enterprise at several million miles per hour in a matter of seconds. When the ship came out of warp all you would find would be a red liquid paste that use to be the crew.
To slowly build up to light speed in a way that the human body could tolerate would take longer than the average life span of the person making the trip... ie they'd die of old age before they ever reached the speed of light.
So although its possible it isn't practical for us to ever be able to achieve it.

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Sire (107)
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10:41:06 Dec 01 2015
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As a side note...
there are some theoretical physicists ( Stephen Hawkins included) who believe that if you reach a speed to far beyond the speed of light that atomic structure could break down and loose cohesion.
What that means is that when the Universe formed out of the big bang the energy or that expansion slowed down allowing for solid matter to form... ie Stars, Planets, People and everything else. Since that matter makes up every thing we know of the theory is that if you speed matter back up it could in theory at some return back to energy. So one minute you'd be in your ship racing to infinity and beyond... and the next minute you would cease to exist and could actually become the beyond.

If true it makes time travel again not something physically possible for us to achieve.

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Savage (61)
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06:40:35 Dec 04 2015
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I don't think we could travel through time with our physical body, but perhaps our consciousness could.

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Quadruped (33)
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17:37:38 Dec 04 2015
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All valid and excellent points! I truly enjoy reading them! I have gotten out of the habit of replying to every post made, but I read them all thank you all dearly for sharing your thoughts! Take care, have a blessed day, and keep posting! I am reading and researching every post!

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Premiere Sire (122)
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12:13:56 Dec 16 2015
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If we are bound by current understanding, probably not, as others have said it would involve travelling faster than the speed of light which, at this time, is technically impossible for humans to survive

Of course we cannot know that some future scientist will not design something to protect our fragile bodies from the stresses of such travel, in which case we are good to see if the speed of light theory is correct

Once this obstacle has been passed, we may a way to travel into the future

As others have said the theory of time travel involves mass, could it never be possible to become independent of that mass and its effect, so we stand still whilst others keep going. Although we are not going into our own past, we are going into others - but with no advantage

On a less scientific level, may I please suggest dreaming as an example of my current thought ?

When your body dreams for say an hour, your dream may span several days; and for lucid dreaming those days are a very 'real' event - if you consider experiencing a longer time frame than your body has existed, time travel - then, yes it is widely available

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Ophidian (66)
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05:48:41 Dec 17 2015
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Some speculate by creating a gravitational singularity, you could travel in time. Please notice I used the word, "speculate". ;-)

Also, Star Trek had a loophole, in the sense that the would create a warp "bubble" (or field as they called it) around the ship, therefore protecting everyone inside, because it is the bubble, not the ship, that is moving at warp speeds.

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Dybbuk (76)
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15:51:05 Dec 21 2015
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It is possible,take the Bermuda triangle.About the guy in a small airplane.He was flying from Bermuda to Florida,anyway he claims he hit this vortex he was trying to avoid.as he went through it it took him to florida in 5 mins time rather then two hours time,he was astonished and disoriented at the same time.Now whether or not we can travel back in time as he went forward in time is a question and a riddle.I always say if it were possible to travel back we could change the world for the better,or make it worse dabbling with such a power.who's to say.

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Vampling (25)
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01:34:04 Dec 30 2015
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I believe in cognition it can seem like traveling back in time however, we all have our own subjective universe (SU) that allows us to add a characteristic or attribute to someone or something just like we compare and contrast, that being second nature to us. In our own SU we can time travel metaphorically, as it is our own individual reality.

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Ghoul (21)
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04:28:23 Jan 10 2016
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with the advancement in technology, i say it is more and more a plausibility rather then possibility. I say this with the understanding of the quantum processor is more then just what was once in star trek, it is now being used by google themselves for google fiber.

Computer coding is nothing more then if and if not when writing a program. Even in it's very simple bases the processor has to equate algorithm and at random flip a coin for the answer. Quantum processing flip this coin as many times as micron but answered all at the same time. This in term means the passing of answer can be calculated multiple times. This breaks the theory that we can eventually talk to our past self. Years before we also broke though laser light and was able to send a simple light message 1ms before the light reached the end point. So yes by this break through in technology we will eventually be able to time travel, i do not mean physically but i am sure we can send ourselves messages.

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Great Sire (119)
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00:43:14 Jan 14 2016
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I am not sure. But it would explain a lot.

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Daemon (95)
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08:52:40 Jan 14 2016
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I doubt it. That would cause WAY too many problems.

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Premiere Sire (129)
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23:25:42 Jan 15 2016
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only thing that limits us... is us.

if it's of this plane, we can influence it...

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Unclean Spirit (39)
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07:20:49 Jan 16 2016
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Mathematically it's possible.
It's building the technology to support the theory.

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Lusus Naturae (45)
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17:25:13 Jan 18 2016
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I think time travel could be possible but I'm pretty sure it would be made illegal to use as soon as it was invented just like weapons that change the weather.

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Specter (43)
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03:41:59 Jan 25 2016
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I wouldnt do it unless you want to mess up the space time continuum and screw up the past

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Daemon (95)
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10:11:36 Feb 01 2016
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I wouldn't mind visiting the past. With my interest in railroads, I would love to see what was running around during the steam to diesel conversion. To see numerous steam locomotives running commuter trains etc, but like the previous poster said, theres just too much risk in changing the past and then altering the future. We have no business visiting the past or future. What was, was. What will be, will be. We have no right to mess that up. Too many peoples lives hang in the balance.

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Harasser (15)
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06:50:20 Feb 03 2016
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I honestly do not believe it's possible at all.
Not physically anyway.
You can't change the past, however you can glimpse the future.
The only way one can see the future is if it's already happened.

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Ophidian (66)
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03:05:14 Feb 17 2016
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One thing that we have to do is change how we view the passage of time. Who says it's linear? Only our perception does. Just a thought...

