The reason behind the silence
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06:34:34 Sep 26 2014
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ive been wondering lately what causes a person to become anti social
and if most choose to be or does it just happen?

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Illusionist (78)
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14:55:09 Sep 26 2014
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For me mine come from how I was raised and certain situations I was put in as a child and teenager. They created social anxiety and agoraphobia to the point that for almost two years I could not step out on my front porch alone.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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15:24:22 Sep 26 2014
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Being anti-social does not really equate to being silent. Neither is it a reason for being silent. Some beings like myself, just think that there isn't much to say at that moment. Anti-social behavioural orders get dished out so easily in some jurisdictions; it's almost similar to being a crime. This is where the whole debate on nature versus nurture come in. I come from a background that frowns upon silence, especially in social setting. Therefore, I do get negative reactions from others. As to whether being anti-social means one is acting out of the norm... That is open for debate. It could just be a common ground amongst like-minded beings.

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22:19:59 Sep 26 2014
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Anti-social people strike out after making some kind of plan, because they need to make a statement. Silent people might just be shy, or feel awkward in social situations.

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Wyvern (85)
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15:24:03 Sep 27 2014
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I can't speak for others but my anti social behavior begin at an early age and then grew over a period of time. As things got worse the more distant I become til I got to the point where I not only I stopped talking so much but I never went out in public. I basically stay home now and not do much interacting anymore.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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18:57:27 Sep 27 2014
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I get the impression that people are not up to snuff on what anti social means, and what its definition is. It is not simply being shy, or withdrawn from society.

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03:30:50 Sep 28 2014
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I worked for a psychologist several years ago, and saw well the anti-social people. Many have been bullied since childhood, or suffered mnany years of abuse from many things in their young lives. bullying, oppresion, abuse, especially sexual, shunning, constanly being criticised as children and teenage years, drugs abuse, can be one of many factors, that shapes this problem.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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12:53:15 Sep 28 2014
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Trolling online is a fine example of anti social behaviour, and in most cases one finds the troll to be some dunce that had never developed character, or social skills. So their attitude becomes " If I can't relate socially I will distrupt the social funtion of others. Usually such dunces lacked role models in their developmental years.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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15:36:13 Sep 28 2014
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Trolling would be anything but silent!

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Venerable Sire (130)
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19:10:05 Sep 28 2014
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I thought I cleared up how misinformed the title is with the content of the thread lead intro. Anti social behaviour has been ( in this thread) misrepresented. I suspect the poster does not quit know what it was they were trying to link. Anti social behaviour is not about being shy, and silent. Anti social is about being disruptive, and openly socially devient. I really wish people put more thought into their threads rather then making it all about a catchy headline. A simple wiki search would have helped build the threads intro. Sadly I think people are just attempting to come off as " deep".

So again read the definition of anti social, and seperate it from the irrelevent headline.

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11:19:36 Sep 29 2014
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Seeing the definition might help to clear this up...

[an-tee-soh-shuh l, an-tahy-] Spell Syllables
Synonyms Word Origin

1. unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly way with other people:
"He's not antisocial, just shy."

2. antagonistic, hostile, or unfriendly toward others; menacing; threatening:
"an antisocial act."

3. opposed or detrimental to social order or the principles on which society is constituted:
"antisocial behavior."

4. Psychiatry. of or pertaining to a pattern of behavior in which social norms and the rights of others are persistently violated.

5. a person exhibiting antisocial traits.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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13:50:55 Sep 29 2014
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one very anti social person that was a roommate of a friend in Cali had a thing about pushing peoples buttons. As long as the topic of conversation was about something they dominated knowledge wise, or people were dotting them they were copastetic.. however once the topic went to something deeper then they could toot their own horn about then they would start pushing buttons.

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Venerable Sire (131)
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20:28:40 Oct 02 2014
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I simply feel a fish out of water everywhere, I can't fit anywhere I go, I was also betrayed too many times, so in my case I became anti-social.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:00:36 Oct 03 2014
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If you speak, you cannot hear their last breath escape their body.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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04:19:55 Oct 03 2014
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Death N. Being socially withdrawn is not ant-social that simply implies you may be a predominately introvert. Anti- social people are socially malajusted
and feel compelled to act out to disturb the social scene they affiliate with.

Nothing about your presence here indicted you as being even close to being anti social.

