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Royal Sire (204)
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16:27:47 Mar 20 2015
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While I am not a reader of comic books since I was a child, I have a question for the lovers of them.

I enjoy the movies based on the Marvel Comics, even the TV show that branched off those movies. They have made a fortune in revenue and merchandise. Then you have the DC Comic movies that, while I have watched, not that taken with.

DC Comics is to release 10 new movies based on their comic book heroes between the years of 2016 to 2020. Kind of late to the game but have to wonder- remember the Green Lantern? While it was alright- it wasn’t Iron Man or Thor.

So is Marvel going to ‘own’ the movies? Or do you think DC Comics will be able to pull out a heroes/ heroines characters we can love? How many times can they tell the Superman/ Batman story with new actors, expect folks to go see it?

Is it the comic books character that make a bad movie or is it the acting, production, advertisement?

Personal note- if they mess up Wonder Woman I will be super mad. I use to run around as a kid playing her, a white rope as my truth telling lasso, plastic cups cut to make my magic bracelets. :)

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Venerable Sire (133)
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17:01:39 Mar 20 2015
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Sorry that I haven't kept up with the new stuff. Movies like the Hulk, I tried to see but only the show staring lou ferrigno catches my attention. I know he did some voices in new movies but eh lol.
And stuff like Batman, I liked the charm of the Tim Burton movies. The only batman I know as batman is Adam west. I'm stuck in the past. Don't look forward to any new movie. :P

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Royal Sire (204)
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17:17:40 Mar 20 2015
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Adam West is my Batman too. Just as Linda Carter is Wonder Woman, Bill Bixby/ Lou Ferrigno the Hulk. And my Superman will always be Christopher Reeve. :)

But like the Bond, James Bond movies- new actors take up the quest.

Take Spiderman. Never been a fan of any of the movies and why? Can you make him anymore... dull? normal? weak? Even the movie that took him to the 'dark side' was silly. But I take it that it played true to the comic book as I never read about any fans outcries of how it wasn't.

The Walking Dead- could it of been a movie? Nope. But it makes one heck of a TV show. :)

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Arch Sire (199)
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01:38:46 Mar 21 2015
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Seems between them Marvel has a more structured plan for unveiling their storylines- which could hurt the idea of an eventual Justice League film for Time Warner/DC.

Think about it. Marvel Films was starting to build their idea for The Avengers in 2008 with the releases of Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk- and every single movie (aside from the standalone Spider-Man franchises) have had a tie-in of some sort to the stories being built upon. Hell, even Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. builds on the stories or ties in.

The issue DC may have is the fragmentation and attempting to rush a Justice League film without actually building some sort of cohesive story. If they're smart, they'll follow Disney/Marvel's example in how they "fleshed out" the characters and stories bit by bit unless they really want to lose to who is ostensibly their competition.

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Elemental (77)
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08:22:43 Mar 21 2015
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Christopher Reeve was great but Man of Steel was amazing. No one should compare. I liked Green Lantern and have seen it a couple of times. I don't like the two new Spiderman movies. Just can't get into this actor. I don't think each type of character should be looked at as versus. One comes from DC and the other Marvel. If you like them, that is all that matters. I have no interest in comic books and was like that as a kid. I think my brother might have had some but it wasn't a big interest for him either. I just watch the movies and of all that have come out, my favorite is The Avengers. Loved that movie but I like others as well. I am partial to the Thor movies. Like Ironman too. Not so much the Hulk because I watched the TV show. I think Ruffalo was a good choice for the part in this time frame because Bill Bixby had a mild personality in the part and so does Ruffalo. I was unsure until I saw The Avengers. He did the character justice. I really like the Marvel movies but it doesn't mean I won't like DC based movies.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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20:07:00 Mar 25 2015
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Collecting comics I have always preferred the Marvel over Dc comics for the old printed pages, some Dc was good but seem to lack the luster that Marvel gave to their art and story lines, House of Mystery, tomb of Dracula, excellent the way they were perceived. just my opinion

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20:36:15 Mar 25 2015
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Something to keep in mind with Spider-Man is that Sony licensed the rights from Marvel. Now that Marvel finally has it back, the next movie will be quite different I bet. It will be more in line with the current Marvel movies.

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Arch Sire (199)
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03:20:28 Mar 27 2015
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Truth is, a deal had been reached between Marvel and Sony for the movies to continue as their own separate entity while Marvel still uses the character in their separate continuity. For short, Sony can do whatever they want with their movies as Disney/Marvel moves forward with their plans.

