i think the darkness of the shadows can be a way to protect as long as we dont abuse it. just as theres darkness there is also light we need to balance both in our lives. i feel we cant hide from everything and everyone life is ment to be lived but how can one live alone what a lonely exsistance that would be .
The nature of our being requires us to lead double yet balanced lives... that is the basic tenants we are suppose to aspire to. This concept is reflected in the "twin pillars" and other various teaching found through out the vampire community.
Being "all out there" or completely in the shadows are extremes which are not healthy or manageable for very long. Balancing our mundane requirements in life and our vampiric needs is a necessary chore we are all tasked with maintaning... and that maintenance will not simply disappear because you disappear behind the veil.
Balance is the only way.
This is an argument that has never been resolved nor do I think it will. I have watched the arguments for years and I am at a point that some topics within the VC are hot topics and no one is ever going to agree on what is best. It is philosophical in nature and unfortunately those who believe they are vampires are not in just one country. If you were to come out openly say in South Africa, it would be dangerous. Old superstitions linger in Africa. There is a large community of vampires there and well organized but do they go out and about making themselves known like they do in the US...no they don't. It would be dangerous to their well being. Some of this does make a difference in where you live. Other than that, this idea will be hashed and rehashed and still many will feel that no they are not coming out of the shadows and others will say yes, they must, why should they hide and usually it is people who live in the US.
I can only speak from experience on this one I at times still hide in the shadows it was like a security blanket some sort of fail safe for me. Sure I felt protected but I was isolated, cold, bitter and distant very unreachable. I felt alienated and exiled. I turned my back on friends and family burnt bridges. I pretented people and events didn't happen phased it all out. I killed the past shed the present and didn't think about the future. Long story short this is never a good idea life is just to short to just throw away. Now I work a dead end job still not married no kids and lost 3 houses 2 sets of parents and a brother and a sister I never met.
Sometimes it is necessary to step into the shadows, to shed the overwelmong load of crap society piles on people.
I think all people walk the line between shadow and light and no one can live in just on or the other.
If light is living within the confins and boundries of societies rules and norms then steping into the shadows now and then helps us shed the restraints and lets us rebalance ourselves.
I believe in hiding but also going out there. I do not tell people what I am but I have been asked some weird things yes but no one knows unless I tell them so I do get out there but I tend to hide as well
Besides the fact that there is power in secrets and mystery. I do not think it would bode well for the masses to experience the reality rather than fantasy of the children of darkness. Do you want to repeat the inquisitions and burning times of yore in today's computer and nuclear age?
That's the problem. Fear. It takes courage to stand up and be known or heard. How fair is it for one to walk freely while the other doesn't? One must also know that there's power in the people. People have simply lost sight of that reality.
I believe that this is similar to the question of what might the consequences be if one were to reveal the ugly side of one's nature. I don't see it as hiding or revealing. I am quite the fatalistic being. Thus my idea that if it's meant to happen/be it will happen/be. Time is something that no one can really control. Yet, it rules all of us. If you prefer to remain in the shadows, then so be it. We make our choices and handle what happens as a result. If one comes out of the coffin with a mind-blowing revelation that could render everything we have ever known to be false, then there will be a consequence. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. *shrugz* I think I am waxing philosophical... So I shall stop.
While I do not make claims to being a vampire, I lean towards a solitary life anyways, with just a few friends. Being alone a lot gives you time to really think and tune in to your inner self. I cannot live somewhere where there is always traffic in and out, loud noise, OCD people, etc., because that drowns out your ability to focus. Just my opinion.
Upon reading many of these posts, perhaps I should point out that the shadows are a construct of light as much as they are of the darkness. It is common to think they are actually of the darkness alone. Although if you look at how they work. Shadows are a bit more than a dark casting.
Rather they are the grey area between 'light' and 'darkness' Otherwise black and white. A bridge between the two. Most see one or the other and ignore what lies between. That said, however...
