So, most have seen the animal planter mermaids are real film..
I feel that film is a load of junk myself.. But.. I do think that they are real.
I mean we have traveled all over the world to different areas..
Different oceans and ponds, lakes and estuaries..
We still haven't reached full understanding of out planet..
We haven't discovered all the creatures in the world.
Less then 7% of the ocean have been touched or studied by mankind.
Mermaids are human type fish.. Or fish type humans.
Some think we came from apes.. So why couldn't our ancestors developed and change another way also?
Please, I am just curious..
If they ever existed we may have diminished their habitat through drilling for oil, ship spills, and other pollution of the waters.
We may have destroyed their homes..
But we may not have.. You see..
We can't even discover over 7% of the ocean..
So you don't consider they could live within the 93%?
The undiscovered portion is very desolate, and very.. very deep.
But over time the mermaids could have slowly been pushed deeper..
Hence evolution
More probable for mermaids to exist then a god, or ghost.
Good old dabbler, always a word to the wise.
Perception or others belief is governed by that person, whether its a right/ wrong perception based on their facts or findings. we can challenge it yet do we have the facts when its a belief. mostly the answer is no.
Mermaids a myth or lure of past years, could they exist , in some form yes, just because a vast part of the ocean floor is yet discovered. who knows what could lie beneath its darkness. New species are being found yearly, so yes we always want to belief in such things .
My twisted mind says no. You mean, if one did not have a thigh gap, could they be a mermaid? It is pretty crude, but no, I do not think mermaids are real.
If mermaids are real.. ? Then Lockness is real too.. Never rule out anything.. There were so many things here before humans appeared on the earth.. So who knows..
I would say no to although there have been claims they have found some that
were rumored to have floated on to various different shores around the world. But more then likely hoaxes as usual.
mermaids there could be you never know but mermaids that is similar to Disney's Little Mermaid that I very much doubt
the myths and legends about mermaids should have some truth to them when they were first told but as they got spread word by word the tales changed and grew as people couldn't remember what they were told so made up parts or decided to give a WOW factor to the story to what the real story was
But then this is what I think and has nothing to do with what others might think but to me all myths and legends have a small part of truth to them and its up to us to discover what is true and what isn't
as much of the sea have never been see for under the waves, whom to say if they are real or not?
Mermaids are a multimillion topics, when come to Hollywood and Books. As being Real, Impossible. They are just like fairies, creation of someone imagination to make money.
Mermaids could be real. Can they speak, dance, and sing? I don't see why not. Course I don't see them at our intelligence level as of that, but u do believe they could possibly be at a very basic tribal mindset.
Due to evolution, they could live in the bottom of the sea, have chest walls that close in allowing them to bear the pressure of the deep. They could have many amazing features, specially in the ocean. From transcecent scales, allowing the ultimate camouflage in the water. Fins and beastly strength allowing them to swim as fast as a dolphin. The possibilities could be endless.
I myself do believe in them, though I don't have a set form for what they may possibly be. Can they be real? From what man kind has discovered and what we have experienced, yes. They could very well be real. Now I ask you, why couldn't they be real?
Because everyone seems to think they are some magical being..
I am not talking Disney little mermaids here.. I'm talking real ones.
I very much so do like your answer though :)
Pretty much on the same page as me hah
"Could" they be real? Sure. But that alone does not support any claim that they are real. Just because something may have a remote possibility doesn't mean the question/theory (mermaids, fairies, elves, vampires, etc...) is credible without some kind of legitimate evidence.
Until someone provides proof or a theory based on real science (which has generally been lacking so far), just tossing around the thought of mermaids doesn't do anything to make them exist.
In theory and fantasy yes in reality no not unless you take the
scientific approach even then it would require mutation the splicing of human and fish dna. Genetic engineering and stem cell
research would be required to them bring them from a fantasy
world to reality. Even then it would scientifically impossible to
pull off such a feat ot task. In conclusion they are real but only
in fantasy but not in reality.
