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Royal Sire (204)
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16:46:31 Feb 10 2015
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Part 2.

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17:54:36 Feb 10 2015
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It will be interesting to see if they do bring in Negan. How they would go about bringing in a character so vulgar is beyond me. He made the governor look tame.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:56:50 Feb 10 2015
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I did think this episode felt kind of filler because of all the focus on T-Drese's visions. The choice of where to go next was a good plot move, though. And whoever it was that cut up the bodies and left the limbless torsos in the truck is one sick sumbitc-. I'm looking forward to finding out more about the people that cut up the bodies, as I'm guessing that they are the next antagonists we'll see.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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08:40:58 Feb 11 2015
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I was curious about the graffiti "Wolfe.." something on the walls of the gated community.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:43:33 Feb 16 2015
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Well Rick finally made the point that they are the walking dead. Looks like it's heading towards the comics a bit more too. But why am I feeling that the budget has been cut again? Or they burned the budget on the episode before. Seriously, more effects budget in that one episode than in the entirety of the Farm Season.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:44:39 Feb 16 2015
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Meant to respond to you dabbler in my above post, yes I was curious about that too.

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Royal Sire (204)
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17:42:54 Feb 23 2015
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I got lost in last night show. The RV got lost? The flare was sent up by the 'boyfriend' of the new guy? How did he get hurt? How was he saved?

After the car bashing of the zombies on the road- lost the story line.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:57:35 Feb 23 2015
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"That man's had a hot shower!"

"Get a rope!"

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Shadow (10)
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04:40:43 Mar 03 2015
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20 min tooth brushing session...

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Royal Sire (204)
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17:17:35 Mar 03 2015
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Wonder who took the gun out of the blender?

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Venerable Sire (130)
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17:21:44 Mar 03 2015
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I suspect that these people are all OCD. So OCD folk thrive in an epic dysfunctional society.. sort of..

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Great Sire (117)
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01:59:07 Mar 04 2015
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The one, I believe, that took the gun, was the young Teen. The one the left the "safe" city.

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Evil One (74)
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04:37:04 Mar 04 2015
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I thought it was great to see Glenn clock Mr some ROTC. Those people need Rick and crew more than they need them.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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05:08:04 Mar 04 2015
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Although no TV show is perfect, this show is still one of my current favorites and I am hoping they'll keep it going for decades...

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Venerable Sire (130)
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17:28:17 Mar 04 2015
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If anyone recalls they did a fast forward years ahead where Judith was a teen.

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23:01:44 Mar 04 2015
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When was that Dabs?

Certainly not in the comics. Rick's baby died with Lori at the prison in the comics...as should have been the case in the show.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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07:23:15 Mar 06 2015
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Maybe it was one of the crew dreaming.. but I saw the segway right after the closing scene and the peek at the next weeks show.

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10:10:28 Mar 06 2015
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Hmmm...that is interesting.

Still waiting on more from Morgan.

Also, 'Talking Dead' discussing Rick noticing women in Alexandria. HELLO??? What about Michonne??? What is with the fact that literally NO ONE is talking about the possibility of a Richonne-tatorship???

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:55:31 Mar 07 2015
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To me there is no doubt that what Rick was doing. He basically screamed at her that they were lucky that his group are basically Hippies by the standards out there and that they really should stop being stupid and opening their doors for random strangers. Given that is the story how Terminus ended up becoming Terminus he is not wrong. And given how he sees his own group and what he knows about the compromises they had to make he can't have that much faith in the Senators ability to judge people.

Basically, if there isn't an external factor that welds together the two groups by force like one of those exiles returning for vengeance, Aiden might get his group killed for the risk he presents to Judith by being a total moron in a position of authority.

Because one thing got clear this episode. Rick is definitely done showing leniency for stupidity that endangers his group. Yet Rick seems to have no trouble taking any idiot he finds into his group. Half of those hippies would be more useful to have around than the idiot priest that they basically let tag along for no reason at all, at least mullet guy is half way smart. At least Noah had shown some ability to survive in difficult situations. Idiot priest should be dead seventeen times over.

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Royal Sire (204)
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20:35:06 Mar 07 2015
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I think the priest is only going to be there as long as he can stay alive. If he gets caught in a 'herd' of the dead- I don't see any of them trying to save him. He is there, for now, because he is able to stay alive on his own.

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09:01:30 Mar 08 2015
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Father Gabriel Stokes is there and still alive for a reason...

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Royal Sire (204)
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01:53:06 Mar 09 2015
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I love Carol the cookie lady. :) Thank goodness they didn't put her on the landscaping crew. "Just look at the flowers little boy..."