In a social aspect of life, it is perhaps one of the worst things to ever do. Where, I hide what I am within the very construct between the balance of the two extreme pillars. I do not hide in a social interaction. Occult or not. Because in the end a book can only teach you so much, to interact and learn for yourself is true wisdom and intelligence.
In the aspect of the beings we are. We hide who we are deep within the shadows or the darkness, very few stick to hide in the plane sight of the light. In ways, we may think it's for our own good, at the same time though it is equally important to hide for others about us as well. Although a bit of fresh air is good at times. It is why sites and such like this was made after all. For all who are like ourselves can interact and learn from another.
As philosophically adept as this is. Each person holds their own reasons of hiding. Some good, some hindering. It is just as we as a society, will agree or disagree too if there is a god, and whose god is the real god. So in the end, it will all depend on the person and the reasoning behind it. So the bigger question is this. Is your reason the right reason to hide in whatever you hide in?
To hide is a shade of darkness,is to mask ones self either
from others,or from yourself.
It's a protection,and sometimes a secret.
I hide at times..
to protect my heart...and my sanity.
I believe that hiding from view is a two-edged sword. On one hand a person is safe to, within limits, do as they please. However, there is that limiting issue. On the other hand, siding with freedom and that means true freedom requires a perfect society in order to function. We all know a perfect society is a lie at best. The universe is the ultimate balance and whatever a person strives for, that dream will always have it's opposite. The only thing we can do is to be ourselves when we can get away with it and replace the mask when needed. I feel that the true dream is to be part of a smaller group of people where these rolls are reversed. There will always be a need for masks but hopefully one finds peace within a group where themselves becomes the norm and the mask is shunned or donned only for parties!
i would defiantly hide in the shadows but thanks for the read interesting
All of the fun and my true nature is revealed in the shadows, yet lit always by the moon.
I agree with those who believe in balance.
It is protecting those kind of people from getting killed.
Being in the shadows can be a place to reflect upon one's self. But to hide there is a lonely place. Everyone needs to have contact with others. The human body does not do well with out physical contact with others. it can be so simple as a hand shake to a hug. No matter your beliefs everyone needs to have contact with others.
Shadows is the term of self preservation for we tend to shy away from others to relate and think of problems or the thoughts inside. some would say it hinders a person but I think it helps reflect decisions that may hurt or strengthen ones self. shadows are the quiet times a person needs to reflect.
If in the dark is symbolic, then darkness is the unknown and light is the known. If you are in the shadows then you are mysterious so people want to try and figure you out by human nature and you aren't as open to harm. If it's literal darkness then I like shadows because it is normally cooler and although many are scared of the dark, why is it that most predators or creepy things are attracted to the light/fire. Once I accepted that there is nothing in the dark that would hurt me, I became enveloped in the obsidian veil of safety and blindness. Also your eyes adjust to the darkness so if I was in the shadows and you weren't then the power went out, I'd be ready to get to safety faster
If in the dark is symbolic, then darkness is the unknown and light is the known. If you are in the shadows then you are mysterious so people want to try and figure you out by human nature and you aren't as open to harm. If it's literal darkness then I like shadows because it is normally cooler and although many are scared of the dark, why is it that most predators or creepy things are attracted to the light/fire. Once I accepted that there is nothing in the dark that would hurt me, I became enveloped in the obsidian veil of safety and blindness. Also your eyes adjust to the darkness so if I was in the shadows and you weren't then the power went out, I'd be ready to get to safety faster
Shadows are a visual impairment, I suppose a balance to this would be expressing a whisper to others, then it is up to them to run in fear or approach in curiosity...
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Psychopaths and sociopaths usually have a "mask of sanity" a facade of being a charming and normal human being that belies the monster within, a true wolf in sheep's clothing.
All of us have part of our lives left in the shadows. There are many aspects of our lives that we cannot divulge to others without facing condemnation for what they do not understand or believe to be acceptable behavior, therefore, we hide these belief's or activities from others to protect ourselves from unwanted censorship from others.