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Harasser (15)
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06:04:41 Oct 04 2014
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I'm an introvert, I don't crave human interaction or situations with large amounts of people, I don't feel comfortable around people and I greatly prefer solitude and quiet... but I'm not anti-social.

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21:44:14 Oct 25 2014
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What ''Antisocial'' boils down to is someone is an ass that cannot get along with anyone - it has nothing to do with being quiet or shy around others. There is however, many reasons people keep to themselves, ranging from depression to 'Trust'' issues to some people just do not like to talk much or socialize with others.~Mina

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21:43:40 Oct 27 2014
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I'm being more like this,due to having
people around me..becoming more mean
or agressive,or themselves being..anti-social.

Now-days i can't trust anyone.
I can barley trust myself.

when i am around some one..
they Make me want to hide away.
them staring at me..or making nasty comments.
Everyone wanting to sue some one..
or wanting to hurt another.

I feel to trapped,
being too cautious or paranoid.

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Great Sire (117)
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01:02:49 Oct 30 2014
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I know many people and until now, I won't call anyone Friend. As today, I lived in my house for the last 20 years, and never have a Friend male visit my house. Am I anti-social? nope. I just don't trust humans in general. My girlfriend move with me two months ago and she knows about my behaviour toward some species.

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01:39:06 Nov 01 2014
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I have my secrets.

They are my sanctuary.

As a ghost, none should see me.

No matter the words spoken.

No matter the deeds done.

No matter the perceived power.

No matter the pain sustained or inflicted.

No matter the loss.

Silence is the solace.

It won't berate or punish.

Silence just is.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:54:33 Nov 03 2014
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From the definition provided above it would seem to me that it maybe a disorder. Someone who does not get along well with others. Most of the definitions also state that it is someone who has long-standing pattern of a disregard for other people's rights, often crossing the line and violating.


So it would seem it is a personality disorder and a person in need of help and that would be the reason behind it. I know someone like that. No one likes her for how she treats others. She lives in my old neighborhood that I grew up in. I always felt sympathy for her due to she never has people come see her, not even holidays. She would fall into this definition of the link I posted. As for being silent, she was never that. She would yell at people who walked by her house, cussing at them, shouting insults. She was/is just a mean person however, know I see it as she has a disorder and it is a shame no one in her family ever got her help for her behavior.

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Unclean Spirit (39)
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17:01:58 Nov 06 2014
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Sometimes, it just happens I think. Each individual has their own reason why. Maybe they need some time to themselves, or they've been deeply bothered by something but don't want to burden others with their thoughts?


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13:47:57 Nov 07 2014
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Pft I'll put it out there...
To put simply...people can be annoying, rude, whiners and stupid.
People like me and my fiance are approached by all KINDS of people and yes, most of society annoys us. Sometimes people aren't worth the time or worthy of the knowledge. lol

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Venerable Sire (131)
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17:12:33 Nov 10 2014
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I am not anti-social per clinical definition or per lay definition as used earlier in this thread. I am also not always quiet. For the most part, I do not like people. I do not find them inherently good. I do not find them kind, generous or caring, so why would I want to associate with them? (rhetorical question) As a result, I much prefer to stick with my identified circle of people that I do find to be inherently good, kind, generous and caring. There are times that others are able to break into this circle, but for the most part, I am admittedly distrustful of those I do not know and have not met in person. No so distrustful that it presents a problem for me in my life, but they will not be learning much about me or getting much in the way of conversation until such time as I feel they are semi-trustworthy. Still, it takes years for me to feel fully comfortable with certain people.

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Ophidian (66)
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15:22:12 Nov 19 2014
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I'm an introvert with extroverted people skills. Being introverted certainly does not make one anti-social, it just means we choose carefully with whom we socialize with.

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Illusionist (78)
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18:44:46 Nov 19 2014
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I sincerely doubt many people consciously choose to be anti-social. I don't know if genetics has anything to do with it but it really doesn't matter. Could be genetic and or a learned behavior but they don't choose.

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Royal Sire (204)
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13:56:03 Nov 20 2014
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Existentialism, let's address your last post which I removed and why.

1. Part of your post-- "Ok, I will not, if you delete this I will bring down a shit storm like no other you have ever seen."

Another comment like this will have you suspended. Your threats are not going to be allowed in the forums anymore. You don't want your post deleted- read the Forum Posting rules and follow them.

2- The video you post titled-

Why Are We REALLY Being Spied On? Russell Brand The Trews (E193)

Has nothing to do with this thread. The thread address anti social behavior, not spying on people with phone records, how the goverment is watching us. Keep your goverment rants in your journal, they are not allowed in the Forum.