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19:26:12 Mar 27 2015
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2017 will prove to be a rather interesting year for Marvel. ;)

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Premiere Sire (127)
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22:43:36 Mar 27 2015
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yes but marvel and Dc both went changes to upgrade superheroes with deaths and new beginnings, they have to adjust and continue on to move the comics and its hero further into the future

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Venerable Sire (131)
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20:12:13 Mar 28 2015
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I like both Marvel and DC but I like Marvel a lot more. Generally speaking Marvel has better story lines and better fleshed out characters. As someone that read the comics I will say both are bad at letting the movies/shows stray from the comic book stories and history. Marvel isn't afraid to take on real world issues either. I haven't seen DC do much of that. The DC story lines in the past generally catered to a younger audience. They do seem to be changing that. I like their new shows on the CW Arrow and Flash. I like that they payed homage to the original Flash series by having the actor from the original series play the current Flash's father.

Am I the only one that remembers George Reeves as Superman?

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High Sire (152)
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06:38:13 Mar 29 2015
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I'm gonna say that both Marvel and DC comics are on the movie hook, and have forgotten their comic book roots. Especially as they redo classic characters because they of a movie they are producing.

I actually prefer Dark Horse comics, better writing, and their Star Wars run was better then the Marvel run.

And continue to break ground with amazing characters such as Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and the newer comic, Baltimore.

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Malcontent (9)
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20:38:36 Mar 30 2015
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You have to realize that DC made so many Superman and Batman movies that they were able to carry their name on those characters alone. Those two are usually everyone's favorite from that franchise so I don't think they felt the need to highlight any of their other heroes.

Then Marvel comes along with X-Men and Spider Man and suddenly it is super clear that no one has a favorite Marvel character...they love all Marvel heroes. The best thing about Marvel is the amount of super hero teams that have formed over the years. People love to see that.

With that being said people have been begging for a Justice League movie for a long time now so I think that DC is walking a fine line. I personally am really looking forward to Batman vs. Superman as that is one of my favorite partnerships of all time. I think DC has a chance of making a comeback.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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07:36:17 Apr 01 2015
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I cant wait to see the movies based on Dark Horses Sand Man , or from the indie comics of Brian Micheal Bendus The guy that i belive did Sin City. He still has Powers, and Gold Fish.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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09:17:31 Apr 02 2015
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I believe all comics are moving away to some degree from paper and into movies or games. Thats where their audience has moved to So more comic movies may erupt on the silver screen. Yet we all know that only portions may put to screen leaving some luster in the prints

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Royal Sire (204)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

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13:39:16 Apr 02 2015
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I agree with you cadrewolf. Comics are moving forward as they will be left behind if not. As a child it was a treat to get them, very little on TV came close. Showing my age but cartons were on Saturday only in my area. And even then it was only a few hours worth.

Now tho- gaming, electronics is child's best friend.

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Scamp (26)
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05:21:45 Apr 03 2015
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The thing is with move adaptations or tv adaptations of comics is the ones that you grew up with will always be the one you treasure. I myself will always have a fondness for George Clooney and Val Kilmer as Batman than any other Batman. I grew up with them as my Batmans and no matter what anyone else can do they will still be "my Batmans".

To me, I feel at least for what's coming out in the next four years, Marvel has more variety. Like mentioned in the original post, DC tends to kind of stick to Batman and Superman. And while that's all good, there are thousands of other heroes and semi-heroes that could get their own time to shine. Marvel has officially announced a Deadpool movie. Deadpool! It's amazing and a great thing to do given that not everyone knows him. Oh they know Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Spiderman but Dead Pool? Not so much, even with his nickname being Merc with a Mouth.

But even Marvel has it's cons. While the X-men movies are great, sometimes they can look more like Wolverine movies than X-men. Wolverine is kind of like their Batman, their go to hero. If DC broadened their movie ideas, they might have a chance. But who knows. Either way, the comic book fans should hopefully be pleased for the next few years with the onslaught of comic book movies coming out. I know I'm eager to spend my well earned money on going to the theater to watch them with my wife and getting the dvds.

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Wyvern (85)
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01:39:42 Apr 05 2015
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I like them both I am not picky.

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Premiere Sire (128)
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04:17:58 Apr 06 2015
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Marvel and DC have both had good movies and bad movies... Most of the ones that people seem to remember are the more recent ones, but they go back much further... Green Hornet, Flash, Flash Gordon, TMNT, Punisher, Batman, Superman, the Hulk, Howard the Duck... all go back years.

