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MysticalWench carries the Mark of The Prince.

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Great Sire (111.52)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Mentorship Mentor of Bal Masqué.
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  June 2, 1980
Age:  44

Illinois (ill-annoy), USA



Bite MysticalWench

Stalk MysticalWench



*** I am not sure why the BITE, JOURNAL, PORTFOLIO, STALK, ONLINE, or VAMPIRE RAVE images don't show up on IE. IE even changes the color of my fonts... If anyone has any suggestions please don't hesitate to help! Everything shows up just fine with FireFox or Chrome. Actually this profile is ONLY viewed best with FireFox or Chrome ***



For all you people who rate low because I don't have anything written about me.... I would insert sarcastic comment *here*, but instead... Please click on links (I.E. The Basics, Music, Movies, etc....) for a lot of useless info about me!




I am changing this whole section. Updated 1/24/14
Live in Illinois, right outside of Chicago. I have loved everything about vampires since being in my early teens. I am pretty cynical and sarcastic but for a change I can't really complain about life. I love animals way more than people cause they are way more trustworthy. I have major trust issues and I tend to hide in my books and music. Not sure what else to put in here right now... If you want to know anything else about me just send me a message..

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.:H.I.M.:. .:30 Seconds to Mars:. .:Apocalyptica:. .:Within Temptation:. .:AFI:. .:Linkin Park:. .:Midnight Syndicate:. .:Nox Arcana:. .:Disturbed:. .:Godsmack:. .:Offspring:. .:Dommin:. .:Lifehouse:. .:Ozzy:. .:Green Day:. .:Loreena McKennitt:. .:We Are the Fallen:. .:80's hair bands:. .:Evanescence:. .:Tokio Hotel:. .:Matchbox 20:. .:Nightwish:. (with Tarja as the singer), .:MCR:. .:Bella Morte:. .:Flyleaf:. .:Dope Stars Inc.:. .:Sarah McLachlin:. .:311:. .:Orgy:. .:Lonestar:. .:NIN:. .:Fuel:. .:Guns N Roses:. .:Tarja Turunen (solo):. .:S.O.D.:. .:Boston:. .:Stabbing Westward:. .:3 Doors Down:. .:Lacuna Coil:. .:Demon Hunter:. .:Type O Negative:. .:Offspring:. .:Eminem:. .:Bryan Adams:. .:Bon Jovi:. .:U2:. (early stuff from Achtung Baby and prior albums), .:Metallica:. .:KoRn:. etcetcetc ....

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.:Phantom of the Opera:. .:Blade I, II, III:. .:Subspecies:. .:HIM: Love Archives Vol I:. .:HIM: Digital Versatile Doom:. .:Twilight:. .:Buffy the Vampire Slayer:. .:Kingdom of Heaven:. .:Robin Hood Prince of Thieves:. .:Robin Hood Men in Tights:. .:10 Things I Hate About You:. .:Three Musketeers:. .:First Knight:. .:Labyrinth:. .:Bram Stoker's Dracula:. .:Harry Potter I, II, III, IV, V, VI:. .:The Crow:. .:Princess Bride:. .:Lost Boys:. .:Interview with a Vampire:. .:Lord of the Rings I, II, III:. .:Encino Man:. .:Happy Feet:. .:Eragon: Dragon Rider:. .:Van Helsing:. .:Underworld I, II, III:. .:Shrek I, II:. .:Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland:. etcetcetc.

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.:Vampires:. .:dragons:. .:were-animals:. .:writing poetry/stories:. .:books:. .:music:. .:passion:. .:driving/road trips:. .:camping:. .:photography:. .:mountains:. .:talking:. .:zoos/safaris:. .:darkness:. .:candles:. .:daydreaming:. .:being a (dark) romantic:. .:hiking:. .:horseback riding:. .:traveling:. .:scenery:. .:museums:. .:collecting dragons/gargoyles/wizards/unicorns (statues):. .:twilight:. .:autumn:. .:nighttime:. .:stargazing:. .:cemeteries:. .:renaissance faires:. .:dark beautiful art:. .:castles:. .:masquerade balls:. .:costumes:. .:the Medieval Era:. .:archery:. I think Foamy's Rants and Happy Bunny are brilliant, and other things that I will not disclose on here....

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.:Stephenie Meyer:. .:Laurell K. Hamilton:. .:Sherrilyn Kenyon:. .:Shannon Drake:. .:Maggie Shayne:. .:Tanya Huff:. .:Charlaine Harris:. .:Kelley Armstrong:. .:Lori Handeland:. .:Kim Harrison:. .:Mark Anthony:. .:Christine Feehan:. .:LJ Smith:. .:Jim Butcher:. .:Chelsea Quinn Yarbro:. .:Lilith Saintcrow:. .:Richelle Mead:. .:C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp:. .:Carrie Vaughn:. .:Ellen Schreiber:. .:Minda Webber:. .:Keri Arthur:. .:P.C. Cast/Kristin Cast:. .:Kerrelyn Sparks:. .:Savannah Russe:. .:Cheyenne McCray:. .:Barbara Steiner:. .:Heather Graham:. .:Jeaniene Frost:. .:Nancy Haddock:. .:Patricia Briggs:. .:Elaine Moore:. .:Cheri Scotch:. .:Tamara Gray:. .:Jennifer Rardin:...... just to name a few

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Well, I don't watch much TV but I still like to watch .:Buffy the Vampire Slayer:. .:Vampire Diaries:. .:Criminal Minds (not my fault it is on ALL the time):. .:CSI: Miami:. .:NCIS (this is on all the time too):. .:Angel:. .:Moonlight:. (this was such a good show) .:Dresden Files:. .:BloodTies:. .:NCIS: Los Angeles:. .:Highlander:.

I tend to watch the Weather Channel (even though they are always wrong), and once in awhile WWE and The Simpsons (course my faves are the Tree House of Horrors and the episode where The Simpsons go to Italy... "Vendetta! Vendetta!" tooooo funny)... I despise all Reality Shows (am I living wrong, cause my reality doesn't come anywhere near what they claim reality to be...) and I am highly disappointed in True Blood...

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The Raving Rating Ranting Raver... (say that 5 times real fast)

Okay... A couple changes to this paragraph... I try to be fair when rating people... I don't really look at content in rather long profiles, because you obviously spent a lot of time putting the profile together so of course a 10, though if there is no content other then a few lines I will try to read those and rate based on that. (i.e. I am not a big fan of skulls and/or gore, but I will not rate based on my likes or dislike of them, in that regard) I used to give everyone a 10, but after going through a couple thousand Whelps who have been on for months and are still Whelps and who act like this is a dating site, my rating kindness has seriously dwindled... I have lately, been using the whole spectrum of the rating scale. When I give 10's and 9's I still leave my stamp, otherwise I rate just to level up. I have been lenient with rating even when I notice someone who can't spell a three letter word. My spelling is far from perfect, but at least when I notice a squiggly red line under the word, I fix it... If you think I am trying to sound better than others, I am not... It just annoys me to no end...

(The only reason these next 2 paragraphs are even here are because of some people who are a few fries short of a Happy Meal)

Also, if you are going to rate lower then a 10 at least have the decency to tell me why. I worked long and hard on this site, and I take pride in what I do here... Just because you have a problem with my words or content, don't let that get in the way of how much stuff I have on here. If I don't get a reason, I will match the rating I received, on your site (Saying, in my opinion doesn't cut it either). Hell, I have been in a bad mood lately so I might even rate you 2 or 3 numbers lower depending on how well I decide to analyze your profile... I still try to give 10's to a majority of people (well other then one liner Whelps), because if they believe they did a good job on their page, who am I to judge otherwise... (Anyone with anything pertaining to H.I.M., animals, and rating me a 10 gets an automatic 10 though...) Got graphics and lots of text on here.. What more do you want??? Tell me... If suggestions are good, I will change the profile as I see fit...

Oh, and FYI if you rate me and I don't rate you back that means I rated you some time ago, and it's kind of pointless to rate multiple times if you aren't going to change the rating... (the rate you get only counts once, so rating a person a ten 5 times won't matter) Don't take it personally if I don't rate you back, especially if I go to your site and I see one of my stamps... If it is an old stamp I will change it if I have time...(I check my "See who has rated you" at least once an hour...).