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09:49:51 Mar 09 2015
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Yes, Carol won MAJOR points with me in that scene.

I don't like what they're doing with Rick and that blonde haired skank.

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Royal Sire (204)
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16:14:43 Mar 09 2015
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From the talk of the "Talking Dead" show- she is well known in the comic books. Is she with Rick in those?

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:24:38 Mar 09 2015
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First I thought maybe Rick was religious is why he took the Priest in, then I thought about the whole story with him and Herschel where Rick was not religious but Herschel was. As for why he took the priest in, I kind of think he figured the Priest is a piece of crap but he isn't a killer and doesn't seem to be a betraying type and isn't an evil person. By the time Rick's crew was in the starving state they were in recently they probably just accepted him as one of their own to enough of a point to not boot him out.

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13:38:20 Mar 14 2015
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Rick is with Andrea at this point in the comics. Yes, Andrea is still alive in the comics, in Alexandria.

*I haven't read the comics since Negan went down so, not sure what is currently going on in the comics.

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Royal Sire (204)
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14:09:55 Mar 16 2015
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Noah death didn't effect me much. While it was bloody- loved the way they tied in the revolving door- it seems they have really taken to killing folks off these last few shows. Sure it is fun during talks of a pay raise on these actors. "Oh- you want how much more? Humm... let's talk about the plot of you being caught alone with a hoard of zombies instead." :) Got to love a show that can kill with just a stroke of a pen.

If I am not mistaken- didn't we see Rick and the Deanna standing in front of three fresh graves? Her son was left behind, Noah was eaten, no one was killed during the construction site attack so...?? I might be wrong tho.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:33:27 Mar 16 2015
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That was a few weeks ago, the graves. Beth, Ben and forget who was the 3rd. Last night was a fantastic episode. I hope it keeps this pace for the last couple episodes. I would love it if Lenny James were a regular for a prolonged period, but I have a feeling they're not going to get to keep him for long. I expect him to make it to Alexandria, be there for a few episodes... and then die. I really hope I'm wrong, but I'm sure they've been all but begging him to join the show on a regular basis ever since season 2....

*imagesinwords edit* No, Deanna was standing next to graves in the compound, second to last episode of the season.

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Malcontent (9)
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11:31:21 Mar 30 2015
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I only saw the last two or three episodes last night
It was okay but mostly it scared the hell out of me
I don't like all the blood
The blood on the zombies I can take,but the killing while alive brings me the chills

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Royal Sire (204)
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13:24:30 Mar 30 2015
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Safe to say the folks now know they need Rick and the gang. :) And when Morgan, Daryl and Eric tells them of the traps, what they found within 50 miles of the walls of the city... oh yeah, Rick and his group will be safe to stay.

Morgan- yeah! I liked how he kept telling the W folks "You need to leave now." "Please- leave" before he stop them from killing him. Hope he holds onto that whole peace within, share some with Rick.

Deanna sure didn't have a issue with Rick using his skill of killing when it was her husband who was hurt/ killed.

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Royal Sire (204)
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13:41:02 Mar 30 2015
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Fear The Walking Dead- can't wait for summer.

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Arch Sire (194)
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16:17:50 Mar 31 2015
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I loved the season finale. I am excited to see the interaction with Rick and Morgan- watching him kill someone after explaining earlier to the other guys his feeling of the sanctity of human life. Morgan has really given us a totally different character each time he's been on.

And of course- I want to see how they deal with Gabriel after letting the gate remain open and trying to sell them out to Deanna.

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Royal Sire (204)
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18:29:32 Mar 31 2015
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While Gabriel is one messed up dude, I don't think he really knew he left the gate open. It clicked, sounded closed, he just didn't care. Of course we are talking about a man that went out to find a zombie to kill him, sort of like suicide by cop. Speaking of someone who needs to stay behind the walls.

I want to see what happens when Glen walks in wounded, attacked and left for dead. I think we might see a side of Maggie we haven't seen yet. She lost her father right in front of her in a shocking way. Then her sister was lost to her, within minutes of her arriving to be with her. Trying to take her husband away from her- not a smart move.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:18:37 Mar 31 2015
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I still feel like mindless undead should be a lot less of a problem if you tried some real solutions rather than cowering behind walls. To be honest, I've always been curious why they never figure out how to set remote control distraction tools.

I have a question, how did the guys White Jumper stay that White ? Rick gets bloody from looking at zeds, Father Dickweasel stays pristine popping heads off.