The difference in recent years is the combining and building of cohesive universes. Marvel has 2 separate universes going that seem to be coming into 1. The X-Men series and the Avengers series... While expanding on other characters ... Ant Man, Dr. Strange, Inhumans, & Guardians of the Galaxy... While revamping characters like the Fantastic Four (which I question their logic on.)

DC has not focused on doing such until recently to a degree with the upcoming Dawn of Justice... Where they have begun to flourish is the small screen. With shows like Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, and Supergirl in the works... But again... these were not the first... shows like Smallville, Louis & Clark... and even the old WonderWoman shows have been around for ages. DC has been taking normally campy villains like Captain Boomerang, Captain Cold, Trickster, Count Vertigo and even Task Force X (Suicide Squad) much darker & deadlier facelifts.

But again... It is not the first time that these 2 companies have done so. It started with Comic books to Graphic Novels, Saturday morning Cartoon shows to Animated movies... and now with Live action movies & TV Series... It has been a logical progression with both companies. I personally do not carry a torch for either particular franchise, but instead, have been trying to look at each new movie & tv series on an individual basis for capturing the spirit of it's origins.

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Irritater (16)
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19:41:27 Apr 07 2015
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I like each of them equally, but what i find interesting is that there's a bunch of hero's that are nearly identical from either side. Like Deadpool, Deathstroke. Namor, Aquaman. Those are the only two that i can name off the top of my head but i know there are a ton more.

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17:49:03 Apr 09 2015
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I've never really gotten into DC. Marvel's characters have always been more interesting to me. Films and comics alike, I just prefer Marvel. I even like the first one, Howard The Duck :-D

I think the only DC film I like is Supergirl. Not sure how I feel about a reboot.

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Unregenerate (63)
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23:19:50 Apr 09 2015
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Our house is split, the boys prefer Marvel, I love DC. There are good and weak points to either. To me it is like comparing mayo to miracle whip.

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02:06:02 Apr 10 2015
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I'm going to the red carpet premiere of Avengers this Monday, I'll post pictures in my profile.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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10:38:36 Apr 10 2015
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Well, it's been made abundantly clear that not crap the comics do will have any effect on the real moneymakers in the movies. I mean, we won't see a female Thor movie anytime soon. Maybe they are trying to reset the table so they can make the 616 more like the movies? I mean, the whole darn universe could use a reboot but it's not even remotely a good idea to try to merge Ultimate and 616 without a serious housecleaning. And if they do that, will they start completely over with new origins? Otherwise, why bother with any kind of reboot because it's not like they've had any give-a-crap about continuity between books for almost a decade.

However, the problem with "housecleaning" is that it fails to recognize the reasons why superhero universes end up having alternate time lines, parallel dimensions, and all that shit. The reason is ultimately that nobody wants to do a version of a superhero universe that evolves and changes in a serial, narrative fashion, where characters grow old or have to live with the things that have happened to them and where the world becomes more recognizably "superheroish" over time. Busiek's Astro City is the closest thing I can think of to a mainstream superhero universe that looks like that--it's really what DC and Marvel's universe might look like if they took that approach, given how many of his characters are dopplegangers of the Big Two.

Barring that, the only way to have characters evolve and change is to introduce their counterparts from other timelines, other dimensions, or to sometimes use time travel and other dimensions to reboot or restore a character who has changed too much over time from some imagined baseline.

So you "houseclean", as if you're going to make a single continuity and get rid of all that complex stuff, and it lasts what? a year or two? If that. DC thought "Oh, my, DC Comics are too complicated to follow with all this Earth-2 jazz, we'll just put everyone on one Earth and simplify their origins, no problem." And then they thought that again and again--"gotta simplify! gotta clarify!" And what that led to were monstrously MORE complicated origins and concepts for some characters. Hawkman in the pre-Crisis universe was pretty simple: on Earth-2, he was a reincarnated Egyptian Prince who used a mystical metal to power flying wings; on Earth-1, he was a space cop from a planet of people who wore bird wings. In either case, he was a minor character who could occasionally headline a story or two but who was mostly window dressing. Then after Crisis and Infinite Crisis and so on, his origins became impossibly convoluted--he was an elemental bird spirit who was also a reincarnated Egyptian prince but also from the planet Thanagar who was also a rebel cop fighting his imperialist planet who was also savage who also had a son who was an ancient Egyptian evil spirit who was also not actually his son AGH AGH AGH AGH. That's the "housekeeping" version? Way to bring the new readers and kids on board, guys.