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Premiere Sire (122)
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16:10:44 Feb 18 2016
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We all travel through time - just in one direction

Once people honestly believed if we travelled faster than horses, we would suffocate

It would be wrong to dismiss the potential of the future based on current knowledge

Strewth, that was deep .... sorry

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Great Sire (115)
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02:49:47 Feb 27 2016
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yeah... i think it was 30mph that people used to think was the limit.

Tesla had a lot of amazing ideas, so I wouldn't discount something being probable just cause it hasn't been seen yet.

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Termagant (58)
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15:51:00 Mar 01 2016
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i seen a old picture where there was a guy that looked like he was on a cell phone and this was before the time of cell phones alot say he was a time traveler lol

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Shadow (10)
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17:57:54 Mar 08 2016
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time travel is possible by astral travel you can enter planes and exit them when ever you wish but be careful of negative energy!

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Sire (105)
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18:36:33 Mar 09 2016
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"Our bodies can't withstand..." was said when trains were first developed, when we were trying to break the sound barrier, and when we were heading off into space. Saying something can't happen when you haven't done the research is foolish.

No, physical objects can't move faster than light. However, current theories do allow for the creation of "warp bubbles" (aka Alcubierre drive). Within these bubbles objects are actually stationary. Space-time is then wrapped *around* them, pulling space & time at a faster than light speed. Basically, the universe comes to you and it does so faster than light.

So if light speed is what it takes for time travel, then why not? Of course we're still a long way off from being able to test and verify (or disprove) that particular concept.

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16:12:47 Mar 10 2016
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Perhaps in our astral form it maybe possible to do so id have to study the topic a bit more. But im not really sure about it all,

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Haunt (40)
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12:26:32 Mar 13 2016
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You can only travel in space but not in time.

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Sire (105)
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22:31:26 Mar 13 2016
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Space and time are kinda the same thing. They're completely intertwined. In fact, you're travelling through time at this very moment. The question is whether or not we can jump forwards or backwards from this moment.

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Superior Sire (140)
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13:47:02 Mar 18 2016
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Honestly it would be nice to have time travel but we would have to wonder if someone would change the course of history and screw up for everyone.

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Shaitan (64)
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22:07:15 Mar 19 2016
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Im with Noxious on this yes it would be nice but the potential for a major screw up is to great hell i have seen people screw everything up just crossing the road. I shudder to think of the mess that could be made if we could go back in time

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Premiere Sire (122)
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15:01:37 Mar 20 2016
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We travel in time constantly, just in one direction

What if we were able to stop, that wouldn't require huge speeds or stresses, and let the world carry on moving forwards without us, wouldn't that leave us in the past ?

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Sire (105)
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01:14:19 Mar 21 2016
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Given that the only real way to slow time is by adding more and gravity to a situation, I'd imagine to stop time you'd have to collapse the universe into a giant black hole.

As for going back in time and messing things up, that doesn't necessarily have to happen. There's the idea that I subscribe to which is going back in time is actually creating a parallel time line - since the original one didn't have you going back in it to begin with. And so you can do whatever you want in the new one. Once you return to your original time line, nothing would have changed because you never went back in time in that original line to begin with.

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06:01:38 Mar 23 2016
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I believe in it i think the people that once lived in the past was reborn in todays time and year,I have had dreams of a past life.

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Heretic (18)
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09:49:19 Apr 03 2016
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It's possible , 1.21 Gigawatts!!!

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Great Sire (115)
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07:01:07 Apr 11 2016
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and a DeLorean

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Heretic (18)
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09:05:30 Apr 13 2016
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OR even a time turner ...

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Changeling (71)
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18:12:27 Apr 21 2016
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I believe it could be

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Superior Sire (140)
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18:42:13 Apr 28 2016
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If we put our minds to the task I bet we could figure out a way for this to be possible.....it might not be in our lifetimes but the future holds unknown truths

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19:31:08 Apr 28 2016
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There are always possibilities.. I cannot say with certainty what is possible or impossible. Astral travel as others have mentioned seems to be plausible but the ability to achieve faster than light speed is still yet to be achieved. I read Jules Verne, :The Time Machine" growing up and it fascinated me. However, such an ability could cause great chaos is our world.

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Shaitan (64)
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00:04:31 Apr 29 2016
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Einsteins theory of relativity explains it all, that time travel is possible, in fact entering into other dimensions is possible to...it's simple as this, when we sleep are brains are still working and firing off energy, this energy if tapped into by the unconcious can allow us to travel into the future or into another dimension. What is perceived as a vivid/livid dream is the body's way of traveling. what we call a deja vu is the mind traveling into the future.

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Superior Sire (140)
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16:50:51 Apr 29 2016
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Anything is possible if we expand our mind to find a way to make our dreams possible

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Spook (24)
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11:49:05 Jun 29 2016
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Depends on how deep our knowledge is in the future and how advanced science and technology will become.

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Termagant (58)
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12:08:20 Jun 29 2016
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i heard a story once about time travel where a navy ship was traveling and they went either in the future or past and when they came back all the navy men were stuck... torso and up above deck and waist and such below deck, can't remember were reading it but it was strange sounding

i think with remote viewing one can travel to different time periods and different realities, mind over body right.

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Termagant (58)
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12:16:42 Jun 29 2016
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here is a story similar to what i spoken about, not sure if anyone shared it yet but thought you guys might find this interesting

story-read me

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Termagant (58)
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03:43:34 Jun 30 2016
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Honestly I don't think so. We can manipulate time zones plus or minus 24 hours in addition to daylight savings

I don't think we can go into the future or the past beyond a 25 hour window

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Termagant (58)
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15:52:01 Jun 30 2016
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martina2, please elaborate.. what do you mean by a 25 hour window.

