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Well there are many questions that one could ask about me. The truth is i am many things rolled up into one. I live in a very small town in Ohio where i have two neighbors. One of which i have never seen personally.
First off I am a Witch and i have been a practitioner of the craft for many years. It was more of a self taught kind of thing. Ive had High Priestesses teach me but the way they wanted to teach me just wasnt my cup of tea. I wanted to be a Solitary witch. Which means i wanted to practice the craft on my own and not in a coven full of strangers. Also i consider myself to be Eclectic. Usually in a coven everyone shares one central belief. But personally i believe in many things.
Secondly I am a certified level three Reiki practitioner. A Reiki master is someone that can heal others using the energy of earth and space and so on. They say it does not drain you of energy when you use the galaxy's energy but it just depends on how you use Reiki. I have been told by my patients(friends and family) that my healing is effective. I can heal people that live countries away. Which mean i can do long distance healings. Sometimes i combine Reiki and Witchcraft in order to make my healing more efficient.
I am also an Empath. Being an Empath means i feel emotions and pain not just from myself but anyone that is near me. Sometimes i can shut it off. And sometimes it can be overwhelming. When i was younger i was feeling drained. I came to the realization that when i was using my Empath abilities and sensing peoples pain i was using my energy to heal them. Which is very dangerous if done to many times.
Finally, I am a Medium. I know most people do not believe in the paranormal. They think well if we cannot see it we do not believe in it. But if everyone felt that way there wouldnt be any Christians because if they couldnt see God they wouldnt believe in Christianity and so forth. But i have had many paranormal experiences. I can feel the presence of the dead. And quite frankly sometimes they like to scare the hell out of me.
18:33 Sep 09 2016
i welcome you to leave comments
20:09 Sep 11 2016
I like your page.
23:45 Sep 12 2016
Your page has been very thorough. Well said.
04:10 Mar 05 2017
04:10 Mar 05 2017
08:57 Sep 01 2017