Same thing is going to happen here if what Marvel thinks they're doing is preparing the way for a cleaned-up continuity that resembles or echoes the films, half-Ultimate and half-616 or something of that sort. For one, they'll always have more characters than the films can possibly support, and those characters will tug and pull and push the story-telling to other places than the MCU has going. For another, they'll always be telling more stories, more often, than the films and TV shows do, and that will tug and pull and push the story-telling to other places. For yet another, no writer will be able to keep their hands off all the legacy characters and backstory and famous plotlines, and sooner or later that means more comic-booky, spandex-friendly, goofball stuff entering into the "official continuity". The basic reasons to have other dimensions, time travel and so on will not go away, and that means messy continuity as well.

The smart move is to just keep hiring gifted writers and artists and keeping continuity loose. Somebody does something you don't like, just quietly forget about it. The movies are doing fine without having the comics echo them precisely, and the comics are not required to sell the movies. I think comics are at their maximum audience as a medium at the moment--there are not new readers to be had without a big shift in the style of storytelling, and both Secret Wars and the New 52 mostly seem to me to be playing only at best to the audience that already exists. Comics are not the profit centers for comic-book universes any longer.


Can you imagine how many small businesses would fold if Marvel stopped selling monthly issues? It would be catastrophic.

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Sire (107)
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10:43:32 Apr 23 2015
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I was always a DC fan... although the Marvel movies has changed things a lot.
Loved all them and can't wait for Age of Ultron in a few weeks.

The Dark night trilogy was good and I'm a superman kind of guy through nd through so I really liked Man of Steel.
We know that DC wants to go the same money road as Marvel and do a Justice League movie and Batman vs Superman is the start of that franchise... so I will ask: "must see" or "skip it" ???

Batman vs Superman trailer:


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11:07:45 Apr 23 2015
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During the 60s Marvel made a breakthrough in comics, their heroes lived in actual cities, New York, the boroughs of Queens, Manhattan, Dr Strange lived in the Village, Daredevil moved to San Francisco, no Metropolis, Gotham, Star City, this by itself was a touch of reality. Then Marvel killed one of its main characters, Gwen Stacy, killed actually by Spiderman, not a hoax, or an imaginary story such as DC used to pull off. Their characters had real problems,

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:20:47 Apr 24 2015
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Batman vs Superman movie? Aka Batman getting his ass whooped by a Super human god like being.. You can't even fly Batman! What are you doing? Some movie's plots don't add up and it gets me mad. Batman is a ninja with a suit and gadgets.... Superman could put him in a coma with a bitch slap, burn a hole through his face with his laser eyes, grab his skull and crush it with one hand, use his freezing breath to freeze then smash him into a million pieces or grab him and fly into outer space and suffocate him. Pick one. Movie over. Who the hells idea was this? I'm still gonna watch it lol but I'm gonna complain the whole time.

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Malefactor (67)
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05:22:10 Apr 28 2015
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I am with Dakotah on this one.
I honestly think that marvel is just superior in the way they have done things. Stan lee isn't a legend for nothing.

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15:49:25 Apr 28 2015
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I am not adherent to either exclusively. I like individual characters. For example, Batman is my ultimate favorite. I also love Storm. I am a true crossover aficionado.

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Venerable Sire (138)
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21:38:21 Apr 29 2015
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Marvel....They have more humor in their movies. No so serious like DC.

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13:22:03 Apr 30 2015
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I prefer Marvel, have done since I saw Howard The Duck in the 80s. The characters in DC just don't seen as interesting or engaging to me somehow. Exceptions are Supergirl and iZombie, but overall Marvel wins the day.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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15:25:40 May 12 2015
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stan lee all that needs to be said...Marvel has always been one of the best selling comics DC just did not seem to have the edge that marvel had.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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13:50:26 May 15 2015
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There's a Thread on this topic in a Coven I previously was in - Nocturnes. I'd say the same thing as I did over ther: I prefer old-skool stuff... Perhaps because I'm old !Since I got only two options, I'm going with Marvel. I love the good ol' portrayal of the Protagonist, without the grey areas that DC has introduced. Apart from this, I'm choosing Tales From the Crypt and Buffy/Angel.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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16:54:13 May 16 2015
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This is a bit off track but I used to read a comic called ROM can anyone tell me who published it? I just thought someone reading this thread might know Thank you.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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04:21:27 May 17 2015
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It was published by Marvel Comics. I have never read nor heard of it but it looks pretty cool.


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Venerable Sire (130)
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04:32:43 May 17 2015
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I still say indie comics.because they are staffed by former artist and writers that left DC or msrvel they get away with all the stuff the other comics wouldn't allow

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07:22:05 May 19 2015
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Marvel over DC anyday. Even though some DC material I'd worthy, it could just never compare to the originality or Stan Lee.