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Elemental (77)
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16:18:21 Dec 11 2014
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All of this to me boils down to personality. People use the word antisocial for someone who does not join in or is reclusive, shy or doesn't talk much. Some are just self conscious. Professionals think of antisocial as a personality disorder. My son had conduct disorder that was diagnosed in middle school. He wasn't abused or anything like that. He also had AD/HD as well and one seemed to be an offshoot of the other. He was difficult since birth but no one is generally like that all the time. He was not quiet.

Being shy or simply someone who doesn't have much to say or possibly self conscious is entirely different. There are also people who do not like being around society and that can be for many reasons; a recluse or hermit.

Antisocial behavior is considered at least in the US and I think in the UK as well as a behavioral disorder. It definitely does not mean the person is necessarily silent. The sociopath is a manipulator generally and the psychopath is all of that and generally is the one who commits crimes like serial murders. They can be very charming and either gregarious or introverted. Sometimes the two words are used interchangeably in the US but there is a difference. Both seem to lack a conscience or empathy for others. My son was neither of these but he did have the personality that could have gone that direction. Many do but he was one that didn't. He was very empathic but he did go into rages if he got mad sometimes.

Some say that being silent is because of the following I'm going to post and generally it is far from the truth. These are considered the erroneous ideas.

Quiet People Are Looking For Your Help
Quiet People Lack Social Skills
Quiet People Lack Confidence
Quiet People Want To Be Left Alone
Quiet People Are Mad At You
Quiet People Are Smarter/Deeper Than You

Some people like solitude and/or just don't talk a lot. I use to be both of these but now I'm only the first. I don't mind being alone, I have a small circle of friends (many have passed away) and I don't like noises. I'm not antisocial in any way. When I was in middle school I was told that people thought I was stuck up. I said did you ever think I might be shy? They said no. People make all kinds of assumptions about quiet people. I am nothing like that now but I was very shy then and slightly paranoid.

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Harasser (15)
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05:30:55 Dec 17 2014
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I'm not antisocial, and I've been told I'm stuck-up, too. I've had people tell me I'm an 'elitist', because I only really talked to other 'stuck-up' people, but really, I think people calling you stuck-up, when you're just an introvert, are probably just... well, not jealous, but feeling as if they can't be friends with you, feeling... somehow lesser or inferior. With people like that, I try remind myself that it's essentially their issue - not mine. I won't change myself to make someone else feel more comfortable when they are the one with the insecurity.

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02:18:15 Dec 22 2014
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My trouble is that I am too NON anti-social.

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Noble Sire (160)
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01:55:49 Dec 23 2014
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Indeed Dab, the internet is the perfect place for those with anti social disorder. They are usually narcissistic too and trolling is one activity that allows them to reak their havoc without having to really face the consequences, other than being able to observe their targets reactions.

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Fire Thrower (87)
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21:53:09 Jan 04 2015
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I am anti-social..and most aren't even aware of it. I find myself having to explain to people why I am humorous,outgoing..the life of the party,and then one day I am like a massive recluse. I don't want to speak,socialize,be involved with anything that concerns others.

It doesn't happen often,but there comes a time when my mind says ""enough"" and I have to take the time to do 'me'. Time for myself and myself alone without any outside involvement.

I don't think anyone really chooses to be anti-social,I think it is a matter of a person's psyche telling them to take a time out and tend to itself.

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Noble Sire (160)
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14:31:33 Jan 05 2015
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Hmm, I think you might have anti social and a bit reclusive mixed up. To be introverted at times, in no way means you're antisocial. Im a true loner..am I anti social? No. As mentioned above early in the thread, it might help to know the true definition of the term before we label ourselves that.

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Fire Thrower (87)
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20:44:11 Jan 05 2015
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Well,though I thank you for the input,and your own personal opinions. After being this way for 44 years and also being diagnosed as anti-social, I think I shall stick to what I myself previously posted.

After all,this is about our own personal opinions on the matter. How we view it personally? Correct?


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Noble Sire (160)
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21:17:24 Jan 05 2015
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By Mayo Clinic.com
Antisocial personality disorder is a type of chronic mental condition in which a person's ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional — and destructive.

To a degree, yes. More importantly, Im kinda sorry to hear you suffer from it.

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12:48:50 Jan 08 2015
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Why suffer from it when you can enjoy it?