I might be a mermaid :P
1. I don't get along with the majority of people.
2. I love summer and hate winter.
3. I love fish and sea food.
4. I like swimming in the sea a lot.
5. Swimming makes me happy. In effect I am mostly sad during winter because I can't swim.
Apart from jokes, I don't know, if there is still 93% to discover maybe they are hidden, or maybe it's just that, a fantasy.
Almost anything is possible, I suppose. I think they exist but not how they are normally depicted. But a humanoid form that lives in the Ocean is possible.~Mina
![]() Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (204) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 11,455 [ Give / Take ] |
Didn't they have a show about mermaids on Discovery Channel (??) last year? They had bones if I remember right.
Just throwing that out there, see if anyone else can remember it better then me.
A lot of those shows are nothing but hoaxes.
They're actually really starting to tick me off because a lot of people watch Animal Planet, Discovery, History etc. to try to learn something real, and yet they're just stuffing the programming full of total bull crap (mermaids, "ancient aliens", and so forth). And to make matters worse, people are falling for it.
Now, as for the issue of mermaids. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that some primate ancestor tried to return to the sea, I mean many mammalian species have done so (whales, dolphins, all once lived on land). And who knows, maybe 5 million years ago they re-bred themselves back in to the primate line and that's why we still instinctively hold our breaths under water, have salty tears, and slightly webbed hands/feet. .....or they don't and never existed, and there's other much more plausible explanations for the oddities of humans compared to other primates. It's fun to think about.
As all have said before..there is so much that has not been explored nor explained..who are we to say there isn't or I think mermaids are real? I think there is a good possibility...there are so many questions and events that are left unexplainable. .anything is a possibility
I agree there is still so much about our world that goes unexplained...being open minded..I would not doubt that there are
I would like to believe that mermaids are real. I think this is an interesting topic. At several marine parks across the country there are "training sessions" where people learn how to hold their breath for a long time underwater (5-7 minute spurts, maybe longer) and they wear fins to give the illusion they're "real".
Manatees have been known to be called 'mermaids' because they're so elusive.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the mermaids that appeared in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Those mermaids were protectors of their land, very territorial and not the happy-go-lucky kind that is portrayed by Disney and other kid-friendly movies. The Grimm's fairy tale version of The Little Mermaid is much, much darker.
IF mermaids are real, I believe they could be hiding in the lost city of Atlantis. I mean, it would make sense...
came from apes,where did apes evolve?we are spirtual eternal energy.We evolved from the one source,The creator GOD.Mermaids,because you have not seen them,does not mean they are real,We have Mothman,BigFoot,and other strange creatures on our planet,so why not Mermaids.To the non belivers i say,you need proof,belivers do not,they have faith,we can move mountains.but you non belivers can only speculate.Namaste' Elviscat
So belief alone makes something real? If that's the case I believe I live in a mansion with rooms full of gold and my spine isn't damaged. .....didn't work.
For something to be real there must be proof. Heck, even in science something isn't *known* to be real until it's observed. At this very moment I can't even prove my living room exists because I can't see it.
Belief has nothing to do with anything. Evidence on the other hand is everything.
I think a mermaid COULD be real.
There's plenty of the oceans that we haven't discovered and so there's a lot of room for imagination as far as what sorts of creatures live there.
Although I have to severely question if a mermaid would necessarily be the way we envision it.
But is there any substantial proof of a mermaid?
But until we've discovered all there is to discover undersea, I'm not ruling out the possibility.
I choose to believe Mermaids are real but there is absolutely no way to prove that they exist and so asking others to believe they are in fact, living beings that roam our earth is a far stretch
They could be real but not in the current context we imagine them to exist in. The ocean is vast and we have yet to discover the secret's the ocean possesses.
I believe a mermaid is real. I believe there are many things that are real that people laugh at and to them I say YOUR LOSS!
Maybe. I don't think it's impossible. Maybe something down the line branched off during evolution and was pushed so far down we aren't even close to touching it. And yes, things do live deep, deep down. Of course the further you go down the more intense the pressure becomes and life seems to become more scarce. That doesn't mean there isn't anything down there. Even something we can't imagine.
Are they real? One doesn't know. Personally, I'm very doubtful, but I wouldn't say it's impossible.