P.S. If you have a crappy computer, and is on the verge of crashing or freezing when viewing my page, don't rate me low because you can't afford a new one...

Damned if I do, Damned if I don't....
(meaning get rated low if I have a lot of stuff here, or I don't have enough... WTF do you people want!!!!)

*Thank you to the 1 person who actually gave constructive criticism, and hopefully the profile is better for it!*

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Some poetry I decided to put here instead of in my journal...

The Soulless
Blood & Lust
Tears of Angels
The Crypt
Moonlight Kiss
No One Cares
Fantasy *graphic*
So Alone
Fight vs Flight
Tears of Blood
Forest of Death
Cold Embrace
Flames Flicker
Black Rose
I Tried
Constant Ache
I'm Sorry
Of You, I Wonder
I Hate You
I Quit
I Quit (with alternate ending)
Beneath the Surface
Black Rose
Which Way

The Soulless

Like a thousand lashes with a whip of thorns;
Your silence pains me, like nothing I've felt before.
Feeling dirty and used, betrayed and broken;
Was in denial at first, but let the realization soak in.
I never loved some one so thoroughly, so deep;
I never felt pain like this before, so raw, so steep.
Each breath kills me, I die over and over again,
All the joy, all the happiness goes down the drain;
Pain, torment and darkness is all that remains.
Can't do this feeling justice, wish I would go numb;
Believing your words and letting you in; naive and dumb.
They say it's better to have love and lost then to not love at all;
I can't see the logic through the endless tears that fall.
They say that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
With you gone, and this torture, I don't want to live any longer.
Though I will go on day after day and hellish night after night;
If any potential love comes along, against it I will fight.
Three years alone, thought I was immune to loves charm;
Thinking it was safe to love you, and not come to harm.
You even fooled my instincts, there was no warning sound;
Thought the love of my life was finally found.
Fate played a cruel hand of a lonely destiny, and a loving heart;
I close my eyes while the whip continues tearing me apart.
They say to grab life by the reigns, which I don't do, I play safe,
The one time I did, ended in disaster, now I feel colder then the grave.
You looked in my eyes and told me that you weren't an a**hole;
But what you did to me, to my heart - do you even have a soul?.

(c) Melia Teka 6/14/08

Back to the Beginning


I need your arms around me;
I need my space.
Want to be with you forever;
Slow down the pace.

I dream and think of beauty.
Ugly is what I am.
Could I find you out there?
While I'm here sitting back.

Thoughts constantly fighting.
Emotions empty; hollow.
Always wanting someone;
Alone is where I wallow.

I have seen what love can do.
And I am running far and fast
But I want love and to love
I'm standing still, yet it will pass.

Tell me that you love me;
Deep down it's me you hate
What did I do to cause this?
Or is my being alone my fate.

The outside I laugh
The inside I cry
I need to live
But I want to die...

(c) 11/22/07 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Blood & Lust

Your blood down my throat;
Nails down your back leave trails.
Your essence fills my senses;
In my arms, your life - unveiled.

My blood fills your mouth,
I hear you growl deeply;
My life flows through your veins;
We are united; completely.

The look in your eyes,
After what was shared;
Danger, heat, and desire;
Nothing can be compared.

Our hearts race louder; faster;
Passion no longer contained,
The wildness in our souls,
Now escaped, no longer chained.

We shudder now becoming one.
Power; control, no longer defied.
Your hands around my throat;
Your release will not be denied.

So close are we to that point;
Carnal; primitive desires being met.
Can barely breath, lights going dim;
This night, neither regret, nor forget.

We were made - two ends of one rope;
The intensity even more then before.
We cry out together, riding this wave;
Never ending pleasure carrying us to shore.

So close to death, Never more alive;
Your hands ease from my vocal chords.
The look you have, you finally realize;
I'm here forever, made for you; m'lord

(c) lissateka 2/13/08
(added 8th stanza 2/16/08)

Back to the Beginning

Tears of Angels

The rain pours down upon me;
They're tears of angels so they seem,
Their cries are for my anguished soul;
To heal the pain and mend the hole.
To seal the broken pieces from within,
Make me once more feel alive again.
Will I ever know true happiness?
Or will I always live in sadness?
Why does it always come to this?
Is this really all there is?
The hurt comes to surface once more.
Every time; worse then before.
Do the angels even care?
Do they look upon how we fare?
Do they ever guide us along our route?
Push us straight, when we drift with doubt?
Inside; my heart, I silently shout;
The angels hear and cry out loud.
The rain pours down upon me;
They're tears of angels so they seem....

(c) 1/12/07 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


Tonight the pain is so deep
Tonight I want to permanently sleep
Drink myself into blissful death
Ease this pain, stop my breath.
The loneliness so deep within,
Will not give up, should I give in?
It hurts so bad, the tears just fall.
Tonight I want to end it all.
No love will ever claim me;
The pain will not forsake me.
I have tried to move on I really tried,
But to myself I only had lied.
Slightly was there joy then again you left
Reopened the wounds and left me bereft
Why did I forgive only to get betrayed again?
I curse you once more with this loneliness and pain .
Drop the empty bottle from my hands;
I will not ask forgiveness, for I have already been damned...
(c) Melia Teka 12/17/06

Back to the Beginning


With each new life comes a certainty of death;
Each day brings you closer to that of your last breath.
How the ground welcomes you with open arms;
Knowing there will be peace, no more harm.
Thinking of those that sped the process a little faster,
Though for the ones they leave behind; emotional disasters.
Sometimes I envy the ones who had the bravery to go there,
But I would not be that selfish to the few who care,
And I would not give the satisfaction to the ones that hate me.
There is a short poem that sums it all up perfectly:

*"Razors pain you,
Rivers are damp,
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns arent lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live."

When the time comes though, I will not fear,
Everyone must go through it, whether far or near.
Will there be an afterlife? Or eternal darkness?
Will I be in hells fire? Or receive an angel's caress?
Will my ending come in agony? Or quick and painless?
Will I die surrounded by family? Or will I die alone; loveless?
Into these questions and others; I sink in deeper,
But no matter the answers, I still **don't fear the reaper.

(c) copyright 4/6/06 Melia Teka

* A poem that I do not know who wrote it
** Dont Fear the Reaper � a song by Blue Oyster Cult

Back to the Beginning

The Crypt

As she walks at sunset, through the cemetery,
She feels peace, a calm, and no longer weary.
She walks between the graves and head stones,
And spots a crypt, standing ahead, all alone.
The cold marble walls tell a tale of their own.
How it stood there all this time,
Seeing people visit, age, grow old, then die.
With Romanesque pillars and stained glass windows,
The crypt looks beautiful, a place live people should go.
She notices the name, and dates carved into the base;
The youngest in here 3, such a sorrowful disgrace.
She opens the door, walks in, and feels a presence;
The hair on her arms stand up, and she becomes tense.
Something's not right here, she senses that now,
Just then the door slams, and locks, somehow.
She runs to the door and pushes with all her might;
Her body is preparing for this - "fight or flight."
She looks behind her and gasps at the sight.
The coffin opens, and she nearly passes out from fright.
She then smashes a window with her fist;
Wouldn't you know, now there's a fine mist.
She runs from the crypt in nearly blinding darkness,
And can not believe any of this.
There is an unease now, that comes from all around her.
She thought that she was going the right way, she was sure,
But she would have already been out of here.
She has walked here at night for many years.
She stops for a minute to catch her breath.
She can't stop too long, because of her pending death.
Then she hears something being dragged through the grass;
Knows if she can't get out soon, this night will be her last.
Too bad it's so dark, otherwise she would see,
Running is no use, in a cemetery full of zombies.
She stops again as the dragging sound gets near;
Pulls a lighter from her pocket, thinking it will make the evil disappear.
When she lights it, she screams a blood curdling scream.
She tries pinching herself as this is all a bad dream.
All around her the zombies move in slowly;
She looks at them, then starts to pray, as if she was holy.
The response she got back said 'it was too little, too late."
The zombies moves in now, and together they ate.....

(c) 9-3-05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


Sitting on the rocks overlooking the ocean,
I think about what has passed and what's to come.
All the regrets I have had,
And the many stupid things that I have done.

Will I have learned from my mistakes?
More then likely not; And my future will end up like my past.
More regrets, more stupidity, more anguish and tears,
I am stuck in a rut, and no one can save me; life's going too fast.