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14:44:58 May 19 2015
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Heroes and comics? I choose DC.
Movies, I choose Marvel. Although, I think the greatest superhero film of all time is 'Watchmen'.

Superman is the first and greatest. Always has been, always will be.

The only comic I read today, 'The Walking Dead' by Image Comics.

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Sire (107)
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08:12:28 May 21 2015
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Personally, I can't believe we are on a vampire website talking about marvel comics and the name "Blade" hasn't come out yet.

Just sayin. Lol

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Wyvern (85)
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04:12:46 Jul 02 2015
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Marvel comics they have a better selection of female heroines and villains my favorites being Scarlet Witch, Enchantress, Rogue and Black Widow where as DC has Black Canary, Huntress and CatWoman.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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04:17:08 Jul 02 2015
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Storm, and Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde and even Mystique

Harley Quinn... nope no other female DC characters pop for me.

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Obtruder (51)
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05:42:21 Jul 02 2015
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I'm a DC fan and I know that Marvel dominates the big screen nowadays. However, it was the Chris Reeve and Michael Keaton films that dominated in the 70' and 80's. Guess it's just Marvel's turn. Anyhow I always had preferred DC because they're both money grubbers but at least DC was always honest about it. Plus when in trouble they always tried to fix things, not usually for the best but they still tried. Marvel will change their own stories around to suit the bottom line. Half of those new movies aren't true to the comics just the uniforms! In short, Chis Reeves was SUPERMAN!!!

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Serpent (52)
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08:54:15 Jul 02 2015
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Huge collector of both Marvel and DC...

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Premiere Sire (120)
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01:00:27 Jul 03 2015
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@ psychicpsycho I agree with you, Chris Reeves was the BEST superman... is still.

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15:39:33 Jul 03 2015
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Christopher Reeve (check your spelling on his name), had the best face for Superman but, he was a toothpick. Henry Cavill however, is far more impressive physically.

That was always my issue with Reeve's Superman.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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16:51:03 Jul 05 2015
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I think that DC is better for singular characters,whereas Marvel has a more fleshed out universe.Not that Marvel characters are bad,I just find them less detailed.
The one thing that they really should do is make a movie about the third Robin,Tim Drake.Or rather a Batman movie which will explore Tim Drake and how Dick Grayson became Nightwing.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:53:04 Jul 09 2015
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By the way, I'm surprised at how much I'm liking the current Secret Wars stuff. Marvel writers seem to be having fun with the side books, and actually the main story is somewhat fascinating. Good work is being done with Doom in particular. Anyone else reading this?

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Caitiff (17)
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01:49:36 Aug 09 2015
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I acknowledge you said comics, but in franchise and movies I prefer marvel because it keeps my attention and is more practical. They have more fun powers and more interesting plots and makes more sense to me

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Royal Sire (204)
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15:25:47 Aug 19 2015
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Now it seems a comic book that lead to a hit TV show *The Walking Dead* is spinning off another TV not based on a comic book, Fear The Walking Dead.

I wonder- if the show flops will they carry it on in Comic Book form?

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Ghoul (21)
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16:32:44 Aug 19 2015
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DC has better comics.....as far as movies go well MARVEL is dominating the spotlight........I only hope DC gets in gear

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Hellion (73)
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05:06:19 Aug 27 2015
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I haven't read all of the posts, so I apologize if any of this information is repeated.

With DC retelling the stories of Batman & Superman through different actors, the stories are ALSO being retold from the perspective(s) of different directors. That has a HUGE "to do" with the success of the comic book hero movies. When Marvel sold Spider-Man to (I believe it was Sony), those movies were remade to be more directly related to the original stories in the comic books. To be honest, I loved Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Peter Parker much more because he wasn't so whiny about having the "great responsibility" and he seemed to be more realistic to me - maybe because he wasn't a mutant, as is common within the Marvel-verse.

I think the difference between the success of Marvel & DC is that Marvel seems to have better production value and their movies add a lot of comedy to break up the drama that is woven into the story lines as well. And yea - acting has a huge "to do" with the successful portrayal of the larger than life characters.

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22:19:40 Aug 27 2015
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I personally prefer Marvel, but I don't keep up with comics too much. The movies all have the same theme to them so I get pretty bored with them.

But, I do have to say that Marvel in general seems to rule over DC in a lot of aspects. I mean, sure DC could make a comeback, but I'm not sure how long it would actually take them or if they have the skills to do it.

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