They are basing their "proof" off of cave drawings.
My question is, how legit are the drawings and how old are they really?
Some things exist but they are not believed in by those who cannot capture proof thereof. Does that mean that they don't or haven't existed? Of course not. A lot of creatures have become extinct over time, just like some of our endangered species or animals that are not reproducing enough, so they die out.
Things are going to stay where they feel safest and the same goes for anything else out there.
They could be real depending on if you believe in the original Fae which are said to have passed into some sort of separate reality or some such thing. mermaids were originally part of the Faery court weren't they?
Regarding the 'thigh gap'...maybe if they did exist, they would breed like actual fish?
Could mermaids be real? Of course they could, is there any proof that they don't? Whether or not they ARE real is another question and up for own opinions. However, I believe that they are, but not in the context we see them. Film interpretations on mermaids come from somewhere. no one single person decided one day that a human could be half fish and suddenly the whole world knew about this myth. Like all 'myths' and 'legends' they came from some form of fact.
I believe mermaids to exist in a less humanoid appearance. Gills and scales are prominent in my mind, a requirement of living under the see for the most part, but they don't have human faces, not so developed at least. I imagine their noses to resemble a lot like a sharks nose, but smaller. Their faces taking on a similar pointed shape.
The point of what I am trying to say, is that they could exist, but not as how we see them now to exist.
Heyyyyyyyyy, hold on a sec. WHO says mermaids arent real? Lol
No I don't believe they are real..just a beautiful thought though..
I can't honestly say whether they are real or not,but just because we haven't seen something with our own eyes,does not mean that it doesn't exist. And with that being said...there are vasts amounts of the oceans that have never been explored.
True there is much of our planet and our solar system and neighboring galaxies still left unexplored. Even though existing species are dying out new ones are being discovered or created yes I even heard they are currently genetically engineering mutants in labs as of recent so mermaids could someday actually exsist along with bigfoot and and the abominable snowman or even the lauchness monster.
I would say no til I see one then I will change my mind cause after all seeing is believing until then mere fantasy and nothing but a bunch hoaxes and nonsence
but make for good fiction though I will give it that is good for entertainment value only.
Mermaids are kinda in the same boat as vampires... Great for movies and tragic stories.
I don't believe something doesn't exist until it's been solidly proven that it doesn't. So for all I know mermaids are real, along with all the other stuff people don't believe in. :)
that mermaids film was a fake just have to read the credits and small print, that is how i found out, i thought is was real when i first seen it.
anyways i do think mermaids can be real somewhere if not here then perhaps on another plane of existance
I hope mermaids are real- or I just paid a lot of Money in Mexico to take a picture with a hooker in a fish suit...
could mermaids be real personaly I think that they could very well exist so far no one has proven that they don't they said the same thing about the megalodon could it still be alive today well marine biologist Collin drake has compelling evedance that it could stil be alive .
i remember reading that sailors use to think the butterfly fish of the sea were mermaids
mermaids were also popular as figurheads for the front of ships
I tried writing out a huge long thing being serious and bringing aliens and evolution in this but I gave up.
In my opinion, it's ignorant to believe they weren't real, if they still aren't alive. Like what was said above not even 7% of the ocean is explored. They could be anywhere. In the bible (which I believe is a load of crap but it's been around a hella lot longer than any of us, even all of us combined in age) says Adam say unicorns. (Don't argue with me about that. I am rather stubborn and here and when I was 9 and still a christian it was in me "HoneyBee Bible" which is a kid's bible with a giant ugly bee on it) If a unicorn exists, there is evidence of aliens, we evolutionized from apes, and there are fucking ghosts then there must be mermaids.
haha lol, well i think the universe has a lot yet to still be discovered and like i mentioned earlier perhaps they do exist in another realm and if not then in our own thoughts and dreams and those are real to an extent
I believe mermaids are real and have been pushed to the depths of the oceans because of mankind's cruel acts agents the seas
Our society believes a lot in the unknown. Big foot mermaids. We want to believe that some truth lies within the stories. Skeptics say prove it and the hunt begins to establish a bases of could and does exist
Could a mermaid be real? Possibly, but I don't think they would look like the mermaids portrayed in movies.