Everyone says I am young, and I have so much to look forward to,
But I feel well beyond my years, and I do not see any light.
This is not for pity, just a fact of what is.
I accept it as such, and I surrender to this fight.

The mist sprays upward into my face;
I lean toward the sun, the only warmth that touches deep;
A northern wind blows, and my warmth vanishes;
The cold has come back, and into my pores it continues to seep.

The beauty I once held onto, as the sun set over the horizon,
Has lost its enchantment, when watching it alone.
Just another day has passed, and another lonely night emerges,
Something I can always count on, a lasting friendship, together we have grown.

I get up and stand closer to the edge;
Watching the waves get torn open on the jagged rocks below;
I make my way carefully down to the shore,
Letting the water splash around me, and cover my toes.

I walk further into the arms of the ever constant marine,
Letting my troubles get swept far away from me for the moment;
Knowing that pain is like a loyal dog, finding its way back home.
The time I am here, takes the edge of what was deeply pent.

I slowly walk back to my jeep, lost in my thoughts.
How quickly the sadness starts creeping into my heart.
I journey to my final destination of the day;
When I get home, I lay down, thinking tomorrow will be a fresh start.

I awake the following morning, doing the same thing I did yesterday;
Showering, dressing, coffee, and out the door to work I go.
There has got to be something more to this life then what meets the eyes.
When finally my work day ends, I sigh as I will do this all again, tomorrow.

(c) 3/23/06 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Moonlight Kiss

His ice blue eyes glitter like stars in the blackest sky.
They watch her watch him with a look of awe,
Long shiny black hair falls over this shoulder, down his back;
She desires to touch it, and takes a step forward, as she is drawn.

His pale skin calls out to her, with a lovers' intensity;
She's scared of this attraction, but wants him all the same.
His long slender fingers hang down at his side,
How she thinks of them, brings a blush to her cheeks in shame.

The moonlight illuminates his face which resembles a fallen angel;
A tear forms in her eyes, such beauty seems unreal.
He silently makes his way toward her, and hears her heart quicken;
This one, he thinks, will be much more than a meal.

He reads her thoughts, wants to weep at her innocence;
Could she save him from being eternally lonely?
Or would she run screaming when he told her his story?
He would relish in delight if she became his one and only.

He makes his way to where she stands;
Doesn't say a word, her look says it all.
She knows his intention and accepts that completely;
Tilts her head to the side and waits for the fall.

(c) 6/13/08 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

No One Cares

People promise everything and sadly you believe them,
Though when the time comes excuses become the norm;
Keep giving people chance after chance.
Until you realize that betrayal is their true form.

There is no one to depend on except you and yourself,
If something better comes along, they'll leave you for dead;
They'd rather just walk away then talk out the problem,
Not caring if a million tears you have shed.

Hoping day after day they come back to your life,
Deep down knowing, you will never see them again;
You feel so stupid for allowing them in,
It's your own fault, you have no one else to blame.

Will you ever realize there's no one there for you?
Do you wish after wish you can find someone out there?
Or at least, hear the honest truth, not another lie;
Face it, you only have yourself, no one else ever cares.

(c) Melia Teka 6/12/08

Back to the Beginning


She sits on the window ledge and gazes out at the sky.
Wonders if "The One" is out there, or alone she will die.
People always tell her, "Everyone's other half is here, somewhere."
But trying to find them in a world of over six billion; seems so unfair.
The clouds roll in, the wind dies down,
The locusts' songs are the only sound.
A storm is coming, full of turmoil and anger;
She notices birds take flight, away from the closing danger.

He sits on his front stairs, hears the distant claps of thunder.
Feeling as though his heart has been torn asunder.
People always tell him, "Everyone's other half is here, somewhere."
But trying to find them in a world of over six billion; seems so unfair.
He notices the locusts have changed their tone,
And little critters to their dwellings, they have gone.
He feels the warm rain drop caress his face.
The silent tears he sheds, as he longs for her embrace.

She sees the rain pour down in sheets;
Goes outside; The rain, she welcomes and greets.
She starts to cry but the rain masks her tears,
She begs The Fates to have him found, to erase her fears.

The silent screams that his heart cries out,
Overpowers the thunder, which is so very loud.
He continues to let the rain fall on him freely.
He begs The Fates to have her found, which would be ideally.

Will these two souls ever become one?
No - This is what The Fates consider their "fun."
These people will find someone else whom they will "settle" for.
The chances of finding "The One" seems little more then a lore.
They will neither have true happiness, nor complete peace
Until they find each other in death, til then, no release.
It is the way it tends to work out sometimes.
No - Wait, this is how it ALWAYS works - This hell called life.

(c) copyright 8/27/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


As they cuddle under the blanket, on the couch,
They watch a movie, just happy to touch.
She sits content until he whispers breathlessly into her ear;
That he loves her deeply, something she's longed to hear.
She arches her back and raises her shoulders in response;
A night of passion, need, and desire; fulfillment of their every ounce.
He then bites her neck, she moans and shudders.
When he does that, no words can she utter.
She turns to him, kissing him hard, fervent, and deep;
In that kiss she tells him exactly what she needs.
She reaches for the remote to turn off the movie;
Finds the other, and puts on their favorite CD.
The fast hard guitar riffs set the level of intensity and speed.
She straddles his lap, clearly she's taking the lead.
While probing his mouth with her tongue,
She unbuttons his shirt - now it's begun.
She chuckles as she feels him shift under her weight.
Brings her kisses to his neck - no going back, it's too late.
She continues kissing and licking her way to his chest,
Gently biting his nipples - his reaction tells her he likes that best.
She flicks her tongue over each nipple, making her way down; slowly.
While doing so, she looks up at him, looking down at her lovingly.
Leaving a wet trail down to his stomach, she blows cold air, and he gasps;
Doesn't realize she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
She takes him into her hands, stroking him gently;
Then faster, harder, and more aggressively.
She kneels in front of him with a seductive look on her face;
Takes him into her mouth, letting the music set the pace.

She looks up to find him watching her again,
And he pushes her head gently closer with his hand.
Suggesting she goes deeper, she surrenders to his silent command.
When he starts moaning, and screams out her name,
She adds a hand to his pleasure, and he is no longer tame.
He tries to hold on and remain in control,
But with her other hand, she pinches his nipple, and then he explodes....
As she laps up every drop, she gives several fast, hard, jerks;
The aftershocks make him spasm; some little added perks.
He then puts his hand under her chin;
Bringing her up to deeply kiss him.
He lays her on her back, stripping off all her clothes.
The hunger and desire, off the charts they rose.
He bites her neck again, this time leaving marks;
He knows she likes that; it causes her to see sparks,
He brings his hand down between her legs which makes her groan;
So hot, and wet... he puts in a finger, then another, and hears her moan.
He pulls her nipple roughly with his teeth,
She wriggles while trapped underneath.
She can't take it, and arches her back telling him to hurry;
He ignores her, but grins, knowing it's frustrating.
He then looks at her, smiling while licking his fingers;
God; all this teasing he does to her.
He then unexpectedly buries his head between her thighs.
This feels 10000 times better then any drug induced highs.
His tongue gets lost within her, as he french kisses her lower lips;
Then he adds to teasing her most sensitive area, into ecstasy she slips.
She starts to squirm as the pleasure mounts.
He is doing what no other ever did; she will arrive shortly, no doubt.
He feels her tense, and rubs her even faster;
At this point, if he'd ask, she'd gladly call him master.
She reaches behind her, grabbing the sheets;
Suddenly, she throws her head back, screams, then gets release.
He drinks of her, every last drop;
It seems like it will never end... never stop.
She feels spent, he must have gotten a second wind;
He gets into position, and lowers himself slowly in.
She cries out as she is still sensitive.
He loses himself to the rhythm of the music.
Then he takes her hands, holding them down above her head.
She smiles evilly, starts talking dirty, his gentleness he seems to have shed.
He releases her hands, only to bring her knees up to her chest...
As she feels like she's going to pop,
She tells him she wants to be on top.
She slides over him letting him fill her completely;
She moves up and down, side to side, back and forth, all hesitation fleeting.
Then as she brings his hands up to her hips,
She leans back and meets his upward thrusts, with her own dips.
The feelings this causes... unlike anything of the imagination,
Brings them over the edge and into elation.
Arriving together at their final destination,
He tells her once again that he loves her so much,
She responds, confessing her undying love, and such.
The cuddle once again, now completely sated.
Falling asleep, tangled together, knowing they will be forever, as was fated.