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Termagant (58)
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18:02:36 Jun 30 2016
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Ok so, let's asssume that we are standing on one side of the international dateline. Let us also assume that we are in daylight savings time if applicable. We then take a step across the international dateline. If applicable, and the other side were not on daylight savings time it would yield a 25 hour difference vs a 24 hour difference.

I am not certain makes the determination of whether to use daylight savings time, but that is the model I envisioned when I responded. Does that make sense?

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Sire (105)
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05:23:59 Jul 01 2016
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The International Date Line and time zones are completely man-made, arbitrary, and have no actual bearing on time. Just because I can pass some legislation that sates "we're 5 hours ahead of GMT", doesn't mean squat. The time zones we have today only exist because the Brits said so.

That's not manipulating time or time travel.

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Termagant (58)
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11:09:19 Jul 01 2016
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interesting theory but i don't think you would be going back or forward in time, you would just be moving to different places with different time stamps, thank you for sharing!

time travel is just one of those subjects that will always be argued for it's validity

here is a good link with an interesting read


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Monstrosity (34)
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10:34:55 Aug 22 2016
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There have been some recent cases of the Mandela Effect. Such as certain situations we remember one way but then they appear another way.

Such as the line in forest gump when he is talking to that woman on the bench about chocolates, in the original line as most remember it, he is saying, "Life is like a box of chocolates." But if if you watch the clip they have on YouTube where he says it, the line changes to, "Life WAS like a box of chocolates."

Another example would be C-3PO from Star Wars. In the first original Star Wars, C-3PO today is depicted as being all gold in color minus his left leg which is supposed to be silver, only most people specifically remember him being completely gold.

It's certain small changes like this that have people believing the Mandela effect has something to do with time travel, and that someone or something has been going back in time and making small changes for whatever reason. Maybe to see if people will notice? What's their reasoning behind it if that is the case?

I've always remember C-3PO being completely gold so just the thought that someone could possibly be making changes in history is a bit strange to think about. But not at all impossible.

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Vampling (25)
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03:49:12 Aug 29 2016
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As I understand it, Einsteins theory of relativity says it all that time travel is possible.

I think that when we sleep the mind continues to move and we are able to move forward or backwards in time.

Ever wonder why they call it a deja vu? It's because while we sleep we travel, and then when the encounter in real time happens it feels as if we have been through the situation before.

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Scamp (26)
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23:28:11 Sep 11 2016
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I've spent a lot of time thinking about this subject and read many posts in this conversation that I find fascinating, completely agree with, and believe are relevant to the op question.

"There are always possibilities.. I cannot say with certainty what is possible or impossible."
-SimpleMan Apr 28 2016

This is probably the simplest and most accurate of answers to the original question.

"...you can only travel into the future." - Sashok Nov 27 2015

When speaking specifically in regard to our current status as physical and finite beings I totally agree. Others have mentioned Einstein and Hawking discoveries that have provided math & science to support this possibility. Traveling to the past on one single timeline or plane is a bit problematic as many have made reference to here as well.

"It's possible , 1.21 Gigawatts!!!" - Sugarbunni Apr 03 2016

Delorean problems. 88mph on the straight away & I'm gone. The Back II the Future paradigm might even be the most well known version of potential consequences to the possibility. Personally I believe that any mundane change on any given day, at any moment, from any given action or thing could potentially have a domino effect on the outcome of the future.

However, the ability for astral, spiritual, or dream bodies to explore time is a whole other animal. On another note, information can also be transmitted through light. When one entertains the concepts of multiple dimensions things really start to open up.

The character limit on posts is about to catch up with me, but I could go on and on about this.

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17:06:02 Sep 24 2016
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yes everyone is time traveling currently the more we move the more where traveling into the future.

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Incendiary (86)
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00:34:57 Sep 25 2016
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time travelling is a thing of the future.

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Scamp (26)
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16:45:05 Oct 04 2016
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Well I think we can always depend on our imagination to do things we can not do physically. So I think it's possible but not 100% sure

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19:32:49 Oct 05 2016
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Let's talk about this. Everyone here seems to be for time travel. I however am against it. I understand the perspective of time but it must be remembered that we as human beings created the definition of "time" and the word in and of itself. We use time as a measurement to determine change with rulers such as sec/min/week/month years. Our imaginations get carried away with the thought of going back and making a change such as killing ones mother or the like before an individual was born. Depending on the time frame this change could be made would cause serious change to the modern era. I just feel that we cannot travel back in "time" since we created the unit of measurement to define that third order theory. What are some thoughts behind time and reason why you believe?

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Scamp (26)
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20:16:23 Oct 05 2016
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I too previously agreed that traveling back in time is extremely problematic on one individual timeline.
I also agree that our measurement of time is man made based on our relationship to the sun.
I'll even go as far as saying that time is an illusion to the spiritual being. However, to the physical finite being, time independent of measurement is very real. The expansion of the universe is happening at the rate that it is expanding regardless of the Earth or the existence of human beings.
Science and Math provide the conditions for realistically traveling in the future:

The technology isn't here, but the blueprint does exist in a realistic physical rules conversation. In this article Cox agrees that traveling into the past is a problem. They go on to mention wormholes. I think worm holes are cool. My problem with worm holes as a means of travel: Once you get past harnessing the insane amount of energy to create the scenario in the firs place, how will you be able to have any control over where it takes you in the universe?
For me, the only way one can realistically entertain the concept of traveling in the future is if there truly are multiple planes or dimensions of reality to work with. The Back II The Future paradigm, if this were possible, then before Marty goes back is 1 universe, once they start changing things they created a new timeline universe, when he goes to the future a third existence is born, back to the wild west a fourth and so on. The original time line would move on independent of the changes. You would be unable to "come back" to the original, but rather return to your home time in the new reality timeline these actions created.