As oceane posted above, anti-social disorder can pretty much be destructive and in fact it is the newer term for some alienists to say sociopath, the full term is Anti-social personality/behaviour disorder I believe.

Of course if you don't have that "version" then so be it but if you do, rather than complain about it, or worry what you are capable of it, just enjoy it, enjoy the fun part and then enjoy the downtime, every predator has to rest before hunting again.

There is no need to fit in with society, why be a conformist sheep when you can be unique, your own animal with your own way living life. You don't even need to explain yourself to them, lions don't explain they actions to the zebra, a metaphor of course but the point is there.
No motives are needed, no reasons are needed, just pure instinct, its natures way of saying you're on the right path.

Any human with anti-social personality/behaviour disorder, psychopathy, sociopathy, need not to be alone, wolves travel in packs, just find like minded individuals and all sorts of fun can be had and if you need to surround youself with sheep to blend in for awhile, just be a wolf in sheep's clothing and enjoy the humor that comes with it. The mask of "sanity" works very well, most humans have met a psychopath/sociopath and never knew it, of course how well the mask works depends on the intelligence and cunning of the individual wearing it.

View yourself as superior, not inferior.

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Harasser (15)
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09:33:02 Jan 09 2015
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In so many ways that last post is ridiculous. Psychopathy, sociopathy and the urges you may get, if inhumane, illegal and all of that stuff, should NOT be acted upon. Human decency lacks in people like that. I have read ONE paper relating to a psychopath who was not a mass murderer - he is a neuroscientist. One. Paper.

You should have respect for people, if not personally, then at least in a world-wide sense. People can always do with being more humble - not 'superior' pricks.

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Noble Sire (160)
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13:23:35 Jan 09 2015
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I would have to agree Quiet. But the illusion that one is superior, thus the excuse to do what they damn well please in spite of who or what it might hurt...thats part of anti social behaviour. They pretty much dont care.

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14:40:54 Jan 09 2015
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"In so many ways that last post is ridiculous. Psychopathy, sociopathy and the urges you may get, if inhumane, illegal and all of that stuff, should NOT be acted upon. Human decency lacks in people like that. I have read ONE paper relating to a psychopath who was not a mass murderer - he is a neuroscientist. One. Paper.

You should have respect for people, if not personally, then at least in a world-wide sense. People can always do with being more humble - not 'superior' pricks"

Ha, what gives you the authority to say what can be done and what can't be done? nature came first not mankind, human laws are mostly against the world, not for it. Besides respect is earned not given.

Allow me to explain something to you about superiority, it is the "normal" law abiding folks that needs a taste of humble pie my friend, they are the ones who happily label natural occurences such as psychopaths as flawed, ill and pariahs. They are the ones who lack respect, not appreciating what nature has to give. No human is alike, and they should not be.

What you got to realize is that is all a matter of perspective and opinion but one that is actually forced thoughout society as a correct one, what makes the law and society right? who decides who gets to be right or wrong? who gets to say what is perfect and what is flawed, who gets to say what is normal and what is not? who gets to speak for society? Who gets to speak for nature?

Nature did not give them that authority, it is something they took and forced upon they own species. The only law that truly matters is the natural law.
What I find so amusing is that the biggest anti-socialists is the "normal" ones, they are the ones that label others mental ill and shun them, lock them away in asylums or force medication upon them.

"I would have to agree Quiet. But the illusion that one is superior, thus the excuse to do what they damn well please in spite of who or what it might hurt...thats part of anti social behaviour. They pretty much dont care."

Oceanne, you are indeed right, but about the wrong people, The truth is that it is the "normal" folk that think they are superior which is the illusion. Only humans who think they are superior would label the natural occuring sociopaths/psychopaths as flawed, inferior, mentally ill and so on when in fact it is just nature. Like all animals, humans are not meant to be alike, it is not supposed to be "normal" = right, anti-social = wrong. So yes, it is the normal folk that is actually inferior for believing they are superior and they don't care who they hurt and victimize as long as they safe from the "flawed ones"

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Noble Sire (160)
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16:18:59 Jan 09 2015
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What it boils down to once one swims through the hype coming from both sides of the coin is this. If a behaviour is harmful to another, then its not cool in any sense of the matter.

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Noble Sire (160)
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16:22:36 Jan 09 2015
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Especially if it deliberate. I dont care who ya are or where you come from, if you enjoy hurting peeps or arent empathetic or sympathetic in any way, using maliscious manipulation to get your own way or for the hell of it? You're fucked up in the head..plain and simply.