(c) copyright 10-21-05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


She senses something is near and quickens her pace.
She looks around her, but can not see a face.
He sits in the shadows, hidden by trees and by brush.
He hears her increasing heart beat, as if she's in a rush.
She gets closer and he is ready to pounce.
She wants to scream out, it takes her every ounce.
He gets ready to leap, but stops dead in his tracks,
She is the one he has searched for, for years and years back.
He comes out of hiding, not sure what to do,
She sees him and smiles as if she had knew.
She stops and reaches out her hand,
He moves closer to her, and now understands.
She has never seen a wolf before.
She thinks he's a dog, doesn't know what's in store.

He lets her pet his head, and scratch his ears.
The touch seems so small, but he's waited for hundreds of years.
She looks into his green eyes and ruffle his light fur,
He wants nothing less, then to devour her.

But not in the way that you might think.
He abruptly runs off, just this side of the brink.
She shakes her head as if to clear it,
Making her way home, a different path that's well lit.

In the heart of the forest he change back to human form,
For him this mighty action, has become a norm.

He walks to his house lost in deep thought.
The urges and feelings come roaring up; for so long he has fought.
He knows he needs to see her again, and soon,
Grateful this was the last night of the full moon.
He can change anything he feels the want or the need,
But the three nights of the full moon he must constantly feed.

She goes up to her room and looks out her window,
Looking for something, but what, she does not know.
She turns from the window, lays down with a sigh,
She goes to sleep then, and dreams of the 'dog' with human eyes.

He plans for their meet, then sleeps a deep sleep,
When thinking of her, even in sleep, his heart leaps.

The next evening, she starts home again
This time looking out for her furry friend.
She spots him once again, in the clearing of trees,
The wolf stares and her, and she gets weak in the knees.
He starts treading down the path looking behind him,
She knows he wants her to follow, and she does on a whim.
He leads her toward a house far off the path,
Then runs from her, goes in the house, through the back.
She gathers her courage and knocks on the door.
It opens slowly, and stands there, one she had seen before.
She asks him if that's his dog, and he laughs and nods his head,
He says the 'dog' stays out all day and comes home to be fed.
He asks if she would like to come in
She declines sweetly with a small grin.
She admits to being lost, the dog led her astray;
He gladly says he'd take her home, they would soon be on the way.
She then comes in, sits down, and waits patiently.
Spots a picture on the wall of him and his family.
She gets up to take a closer look, and gasps out loud.
She notices the light hair, green eyes, and her heart began to found.
A hand touches her shoulder and she jumps in the air.
She feels silly, and blushes then she can't help but stare.
She has seen those same green eyes, and that same light hair.
He asks if she's OK, and she snaps out of the trance.
She nods slowly, her heart slowing, as if coming of a dance.
She wants to question him but feels to embarrassed to ask.
She feels compelled to find the truth, and this mystery - unmask.
They walk outside toward the path she needs to be on.
The air tenses between the two, she feels unsafe, as if he's a con.
He remains silent, lost in his deep thoughts,
He feels he needs to keep quiet, otherwise knows he would be caught.
She gets to the path, finally knowing how to get home.
She looks up to thank him, but finds herself alone.
In place of the man, stands this four legged creature,
She smiles getting the idea, like a student getting praise from a teacher.
She pets the 'dog' and looks deep in his eyes....
"You're him" she whispers, he looks at her with surprise.
He licks her hand gently, as if in answer,
He knows he is falling in love with her.
An abrupt noise in the trees catches him off guard;
He bites down on her hand, leaving several bloody teeth marks.
She cries out in alarm, and pulls her hand back,
She knows it was an accident, but still felt like an attack.
He can't believe what he has done, what he just did.
He runs to the forest, howling loudly, in the trees, well hid.
She hears the agonizing howl, which clears all possible doubt,
This 'dog' is a werewolf, the man who she had dreamed about.
She runs in the direction of the howls she heard.
Giggles softly, thinking this all to be absurd.
She calls for him, telling him it's OK, and to not be scared.
He hears her voice, cringes as to know, how she will fair.
He changes to human form, and approaches her slowly.
She looks at him, not with hate but a look of love, totally.
He has tears in his eyes,
Which then makes her realize;
She turns white, starts to shake and then she faints.
He knows that her blood and soul is full of taint.
He carries her unconscious body to where he lives.
He senses her changing inside, hopes one day she can forgive.

Several hours go by, and she finally wakes
Her memories are hazy, she gives her head a good shake.
She looks around, she has never seen things so fully.
The colors, the textures; ah yes - her memories are returning.
She leaves the room silently to find that he cried himself to sleep;
She could tell by the way the tears have stained his cheeks.
She strokes the side of his face, and he wakes abruptly,
He looks as though he put himself through hell, entirely.
He tells her her fate, doomed to be a slave to the hunger for eternity.
She knows she should hate him, but she can't in all honesty.
She tells him she forgives him, and he just breaks down,
To show such tenderness, to say those words, to hear that sound,
Was something he wasn't even expecting,
But what startled him even more, was the next thing;
She knelt down next to him, and kissed him so deep
The kiss took their breath away, and they started to weep.
She whispered that as long as they were together
She would embrace this life, and love him forever.
He sat there, completely stunned, not sure of what to say.
In all his long years he had never imagined this day.
He told her he loved her; how he looked for her through out the ages.
Then handed her several journals, she started going though the pages.
These journals described how he was transformed into a 'were'
How he managed day to day life, and all of his fears.
He told her he would train her, and introduce others of his kind.
She seemed so interested as if she didn't mind.
The next night he showed her how to change.
She was screaming in pain, her bones were being rearranged.
When the change was complete, and took time to rest,
She looked at her new world, feeling overwhelmingly intense.
The sounds, sights, and smells made her feel more alive then ever;
She wouldn't change this for the world - never.
He transformed into a wolf, and walked to her side.
Giving her a playful nip, she seemed to be taking it all in stride.
He showed her how to hunt, and stalk her prey.
She felt so torn, loving the chase, but hating the kill of the day.
After their run, the changed back into their human skin.
Told him she couldn't kill another animal, to her a mortal sin.
He said it would get easier for her, but he would make the kill.
He also was impressed with her progress, as though it was an inner-skill.
They went to sleep that night with his holding her tightly.
They continued this way for all eternity, nightly.

(c) copyright 8/29/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

So Alone

Heartache stirs just beneath the surface,
The cold, deathlike grip, once more takes hold;
Like a lovers caress, I come back for more,
For your love; my soul, I'd gladly have sold.

I'd take years off my life to feel your touch again,
Instead, I sit and cry, wishing to gods I would die.
To be so alone, bitter, jaded, black on the inside.
Nothing to offer no one, these empty tears fall dry.

Darkness; my friend; my constant companion;
Just you and me, together we were meant to be.
One I can count on, the one that will never leave.
The hollow beating of my heart, open for all to see.

Emptiness is the tomb in which my darkness dwells,
Overflows with disease and spreads out like a vine,
Feeds into your pores, this darkness of mine.
Taking what I love and dulling its shine.

What can I do to undo what is done?
Being alone is the only thing I have known.
What good comes to life, I try to make my own.
Always falls out of reach, dies and is gone.

To be one with death, to await that release,
Knowing it will come soon, puts the screams at ease.
Taking comfort in your open arms, gives me inner peace.
Soon the heartache, emptiness and sorrow will cease.

(c) Melia Teka 6/9/08

Back to the Beginning


I hear the winds howl and the rain pour down,
A wonderful summer evening that I must enjoy.
I walk down the stairs, letting the rain hit my face;
I love this weather, but to most it annoys.

The thunder seems to crackle just over head,
The lightning so close my heart begins to race;
I walk towards the forest across the street by the river.
Find my haven of solitude, my escape, my secret place.

I sit on the rock, with my head turned upward.
Let the water cleanse and drown all the pain,
Let it mix with my tears that falls from my eyes,
When thinking of your sorrow, your grief and disdain.

I wish the rain would wash me away,
I wish the wind would carry me to eternal rest.
I wish the thunder would open the earth to swallow me whole.
I wish the lightning would burn a hole in my chest.