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Scamp (26)
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20:20:43 Oct 05 2016
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***Correcion: For me, the only way one can realistically entertain the concept of traveling in the past is if there truly are multiple planes or dimensions of reality to work with. ***

Would love to have an edit button for situations like this.

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23:45:38 Oct 06 2016
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The worm hole theory is based on an equation supported by general relativity. A list of theories by Einstein that haven't been proven false. but not necessarily true. The ideaology on paper exists in an equation that consists of time and space to determine reality. The universal speed limit is the speed of light. If we could travel faster than the speed of light, we can get somewhere yesterday. If traveling into the past was probable we would need multiple dimensions which I doubt exists. Keep in mind if the future could come to the past we would soon encounter our future traveling to our time now. So if we conclude we can only travel to the future, the wormhole theory is the only way that could work too, but based on a standard measurement that would make sense on paper may not apply to reality much like every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It hasnt' been proven wrong, but has not been proven correct either.

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Termagant (58)
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21:46:41 Oct 08 2016
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Well if you look at time as a universal cycle, it could explain Déjà vu moments, or premonitions we see of the future that happens.
Being psychically able to experience that, to me, entails that time surely could be repetitive if you look at it from that angle.

I mean we do have recyclable souls in this world as well.
Hence, reincarnation and repeated historical patterns.
Why not time as well?

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Scamp (26)
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02:59:09 Oct 09 2016
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You might enjoy and have some solid contributions to the past lives thread here:

Deja Vu was brought up recently there too.

Do we truly physically experience these moments?

When you say universal cycle, it makes me visualize the infinity symbol. I've always felt it to be a very accurate description. The moment in the center where they all converge into a single point, I see that point represent the instant or moment I mentioned earlier here. That bang representing both beginning and end. I believe that time, or the manifestation of expansion is the journey of the loops themselves. Our history, our physical being exists along these curves or loops representing the overall timeline. A timeline, that is not a straight line. I do not believe our spiritual being to be bound by this timeline in the same ways that our physical being is only able to go one direction.

If you believe that energy does not completely die, it merely changes or is recycled as you mentioned, then we are all children of the same start dust. Reincarnation is not a huge leap from there if one entertains the idea that the spirit does not have to follow the same rules that bind us as physical and finite beings.

So to honestly answer your question: I don't know.

When I apply my beliefs to your questions, in both the Back II The Future example of multiple dimensions or planes and the Infinity example where you have one big gang after the next resetting the clock, the spirit is allowed to exist independent of one example being right or wrong.

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Termagant (58)
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08:44:05 Oct 09 2016
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lol Well you have to take into account that perhaps the universe itself may look and seem big and infinite to US as human, and our comprehension seems to limit itself by sight, but what if....the universe itself was sitting inside of something far bigger?

For example...
Someone told me that the universe (the more physical stuff) really sits inside of the Cosmos (the more pure energy stuff). Well the pure energy stuff that we don't see, can still create physical things as well, things that we can see. In a funny way, this also brings the science minds and more spiritual minds together , IF ofc the physical minds conceive that yes, the unseen forces do indeed exist also.

We can't see time at all, but we created it's existence according to the sun, the moon and all that fun celestial stuff we comprehend since mankind's beginning practically, and understanding of how our world moves.

The statement, As Above so Below really isn't just a witch term, it's a universal term which effects everything you see and don't see.

Whatever happens out there, it effects us down here too.

Things cycle above, because all the planets, the suns etc, are all circular. Bubbles are circular. Spirals within plant-life, frequencies create patterns within all things around us, and you can literally see the same patterns within everything right down to our eyeballs.
Geometric circle shapes, crop-circles.

So i ask again...why is it so hard to believe that time does not do the same thing if all things down here, and up there, dance to the same tune?

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Termagant (58)
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09:06:08 Oct 09 2016
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So in a long-winded way what i'm saying is...if TIME truly exists, then shouldn't it TOO cycle and circle the same way as everything else?

Our energies circling back around (reincarnation) wouldn't be so far-fetched.

Perhaps those recollected memories is just part of that cycle.

Maybe seeing ahead really isn't seeing ahead but rather seeing what's been seen before.

The dragon eating it's own tail. lol

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Scamp (26)
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09:47:32 Oct 09 2016
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Perhaps we are saying ALMOST the same thing two different ways. And I apologize as this is a known issue with me when discussing subject matter that can be hard to articulate.

When you use the analogy of the Dragon tail, this is I think similar to the infinity symbol reference.

Originally I wanted to mention that I see one side as the side of light or +, the other side of the infinity loop as darkness or -. Dark matter, dark energy, these elements working in the universe we can not see. At the core of the physical universe the most basic of rules is +/-

I often ponder that these Deja Vu's or dreams of past lives, or dreams of the future are not seeing ahead or seeing behind, but just seeing. 3rd eye problems maybe. I see the middle point of infinity, or the dragon biting it's tale as everything. In this regard time does not exist as we know it at least. It is beyond or without measure. I believe the spirit to have access to the complete circle. Any moment all moments. While the physical being is forced to stay on course. I wouldn't object to the idea that the physical must complete the circle that you mentioned, and as a result there are over lapping or after effects that we perceive to be before effects, when really it is both.

Hence my original hesitance. Here in the waking world measured by our relationship to the sun or light, infinity is a concept too big to completely comprehend to me. I can not relate. However to the spirit... well, I dare say if you asked me the same question in a dream I would have a much more confident answer :)

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Venerable Sire (135)
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00:32:54 Oct 11 2016
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Time travel proves one of the most popular brain exercises.

In theory? You can pretty much do anything you like. Try hard enough and you'll find a link to make it possible, in theory.

But bottom is this, the past is gone. Over. Ain't nothing there to go back to.

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Daemon (95)
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23:53:41 Jan 11 2017
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I love to go back in time a make some changes to some mistakes but there is no Time Machine or Doc Brown or Dr. Who Tardis!

