Here i will talk about my practices with the craft as in Witchcraft. Please feel free to leave comments or message me.
Although my family line is not the easiest to track down. I have not yet found out that any of my family members were Witches. Although i am sure that if they were nobody would know about it. To most people it isnt something that you would broadcast. I have been a practicing Witch for about 7 years now.
Type of Witch:
I like to call myself an Eclectic and Solitary practitioner. Eclectic means that I have a variety of mixed beliefs as well as practices. What I mean by Solitary is that I practice Witchcraft alone and all by myself. I am not a part of a coven. I celebrate the holidays alone and i perform my ceremonies and rituals all alone in privacy.
Deities I worship/follow:
Goddess Isis
God Osiris
Goddess Ma'at
God Amun-Ra
I am still researching and learning everyday. I build on my beliefs constantly. But so far i believe in life after death. In other words i believe in an afterlife know to many as Summerland also known as the Otherworld. I believe in Reincarnation also, which can take place in the afterlife. I believe that you have the choice whether or not you would like to be reincarnated or aka reborn and given another life. I also believe in karma or aka the Threefold Law. I believe what we do has consequences for us. I believe if i do something good then that will come back to me 3 times stronger. And if i do something bad then that will also come back to me 3 times stronger.
I like to meditate frequently it helps to relax me and ground myself.
I am descent at palmistry and tarot readings and i am looking forward to learning to read tea leaves. I am a very successful Reiki Master. I have written 3 Grimoires also known as book of shadows. I do spells and rituals and ceremonies. I also like to mind meld.
21:18 Feb 22 2017
03:19 Apr 04 2017
This is wonderful.
08:51 Sep 01 2017
very nice
16:07 Jun 10 2018
Very nice