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Noble Sire (160)
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16:36:56 Jan 09 2015
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I understand your point, but it doesnt wash . And it doesnt because if you are murdering , destroying peoples property, or intentionally hurting another no one wants to be around you or have you in their midst, because you destroy what they might work hard in creating or obtaining. So laws are set in place to try and limit its occurance. It might go against nature in that way, as you say, but think about this..if everyone was allowed to just do what felt natural, a lot of antis would simply get shot..or worse...then where would everyone be..tsk..its kindof a no win situation.

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Noble Sire (160)
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16:42:35 Jan 09 2015
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I really apologize for the multi posts, its this device im on. Lol dude, if the so called normals are hurting peeps and dont care? They are actually probably antis who just happen to use their charm and manipulation to get where they are in a position to call the shots.

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17:06:04 Jan 09 2015
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Not really, it is just fear and control, if they can't understand something then they must fear it or hate it. Of course "antis" can get any job they want like any other if they apply themselves and thus can use their natural behavior in the job, but it doesn't excuse those who are not naturally inclined towards anti-social behavior. Its hypocrisy.

Animals work hard all the time and build great things i.e spider webs (which takes ages and weakens them) when their work is destroyed, its not unusual or abnormal, they simply rebuild and keep on going. In fact destruction prevents stagnation, mankind needs to learn that this is not their world, it never was, they are not the top of the food chain and they are not the apex predator, they need to learn that they will be preyed upon by something or someone. My point here is that because "antis" are more in tune with their natural behavior, they are not so easily controlled and thus are "flawed" and feared for it because they do not operate within the "plan" the ideal so to be speak.

It is the natural cycle that mankind wants to halt. What has society and these laws really done eh? over-population, damage to the environment, discrimination against those who are different, oppression etc. I'm glad you understand Oceanne and I do see where your views are coming from but like I said, its from societies point of view. Humans with "mental illnesses" don't have mental illnesses, its labels, man-made concepts etc, of course their brain is wired different, its not a mistake though. Just because something is different and chaotic, doesn't mean its bad. Everything has a purpose, humanity just needs to understand it. Example, a sociopath would make a better soldier/warrior and a hunter.

Modern tech eh? don't even need to explain, not really fussed on it myself and its going to fast for my liking.

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Noble Sire (160)
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23:43:19 Jan 09 2015
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I guess if we were just going to live like animals, then youd have a leg to stand on. But not many really want to do that..thus laws. Not everyone takes on the view of mental illness, as youre trying to portray either. People, animals ,both great and small..plants ..all get sick in one way or another. Mental instability included.THATS the true nature of things.Genetics arent always conductive to good brain function either.Your words are convoluted yet almost convincing..until you look at the bottom line .Once again,its a no go.Jmho

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Noble Sire (160)
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23:47:48 Jan 09 2015
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I think that statement has a superiority complex." Antis are more intune with their nature". Really? Lol thats laughable as hell.C'mon !

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00:10:53 Jan 10 2015
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To each their own Oceanne but "antis" do act more in tune with their behavior i.e they are more willing to act on their darker impulses than those who abide by the law because they are more impulsive and usually lack a conscience to hold them back. Laughable, hardly but enjoyable, truth? certainly.

I don't give a rat's ass if someone has been hurt by another human, they should respect the fact that humans are individuals and thus are different from one another, no one should be forced to live by another's "ideal" version of life, because that is a bad act in of itself. You do not teach a lion to eat plants. You can say what you think humans want all you want but no single human speaks for everyone.

Yes animals and plants do get sick but that is not a mistake, also "mental illness" is only considered a sickness by society, not nature, brains are wired differently, nothing you can do about it nor should you, humans don't have the right to play god and decide who is "normal" and who is not. They need to accept differences in the species.

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Noble Sire (160)
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00:31:34 Jan 10 2015
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Yeah, I totally disagree. A wolf bites the head wolf...the wolf that bites is either banished or dead. And not acting on an implulse that might be harmful ,does not make a person more in tune..it just makes them selfish , with no self discipline. A rouge is a rouge is a rouge. In social creatures, they normally bite the dust early in life when it comes to the wild. If they do nothing to contribute to the survival of the "pack" and always cause the pack chaos...it usually ends up dead. The difference that humans enjoy is the choice. However, if they cant contribute thats one thing, if they choose not to..then heyre gone. Same as in the wild.