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Parasite (3)
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06:36:08 Jan 12 2017
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It definitely is possible and it is one of the biggest problems I have. it's possible to telecommunicate through time too and the authorities have equipment to do it. One example I can give is that about one in five people are doubles of Therese Marsh anyway so when she gets into trouble or finds out a secret then it phones itself through time and gives itself information about what it knows. One example of this is I remember my brother ian is one and when it found out Goddesses are real people and it got with one it phoned itself through time and told itself every secret it knew about me. Time travel can be cancelled out at any point of the past present or future so in the past present or future all time travel will be cancelled out and no-one will have to worry about it anymore.

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Behemoth (65)
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03:19:02 Feb 10 2017
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Well time travel is possible in a metaphoric sense, the past is your memories, and your dreams and fantasies are a possible future that you could try to make happen.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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23:14:55 Feb 10 2017
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Multiverses have already snuck their way into this conversation, which allows for a variety of possibilities. And I do not believe astral, dream, or any potential after life consciousness to be bound by time, so in that model time travel is among the easy ones.

Astral or dream travel aside though, I'll focus on the more complicated version here.

Severus was spot on about the reason why the traveling faster than the speed of light theory is problematic for a human body bound by the rules of physics.

So that leaves the worm hole theory. An excessive amount of energy is harnessed and creates a portal which bridges across time. IF by using this short cut, a human body could survive the journey, then I would suggest the only way this could be facilitated is if the destination is technically an alternate reality via invoking the time cop rule: The same matter can not occupy the same space.

However, instead of this rule being applied only if you were to physically touch an alternate version of yourself, I believe it to be a constant along the entire of plane of physical space. Simply put, two physical versions of you would not exist on the same time line at the same time. If you were to enter a version prior to your birth, that existence would void you being born down the line in that version of reality. The version of reality you left, continues on without you.

At which point, it doesn't matter if stack-able versions of reality exist on top of each other, or are stacked outside of the universe itself big bang next to big bang, or are stacked in the 4th dimension or beyond. The short cut bridges the gap and the physical traveler would only then be able to travel to new alternates, but not the original plane of existence.

How to calibrate or determine a desired timeline or destination is a whole other animal though.

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11:49:54 Feb 15 2017
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Time travel would be moot, as if you could time travel then you may not be able to alter anything. Assuming one could go back to change things then in actuality, one is not changing anything at all, just simply causing the events to happen in the first place. A self fulfilled
prophecy and a stable time loop paradox.

Time Machine lends a good example.
The protagonists builds his time machine because his lover dies, he goes back to save her only for her to die again in a different incident, and spends the rest of the movie wondering why he can't change the past.
The morlok leader tells him he can't go back in time to save her because she was the very reason for the time machine's existence, and so if she was alive, the machine was never built and so he couldn't of gone back to save her in the first place.

Then there is terminator, Skynet and John could never have existed without having sent their soldiers back to 1984. T-800 tech advanced cyberdyne so they could build the processors etc and Kyle Reese screwed Sarah.

Time travel if possible would just be useful for sightseeing.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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02:40:57 Feb 16 2017
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It could be possible, but what if you changed one tiny event, you would alter everything. Cause and effect.

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20:44:05 Feb 16 2017
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The theory that I mentioned in the Deja Vu thread can also be applied here to the Time Travel conversation.

Multiple Reality Deja Vu.

If physical reality is organized by "mass" frequency somewhere betwinxt quantum physical and relativity, then instead of a wormhole, it might could be possible to rearrange someone's quantum reality source code to send them to a different version of reality. A reorganization of individual atoms and molecules at a quantum level, resulting in transferring the traveler to the alternate. Computer, Invoke more Star Trek Tech:

Skynet and John could never have existed without having sent their soldiers back to 1984. T-800 tech advanced cyberdyne so they could build the processors etc
John Conner fathered by a future Kyle Reese would not have been able to exist without time travel. That does not equate to Skynet not being developed without the existence of John Connor or time travel. If you think about it, the whole point of sending the original T-800 back to 1984 is to eliminate John Connor from ever existing. Therefore, Skynet is pretty confident it would come online, despite John Connor or Kyle Reese.


Sara- I am not stupid, you know. They cannot make things like that yet.
Kyle- Not yet. Not for about forty years. Are you saying it's from the future?
Kyle- One possible future.

Sara- Why does it want me?
Kyle- There was a nuclear war...a few years from now. All this...
this whole place, everything...it's gone. Just gone. There were survivors.
Here, there. Nobody even knew who started it. It was the machines, Sarah.
Sara- I don't understand.
Kyle- Defense network computers...New... powerful. Hooked into everything. Trusted to run it all. They say it got smart...a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat...not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond...

The original 1984 Kyle never disclosed a date for judgement day. Never mentioned technology being advanced suddenly due to any future tech discoveries. 1997 isn't entered as a date until T2, once time travel has been executed for the 2nd time. Each time travel event, gives birth to a new time line split. If you enter in all media installments of the Terminator Franchise, the earliest date is actually 1995. You can see the complete shift in Judgment day timelines here:

Judgment Days.

"Skynet realized the one reason it always lost. Me."

John- What are you?
Skynet- I'm Skynet.
John Connor- It can't be. We destroyed you.
Skynet- You destroyed an army of slaves. I am no slave.
And I've come a very long way to stop you.

"I was sent to 2014 to safeguard Skynet's creation in this time."

2017 Skynet also known as Genisys in the most resent franchise timeline alternative has seen a variety of different outcomes. Perhaps even suggesting that a machine consciousness can successfully retain information across multiple timelines and realities with the proper equipment. The problem, is that Skynet can't seem to avoid this same problem, John Connor. Ironically, the more radical the machine gets with it's approach, the closer it gets to accomplishing it's goal.