Such thoughts make the tears fall harder.
Wind rips through the trees as if they were tissue.
Why did you leave me alone in this world.
I love you so much, and gods know I miss you.

I look out in the distance, and watch the river churn,
My mind goes numb, and the tears finally slow;
The storm quiets down, but the rain still comes.
Hours came and went as I sit there alone.

I ask myself a question, that brings the tears back with force;
Should I live another day, or into the river, myself do I toss.
Pro's and cons, evenly matched at this point of the game.
I walk back home with my head down, dreading a future loss.

(c) Melia Teka 6/11/08

Back to the Beginning

Fight vs Flight

She sits in her room in front of her computer screen,
Her headphones blasting away in her ears,
Completely oblivious to what’s going on around her.
Unaware of the danger, the commotion, and the fears.

Suddenly she's not alone, she can't even sense it,
But soon she will, though I fear it will be too late .
She feels this presence standing there in her room;
Turns around, and stares directly into black eyes of hate.

She gasps as she backs up slowly to her desk,
He approaches with a knife in hand and has a smirk on his face,
As he raises the knife she puts her hand behind her trying to find something sharp,
She grabs a pen, closes her eyes, and stabs blinding, hoping to hit a vital place.

He screams a blood curdling scream that chills her very soul;
She opens her eyes to see what damage she had caused,
She gets ill when she sees the pen protruding from his eye;
His blood everywhere, she starts to run away, but then she paused.

No sounds were coming from anywhere in the house;
Surely someone heard the screams and would have been here by now;
She fears she knows what happened, and is too scared to go any further,
But curiosity takes over, and she swears out loud.

She walks to the family room, and notices a body on the floor,
Hurry's over to where it is, looks at what once used to be a man;
Now nothing more then an empty shell;
She tries to shake him, and all she can say softly is a choked "Dad".

She says a little prayer over him, then moves on to the kitchen,
Tries to prepare herself for the next body of whom she knew it was for sure,
But how can you prepare yourself for something as bad as this;
She walks with her eyes unfocused, and drops to the body sobbing "Mother".

She now regrets not taking her time and killing him so quickly,
If she could go back she would make him suffer greatly.
He lays on her bedroom floor, slowly coming back to consciousness;
He is in great pain, but gets up cursing hastily.

"She will pay in a more slow way for this", he thought;
He finds the knife and walks silently though the house to where she is,
Finds her crying over her parents bodies,
Oblivious once again, to the danger that lies within.

The floor squeaks just then and she quickly jumps up;
He sees the anger and hate and the need for revenge in her eyes.
He expresses a slimy grin, and they circle around each other;
He says, "Finally a worthy opponent. To bad it will be you who dies."

She bites her tongue hard not giving in to his taunts,
She has got her second chance and this time he will beg for his demise.
As she circles to the table she grabbed the scissors that were lying there,
Now they are more evenly matched, "Prepare to die", she replies.

He comes at her, his murder weapon held in hand.
She leaps to his blind side, and lands on her hands and knees;
Takes her scissors and slices his leg, making him drop his knife as he cushions his land.
When he falls she takes her weapon, getting his fingers in place, she gives them a tight squeeze.

The sound of his pain makes her feel a bit better,
She is far from done though, he deserves so much more.
She grabs his nearly unconscious body and puts him in a chair,
Tapes him up with duct tape. It's time to settle this score.

She continues this torture act, for hours before she's through,
Then slits his throat slowly getting pleasure from the act;
Calls 911 and in minutes she hears the sirens,
She is beginning to doubt what she did, though its there in bloody fact.

The doorbell rings and she gathers her courage and lets them in;
She shakes and sobs loudly as the nights events start catching up,
The officers lead her to the table, to explain to them what happened;
She starts talking; as her throat wants to close down, someone hands her a cup.

She continues telling this disaster, and finally comes to an end;
The officers look at her with pity, silent approval, and their knowing look.
The coroner comes to carry the bodies away,
Wonders if they will eventually throw at her, the book.

Several years go by, and though she seems to have moved on;
The emptiness within her heart has never truly been eased.
Though now she has a husband, 2 kids, a dog, and a great life,
She senses something in the water, and wonders if her past is truly deceased.

(c)copyright 3/18/2006 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Tears of Blood

Tears of blood fall from my eyes
I have no more clear tears anymore
I have cried so much and it wont stop
Seems nothing is left, don't know whats in store

Tears in the form of blood I have wept
Non stop for days, weeks, months I must admit
The sorrow in my heart, I have kept
I never seem to learn, but always seem to regret

Blood runs from my eyes as I write these words
Also runs from my wrists as I slit them angrily
Blood; the life, is leaving my body
A smile has crept upon my face so cynically

I watch the blood drip onto the floor
Its so warm and thick and it falls so free
I finally did it! what I wanted to do for so long!
I start turning cold and now I cant see

Blood still drips down, slower now then before
I am slipping away fast, I am so glad
My thoughts fade also, and everything is limp
Blood is the life, but death had been had!


Back to the Beginning

Forest of Death

The dark forest continues to relentlessly beckon;
She tries to fight the dreaded needful pull;
Every time she walks past, with herself she reckons.
This time she walks to the forests edge, and the feeling nulls.
With trance like grace she enters into the black abyss;
With nothing and no one, she knows she won't be missed.
Doesn't notice all signs of life around her die.

She regains her senses but continues to walk forward.
As the trees engulf her, she hears a faint cry.
She looks behind her, but to the sound she moves toward.
Further she walks to what becomes a clearing in the trees.
She sits on a rock, not sure what to do;
A movement catches her eye, and she lets out a scream;
A second look and she laughs - it was just a raccoon.
With a sigh of relief, she silently begins to pray;
Turning forward a face stares directly back;
She scrambles off the rock; starts to crawl away.
When she looks again, no one is around, and everything goes black...

She awakens to voices, but no faces to be seen.
She gets up and tries to run, back in the direction she came;
Doesn't realize she's running deeper into the green.
Starts to panic, then a childlike voice calls her name.
Stops dead in her tracks with questions running through her mind;
Calls out to the trees, to stop playing this game.
Her brain screams to get out, but the child she must find.
Turns around to see something, anything, but the black of night covers all.
Panic mode sets in, all around her the voices cry out.
Flickers of light appear in the trees, she runs, then stumbles and falls.
What are they? Curiosity takes over, but her mind is in doubt.
Feels a pulling at her sleeve, she jumps and looks down.
A girl in a white old-fashioned dress and cloak looks up, with blue eyes.
Somethings not right, she can see through the girl in the gown.
The little girl smiles sadly and whispers - "I want to go home." then cries.
"Where do you live?" She asks, but deep down she knows;
The little girl takes her hand, and walks her to the burial mound.
"I live with my family here, buried deep in the ground."
The tears fall from her eyes, and tries not make a sound.
"Don't be sad for me, everyone will be happy that I was found."
She starts to fade, then disappears, leaving her all alone.
A rumbling in the ground brings a roar of anger;
She gathers her wits, runs; then hears a deafening groan.
Inside, her brain screams out 'danger, danger'.
Lightning strikes the trees, where she stands;
Burning branches form around her, a ring of fire;
She sees no where to escape from this pit of fiery hell;
The flames burn bright, and suddenly grow higher.
She starts to cough, and to the ground she fell.
She then tries to breath in quick mouthfuls of air;
Rather to pass out then feel the flames lick her skin.
Starts getting numb then blacks out as the flames kiss her hair.
Feels the pain she does, but can't wake from this nightmare.
Screams inside as her skin blisters, peels and burns.
Why won't the little girl help her, why doesn't she care?
Voice whispers in her head "who do you think brought the lightning to turn?"

(c) Melia Teka 6/10/08

Back to the Beginning

Cold Embrace

He comes to her at night in her sleep, sitting on the chair not making a sound;
Listening to her breathe and sigh; so at peace when the night is found.
She turns over and he holds his breath, knowing one day he will be caught;
He could easily alter her memories, but he would rather naught.
As the night wears on, and the morning comes near, he leaves as he came,
Only to continue watching the next night, and the following; every night the same.

She wakes up from an unfit rest, knowing he was in her room again,
Sitting there quietly; she does not know what to make of her silent friend.
She knows he means her no harm, and one day soon she will confront him.
He thought he cleared her memories of him, that first night; she woke on a whim,
But for some reason his powers have no control over her; thank the heavens for that.
She's been playing along for days, following the enthralled act.