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Noble Sire (160)
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00:35:43 Jan 10 2015
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Typo* Acting on impulse does not make a person more in tune.

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00:48:04 Jan 10 2015
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Don't worry about typos, I am not petty enough to judge that.

Again that depends on perspective, the very fact we have opposing views is my point, nothing is alike nor should be and I respect that, I would not have it any other way.

Packs are different too remember as wolves have personality, they won't always be alike.

Short life spans are not worse than longer life spans, its how you lived it.

Also the head wolf, the alpha, only leads a small pack, which is reasonable and at any time, a wolf can challenge the alpha for leadership in a physical fight, no human can do that nowadays due to the law. A pack is something that is acceptable and natural, society is not because it tries to rule ALL. A pack is about survival not ruling, society is about control, even if survival was the original intent.

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Noble Sire (160)
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00:53:56 Jan 10 2015
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You state that no one has the right to be oppressed by another's belief. By that very token, your points are moot. Why? If this is the case, and I do agree that no one should be oppressed by others .. but by that token, I certainly dont want some jerk off thinking its ok to oust me just be cause he wants to. Or beating me because he feels he enjoys it and so, is entitled. At that point hes crossed a line that shouldnt be crossed.

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00:57:27 Jan 10 2015
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But you can defend yourself, its your nature given right to punch said jerk right in the balls and chin. You have no need to be a prey when you can be a predator, don't take any nonsense, someone comes up to you with a bad attitude or ill intentions, then chin the sucker.

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Noble Sire (160)
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01:00:55 Jan 10 2015
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I do think though that we are beginning to venture off topic, so with that said, to the original poster, I believe many different things can cause more introverted behaviour.Everything from mis trust, dislike and even humbleness ,on the other end of the spectrum. True sociopathic, ie antisocial behaviour is another matter entirely. I dont feel there is anything wrong or unusual about being introverted and quiet.

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Noble Sire (160)
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01:04:38 Jan 10 2015
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No, they dont need to be prey. However there are many who cannot defend theirselves..thats where we look to our higher selves and protect them. Laws and moral standards help do that.

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01:05:47 Jan 10 2015
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To be fair, I don't think we ventured off topic since we were still discussing the behavior of anti-socialism, even if it went metaphorical.

Yes, humans have the right to be introverted, nothing wrong with it from a natural point of view since all animals seek confort in their comfort zone but society does like to push people to become more social and being introverted can be considered anti-social.

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Noble Sire (160)
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01:26:44 Jan 10 2015
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Thats where it gets tricky..and where they would be incorrect in saying an introvert is antisocial. By definition .

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01:31:50 Jan 10 2015
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I agree. What is considered "social" is not something that should easily be judged, too many individuals with their own personality and lifestyle to consider.

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Noble Sire (160)
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03:42:49 Jan 10 2015
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Absolutely. And quite frankly, there is so much trifelin bs that peeps lovevto perpetuate, its no wonder there are more and more who would rather be by theirselves.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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15:41:27 Jan 10 2015
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Anti Socialism or the reason behind my silence is brought
to the surface of my well being over a period of years of my life through dramatic and tragic events which caused changes in every aspect of my life thusly causing my slightly altered upbringing and somewhat erratic behavioral patterns Therefore because of bullying, teasing, ridicule, being picked on, called names and laughed at I reduced myself to a former shell of who I once was there is only a shadow of a man where I used to be. My so called friends, family, class mates and co workers also had something to do with it. Some was brought on by not being picked or picked last for sporting events or even rejection told I was not good enough for anything.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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12:21:55 Jan 22 2015
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I AM ANTISOCIAL in public i feel too much of others energy i guess

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Savage (61)
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04:58:21 Feb 06 2015
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Well, I am antisocial because of my depression and anxiety. I hate being surrounded by people, makes me nervous. The energy they give off often gives me a really bad head ache and makes me irritable. I prefer staying home and doing my own thing.