Did anyone else see the significance of the wolves killing someone in a red poncho?

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Arch Sire (194)
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23:32:03 Mar 31 2015
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That gate is more than a "close that portion" closure- there's like two or three things they do to secure it. He didn't look back, he lazily swung. I think he knew exactly what he was doing.

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Arch Sire (194)
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23:33:35 Mar 31 2015
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As far as remote control distraction tools- that's what the wolvey people are doing with that music to get them into the shipping trucks.

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Royal Sire (204)
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00:26:44 Apr 01 2015
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I hope they don't repeat the trick of hauling in zombies in trucks to attack like they did with the prison. But then why would you load them into tractors if not to use them that way. And sorry- but a tractor trailer at full speed will take the gate down.

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19:35:21 Apr 03 2015
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curious to know what happens in the next season!

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:48:11 Apr 03 2015
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The whole premise of the season was "Were they out there too long"? and "Do they get to come back?" They grinded these folks to the point where the answer was supposed to be in question. When they find civilization, should they join it, or protect people by teaching them that is isn't possible anymore?

Here something I need to ask, What if Rick and company had encountered Jessie, Pete and the kids on the road to Alexandria rather than in Alexandria. Would Pete's abusive nature be a threat worthy of getting him killed?

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Royal Sire (204)
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23:47:02 Apr 03 2015
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The first few shows of the abuse of Carol husband, how he was told to stop by Shane, beaten. And left in his tent as folks just had enough, he could not get along with the group might be a clue of that answer.

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Sire (107)
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09:53:21 Apr 22 2015
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Sorry I missed this thread and now that the season is long over a comment may be to late but if I may be allowed to add my two cents... the theme of "were they out there to long?"
In the final episode, Ric's final rant seem to me to be very "you kill or be killed" point of view and my first thought was is that not what the Governor use to preach.
Either way porch dick is dead and the world is a happier place. :)

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Obtruder (51)
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08:56:57 May 09 2015
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I'm only on season... 4? I love the show. It's fantastic - I was hooked within the first 15 minutes.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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05:32:00 May 10 2015
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@Severus, Never too late! Rick was totally right to do all the things he's done- he just shouldn't have done them all with such ferocity, using more force and violence than necessary. There's an escalation of psycho going on based on how bad he's seen the world become.

@Gristle, good you will be caught up to join in this thread when it starts back up again.

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17:51:46 May 12 2015
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If the show introduces Negan (from the comic), Rick's ferocity level should be up.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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13:58:44 May 14 2015
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I know this is going to sound bad but I just started watching the show on netflix so I have a lot of catching up to do. I read the comic and loved it I have been told the TV version is not exactly like the comic....Looking forward to catching up.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:20:21 May 14 2015
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True the TV show does not follow the comics but then they have to vamp it up for TV plus you have a different set of writers. However, the first episode covered about the first issue and a half of the comic The TV show is Slow. Like the comic. When I first started watching it I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I'm a fan of Darabont, and, to a lesser degree, the comic. It won't blow you away, but as long as you know how to set your expectations you'll probably not be disappointed. The lack of logic in the TV show sometimes really frustrate me. Since you just started notice that when they leave the house to kill a zombie they leave the door wide open. Really?

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Royal Sire (215)
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11:48:03 May 17 2015
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Great serie,I love the character from Rick,Michonne,Daryl very much and cant wait for the next season:)

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16:15:54 May 21 2015
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Have never seen it. *bears shocked stares*

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18:13:32 May 21 2015
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I don't have the cable station to watch it so i just go on watch-tvseries.net and catch up on lost episodes.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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05:08:38 May 24 2015
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I'm so anxious to see new episodes, I'm rewatching the whole thing over again!!! Its so easy to become involved with this show, the people become like family.

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20:20:40 May 28 2015
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i love the series when are they coming back?

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04:06:13 May 29 2015
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Season five began October 12, 2014. So, I imagine that season six will premiere around the same time.

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02:47:45 Jun 02 2015
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CARL GOT LAID!!! (in the comic book series)

Also, Maggie got poisoned.

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Eidolon (38)
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21:32:59 Jun 04 2015
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in regards to Negan, i am pretty sure that Kirkman said in an interview that Negan would not make an appearance in the show due to him having to water down the character. i could be wrong though

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22:15:20 Jun 04 2015
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I agree 100%. Negan would have to be VERY watered down.