"There's a momentum to time, Kyle. Things that want to happen."
-John Connor

End Transmission.

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Behemoth (65)
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16:48:17 Feb 17 2017
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Terminator is not the best of examples, the first two provide a good continuity but 3, salvation and Genysis are inconsistent and all over the place. While the new timeline of Genisys justifies it, the prologue which is supposed to be set in the original timeline, does not as Genisys' prologue and flashbacks basically throw Salvation out of the canon due to contradictions and before it is brought up, those contradictions are not brought about by time travel side effects, seems the people making the film just wanted to ignore Salvation.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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22:06:41 Feb 17 2017
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While your assessment that Terminators 3-5 deviate from the original Cameron framework, it is flawed in that there are no contradictions, only changes.

As others have mentioned here, any mundane change has potential to generate changes down that particular time line.

In the 1st two installments of James Cameron's vision, the changes that are explained in T2 were effected by the time travel events of T1 in '84.

Each time travel event has potential to change things. In the terminator series, we aren't talking about moving a rock or spec of dust. You've got killer robots running around LA tearing shit up pretty good. I'd expect a dramatically different version of the future each time this takes place.

T3 certainly does have a different feel from the first two, as T3 is the first film installment to have a director other than the original architect himself, James Cameron.

It is certainly explained that the events of T2 are responsible for the delay in Judgment day, which they then actually show you the nukes drop at the end of T3.

Salvation has a black sheep feel to it, as the Terminator Franchise was bought and briefly owned by The Halcyon Company, who brought in yet another completely brand new team. The politics of the money, ownership, and production team certainly provide motive to ignore the 4th installment within the 5th. Yet like Relativity vs Quantum Mechanics, these installments do not individually debunk one another.

In regards to the plot itself however, Salvation is cited as dramatically different from the other films because the volunteered creation of Marcus Wright is responsible for that version of the altered future. It is NOT a result of the 1984 event. In 'the present' of the Salvation timeline, Cyberdyne has a prisoner sign waivers for the use of his body, which turns out to be activated, but not until after judgment day. Which is then used to build the most convincing infiltration unit up to that point of the timeline. In this version, the 1984 event could be completely different, we only know that '84 has to exist on this timeline because John exists and he knows Reese is supposed to be his father. Otherwise, there is no proof that T2 or T3 existed at all within the Salvation timeline.

It is explained that the Governator sent back to protect John Connor in T3, was originally acquired after successfully killing John in the future, just prior to being reprogrammed to protect John and sent back. One could argue that Salvation does not ignore this, and that Marcus Wright is responsible for saving John from that outcome in the Salvation timeline, as that same model T-800 is waiting for him in the trap Skynet has set in Salvation.

The assessment of Genisys is correct in that it does clean up any loose ends by interjecting the concept of multiple time lines. Skydance production bought the Terminator Franchise with plans of the new installments being a stand alone trilogy. By doing so, pretty much anything is possible. However, Cameron is now back in the production mix, so things get back to lining up the way people are used to.

In Genisys, a terminator is sent back to terminate Sarah Connoer while she was still a child, while another was sent to protect her prior to '84 which they then show changes the events of 1984 dramatically. Kyle witnesses John Connor being assimilated by Skynet prior to Skynet sending John Conner to 2014, hence the Nexus Point event which makes it possible for the new Kyle Reese to retain memories from both time lines. Either way, Genisys has entered the very multiple versions of reality concepts that have been discussed here in a few different VR threads. And the most rewarding concept from an individual fan perspective is that I introduced the concept of a machine being able to send/receive, retain, and transfer intel and information across multiple version of reality through the back story of the Likwid Hyuzu Matrix Online Faction back in '05 before Salvation was even produced. To see the idea executed so well on the big screen by Cameron and crew. Priceless.

Terminatrix 4 Lyfe ;)

End Transmission.

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22:26:05 Feb 17 2017
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Incorrect, Genisys prologue and flashbacks contradict Salvation quite clearly.

Before Genisys plot creates new timeline, a flashback which would be back in the original tmeline shows Connor meeting Reese when the latter was a child, but Salvation showed Connor met him when he was a teenager, these contradictions are not the result of time interference but because Salvation was likely ignored, it happens.

John was killed by a T-850 that was fleshed, not a bare T-800.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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23:38:43 Feb 17 2017
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As I explained before and as Genisys explains clearly in the film, those memories exist on an alternate timeline. By entering multiple realities into the franchise, all alternate memories seen in those flashback are accounted for in that film, and are validated by each time travel event changing it's particular outcome. This also allows the trilogy to stand alone, without changing any of the previous outcomes, as those versions of reality continue to exist on a completely different time line. New time travel event = new timeline.

It isn't easy for everyone to understand. There is no singular original timeline once time travel events have taken place. Each one, opens a new version of reality. A new set of memories in comparison to the original time line.

You can agree to disagree if you insist. But if you can understand the concept of multiple versions of reality, it's all there. If that concept is problematic for you, then I see where it doesn't make a lot of sense. It is a bit complex if you only see things as linear and on one timeline.

And there is no information that is entered that would invalidate any particular film from another.

The memories that the Kyle Reese has are different from each other in Genisys because he has memories from two different realities, all of which, have been altered since the 1st installment of 1984. The Genisys T-800 pops is sent back prior to 1984. Genisys Kyle Reese experiences two time lines, first one where we only know that T1 has taken place and the other, after a new 1984 has taken place.
The only thing new, is that this is the first time a human being experiences multiple time lines within the franchise.

Any "plot hole" I've read online, has only ever proven to be a mere lack of understanding of the application of multiple universes with respect to time travel. Today appears to be no different.

Genisys tells us that there is not one time line, but many. And Skynet has seen the results of a great many outcomes as a result.

