Is it a hobby or a lusty taboo? It isn't as good source of energy as other feeding but it still gives some energy boost to many and some just like the taste. Thoughts?
![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
Define auto-vampirism. Is that when you pick at scabs and eat them?
I do not quite understand the appeal of autovampirism. Generally, the drawing of blood for vampirism involves some form of interaction - be it physical or otherwise - with the other party. I do ingest my own blood, but only to satiate the taste of it. I do not gain any form of sexual feelings from it. Usually, when I feel like I'm losing my mind, the taste of blood calms me down, however, I have not ingested my blood in weeks. Honestly, I forgot about the whole thing. Anyway, autovampirism, from my understanding, seems to be more prevalent among beings with certain mental disorders, though I think it is just an excuse to vilify that being. Just because someone partakes in vampirism does not mean that they are clinically ill. That would be quite retarded, actually. I am pretty sure there are perfectly healthy and normal beings who ingest blood.
Auto Vampirism = sucking on a tailpipe?
Seriously, don't understand how one gains "energy" by "feeding" on one's own blood. Seems to me the net energy "gain" would be... well... zero. Of course as all this "energy feeding" stuff is... to be charitable... dubious, small wonder Logic is not spoken here.
It possibly would be from breaking down the blood after it's reintroduced. Energy from feeding happens very soon so your own blood could be north energy when it's ingested than when it is in your veins. Of course that is saying for small amounts of blood, if you do it commonly or lose tablespoons then you'd lose energy in total but a few drips, if my theory is right, has the potential to give more energy than if in your veins.
As we learn from study of the digestive process, when we ingest anything (eat or drink), the body expends energy digesting it so as to take from it any and all nutrients needed for the body to use for fuel (i.e., energy) and eliminating the waste products we can't use. Once digested, the nutrients are fed into the bloodstream as well as used to create new blood, too. Obviously, when the blood supply is depleted to any degree, the body has to expend additional energy making up for the loss in addition to still performing its normal function of feeding the body the nutrients it needs from food. The nutrients are then distributed throughout the body in and by the blood as needed for fuel (again, energy).
This process can be made analogous to what happens in the oil refinery process that ultimately converts crude oil into gasoline that our cars use as ... literally ... fuel.
Just as with digestion, so also with the refinery process... the crude oil (like food) is broken down, the waste products removed and then the resulting fuel is further refined until then distributed throughout the respective host (the body / the country) in the liquid form of the appropriate respective fuel (blood / gasoline).
Now... imagine were I to suggest that we can actually gain energy by removing gas from our cars, taking it to an oil refinery and pouring it down an oil well... so that it must again go through the entire refinery process all over again. Would this make any sense, at all?
All you are doing in "auto-vampirism" is taking blood that has already gone through the body's "refining" (i.e., digestive) process... and forcing it back through yet again.
This expends twice the same amount of digestive energy to receive no more quantity or quality of blood than the body had ALREADY produced once before and that was already feeding the body as it should before you chose to remove it. Now, not only does the body NOT have the nutrients contained in the removed blood... but now the body must expend more energy working to replace the lost blood you removed. Then, once you drink your own blood that your body already expended energy to create, your body will be forced expending the same amount of energy to re-digest and process it, yet again.
This is why logic and critical thinking will always trump belief... every time.
Science constantly changes, proven doesn't mean true. Miracles are what current science can't explain so logic does not always trump belief because in year 300, logic was thought to be true but logic was belief, science is belief
Great dogmatic statements... though I notice you provided nothing to actually counter those facts or the logic behind them. We all look forward to any such you can provide to further this discussion and support your views.
In addition to what Upir has stated it should be pointed out that "auto vampirism" is not part of the vampiric tradition or folklore and is actually a condition known as Renfield's syndrome... a psychological disorder.
I notice you seem to reject the possibility of anything out of modern science in an environment that is for things that are aside from modern science. I say modern science because it could change like it always does. In history flight was for the gods, Greeks were so advanced and they have a story about humans who tried flying but failed. But we have planes and even space shuttles now. The impossible became possible, as it repeatedly does.
I see...
So...because Science hasn't figured everything out to the last decimal point yet, this gives you and everyone else free rein to claim as fact anything you can dream up?
That makes as much sense as refusing to learn to read because your teachers haven't yet read every book that's been written.