50 50 chance we have not explored all parts of the ocean
Could-yes. It's just not probable in the present reality or earth physically. Astrally definitely.
Part of me wants to say yes, due to the fact that we've barely searched the ocean and we discover new species every day.
Then, the other part of me says no. It just doesn't seem possible.
And, if they are real, I see them more as being horrific type monsters than I see them as Ariel from "The Little Mermaid".
It's definitely a possibility, but no one truly knows until we actually find one
Well, this is a hard logical mind says 'uh uh, no way' but then again as previously stated there's still 93% of undiscovered ocean out there, so who knows.
Although, to be fair I think that even if there is something we could class as a mermaid in existence, I seriously doubt it would fit into our stereotypical opinion of one. Especially considering that they would have broken off from our evolutionary tree billions of years ago, to still be living in the sea.
As dabbler said, they are like god, more specifically like Hindu gods. They are like most mythical beasts, a metaphor. The Beauty of these metaphors can not be denied, and they have value in understanding ourselves, and metaphysics.
Personally, I prefer Capricorn, but I'm egocentric... that's not real either.
it seems safe to say that most fictional creatures stand to popular folklore i think that most things may or maynot exsit i belive it is the eyes of the artist who writes the story or the folktales see in the eyes of the writer many things exsist. so to them it is real because the story they share is from there souls and part of what they love. so even though it may not have proof of exsisting science wise it can exsist in the minds of the fantasies of childern and to the writers of the books the child reads. anything can exsist in a creative mind.
I don't think they exist.. although giant squids exist, and maybe days gone by they were mistaken as the myth ??
I am not sure if they are real, I would consider as a sailors myth. A lot of sailors many years ago beleived in sea monsters, mermaids and even giant octopus.
The way evolution keeps evolving or mutating than mermaids could in fact exist,
maybe befor man started going out more into the world there could have been
i suppose one could create a vast immage of almost anything, each writer can create a charecter in any type of story . i think they could exsit in the minds of those who wish to belive in them . kinda like santa , one can choose to belive it or not belive. but in the hearts of children he is there and very real. so its my oppion that its all in the eyes of the beholder.
Now a days I dont doubt much but of course I believe in the supernatural and in otherkin which are people that are other than human but part something else...
The big problem I have with the suggestions of mermaids being deep inhabitants is multifold. The first one being the nature of extreme pressures affect on a body type that has air pockets. Creatures who inhabit the abyssalpellagic and hadopellagic zones(6000÷ metres) normally dont wash to shore because they sink. This is due to the fact they consist mostly of water with no air pockets. Then we have a problem ,of how , when rising to the surface , deep sea creatures normally die due to going from super high pressures to very low pressures nearer the surface..yes, whales can go from derp waters, such as sperm whales, but mermaids would not fit the classical descriptions if they were built in a wsy to accomplish decents and ascents of the magnitudes suggested. Neh, there are far too many cons opposed to pros on this one in my book.
in the myth most could belive that a merfolk to be half humun half fish , i find it hard to belive a human would mate a fish lol but heck who know stranger things have happened , but i think most are just fairytales sailors told thier children to make life more exciting for them. but when science can show me evidence id belive they exsist.
Mermaids are real why?
Okay you historical fact that in legends there are many on them.
China, India, Egypt, Sumeria, Greece and then some have gods and goddesses to which have the same traits.
1. They were hunters
2 They were singers and lured men into the ocean
3 They were beautiful always male or female
4 They would drain the man or woman of their life essence. Their blood.
5 They were sensual and dangerous
Grimm's fairy tales
1 She feel in love with a human
2 She became human and could not sing nor talk
3 Though her beauty was there she died into sea foam for the bet was laid. She lost, she died.
People have written books on mermaid magic and sea magic. A lot of it is coming out of peoples minds at night. Notice I say night.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) denies it, but there have been findings of a creature that is part fish and part human like. Not human but human like. The hint of bones show it it to be like us except the torso and also the tail.