For those who don't read the comic, Negan makes the governor look like a choir boy. His language preferences would never be allowed on television. This of course, is putting it mildly.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:16:03 Jun 10 2015
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I actually have been collecting the Walking Dead series from day 1 and I have to admit, it is SERIOUSLY wearing thin for me. I rally liked it for a long time, but I think it is getting boring. I am almost never satisfied when I pick up an issue and I feel like I read it now because I have been into it for so long. I was picking this and Conan and Punisher Max at the same time and I still get all of them but Conan and Punisher Max are freaking fantastic all the time, Walking Dead is really dragging bad.

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19:49:41 Jun 10 2015
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Depends on what you like to read.

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Pain Giver (55)
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01:58:41 Jun 15 2015
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Like I said before...I'm scared of it and I'm only scared of eight things in my life

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Pain Giver (55)
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16:51:25 Jul 11 2015
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i like the comics more then i do the show

but i am looking forward to going to white pine book store this month in tn to meet one of the actors

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Royal Sire (204)
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16:49:36 Jul 13 2015
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From 2015 Comic Con-

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Royal Sire (204)
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17:11:07 Jul 13 2015
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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:46:16 Jul 13 2015
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Fear The Walking dead looks good. Starts in Aug right?

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19:44:46 Jul 13 2015
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I'm ready for it! :D

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Royal Sire (204)
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22:37:27 Jul 13 2015
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What I understand Fear the Walking Dead is in Aug. It will only have 6 shows this year, to start with.

And yes- they both look good and I can't wait. :D

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Bloodsucker (50)
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02:21:08 Jul 15 2015
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I cannot wait for the new season have heard a lot of good things for this one from friends.

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Vampling (25)
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23:42:38 Jul 18 2015
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My fiancé and i are both really excited for both shows… with that season 5 was on netflix though because we missed the first half of it and can't afford to go out and buy it..

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Royal Sire (204)
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22:21:56 Jul 26 2015
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AMC is playing all the shows, starting today. 5 season each Sunday- way to catch up.

Just watched the first two shows and it is so sad to think of who is dead now. But then that is a sign of a great show- you care, remember how each of them died.

And they are showing sneak peeks of Fear the Walking Dead. :)

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23:29:12 Jul 26 2015
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Fear the walking dead?

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Vampling (25)
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01:33:19 Jul 29 2015
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I didn't know they were showing them… my fiancé and i need to catch the first 1/2 of season 5 as we missed it and it's not on netflix. :(

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Great Sire (117)
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01:02:41 Aug 01 2015
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By the way, Beth is dating darryl in real life. Congratulation to both. Beside the age difference, there is love.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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08:54:49 Aug 01 2015
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Teaser: Season 6 Trailer


Yep, that looks like Rick is on the way out. Darryl 4 prez.

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04:16:14 Aug 03 2015
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Cant for Negan

Do you think that Glenn and Abrham are going to die the same way they did in the comic

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Premiere Sire (120)
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15:13:12 Aug 04 2015
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I think so. But really for now it's Rick's story. Until it becomes Daryls story. Or Chorals story. I hope that they just do not kill off hot milf too early next season and I'll be happy.

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12:51:04 Aug 05 2015
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I don't think Rick is on the way out. The trailer was probably designed the way it was to confuse and make viewers think that way.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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16:30:49 Aug 05 2015
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I hope the real zombie apocalypse gets here soon, so all the stuff I've learned about surviving such events from watching this show and reading the comic doesn't go to waste.
•Before the apocalypse actually starts, invest in a solar-power-driven car. It will save you having to go into seemingly abandoned, but in reality zombie-infested gas-stations which will turn out to be empty of any spare gas anyway.
•Do not play loud music, it will attract zombies.
•Do not have lights on at night, it will attract zombies.
•Do not fire your gun(s) unless absolutely necessary for survival. It will attract zombies.
•Do not accidentally bump into any cars. The alarm will go off, and it will attract a lot of zombies.
•Do not step on broken glass with bare feet - wounds slow you down, can get infected (a different sort of infection) and then kill you.
•Do not hesitate to shoot your zombie-friends and/or family in the head, preferably with a shotgun. They're no longer people, only broken husks. Hesitating at this point will only give them a chance to attack you first, after which you'll still have to shoot them.
•Do not go to any safe shelters announced on the radio and/or written on walls in blood. The shelters seldom stay safe for long. More likely than not, the infection will get there before you do.
•Keep an eye out for any other survivors who start showing symptoms of being infected. If you don't know the symptoms, assume anything out of the ordinary is a symptom and unless they can prove they're not infected, shoot them in the head with a shotgun.
•There's always a single can of coke left in any given soda vending machine even if the rest of the supermarket has been cleaned out. The can is just stuck, and you'll have to work to get at it.
•Killing zombies with a katana is pretty cool. Until you get scratched/bitten. Just stick with the guns and kill them at a distance.
•Set fire to the tank, then avoid him until he is dead.