![]() Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (204) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 11,537 [ Give / Take ] |
We have been on topic, here. Our thoughts on "auto vampirism" were requested. In response, it was pointed out that "auto vampirism" is not part of vampire folklore or even fiction...and that for us to consider its possible inclusion as vampiric, a discussion of it and the evidences for it are inevitable...even unavoidable. And that is exactly why we are now discussing the importance of evidence if someone wishes to have us consider a potentially new concept of vampirism as "auto vampirism" appears to be.
How is any of this off topic? These are our and my thoughts on this specifically solicited by the topic author.
In fairness science does often make mistakes an is constantly evolving. What I believe Upir was attempting to voice was the idea that the drinking of blood in general does not support the Physical body in a way that can off set the net energy loss. In order to survive on blood alone you would have to drink levels that would be toxic to your vital organ from just the added iron content alone... and the drinking of ones own blood would produce even less than a zero net.
As for the ideology of vampirism its self is concerned the traditions we have teach us that every culture has some legend or lore regarding blood consumption whether they are vampiric or not. The history of these myths are that the blood contains a creature life force and even today in modern societies blood consumption holds this idea of the taking of spiritual energy. American Indian lore is still practiced by hunters in the United states today, where by you consume the animals spirit by drinking the still warm blood of your first kill.
The old testament forbids the consumption of blood for this reason as well. So the idea of life sustaining substance via blood is not a matter of physical digestion but of vital life force where the blood is simple the vessel.
The vampiric tradition that states "the blood is the life" is not about consumption of the physical substance but alludes to the spiritual and life force connection which is contained within that substance.
For that reason alone auto vampirism can not be vampirism because you can not consume your own spirit... anything else is misinformation.
More towards the specific topic, there are conditions such as porphyria that make it so drinking blood makes the person feel better, and iron deficiencies may cause the extra iron to give energy lost back to you. I recognize those are rare but they show there are times that drinking blood(even if not the most efficient choice) is helpful. So even if you lose energy when losing small amounts of blood, that's long term. You still get the energy right when drinking so long term it might be no net total of energy but instead a short boost
I speculate that blood drinking began as a way for primitive cultures to provide energy and warmth to the food gatherers of the tribe.
Blood is renewable... not bleeding serves no purpose, it is often recommended to donate blood for the sheer joy of refreshing the blood.
Physicians of old used to bleed people to renew them... the ingestion at the same time must be akin to a latte, a shot of adreniline, and a lifting of the mind and spirit.
Blood is yummy; I would not practice self gratification overmuch for very social reasons and for health and mental health reasons.
I checked into porphyria a long time ago because it kept coming up and it is a rare disease. Just because there are behaviors that might correlate to something else does not make it the same thing. There are various types of the disease as well and I don't think there is any bearing really except by those who want to make a connection when there is none.
Nowadays many sanguinary vampires are saying it is not about energy in regard to their blood drinking. The idea of it being because of some form of energy within the blood is only brought up by newbies these days. Regardless I don't think many drink their own blood because it's like chocolate, it only masks some of the cravings. I haven't decided in all the years I have had connections to the vampire community if it really isn't a fetish that some have within the community. Of course, they don't feel that is the case and I don't know, no one does. We all have opinions and nothing more. Those that drink blood are a minority.
It's rare because there are so few people doing the high risk behavior.
I don't see how it would help nourish the vampire . You're basically drinking your own blood. When a vampire is thirsty it is because they need extra blood not just to taste blood that they already have inside themselves . I am not a vampire so I can't say for certain that auto vampirism is a waste of time but a exercise of simple logic would seem to suggest that it is a waste of the vampire's time .
I never could see it as something a vampire would do because they dont what they need feeding on themselves unless they are more like blood fetishists or someone who likes the taste of blood but doesnt need it like a vampire does...
I have to bleed out roughly a pint of blood every month or two anyways. So, If I'm going to have to dance with the devil, I'll go ahead and lead. It should be noted, the best tasting part of the blood isn't the red cells, but the plasma.
One can almost taste the recursion.
It might not be such a bad idea for some to read that.
I would be more concerned with someone eating their own feces. Or worse, someone else's.
That is gross a vampire that does that must part dog or something.
I wouldn't know, and don't care to, only insomuch that drinking one's own blood only concerns the individual performing said action. That being said, I'm sure we can all agree that coprophagia is one of those instances where hindsight is always 20/20.