But there is proof around dolphins that sound wave wise has been around to which basically the communicate with them. Also dolphins are notes and stories upon helping humans. Why? (they recognize something in humans.) There are countless dolphins whom saved humans. BUT why? Why do they save us when we destroy the world?
Plus they keep finding out more of the ocean is not seen and though we have touched 7% of the waters out there we have not gone all the way to its core. Scientifically it is possible for them to exist. Even on animal planet they had proof that made me rethink the ebb and flow of life. We find fish that they say is due to genetic mutations and we see it . However, we cannot simply accept things for faith has to be seen not heard touched and such.
But riddle me this why have we gone more into space then our own oceans? There is a fear . The government has tested on the waters and failed badly many a time.
They used to say there are things that eat submarines and such that we cannot touch. The government has said they cannot make a certain type of submarine. Water is the essence of life really we are made of 80% of it. If there was not such a creature that drank blood on waters what about land?
I am just saying mermaids are creatures we don't understand but many understand vampires and vampirism.Why is that? We are on a webpage that is Gothic and a safe haven for vampires. Mermaids could be a vampire of sorts feeding on fish and humans.
So if you don't believe in the myth, legends and such who are you then? Vampyre, goth vampire, or human after all just drinking in the energy of others or drink the blood of others?
I believe in them but for all the reason above and then some.
I guess I just have an open mind.
Why dont we explore oceans as we do space? Yes, its fear. Fear of being crushed by thousands of pounds of pressure...not to mention, once you begin entering deep ocean, there is pretty much nothing but featureless mud, other than a few things like thermal vents and ancient reef.Visiability is less than 100 feet, and the going is slllllowww. Crawling along at knots in the single digits..with that aside, we do explore deep oceans. Far more them most realize.No other industry explores deep oceans like the oil industry. But it is extremely expensive and the challenges are extreme. Lighting is one of the biggest hurdles. Before I end this post, my statement is not to say there arent unknown creatures down there..there are. And researchers have been looking at ways to make it easier to explore..but until then, its more about the challenges of deep sea exploration, not fear of the unknown.
Having an "open mind" is about considering all aspects and then some, as opposed to simply believing in something fringe, while discounting every, or anything that could dispove that belief.
Initially weighing slightly more than water, the craft descended 10.9 km (6.77 miles) below sea level. At the bottom, the pellets were ejected, and the buoyant gasoline floats carried Trieste back to the top. This feat has never been replicated by a manned craft, although several unmanned submersibles have since explored the Challenger Deep.
The deepest-diving large, military-style submarine was the Soviet submarine K-278 Komsomolets, with a hull made oftitanium, making it very expensive, but able to withstand significantly deeper dives than the best submarines made of high-grade steel, like American nuclearsubmarines. The Komsomolets was anuclear powered submarine specially designed to make trips as far down as 1300 meters (4265 feet) below sea level, definitely less than the Trieste, but very significant because the Komsomolets had to "defend" a much larger air bubble against the encroaching pressure of the surrounding ocean.
Compared to the best American nuclearsubmarines, of the Seawolf class,Komsomolets had about 78% better diving capabilities. Seawolf submarineshave an estimated crush depth of about 2400 feet (730 m). The Seawolfsubmarines are constructed of a high grade steel called HY-100, capable of withstanding 100 atmospheres of pressure. As a rule of thumb, the pressure increases by one atmosphere for every 10 m of descent
Deep sea exloration versus space exploration comes down to one issue above all else. How to accomplish deep sea exploration in a manner that doesnt disturb or destroy fragile deep sea ecosystems.. not because we are afraid of being eaten by a Megladon or some unknown monster..
I was discussing about the water. We could have adapted as we have on land. Water yes can damage under pressure however, we barely know our own surface. Could be possible is all.
Possible, yes..probable, meh, not really...not inthe mythical sense anyway., but I wont completely discount the possibility.
But hey, Im a mermaid, so apparently, we do exist! ;)
There is a train of thought i wonder about at times when considering creatures suck as Centuars, mermaids etc. It ties in with ancient aliens...genetic malipulation perhaps? Of course creatures of the nature probably were sterile, thus, once they were was the species