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16:28:41 Aug 16 2015
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I am excited for the new series 'Fear The Walking Dead.' However, I wonder how many other people think the title of the show is a bit generic.

They added the word "Fear" to a title that already exists. Not to complain (as I will be following this show as well) but, come on!

I do realize that it is the same "walker apocalypse" that is going on in 'The Walking Dead.' I just feel it could have had a better title.

Also, with many of the cast on the original series being from the UK, wouldn't it have been nice to see this series take place over there???

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Carnal Creature (56)
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21:12:39 Aug 17 2015
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LOVE 'The Walking Dead'! I cannot wait to see what the spinoff series 'Fear the Walking Dead'! I hope I am not disappointed.~Mina

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Royal Sire (204)
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00:42:45 Aug 18 2015
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It will be interesting to see how they handle the social media, internet on learning of the 'zombie' outbreak. Don't believe any TV show has address this media in the coverage of an illness outbreak.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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04:41:50 Aug 19 2015
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They should never look at the science or logic of a zombie situation that lasts more than a few days and report on it. It all requires you to shut off your brain more than a Bay Transformers movie. Accept that there are zombies everywhere and they eat people. End of backstory now on to the "humans are the REAL monsters" survival part.

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Arch Sire (194)
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16:27:45 Aug 24 2015
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In regards to the premiere of "Fear The Walking Dead"- this was a good comment left on an article I just read:

I understand that some people (esp die-hard TWD fans) thought that the first episode was dull. I thought it slow in some areas too but I also like what they're trying to do: show a normal, dysfunctional family go about their daily lives with both the good and the bad and then BAM! zombie apocalypse. I think it will be interesting to see the breakdown of society over the next few episodes. With Rick and the gang, we see the aftermath. Here, we see the beginning: how the public deals with what is happening and how they will have to adapt to a now changed world. And the zombies will be interesting this time around as they're not the decaying corpses in TWD; they're fresh and deadly. Can't wait to immerse myself in the rest of the series!!!

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:39:56 Aug 24 2015
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I was yelling at them every time they went near that church. LOL But now I don't want to like any of the characters because you know they won't survive. It is pretty good how they are rolling it out, pieces coming out bit by bit.

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Carnal Creature (56)
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23:31:56 Aug 24 2015
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@Dakotah I know, right!LOL! I think the main characters of 'Fear The Walking Dead' will survive for a while, though - since the show is mainly centered around them. ~Mina

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Royal Sire (204)
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01:29:36 Aug 25 2015
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Well you know the boyfriend of the daughter is dead since he didn't answer his phone or show up at the beach.

I also find I am looking forward to the break down of government and daily life as the outbreak grows.

It was kind of slow but so was first few shows of TWD till Rick found the gang.

I kind of feel sorry for the son as he has, within 42 hours, found his girlfriend eating others, seeing all the dead bloody eaten people at the church, almost killed by the drug dealer to only turn around and kill him. Then he faces the zombie of the drug dealer.

All as he is dealing with withdrawals. And family he doesn't want to be around.

Man oh man you have to feel sorry for the guy.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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04:24:17 Aug 26 2015
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I don't mind a slow burn. If things escalate too quickly then we rapidly get to a show that isn't all that different from the main series. I also expect some inconsistencies and some handwaving of how much the government knows, who has been told, how quickly the infection is spreading (remember it doesn't actually make you sick or kill you it just brings you back after you die) and whether or not the government has been keeping it quiet as much as possible.

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Royal Sire (204)
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20:59:49 Aug 26 2015
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I do wonder if they will address the government and how much they could of 'done' to stop the spread of the illness. As we know from TWD it seems the crap hit the fan rather quickly, and even the Military was unable to control it with force.

I did like the news helicopter catching the 'attack' that lead to the school being closed down.

Makes it real as social media/ all the cell phone cams out in the world today. Instant coverage of the break out would of happen. Now if the government would take the threat to heart, react... that will be interesting to see.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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10:27:08 Aug 28 2015
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I actually liked Johnny Derp as Nick. He at least made the scenes interesting with his half-Jack-Sparrow/half-Charlie-Chaplin routine. The bit where he had to pull his trousers up as he was running away because they were fashionably half way down his arse was hilarious.