That same night, he comes in as the mist, checking to make sure she is a sleep;
How he wishes he could make her his; but he can't and he silently weeps.
As he is not paying attention, she turns her lamp on stares him in the face;
He is by her side, as fast as the light, her memories he begins to erase.
The look she gives him, goes from annoyed to one of love, and he pauses;
God, if something should happen to her, it would be his hardest of losses.
"Just to let you know, your powers have not yet worked on me" she states.
He opens and closes his mouth not knowing what words to relate.

She tells him to sit down, and explain to her the reasons for what he does.
He still is in shock, and all he can say is, "because I know you mean me no harm, can't you just be honest with me?"
She looks deep into his eyes; this reaction could not have been foreseen.
Before he thinks, he tells her that he is not what she may think.
"Oh, so you're not the immortal man who saves me from the brink?"
He has never been so speechless in all his 700+ years,
This is not what he expected, for her to have no fears.
She puts her hand on the side of his face, and kisses him gently,
He gasps, but regains control and kisses her back passionately.
As they break a part, he takes a deep breath and tells her what she needs to know;
"You're the one I am destined for, as was fated long ago."
She wonders why he never let himself be known to her before;
As if reading her thoughts, "I was afraid you would hate me ever more."
"I would have hated you if you never entered my life and I would've been alone forever."
"Now we both never have to be alone." Now we can live, and love... together.."

(c) copyright 3/21/2006 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


Will you take this pain away?
The heartache, and struggles of everyday.
The constant pounding in my head,
The thoughts of becoming one with the dead.
My heart, just an empty shallow grave;
In this life, nothing more than a slave.
Will you give me the serenity and peace,
The kind that makes my sorrow cease?
How I long and need that fantastic release.
Will you bring a smile to my face?
Are you my angel that fell from grace?
Please save me from this cruel fate.
For loneliness has such a bitter taste.
I try to fight, another battle I have lost;
To love and be loved, a price worth any cost.
Will you be my knight; my savior; my king?
The one who slays my suffering?
I can't see while I'm drowning in my fears,
I can't breathe around these infinite tears.
Is there anyone out there to heed this call?
Or will the pain only stop, if I end it all?

(c) Melia Teka 1/14/08

Back to the Beginning


The girl dances in the sunlight
Her hair flies in the breeze
Her dress flutters around her
She thinks shes alone amongst the trees

He sits on his black horse
Hidden by the brush
He watches and waits for her
He loves her too much

She does not notice the danger
She doesn't sense his hunger
The innocence of her
Will put her six feel under

The dragon appears less than ten feet away
She screams a sharp high pitched scream
The knight on his horse rides with his sword ready
Just as in a fairy tale dream

She runs but cannot escape it
The dragon grins and the fire is hot
The knight is nearer and aims his sword
He cant let him hurt her, he just cannot

He plunges the sword in the dragons leg
The dragon, annoyed turns his head around
Sees this knight in shining armor
Thinking to hell he'll be bound

She runs in the thick wooded trees
He looses sight of her, but senses her fear
The dragon attacks, yet the knight is not scared
His concern is for the safety of the one he holds dear

The dragons fire escapes from his mouth
The knight screams and his armor grows hot
He gathers the strength to leap at the dragon
He stabs it again, giving it one last shot

The dragon cries out in pain
The blood runs onto his face
The knight stabs him again
The dragon slows his pace

The knight jumps on the dragons back
holding on for dear life
She watches on in horror
As the knight carries on the strife

She yells to the dragon and he turns slowly
The knight plunges the sword deep into his heart
He does it again and again
The dragon slows and twitches and death had start

The knight jumps off his back
and got on the ground
Runs over to her
She cant make a sound

She cried and throws her arms around him
She kisses him now
He kisses her back
His dreams have come true some how

He puts her on his horse
Takes her to his castle
The marriage takes place
With nothing to hassle

The unicorns drink from the pond
And frolic in the midst
They look into each others eyes
They said "I do" then they kissed.

(c) Lissa 2002

Back to the Beginning

Flames Flicker

As I lay here on my bed,
Watching the flames dance on the candles end,
Listening to my dark symphonic CD;
I wish you were here, holding me; protecting me.

To see your face in this candlelight,
Would make the bad things in my life, seem all right.
The flicker of the flames make everything seem beautiful;
How these flames bring mystery to what was once dull.

Staring into these flames as if in a trance;
Wishing to be the fair maiden, and you asking me to dance.
The ballroom so big, the music so soothing and loud;
The look in your eyes tell me so much without a sound.

I look outside into the bright face of the moon;
The night so perfect for romance, hoping it comes to me soon.
With this music and these candles,
Seems more then I can handle.

As I shake my head and comes back to reality,
Though this could happen soon, thinks with passionate feeling.
Things are in the air, there will soon be change;
For better or worse, that I can not explain.
If it gets worse, it will just stay the same,
Though if it gets better, my happiness won't stay contained.
Even if it's something small;
That is fine, I'm not asking for it all.
Just a cozy life with you by my side;
From this day forward until the end of time

(c) 11/20/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Black Rose

Looking at my black roses sitting upon my crimson dresser,
I feel a pang deep within the walls of my heart;
How most see the black rose as evil and poisoned,
But in a darkened room can you still tell them apart?

Does not the red rose have thorns which tear as well?
The petals of the black rose, are they not as soft and velvety?
Their physical appearance, to you might not be as appealing,
But to me, they are known as dark beauty.

They look depressing, I will admit,
But it's that darkness that draws me in,
Every time I look at those roses, they seems to tell a sad story,
Of longing; death; loneliness. Just a few things I imagine.

To me, the black velvet petals hold secrets and mystery;
But to pluck them away it would mean its early death.
Do I want to know the secrets, or stare at its endless beauty?
I choose the latter, while imagining the secrets in their depth.

I breathe in their scent, knowing how shortly it will fade.
Try to store it in memory, to savor it for a bad day.
I could never get tired of admiring their grace,
Even when it's time, and they begin to die, their beauty never completely fades away.

(c) copyright 4/11/06 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

I Tried

I tried.....
I tried to make myself hate you,
But it seemed like something I just couldn't do.
I tried to make myself only like you as a friend,
But it seemed like it wasn't possible, in the end.
The things I've longed to hear from you, were said that night,
But you were drunk - drinking away the pain and the fright.
The hurt I felt knowing you could then only tell me those things,
Was something that felt worse then a thousand hornet stings.
When I asked you in the morning if you regretted saying what you did,
You ignored me, and changed the subject - it's like you hid.
But the answer was loud and clear and made me die inside;
I didn't know what would've been worse, being ignored, or if you lied.
I tried to be strong until then, keeping quiet, thinking I had learned;
But that night when you cried on my shoulder, the love returned.
Turning on full force, leaving nothing but third degree burns.
You asked me why I think you're so special.
My heart chooses the one, then I can't help but fall.
If I write a list, will this then make you see?
Here are some of the reasons, you mean so much to me...
You have a BIG heart - always giving, never taking.
You have been through so much - I want to cease the strife and graving.
The way you feel inside - I see, through the words you tell,
The romantic that you are, is one of the reasons I fell.
The way you made love to me, was more amazing then expected.
In which I say, this art, you have completely perfected.
You are a great man though you would never say it,
But I think I know you - and to that you would never admit.
There are tons of little things you do, way I know you care.
How the fates can be so cruel; this is just not fair.
I know you have else where to be, that you are going to move,
You asked me how I felt about it, I couldn't tell the whole truth.
But if it's what makes you happy - then I will never say.
I'll just support you decision - while my heart's withering away.
You tell me that you're scared, but you really want to go;
If you're scared, stay here, but you'd regret it so.
I do not want you to hate me, I know I couldn't deal.
I'm fighting these walls to go up - so again I can not feel.
You know I'd give to you everything I am, every inch of my being;
I would do everything in my power to keep you from leaving.
If things do not work for you, where you are going,
You can always come to me no matter how far ahead, knowing
I'll never stop loving you, you never have to feel alone.
Just remember when we were together, and my love for you was shone.
If you this poem, I hope you don't feel a guilt trip.
That is not how I intended this poem to grip.
I just wanted to tell you that I have tried, but I am so weak.
I hate feeling this way, so humble, so meek.
I will end now by asking - 'Has anyone died from being broken hearted?'
Because I feel I am being torn apart, and the dying has started.