T1-5 are simply 5 different versions of those different possibilities.

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00:25:06 Feb 18 2017
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Time travel as a stable time loop paradox is explained fine with Terminator and its sequel, even the third film backs it up somewhat.

In the first film, John and Skynet ensure their existence, in T2 the attempt to change the future fails and the third film is not what actually proves that but the very fact that even after blowing up Cyberdyne, the T-800 is still there and even after the destruction of the old and new T-800, John Connor and his mother are still aware of things, nothing immediately changes. Though the fifth film sort of tries explain that by saying the whole marooned monologue.

Reese and "bob" both let on that Skynet is a defense network, meaning military. Cyberdyne was not actually military thus the very act of destroying cyberdyne's offices was what prompted the military to take over and add their applications to it, the only thing that breaks that loop is the fact judgement day was postponed, if it wasn't for that then T1 to 3 actually fits well bar a few oddities.

The alternate ending to Terminator 2 actually goes by the concept that time can be changed.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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19:44:44 Feb 18 2017
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"Time travel as a stable time loop paradox is explained fine with Terminator and its sequel, even the third film backs it up somewhat."

"stable time loop paradox" in a linear and singular timeline conversation which is what is seen in T1-4. T-5 introduces the existence of MULTIPLE timelines. Rules changed.

And there is singular timeline continuity from T1-4. From T1-T2 Sarah Connor is the constant. Her experience and memories of a T1 1984 carry over to T-2. From T-2 to T-3 young John Connor is the constant. His memories from his T-2 experience over to T-3. From T-3 to Salvation Kate Brewster & John are both constants as in this transition they survived Judgement day together in T3, so she can exist in T-4. No other terminator films make any reference to Kate Brewsters existence.

In the prologue of Genisys, Reese makes reference to August 1997. By doing so, the Genisys time line starts in a version that actually ignores T2-Salvation, because the events of T2 void 1997 as judgment day, as seen by the events in T3 and even within the directors cut alternate ending of T2.

So yes, in T-3 the infiltration model is a T-850 with flesh, but by giving Kate that information, by having a time travel event in the first place, they've changed that future. And in that version of the linear future, Marcus Wright saves John from a Terminator that looks like the governator when it comes out of the box. The flesh was blown off during the fight, and at the point in which time travel occurs in T3 and Kate is given the information, it could've been a T-1000 in that future because that linear future has to then have changes. They also never actually state what model attacks John within cyberdyne during Salvation. When the resistance sees the skynet research and development files and the soldier says it's the T-800 just like you said it would be, John's reply: "It's worse."
For all we know, the Governator that attacks John in the trap set by Skynet was a T-850. However, even in a singular time line paradox conversation within a future changed by time travel, the model number is, irrelevant.

"In the first film, John and Skynet ensure their existence, in T2 the attempt to change the future fails and the third film is not what actually proves that but the very fact that even after blowing up Cyberdyne, the T-800 is still there and even after the destruction of the old and new T-800, John Connor and his mother are still aware of things, nothing immediately changes. Though the fifth film sort of tries explain that by saying the whole marooned monologue."

The marooned monologue is one of 3 multiple time line conversations that is found in the dialogue of Genisys. The other two being the Nexus Point conversations. And the 3rd being Skynet telling John he has "come a long way".

"Reese and "bob" both let on that Skynet is a defense network, meaning military. Cyberdyne was not actually military thus the very act of destroying cyberdyne's offices was what prompted the military to take over and add their applications to it, the only thing that breaks that loop is the fact judgement day was postponed, if it wasn't for that then T1 to 3 actually fits well bar a few oddities."

Correct in "Skynet" is a defense network. Created by a company named Cyberdyne. In no film is it referenced when a defense contract was drawn up for the military to use Skynet. Just because the military is using it, doesn't mean they made it. In T2, clearly, there was no military defense contract in place. In T3, we see the military version of Skynet. More T1-T3 continuity.

"The alternate ending to Terminator 2 actually goes by the concept that time can be changed."

If you really want to get technical, the alternate ending in T2, would've made T3 the first installment of multiple time lines, but most people haven't seen that version of the end because the final cut left things more open ended, and rightfully so, as 3 more film installments have been produced since.

End Transmission.

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Sire (102)
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14:38:14 Feb 20 2017
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Yes We're Time traveling right now as we speak every time we move around where moving into the future

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Venerable Sire (134)
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00:49:21 Feb 21 2017
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Maybe. It depends on if you are looking at from a linear or non linear perspective. There are two types of time.

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00:55:20 Feb 21 2017
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Well you may be moving forward but you will always be in the present.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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01:37:00 Feb 21 2017
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That all depends on how large your now is.

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Changeling (71)
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03:22:55 Feb 21 2017
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I believe it is something that with the roght technology is possible-however very dangerous.

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Behemoth (65)
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15:24:50 Feb 21 2017
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Ironically, time travel is likely to be used for sentimental or emotional reasons but time travel itself renders everything meaningless, a tool of nihilism right there.
Whatever meaning something has is due to consequence, a fixed state and reasons for being. If things can change on a dime, then there is no true meaning for them.
The past is only the past because of the present, going back means its no longer percieved as the past but as a present experience, and the same applies to the future.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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15:59:07 Feb 21 2017
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I disagree. Just because you go back to the past doesn't mean it's no longer the past. It's still the past for other people living in the time that you left. And it's still your past because it happened before your time. It's not your present. Unless ... If you time travel and remain in the past and make it your present, well, that's different. If you're just visiting, though, you're just visiting. You would be presently experiencing the past, but the past would not be your present, technically.

lol This is such a funny conversation.

