
Legion (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Transgressor (54.66)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Legion (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

New York



Bite ForlornPoetess

Stalk ForlornPoetess



Those who see beauty in the darkness, truely see light.

Welcome eyes unseen to me who has cast themselves upon the page which graces my name and visage. I am not a stranger here in this place, tho i appreciate VR rates i much more enjoy the comments and images left behind by friend and stranger. I have been a member here for 4 years now and in that span of time i am happy to say i have made friends, enemies and even those i consider family. Since birth i have leaned towards the less traveled path, the road not taken by many. I am a Priestess of Hecate, and a Psy/Sang Vampire, blink again yes you did read that correctly. Believe me or don't i have long since lost interest in caring the opinions of others.

For those who take the time to read this, whose minds and thoughts gleam knowledge of me and not what is just seen on the outside. I welcome you to get to know me more. I only ask for the respect, truthfullness and open ness i share in return and know this well i follow the rede very closely. So when you take action, voice or writen word against or for me know that it will come back in threes respectably.

Coven Motto: If you fuck with one of us ....You fuck with us all.

De'morte! My Home, My Family, My santuary and soo much more. This Coven has been my home and family beyond measure. It is to them i lean on, just as my shoulder is here for them. Beware ye who drawn down harm upon my brothers and sisters for i will raise my own anthame and voice in return. Say what you may, but know words hold no weight. The coven that stands together, lasts together!

The Awakening
My Mentorship And Family.

Oath Of De'Morte

I swear by that which the family of De'morte asks of me to. A life of Faith and Purpose, of Dedication and the willingness to offer aid to those in need. I declare my faith and wisdom in the minds and hands of those that lead demorte. i will act with dignity and kindess towards my fellow members. I will uphold the strength, beauty, history, future and all that is De'Morte in my own heart as long as it remains. My Purpose from this day forward is to uphold, understand and show in my own actions the true value and wonders of my family. Should i ere from this path may my peers judge me for by thier eyes alone can i be judged.

De'Morte Now...De'morte FOREVER.

The Alliance Of The De'Morte

The Longest Night

This silent stirring of new life in us,
Filling us with inner strength,
The strength is good,
And it comes from a place,
Deep inside our beings,
That has only been reached,
In the depth of ego-death,
This power we trust,
This is the power,
Of love and compassion,
The world cries out for,
The veil of illusion,
Lifts slowly and reveals,
The direction of our paths,
May be lighted another year through,
Dear mother goddess, and horned god our father,
Bless us this year through,
As we your children raise our eyes to you.

Quotes I live by:

"The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality."

"Within the Darkness, truth is revealed."

" A grave wherever found, preaches a short and prithy sermon to the soul."- Nathaniel Hawthorne

"You have conquered,and I yield. Yet, henceforward,art thou also dead - - dead to the World, to Heaven, and to Hope! In me didst thou exist - - and, in my death, see by this image, which is thine own, how utterly thou hast murdered thyself."

-Edgar Allen Poe, In Death

"The true genius shudders at incompleteness- and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be."
-Edgar Allen Poe, In Education

"The Educated look down on the illiterate because they do not know the woders of knowledge. The Uneducated look down on the illiterate because they have to deal with problems."

-Edgar Allen Poe, In Education

"Giving up doesnt always mean you're week. It just means that you are strong enough to let go."

"Those who see the true beauty in all things upon the earth and planes beyond see the true beauty of creation"

If you are interested in my work and poetry please feel free to visit my journal or portfolio. Rates and Comments much appreciated. I have a deep love for music. And besides metal (death, heavy etc.) I'm a classical music lover. It soothes my nerves and leaves me in a relaxed state.

I'm also into reading alot. My favorites are the classics. Dante, Poe, etc. There are so many books that I could list that it would take too long.

The Goddess Hecate

"Finding Hecate" A Dream Interpretated.

I slept and in my travels i found myself upon a darkened path, as the moon slowly came from beyond the clouds the path was made clear to me. Turn not did i upon the path as my steps called softly the beat of my heart in time. The moon's light like a torch in the night as the hounds did howl in the distance, thier song closer and closer with each step. I found myself at a crossroads, to my left the path cleared revealing a black hound, her howl striking a cord in my chest as she came and sat beside me. I look to my right my eyes gaze into the dark and the moon's beams cast themselves revealing a woman, pale tall and her face hidden behind a mask she carried a bowl before her.

Stopping beside me, we three in turn faced the path i had traveled. Holding the bowl to out to me the coral berries cool in the light of the moon a voice within me said partake and so i did. Eat the berries i did but the seed i planted in the path and from it sprang a yew, turning to the woman i found her gone, turning to the hound she remained. And so i began my travel back down the path her body moving in time with mine tho she walked beside me not a sound did she make, companion on my path. as the path darkened i woke and found myself in my own bed again. But my path in waking hours forever changed.

I hope if thine eyes have been true you have read and looked upon this brief glimpse inside of myself. And in doing some gleaned what you will from it. Find you now that you wish to know more of me. To Know ME. Reach out, send word and speak and so you and i shall learn of each other.

Branded by, and treasured

Protected By And Cared For By The Following.




Blessed Be Brothers And Sisters.

Member Since: Mar 08, 2006
Last Login: May 26, 2015
Times Viewed: 12,035

Times Rated:889

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Mar 08, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Dec 22, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
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