I try to hide from the world but in reality I do truly believe it hurts me. Even when I try to put myself out there, there are instances where I cannot help but to keep to myself and I know this puts strains on my relationships with others and my husband. How do I keep from hiding and turning within is the key, the real question.
I find it comforting to "Hide in the shadows" or keep to myself. I am not a social butterfly by any means. I like staying home or hanging out with small groups of close friends.
I think hiding in the shadows can be a good thing but it can also hinder. Some just do not do well hidden and isolated. And it depends on the culture and the environment, take that into consideration before stepping out of the shadows. I can only speak for those I associate with, we are a very accepting group of people that are open minded and do not judge. Some say a rare breed but we are out there. So if you were to come out of the shadows around us, you would be accepted and would have the room to grow and express yourself freely.
i myself still hide in the shadows as procection, however once i become close and trust a person that is when i may revel what i am .
If I didnt live in the US I would have to hide so its best for those in other country's but still depends on were you live but I can not lie well and nor do I want to so I only keep secrets from my family cause they are Christians and I dont want to worry them more than what they have already found out thanks to facebook I mostly dont talk about my nightside offline just to keep my volunteering in place but then again there is facebook so I know they know more than they should but I cant help that very well and they know I am a good person regardless because of my actions so I dont worry so much anymore
Its best to keep some things hidden, especially when friends and family may not understand those parts of your life and may judge you, ridicule you or even shun you for it. For example, I keep my my vampirism and my awakening off my Facebook. I do not talk about it with my friends or family. Thats why I come here to the OVC. To talk with like minded people and to explore what is happening to me and what I really am.
Each person is their own. I keep this side of my life hidden, there is no need to bring it to light. I don't think it's a hindrance, moreover it's self empowering. You have the control to do so, keep the mystery as well as aspects of yourself.
Im in shadow and light my family dosent know but my husband is the same so we habe each other,but it would be nice for ppl to know and except but we dont live in a perfect world.
I agree with Asphalt tears on this one... and many other posts here.
To reveal oneself in a country that is run by superstitions and fear would be self executions... There are many places here that would be your friend by day and a slayer to you once darkness rolls in...
To be balanced, one has to keep parts of your life hidden, and when you are in like company be yourself. It is far too risky to face religious alienation and persecution as we have so many many times in the past... History repeats itself... time and time again.
I have been in the shadows for some time now, but in my case it's best to stay low and not put focus on ones self.
I think it's about balance as to why people didn't come out of the shadows, however knowing someone's true intentions and how they actually are would be very helpful to some.
I would suspect for some it would be a place of safety or the ability to control entry to their life. Think about it this way. The cold war was mainly fought in the shadows. From the comments that I am seeing I believe it covers all the main themes I found on this site. Vampires, Werewolves, other Creatures and those who practice different religions.
Just in life there is balance.....in the light things apparently disappear but the shadows conjure evil....its what one chooses to believe
I See nothing wrong with the shadows or anyone comfortable being in it
What may be lonesome for some is a paradise for others
What U can see And find in the shadows can fair more beautiful than what can be found in the light
A lot of people find comfort within the shadows they feel safe there who are we to judge them
Reading this thread is not as depressing as some others. Then again, I know I perceive things incorrectly, because of how I think, and health etc. I agree with noxious' reply - why judge instead love all things and everybody.... Blessings to all :-)
As time goes on, I physically isolate myself from others, because I know exactly who I am. While this particular action has been undertaken on my own behalf, it's more for the benefit of others. As the zenith is approached, the isolation will become increasingly apparent to myself, but not necessarily those around me. That is their choice.
I wouldn't worry about who I am, where I'm going, or where I'll be. Be more concerned about what I'll bring back with me when that time comes. And if that is of no concern to others, they can let me know how that works out on their next pass through.