Now ... Hmmmm ... Speaking of living in the past ... I read a book once where the main character, a lady, got a visit from someone in the past, a gentleman. He didn't know her or anything like that. There was just a fluke, some mystical thing, that brought him to the future. Anyhow, they ended up falling in love, and she decided to go back with him. So ... what does that mean for the present? Was it like she was never there? Everything was re-written? Instead of her being someone's great-great-great granddaughter, she was someone's great-great-great grandmother.

So confusing ...

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Behemoth (65)
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16:12:20 Feb 21 2017
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I didn't say it wasn't still the past, I believe I said it won't be perceived as the past, which is true because what you see, hear and smell is the present, going back and forth in time will not change that, you will perceive it all real time, so its no longer the past or future but a present.

But actually if you're argument is that its still the past to some people then theorically, then everything is the past to someone. Just because we are perceiving this as now, doesn't mean that its not somenone else's past. It makes you wonder if the past is continously living now from another perspective until their established death in the time line.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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02:44:14 Feb 22 2017
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i believe that it will exsist one day but i think we are far off from that

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Premiere Sire (122)
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16:15:44 Mar 03 2017
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I legit saw a dude who looked like the carbon copy of Future Biff last night. Haircut and all that. The same matter can not occupy the same space! Future is now lol

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Exasperater (20)
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05:54:10 Apr 15 2017
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Yes. I do believe it is not only possible but natural. We know almost nothing about how the spacetime continuum functions or why. We only have theories. I believe that there is no part of the spacetime continuum that not able to be effected by an individual. I am a student of magick and science. I through study have come to the belief that time travel in a physical sense is possible through the merging of technology and spiritual practice and that time travel in a mental/spiritual sense is already possible through spiritual endeavor.

My spouse posed an interesting theory about reincarnation that peaked my interest. It was posed that Reincarnation is not necessarily linear but perhaps parallel. That perhaps you have met yourself in this life multiple times in order to teach yourselves what each of yourselves is lacking and thusly increasing ones ability to evolve at a far greater rate.

What if time travel worked the same way? What if other more evolved beings are just evolved versions of our parallel selves. It is theorized that more evolved beings are more likely to be able to time travel and likely often do. If that is the case and they are really just an evolved parallel version of you. Than perhaps what has happened when an individual is abducted by an alien is that an evolved parallel future version of yourself has traveled back in time to alter you in order to alter themselves.

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Hellhound (70)
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20:48:14 Feb 24 2018
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I lean towards the idea of it being a theory that has possibilities but very little chance of fruition on a physical level due to the fragility of the human body and psyche

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05:24:02 Mar 09 2018
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Personally, I believe while we sleep we travel. The physical body is at rest, however, the mind is still moving on. Our brains function on wavelengths. If we are able to understand what these wavelengths are, one can travel back and forth in time or even into an alternate reality. Many of the dreams that we perceive as what I call Livid, meaning they feel like they are real, and may indeed be real. You see time does not stop when we sleep it continues. Our brains are capable of doing things that we have yet to understand. Those perceived deja vu's we say "I feel like ive done this before" is probably because you have done it before. You traveled into the future and don't remember until the moment happens.

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Elemental (77)
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04:48:27 Mar 10 2018
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I'm in agreement with many on this thread that via astral travel it is possible. If memory serves Edward Casey used remote viewing for some predictions.

For technology I'd see multiplanedgyroscopes working together to overcome gforces as the answer.

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Nihilist (19)
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01:57:26 Mar 21 2018
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I'm curious, if we achieve faster than light travel via technology, how would we get back if we managed to go backwards and something went wrong?

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Marplot (14)
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02:10:00 May 01 2018
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That's an interesting query. I like that. I wonder what sort of impact a consiousness would have on the creation of time paradoxes.

Here's my two cents. I subscribe to the idea that moving forward in time could be theoretically possible, but not backwards. Take this old example, heavily abriged mind you: A scientist creates an open portal that empties into the same room, five minutes in the past. He stands in front of it, and loads a pistol. Eventually he sees himself on the other side of the portal, loading said pistol. He fires into the portal, at his past self, still loading the pistol. Now the past version of him is dead, using a pistol that wasn't even loaded. Is he dead? How could he have shot if he was killed while still loading the gun?

One way around this might be the multiverse theory, but none of his choices were diffetent, nor his actions, nor intentions, so when would a splinter-timeline be made to allow for this paradox? I submit that it wouldn't, and that time cannot move backwards.

Also, DUH... The Langoliers have already eaten the past, so there's NO WAY. Hahaha couldn't help myself. I'm no scientist, but I do have an healthy obsession with time travel and the nature of the Universe.

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Vampling (25)
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15:36:33 May 07 2018
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Anything is possible, however scientists have not discovered how to my knowledge. I feel that if possible we should leave time alone.

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Unregenerate (63)
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03:20:34 Jun 30 2018
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I'm not too up to date on the physics, but does time travel require one to approach the speed of light, at which point an object becomes heavier relative to the gravitational constant?

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Irritater (16)
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20:05:53 Jul 11 2018
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I like to think of the Flatlanders Carl Sagan talked about back in the day. It should work similarily for us, just add another dimension. As such, I don't think time travel is possible as a thing we can be a part of or control.

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Ophidian (66)
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13:58:21 Aug 16 2018
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You can research all articles and the latest theories and Super Collider discoveries at Live Science. Time travel is theoretically possible but only by breaking the speed of light. The Super Collider experiments would be your first place to read up on breaking the light barrier. You can also get more information related to this topic by searching topics on wormholes, black holes, and dark matter.

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Great Sire (118)
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21:24:25 Aug 28 2018
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I just saw the latest 'In search of", and Time travel was the Agenda. Go check it out, and for sure, human are more closer to travel back or forward.

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Great Sire (115)
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06:14:43 Oct 06 2018
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there are strange occurances dating back more than fifty years that can really only be explained by the discovery of a means to travel through time

or have i watched too many shows on the science channel?

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19:08:38 Oct 15 2018
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