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Anarchist (88)
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16:29:14 Feb 07 2015
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I love this post. I actually was diagnosed for social anxiety about two years ago. I was put together, completely chatty, forthcoming, and my usual charming self. I pragmatically explained I was experiencing suicidal thoughts. I was put in a room and took an evaluation for depression and everything else under the sun. I came out as being severely depressed (thank God I was not bipolar) and suffering from extreme social anxiety. The shrink said I did not come off as having social anxiety, and sometimes people don't. That's the worst... Because then you end up being completely social all day and then want to go home and blow your brains out. But he went on to explain that the social anxiety is often experienced by deep thinkers and creatives. Sooooo, as much as it sucks- realize there's another side of the coin to your anxiety. Encourage your creativity, and be productive in thought. The symptom of social anxiety is caused by a much greater gift ;)

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18:53:25 Feb 07 2015
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i have social anxiety i have not been able to say anything else but how r you for all my life as a kid i was shy does not mean I'm not anti social either just a good listener and friend, i am still till this day not able to socialize with people properly cause of my disability .

I hope someone can help me with this process i want to be able to say more then hru i guess I'm afraid of hurting people with words cause i do not choose wisely what to say to them next, I"m afraid of rejection too.

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Royal Sire (204)
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15:35:22 Aug 19 2015
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Never been a big party fan, and crowds make me want to find a wall to stand up against, if not flat out leave. But for me it has to do with life. After a week of phone calls, people complaints, crying, moaning. Then dealing with family things as far as shopping, housework, helping with my brother I just really want some alone time.

Friends see it as me being anti social- I see it as a most required time to decompress.

Older I get the more it effects me, more time I want to be alone and away from everyone.

My goal is to be the 70 year old woman with just a cat for company.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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16:27:49 Aug 19 2015
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That is quite surprising, Vampirewitch39! I have always thought you were charismatic, but, then again, that has probably nothing to do with being anti-social.

I am only anti-social at social gatherings. Entertaining a crowd has always left me speechless. When I say crowd, I mean any gathering with three or more beings. I cannot deal with competition. I'll suffer a nervous breakdown. I'm more social when it's a one-to-one encounter. I have trouble not getting personal with my partner, which leaves them uncomfortable as I am sure they have no interest whatsoever in my character/personality. I guess you can call that anti-social behaviour. I come with excess baggage. This tends to alienate beings who come into contact with me, which renders me to withdraw socially.

I am both an introvert and extrovert. I'm introvert when it's a gathering, but extrovert and bold when it's personal meet-up.

So yeah. It's all how you manage these aspects of your personality. The Law of attraction plays a huge part, as well.

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22:03:45 Aug 27 2015
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When it comes to crowds I hear it is best to picture everyone dead..and maybe dismembered. Confidence can be easy to build, you just need faith in yourself and maybe if necessary, take some team building lessons to make it easier to tolerate numerous people, construction, security and the military can help with building confidence, they usually call it an "Ice-Breaker"

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Carnal Creature (56)
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00:14:52 Sep 11 2015
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I believe that being ''quiet'' or what some deem ''antisocial'' depends a lot on the environment and whether they are comfortable with their surroundings or not.~Mina

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Elemental (77)
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17:09:31 Nov 18 2015
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I'm not going to debate semantics and definitions as words have life too and they change and or die.
I will try to answer in the spirit or context of the question.
First, from my perception nothing, especially in the mind, happens for any one reason. That is a misleading illusion brought on by our focus. Somethings have more impact than others, but that doesn't negate the little things like the straw that broke the camel's back. I think its best to perceive things as all part of a whole.
Now as far as choice. Yes we all have a freewill that is we are all ignorant of fate. But we are a microcosm in this ignorance and have a magickal connection to the macrocosm including other microcosms. Your choice is something preserved in you and or influenced by circumstances pending magickal chaos from others and fate. Me personally the habit of silence is a strong influence in my life because of a constant dyslexic disorder that slows my pace to others, however I do have great depth as a result. I suppose if I were to exercise freewill by the habit of focusing on my will and not being influenced otherwise to that will as seems to be the habit of many selfish ones that don't contradict themselves then I think the choice would rest more in my providence. I think its notable that we are generally social creatures or pack animals and though some for whatever reasons don't socialize its not there usual choice for a fulfilling life. I choose a small circle.

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Mosquito (7)
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20:30:36 Nov 24 2015
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My anxiety made me anti social, I didn't leave the house for over six months.

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Savage (61)
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06:51:17 Dec 04 2015
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I find being antisocial so much easier than socializing and pretending to be happy like the world expects of me. I feel like I have to put a mask on when I go into public, it is exhausting!

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High Sire (159)
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15:28:59 Dec 06 2015
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I think people often mistake anti-social for a need to spend time alone. Anti-social and social anxiety issues come up for me when I am scheduling photoshoots and planning on people coming in to my home. Shoots can be a good amount of work and involve working closely with strangers (literally, because I am doing their makeup). That is when my anxiety and anti-social behavior is frustrating.