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Royal Sire (204)
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03:36:18 Aug 29 2015
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Me too. :) New item in LA zombie survival kit- a belt.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:43:07 Aug 31 2015
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The fall of society seems to be coming down to a lot of people keeping their mouth shut, either for fear of being thought crazy or wanting to be the first to get at resources and get out of dodge. For the score keepers, after two episodes, the only three speaking role characters to bite it are all black men. Somewhere, the ghost of T-Dog shed a single tear. :(

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13:30:20 Sep 05 2015
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This new series is going to take some getting used to. I don't want to give it a negative spin, as we're only a few episodes into the series.

I do however, like to think about the fact that this is all going on while Rick was in a coma. Makes me wonder what was going on with the rest of Rick's group at this time. The original series gives some flashbacks, but doesn't show everything.

Also, I wonder who is going to be the stand out (lead) in this new series, such as Rick has been the lead in 'The Walking Dead'.

What would be interesting to me, is if somewhere down the road, the two casts run into each other some how. Of course, the time line would have to be in the right place. I don't see this actually happening though.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:04:53 Sep 05 2015
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Yes, takes place in 2010 when Rick is in the hospital in a coma.

As for who rises as Leader, Right now, I'm really only rooting for one character, Nick. The others are just really too stupid IMO:

Travis (pop) is running around like crazy, but wouldn't he have been better off keeping everyone together?

Madison (mom) seems like she should have brought the kids with her to the school.

Pimple face (Tobias?). I liked that there was at least one character that seemed to have a clue how to handle the new world... until they ruined it in that hallway scene. I was so frustrated to see him revert to an idiot that seemed to be clueless for no reason other than to give someone else a chance to play 'hero'. (Although he does get props for realizing he is better off far and away from the crazy guidance counselor).

Alicia, (NOT!) : My God, Matt, what happened to your shoulder? A bite you say? Who bit you? They appeared to be very sick and now you're very sick? That seems related, doesn't it... I should probably listen to my Mom and Dad when they scream for me to get away from you.)

The son from the prior marriage (Chris?) seems to be off the charts tool just to force people to run to him and put them in downtown LA during the riots.

The riots scene seemed so forced to me. I'm still not even sure why the people got off the bus. They seemed to have to walk for many many blocks to get to where "the cop shot some homeless guy." Was the bus stopped in traffic? If so, the director really didn't make that clear because all we saw was ambulance drive by, then some guy got on and yelled about cops shooting some dude and the next thing we know, the kid is walking in downtown L.A. like a moron and the scene looks more like a #WalkerLivesMatter protest than whatever the heck it was supposed to be.

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Royal Sire (204)
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16:12:15 Sep 14 2015
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While some I talk to think the new show Fear the Walking Dead is ...well...dead boring, I am liking it.

It shows the struggle of accepting what is happening, to kill the neighbor or not to kill her. Even the question of how 'good' folks will not be strong enough to make it in this new world.

It is from Rick's view- when he woke, but different. It will be interesting to see how they change as life as they know it is stripe away.

And adding in the military/ police state, which I did not see coming.

Starting to like the show myself.

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00:25:04 Sep 15 2015
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It is a good show. Being that we never got to see the breakdown of society in The Walking Dead. This is basically what happened in the time when Rick was in a coma, just with different characters.

I like the show, so far. However, I have yet to care for anyone on the show. I would certainly like to see the "druggie" dude die first. He's just annoying.

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Royal Sire (204)
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14:59:28 Sep 15 2015
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I am with you on the drug user. I think the barber is going to be a good strong leader when it comes down to it.

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16:59:47 Sep 15 2015
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I agree. I think the transformation of Travis will be interesting. Being that now, he doesn't believe that the walkers are really dead. Will he be like Rick?

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Royal Sire (204)
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23:53:01 Sep 16 2015
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I think he will, to a point. It really depends on how bad it gets and how fast.

Be interesting to see how fast it spreads, with the military there. They think it is spread by blood.

Wonder how long till they understand it is the bites. And why don't they understand that yet??

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:32:09 Sep 17 2015
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FYI: There is an upcoming independent story that is going to be released online with a zombie outbreak on a plane. I'm betting that look up into the sky at the plan that veered will turn out to be a look at the plane features on the online story. Apparently, at least one of the characters from the plane show will make their way to Fear the Walking Dead next year (not sure if it will be someone on the plane or someone on the ground, though....) http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/walking-dead-plane-webseries-fear-the-walking-dead-crossover-1201580779/

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Royal Sire (204)
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01:55:04 Sep 21 2015
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Plane, huh. What is next? Cruise Ship?