(c) 8-23-05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


Fall is my favorite season of the year.
The air is cool, crisp, clean, and clear.
The leaves change to golds, yellows, oranges, and reds;
Everything is getting ready to sleep, getting ready for the year ahead.
The sun doesn't seem so harsh, nor so bright.
It's the season that brings Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas lights.
Perfect weather for holding you close to me,
To keep each other warm by snuggling deep.
The thunderstorms that are plentily;
Being in your arms when lightning strikes; to me - heavenly.
In October it's so much fun carving out pumpkin faces;
Putting up decorations, and cobwebs in many different places.
Listening to scary sounds, and telling ghost stories,
Brings many smiles to my face, especially if outside, it's pouring.
The smells of Fall are of my favorites too,
Of leaves burning, and also of burning wood.
So many festivals, in this town where I live;
From the autumn festival, to the Scarecrow and Pumpkin.
Drinking warm cider, eating caramel apples and candy corn;
Having a genuine good time, not the usual me feeling forlorn.
Next we have Thanksgiving, which is nice, tho not like Halloween.
Time for family get togethers; in my case, just a few are left to be seen.
The next morning waking up to watch parades, and lounge around;
Watch the lighting of Chicago's Xmas Tree and Magnificent Mile, downtown.
Then thinking of new ways to decorate my room,
By putting Santa hats on my dragons, wizards, and unicorns too.
The stress and financial burdens of buying gifts for everyone,
To shop for the same people over the years that have come and gone.
First snow, so white, and pure, beautifully laying on roofs and trees,
Makes for some great photography.
Yes, Fall is definitely my favorite season;
Think I gave you several good reasons.
I sit here reminiscing of the Fall's past.
And it's finally here again... again at long last.

(c) 9/28/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Constant Ache

My heart aches as I see happy couples walk by
I yearn for someone to come, but one comes, I wonder y
Am I so ugly? Am I trying to hard? What should I do
I let no one know about this treacherous loneliness that engulfs my soul, heart and mind too
I long to feel, touch and kiss the one I grow so fond of
At night when I sleep, I dream about being someone else, I pray for someone to answer my prayers from above
To have what is called a true, everlasting love
Each day I wake, go to work and hope for someone
Each night I cry, knowing I still have no on
My only escape from this nightmare I have, is to hope, dream and write
Hoping for morning I wake up and not think of a lonely night
I'm not asking for passion or lust, but just holding someone tight
Knowing I can tell him my most secret desires, to my most riveting nightmare
To laugh with when I'm happy, or run to when I'm hurt or scared
I put up a facade of acting to tough, where I don't need anyone or anything
But deep down its killing me, eating away at me, like a drug used constantly
How the thought of razor+wrist=such relief of my misery
There is no getting passed what would probably be burning for all eternity
I do not think what I ask is a lot
Since love is divine, and human am I not?
When I write these words I feel something give
How for another day I want to live
If anyone ever got into my head to read my thoughts
Would they laugh? go mad? or pity my distraught
I shall sleep now and dream of him, my soul mate, love and friend
And pray, hope and wish everything turns out right in the end

(c) Melia Teka 1998

Back to the Beginning

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry i am not who you wanted me to be.
I'm sorry I hide myself so you can't see.
I'm sorry I brought nothing but misery.
I'm sorry I never did what you wanted of me.

If I knew then what I know now would I've been the same?
If I knew how I'd turn out, the lack of what I became.
If I knew how it would eat at you; I hang my head in shame.
If I knew how to go back, if I changed, would there be blame?

When did everything start to go so wrong?
How did it go on intensely for so long?
Was I so blind, endlessly rolling along?
Will you hide your pain, it must be so strong.

If I were to die, would you truly be sad?
If I were to die, would you no longer be mad?
If I were to die, would you secretly be glad?
If I were to die, would it really be so bad?

I'm sorry when I was born that day.
I'm sorry nothing will ever be okay.
I'm sorry for the pain I brought your way.
I'm sorry... I have nothing more to say...

(c) LissaTeka 11/7/08

Back to the Beginning


the tears threaten to fall from my eyes
i have to be strong, only the weak cry.
Everyone leaves, no one ever stays.
The hurt SHOULD lessen day after day.
It never does, I walk around in a haze.
The sadness engulfs my very soul
Easier to be alone, no one at all.
At times like this it hurts so much
generally i like the quiet, and such
but I am just scared. Scared to die alone
Scared to let my heart be shone.
Conflicted and scared, can't trust none.
One after another, I quit; I'm done.
I want to trust, I want to be loved and to love,
but the fear out wins in droves.
I am a pathetic waste of space
I wish I was normal, not a mental case.
I wish I could love without driving them away
I am afraid of being left alone, though i like it that way.
So many contradictions, wish I could stop thinking
Everyday I go on, the hope continues sinking.
There are days I want nothing but the end
Lately more often then not, I wish I were dead.

10/23/09 (c) lissateka

Back to the Beginning

Of You, I Wonder

Thinking back of the time we spent together,
Remembering how you said 'we'd be friends forever'.
Haven't talked to you in quite a few years;
Wonder if you've forgotten me; a compelling fear.
I sit here smiling, thinking of everything we did
Of all the trouble, you got me in.
I never regretted one moment of any of it,
Except for that last time I saw you and told you to leave.
Deep down I know you had to, but to this day I still grieve.
Have you found your true love, settled down to raise a family?
Or are you the same as before, and only pretending to live happily?
Also wonder about your son, he must be almost a teen by now.
Amazing; time, the older you get the quicker it goes, always wondered how.
You were the only one who I felt I could talk to.
Never felt that way again since you.
I miss you so much, the way you talked and treated me.
To know you always acted "real" not just how I wished you to be.
With all your faults, actions, tears, and emotions.
I believe at that time you really loved me; my own silly notion.
Just know I am am thinking of you, I will always care,
I will always love you, yours forever; "Lissa Bear".

(c) 7/6/07 Lissa Teka

Back to the Beginning


These thought I must get off my chest;
So then maybe my mind can get some rest.
I know you love me; or at least I think you do,
If you should stumble across these words, please don't let them be misunderstood.
There are times though, I would give anything for some reassuring words from you.
That you still love me, care for me, need to be with me,
Because right now I feel unloved, uncared for, unneeded; you see.
I know you have your own life, you do your own thing,
But I miss the way we used to talk, in the beginning.
I am not trying to put you on the spot here,
But losing you is something I am starting to hear.
I don't want you to defend your actions, or give any explanation.
Just some words of comfort would bring me to elation.
Why do things always start off so good?
Why can't things stay the same? I don't see why not they could.
I don't think I have changed, I still want to talk of our future, and of love;
I try to make you feel special, like you were sent from above.
Whenever you want to talk, I jump into the occasion,
But when I want to talk you're always busy so I keep it bottled up (that's where these words came from.)
I am not saying these words to make you become defensive;
I am not saying these words on the offensive.
Am I being too needy? Am I pushing you to stray?
Or is your growing distance, the cause of my 'needy' ways?
Why are the walls on the brink of going up?
I am fighting to keep them down, but I can only do so much.
So many vicious circles I am thinking about;
That might push you away, when you feel my doubt.
So much more to say, but I can't find the words;
I can't focus on anything, my thoughts are one big blur.
I'm just touching slightly on how I feel.
Writing these words helped, since it seems, is my only way to deal.
Note: this poem isn't to make anyone feel bad.
It's a 'frustration coping mechanism' when I get hurt, or sad.
"Giving up" is a term that's too strong to use yet.
Here's hoping you won't add to my ever growing list of regrets.....

(c) copyright 1-12-06 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


Should I completely lower all the walls around my heart?
Looking back on the past, that would not seem too smart.
I'll be honest, I am very scared, and with this comes a fear.
But you tell me things, things that I have longed to hear.
My love for you is so deep, true, and sincere.
My soul is no longer restless since you have been near.
It seems my prayers have finally been answered.
They have given you to me; it's like they have heard.