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Unregenerate (63)
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22:13:38 Dec 21 2015
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I have been accused of being anti social some times but for me its normally when i am either tired or still thinking about work. I also love to people watch so in large groups my observing can be mistaken for not joining in.

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Hellhound (70)
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20:44:28 Dec 28 2015
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I would love to be a sociable person but I don't have the mental energy to maintain friendships to that level. Plus, unless I've known the person for a few years I am very uncomfortable when talking to people, which I think comes through. "Avoidant personality" seems to fit me best.

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Firebrand (79)
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10:50:23 Jan 09 2016
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I'd rather observe people than interact with them and I was raised in a military family. I usually don't speak up without permission or being spoke to first.

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Great Sire (119)
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00:37:46 Jan 14 2016
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There are many variables to why one would become anti social. It could be a trauma they experienced. It could be a mental disorder. It could be an experience they had and now they no longer trust people. Some people are just loners and its part of their personality. And I am sure there are other reasons that I have not mentioned. Its really a case by case thing.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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23:30:30 Jan 18 2016
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i myself have always been anti-social perfering to be a hermit but recently i have started to push myself to be more social

i stilll dont like large crowds of people so i dont see myself going to the mall anytime soon lol progress is progress

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Vexer (13)
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06:11:56 Jan 23 2016
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I'm semi-antisocial, but I do better in smaller groups. Ive always been super nervous of all the people, its a lot of input with sound and sight and energy and it gets overwhelming. I think its also at least for me because of the worry of peoples judgement.

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Daemon (95)
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10:19:49 Feb 01 2016
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Speaking for myself, I was bullied and made fun of a lot because of my weight when I was a kid. I was also sexually assaulted and raped, yes folks males can be raped, by an older kid, a teenager I had met in my neighborhood when I was 11 or 12. Thats why I tend to keep to myself. Its why I don't trust a lot of people. I have a close circle of friends that I know and trust. Everyone else, I tend to keep at arms length. If someone approaches me an talks, I will be friendly but thats about it until I really get to know the person.

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Vexer (13)
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08:46:54 Feb 02 2016
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I attribute my introversion to my depression, PTSD, and lack of patience with people.

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Harasser (15)
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06:45:03 Feb 03 2016
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Some people choose to not socialize because they find most people to be rather idiotic, which is the case for me. If i don't have a reason to speak I generally keep to myself unless spoken to.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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23:24:08 Feb 24 2016
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Drako is right if you have a high iq talking with ppl who are well below your iq is very boring and hard to you have to dum things down for them,also haveing aspergures can cause anti social behavior my son tries to be freinds with ppl but because he doesnt know how to start a proper convo,kids dont talk much to him anymore,at least thats how he was until this yr therapy for social behavior has really helped him make friends.

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Great Sire (118)
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05:40:57 Apr 08 2016
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i am the ops but my wife does have big problem with others and has hard time making friends .
part of the problem is they have been told things they did not want to hear as a young person . like do not do this or that . and then been hit or smacked around if they did things they were not suppose to do out in public.
lots of people have a fear of not being accepted by others and it goes as far as if in a room with more then 10 people in it they feel the need to get out of that room. but not always mostly only when they dont know what to say or how to say it.

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Great Sire (115)
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03:10:05 Apr 10 2016
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With me there are just those days (half the times or less) when I'm just not feeling the party or event. Would someone who finds this occuring more than half the time be considered truly anti-social?

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21:12:37 Apr 10 2016
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As far as I'm concerned, being quiet doesn't really mean anti-social. Sometimes I just want to be alone with my own thoughts. I am involved in conversations all day and sometimes just need quiet.

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Great Sire (118)
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06:56:43 Apr 14 2016
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we are getting somewhat off the topic its anti social. and why do we think or what are some causes of it. and its a good one not many people know but its a real sickness and you can not help but being fearful around others . you lock up , you feel sick even. the best way to know for sure you have it is go to a concert or a movie in a big city .

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01:14:40 May 02 2016
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I am not anti-social . I am simply an introvert and solitude is my sanctuary from the world when I need it. I do not hate people, I simply have little patience for some the people I have to deal with on a daily basis. I grew up a social out cast because I was different. However, the past is the past and I do not punish people in the present for what happened in my past. We all have scars from life and mine caused me to choose to be introverted.

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