Guess you got to make the most of it, with the ratings/ money it is bringing in.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:20:52 Sep 21 2015
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I hope this show doesn't forget that the biggest issue once society collapses in southern California won't be zombies, it will be trying to find fresh water.

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Royal Sire (204)
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15:03:03 Sep 22 2015
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Or the fires. With no fireman to fight the wildfires.... might be what forces them out from behind the gates.

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Royal Sire (204)
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15:08:04 Sep 22 2015
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So if the person who was doing the signal in the one house to some of our group that went up on the roof, why did the military go in and kill them?

What is that about?

Zombies don't use flashlight or mirrors- it had to of been a human. Why kill the person?

Military is hiding something. We know the government is lost, the military is done with in The Walking Dead.

Be interesting to see the fall of the military and its control lost. All hope lost with them? Maybe hope comes when they lose control, going by the last few minutes of the show last week. (Killed the person who was signaling and taking the ill away)

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:35:34 Sep 22 2015
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Yeah at first I wondered too why they killed the person flashing the light. Then I remembered "Walking Dead" has never meant the zombies, it refers to the survivors. So in this one its FEAR the Walking Dead. Fear those who are still alive. Notice too there were no zombies in this episode? Fear the one's alive; not the zombies.

The main characters being in a zombie free safe zone controlled by the military wasn't necessarily a fresh take on the genre but at least it was an interesting one. There's still a bit too much of assuming we know or like these characters without giving us a reason to. The dramatic beats were actually good, especially the scene with Kim Dixon beating the shit out of Teen Lizard King, and the inevitable scene at the end.

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Royal Sire (204)
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20:16:47 Sep 30 2015
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The man in the cage with Nick.... I could listen to talk for days.

And I loved his interaction with others so far, making the man cry like a baby.


New favorite. :D

And the barber skinning the military man- Ouch!

Thinking our group is facing "life is gone, get out while you can" is approaching fast.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:37:14 Oct 01 2015
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I like Ruben Blades character and the new black guy. There's no context for some things though that probably should be important (Travis's problem with guns, the two idiot kids smashing the rich people's house - where did that even take place, the military's evacuation after days of martial law). These characters are mostly way too stupid to have survived as long as they have. I am still really liking the show but it might be because I also watched a few of the new network show debuts and FtWD is freaking Citizen Kane comparatively.

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Royal Sire (204)
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01:26:35 Oct 12 2015
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Watching the show as it builds up to the new season. Favorite shot of the show- when Morgan hands Daryl the map that has Rick's name on it, and the look they share.

Such fate brings together Morgan and the group. I can so see Daryl liking Morgan, they share many beliefs, how life is now.

So time to pop the popcorn, grab a cold pop and settle in for the new season. :D

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Basilisk (92)
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20:25:26 Oct 12 2015
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It was awesome having the show back last night, Rick sure has gotten "hard". I thought he showed great restraint not shooting that douche (can't remember his name) as he knew he was his own worse enemy and sure as shit he got his face bit off. The Wolves seem to be closing in, making their move.

Does anyone watch the after show "The Talking Dead" with Chris Hardwick? Love it!

I'm not sure how I feel about the new show "Fear". I'm trying to keep an open mind. I really don't like Travis at this point though, he seems weak but I'm sure he will evolve as all the characters do eventually. Personally I like the druggie Nick, I think it shows a different perspective on how people like him deal. I think Nick and the new wealthy guy make and interesting duo.

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05:15:18 Oct 13 2015
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I watched the first episode of Season 6 this morning. Loved it :)

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Premiere Sire (120)
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16:11:13 Oct 14 2015
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Yeah, solid start. However, I can set aside a lot of nonsense, like the impossible physics & biology of zombies, etc, but where did they get the bloody helium balloons from?! The scale of the zombie parade was insane.
Though the black and white for the "flashbacks" kind of irritated me - and this from someone who loves black and white as an artistic choice. I think it was because it just looked like something shot in color that was turned into black and white post. It seemed to lack the kind of stark contrast that true black and white should have had.

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Savage (61)
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21:02:31 Oct 24 2015
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Just finished watching season 5 of the walking dead. I cant believe how intense it is getting! I cannot wait for season 6 to be put on netflix! I dont know if I can wait an entire year!

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Royal Sire (204)
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21:42:03 Oct 24 2015
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Carol Carol Carol- what more is to be said? From a beaten wife trying to keep her child safe. To breaking free of her drunken, ass of a hubby. To losing her child.