From my perception and that not from experience I would suppose that the act is like masterbation. Perhaps the question would be: who or what you think about during such acts? It is well known the power of scent to memory but what is that to a serpent?
Sorry but this whole topic irritates the Hades out of me. One CAN not GAIN anything from one's own self it is an endless cycle.
Auto-feeding sounds like Reinfields to me, like others have pointed out here.
There exists no benefit gained from consuming your own lifeforce to "feed". It is akin to slicing open your stomach and removing a piece of undigested food to eat due to being hungry. It makes no sense.
I would rather consume someone's else entire soul their mind, energy and blood at the sametime instead. Resurrect them and do it again just for fun.
i do not believe u can become automatically a vampire without being bitten, or by a true vampire that is in the movies people. only.. is stagged.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Why eat yourself when you can eat others, healing takes time and energy, why damage yourself when you can damage others? regardless of your beliefs, a predator must steal the life from others, and not from themselves. It is not smart to harm yourself for sustenance.
Feeding from yourself is useless, you gain nothing from it.
Auto-vampirism might be useless as most people say, but you should observe it from a different perspective. Its something more than "consuming blood to gain energy". It is a starter point for someone to move on to vampirism. You start slow, doing it to yourself, where you can experiment with no social consiquenses. Your will never have the fear that others will know what you practice. You can stop at any point you like, you can go as fast, slow, far or near you want. Also its practical in its nature, especialy if you are just starting to explore this lifeforbidden. You dont have to search for someone else who shares this, rather very uncommon, interest with you. You can do it in the comfort of your room, where you feel safe, in your own familiar space. And i would go as far as saying that most of you started out this way, by practising "Auto-Vampirism", just as a mean to explore this unfamiliar topic.
Again the issue here is the separation of what is actual vampirism verses what wants to be... You either are a vampire or you are not.
You can't practice or prepare to be a vampire you simply are. Drinking your own blood won't help or allow you to gain any of the key traits of vampirism anymore than attending Comic-con will make you a super hero one day. You either have the necessary traits or you don't, hence the term "Super and Hero".
The bar for being a "vampire" goes well beyond blood drinking but the drinking ones own blood is often the first sign to people like me that those necessary key traits may be absent.
I know I will upset a portion of the people on this site by saying this ... but some of you simply are not vampiric. I can't change that... you can't change that... and no one else you come across on here can change that.
Unless you have a specific diagnosis of specific hematological conditions requiring the consumption (or application of said constituents), or draining of blood, it's kind of pointless to argue about it one way or the other. And without a sterile/clean setting (depending on your definition), drinking someone else's blood will allow you to gain "superpowers", in the sense that the rush of adrenaline from such "risk taking behaviour" might momentarily cause a lapse in judgement or previously gained knowledge of matters regarding blood-borne illnesses, ranging from hepatitis to HIV, and how to expertly (but easily) avoid them.
Point being said, I actually have a conditions that requires blood to be drained every so often to avoid iron overload. I'm just not stupid enough to drink anyone else's blood. If I need sustenance, that's what sugar and meat are for.
Which brings this discussion full circle because the consumption of blood is the vehicle for which sanguine vampires feed, but it is the energy, the life force within that blood which is being taken and ultimately consumed.
Vampires feed on the life force of other living things, a life force other than your own is obviously a substance for which your own blood can not provide. So anyone who claims to gain power, pleasure, some deeper level of erotica or understand from auto vampirism isn't actually engaging in anything that is connected to real vampirism... without this key component you are simply mimicking the act of how some vampires feed.
Auto vampirism isn't vampirism.
For all men tragically great are made so through a certain morbidness.... all mortal greatness is but disease.
Retrospectively, it may have been paraphrased.
I think it is very unsanitary. But whatever floats their boats.
I am guilty of this. i have done it a few times when i had no donor.
It is not the best way of gaining energy. but if nothing else is around.
One must do what they must do. better if taken in small portions.
I have done this when i first found out about my self,i have a small craving,but it does not energize me,i perfer to have human but a steak will work too,when i did drink human there was an errotic feel.
Seems to me that auto vampirism would be self defeating. You are essentially feeding off your own energy. You're not gaining anything.
For me it an occasional hobby until I find a willing victim
Ive donated plasma almost 300 times which equates to
264,000 milliliters. They claim its for burn victims. Maybe
its used like a keger at the longest night party somewhere?