Then growing into who she is now- strong, powerful, willing to get it done.

Then doing the one event in her life, right or wrong, of killing two sick people to try and save the group from the illness that threaten to kill all of them.

To being out on her own, alone for the first time of her life.

Then let's add killing two kids that she lost due to her own actions, in a way.

To.... saving the group with a lone attack on a compound.

Then - putting on her 'housewife' face to go undercover in the newest town they find themselves in.

To coming out in a big way, killing, getting weapons to the others to handed the Wolves.

Now the army of zombies coming toward them? Please...

She will handle them before dessert needs cooking to go with the 45 minutes dinner she had in the oven.

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Unregenerate (63)
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01:55:10 Oct 26 2015
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glen is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo

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02:36:22 Oct 26 2015
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I knew he was going to die tonight..watched a spoiler on YouTube..but :( that didn't make it any easier..sad sad..

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02:39:01 Oct 26 2015
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He should've killed that man after he tried to do so to him. I saw from the start of him forgiving that fool that he'd die by him.

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12:52:28 Oct 26 2015
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It's like Game of Thrones with all the deaths......

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Royal Sire (204)
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22:44:36 Oct 26 2015
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Well... sad but not really broke up about it. Speaking of a person who never changed, moved forward in growing as far as a character. Don't get me wrong, Glen was a great person. He cared for everyone, he found love and was one you could depend on to do the right thing.

But did he grow in the show? Not really. He had that darker side for a few shows but he came back out of it.

Like Carl- just... ok, Glen is gone. Sorry Maggie.

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Arch Sire (194)
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10:54:31 Oct 27 2015
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I felt he grew. I think he continued getting stronger. The only way he could have really changed otherwise was to go "bad". But I'm not really convinced he's dead. If he is, it will be the worst loss of the show for me- as I appreciated his simple wit. "I'm supposed to be delivering pizzas."

However, I wouldn't boycott the show due to his death. It's unrealistic to think all the good guys always live.

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Royal Sire (215)
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12:05:02 Oct 27 2015
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Glen was a great person in there,i was shocked when i saw him eaten by the walkers,i will say its the fault of this fool,i forgot his name,but so sorry for maggie.

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12:14:12 Oct 27 2015
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Glenn was a constant. He was that lighthouse that lost ships search for in a bad storm.

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Sire (107)
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08:31:17 Oct 28 2015
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It wouldn't surprise me to see a few cast member "get killed" this season.
6 is the magic number in television these days... it's the number of seasons you need for real syndication. And from a casting aspect its the target for most actors and actresses before they want to think about departing a show... for fear of being type casted or what have you.
Its also about when they decide to up the anti for salary expectations. Not saying that's the case with TWD cast... just saying that's the business end and ultimately the reality of Hollywood.

On a personal note.... if Rick, Daryl or Carol die we burn Hollywood the fuck down.

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Dastard (23)
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18:19:16 Oct 28 2015
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Do you think daryl and carol will hook up?

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Royal Sire (204)
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19:22:46 Oct 28 2015
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Severus- with you on that! Really- if you ask me to list the folks that I would hate to see leave the show, ruin it for me if they did, you just listed them.

Hook up? I think Carol might not be his type. I saw his type more in Beth.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:55:33 Oct 31 2015
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Not saying I agree with these, but... http://www.blastr.com/2015-10-28/walking-dead-10-ways-redacted-might-survive

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Transgressor (54)
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14:43:27 Nov 01 2015
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Come come come.. We all know glen is alive. He was under the other body.. He will be covered walkers gore, slide under dumpsterand survive.

Rick will start bus..

And it will all be fine..


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00:42:58 Nov 02 2015
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Weren't they pulling out his guts though? I don't see how he could live through that. lol

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Sire (107)
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07:53:12 Nov 02 2015
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Episode 4 was another good showing...

And I have a 4th degree black belt in Aikido, so seeing it used so prodominately in the show to train Morgan made me happy. :)

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Venerable Sire (131)
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04:36:04 Nov 03 2015
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Ive heard alot about Glenn going under the dumpster or that he's alive in some ways. Im on the fencce, only because I like his character and want him in this show longer at least.

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03:11:08 Nov 07 2015
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I cried my eyes out when he "died." He died in the comics, so I really thought he was dead but with the spoilers coming out about seeing him on set still with character that haven't been introduced, I'm thinking he's alive.

Also, Carol is amazing and I hated the last episode about Morgan. I hate Morgan. He makes me mad and I would rather have his character die than anyone else's.

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03:11:08 Nov 07 2015
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