You are so amazing, your light so blinding;
My other half; my bright knight shining.
By writing these words am I jinxing what I have found?
Or is our love so complete nothing can bring it down?
When I hear that you love me, my heart races in gladness.
When I hear that you treasure me, my soul loses its' sadness.
When you talk of our future together, I've a smile on my face.
When you tell me secrets, I sense the trust, more then a trace.
These things and so much more, to me you have shown.
I feel something deep inside, something I have never known.
I completely feel complete with you by my side.
I hope this poem shows you what I have implied.
I devote myself fully to bring you happiness and love,
To be your dark angel from the heavens above.
When I hear your voice, so soothing and pleasant,
I thank the Fates for bringing to me, this present.
From day one it is though we connected on a deeper level.
This feeling I have - feeling so alive, in it I revel.
There is this little nagging part deep within my brain.
Telling me to be careful, or I will get hurt once again.
I am not listening; I am not going to hold back,
I'll give you my all; everything you need, nothing will lack.
I love you so much, and I believe you are the one;
I've finally reached the end of the tunnel, and now see the sun.
I sit here looking 35 years ahead, and not surprised to see;
Us looking deep into each others eyes, still in love - completely.

(c) copyright 9-2-05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


You say it might be of an ideal
But reading what you wrote is exactly how I feel.
Knowing that you doubted my heart felt words
When I said I love you, and with you I want to move forward.

Ideally, you would "feel" that I would never hurt you
Ideally, you would hear that what I tell you is true
Ideally, you would see I would give you all that I am made of
Ideally, you would taste the sincerity of my love.

I feel I am intruding on your very life
I know you don't feel the same love, and it causes much strife
Of the future, with you, I would be happy, not sinking
I know if you read this, you will probably be thinking....

Ideally, I would feel a "vibe" and leave you alone
Ideally, I would hear the emptiness when we talk on the phone
Ideally, I would see that you do not care for me
Ideally, I would taste the bitterness like salt water from the sea

If the above words hurt you, or hit you like shards of glass
Know at time, I am scared of your feelings, any that come to pass
I try to think happy thoughts, but I have developed a way
A way to bring myself down, but this is what I would like to say

Ideally, we would feel the love and devotion for each other
Ideally, we would hear the truth in our hearts of one another
Ideally, we would see into each others souls
Ideally, we would taste one anothers life, which would be void of holes
Ideally, our love would pass the the test of time
Ideally, our love would be true - yours and mine.

(c) copyright 8/4/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

I Hate You

I thought that if I saw you coming ‘round again I would be glad,
But when I saw that your back, I even skipped over sad, and went to down right mad.
The way you played with my mind, is something I can never forgive,
No hope of hearing me say, ‘I forgive and forget’, as long as you live.
Not that it would matter to you, because obviously EVERYTHING you said were lies,
Did you even think of me when you didn’t have the decency to say goodbye?
Those months I spent doing all I could in the situation I was in to make you feel special,
Was something I really thought you appreciated, because you said so yourself.
Nothing more then another liar, who could care less about anyone but you,
It’s funny how in my poem called “Liar” I foresaw how again I would get screwed.
Godsmack explains it best in their song coincidentally called “I F***ing Hate You”
ALL people are the same, don’t waste your breath with excuses telling me your not,
Nothing you say could ever make me “feel” again. Won’t be happy ‘til you burn and rot.
Those nights I lay in bed trying to grasp onto hope,
Was nothing more then me grasping a slippery rope.
The tears that I shed for you wouldn’t stop until I fell asleep,
Only to wake up again shortly there after with tear stained cheeks.
Time will not heal all wounds, when they build up so quickly over the years
I am sorry if this poem is too harsh, but you brought true my worst fear.
May what you did to me come back to you ten fold,
And never will be able to ease the inner cold.
I never thought I could hate someone as fully as I hate you,
But if the shoe was on the other foot, what would you do?
What kind of man is so chicken that his way out, is that of hiding?
Whatever type of man (ha) you are, you are not one worth anyone finding..

(c) copyright 3/22/06 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

I Quit

I'm done, i'm through,
it is over with you.
Don't act surprised, you knew who
was on my mind.
All the times that you lied.
The truth I denied but then realized
what you are, far from the marred, scarred, and
broken man.
I can not stand the act, or the touch of your hand.
Behind closed doors, you act nice like before,
knowing what would be in store.
A good man is a myth, nothing more than a lore.
The grief that you dealt,
was felt, like the whip of a belt.

I quit being hit with this s*it,
that gets whipped back to me, like it did in the past.
I knew it was too good to last.
It started too strong, too fast.
I quit being the one that gets hurt and stepped on,
who gets shunned, from the one, whom she loved so much.
The walls go up again, until the end of the mend
that I must go to tend. Til then I depend on the hardened
front that was put up to shut out the emotions,
that hit like the tides of the ocean.
The motions so strong
The notions so wrong.
It was gone, not too long, after
it begun, like a song. And again I'm no one.

*****NOTE: This poem style is completely different from they way I usually write. Please leave feedback to tell me what you think.. I tried. I probably will go back to my other style of writing, unless feedback tells me otherwise. I am sure no one cares either way, but I felt like disclaiming, so deal with it and move on!!! Thank you ahead of time.*****

(c) copyright 8/10/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

I Quit (alternate ending)

I'm done, i'm through,
it is over with you.
Don't act surprised, you knew who
was on my mind.
All the times that you lied.
The truth I denied but then realized
what you are, far from the marred, scarred, and
broken man.
I can not stand the act, or the touch of your hand.
Behind closed doors, you act nice like before,
knowing what would be in store.
A good man is a myth, nothing more than a lore.
The grief that you dealt,
was felt, like the whip of a belt.

I quit being hit with this s*it,
that gets whipped back to me, like it did in the past.
I knew it was too good to last.
It started too strong, too fast.

I quit being the one that gets hurt and stepped on,
who gets shunned, from the one, whom she loved so much.
You might think these sinking feelings are meaningless,
but see that these words are full of hurtful reasoning.
The tears that were shed,
the fears in my head was fed with regret, yet
my love for you was never dead.
The words that were said upon the end,
was a defense I turn to when
I get hurt and upset.
I will never forgive you,
or tend to forget you.
What if the shoe
was on the other foot?
What would you do?
The old wounds, reopened, now in full bloom.
Again, I ask, What would you do?
Yes, these words of doom and gloom, but you
gave me no room to move.
The words you told me, I now throw back to you.
They are long overdue.
I am sure when you read this you might have a clue,
but if not, the line is "F**k it.... f**k them, and f**k you.

(c) copyright 8/12/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


Why do people insist on lying to me?
I always find out, but you think I don't see.
If we are such good friends, is it so hard to act like it?
I find out that what you tell them and me is nothing more than sh*t.
If I sound angry, maybe it's because I am.
I thought you were a real friend; one that gave a d*mn.
Everyone is only out for themselves.
I learned that long ago, but tried again, was only fooling myself.
You tell me to trust you with my deepest secrets.
I am glad I never did, I would have another regret.
I never said I wanted to be such good friends;
It was you idea; why say it, if you're going to lie in the end.
I'll keep what I found out, quietly in my brain,
Waiting for the day I snap, from bearing too much pain.
Til then, I'll smile, talk to you, act like it's all OK.
But hey, I can lie as good as you; you'll find out one day.
I am so truthful and loyal, until your lies I find out.
That's when I start my lying bout.
Why must people provoke me, is there an invisible sign?
One that says "Lie to her, she enjoys it" in bright letters over her eyes.
Has there been anyone who hasn't lied?
I try thinking of one, but can't, and sitting here I sigh.
I have been told lies in one form or another -
By parents and "friends, by associates and lovers.
Why do I try when it's only me who looks out for my well being.
I can only depend on me is what I am clearly seeing.
In a way I am not really all that surprised.
You like to fit your needs, when something better has arrived.
Should I give up? Or is there really a light at the end of the tunnel?
Cause right now my head is spinning as if it were in a funnel.
If you read this, does this poem hit home?
Are you one of those who know me, and your true colors have shone?
I am sure one person may think it's only about him,
But it's not - there is one person who hasn't lied to me yet.
That is only because we have just met!

(c) copyright 8/31/05 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Beneath the Surface part 1

On the outside she shows happiness and laughter
Beneath the surface she feels as crazy as the Mad Hatter.
The reality she lives, is not the one she wants
She dreams of more, but for her, those dreams just haunt.
She cries out for help, mentally and emotionally
Is there anyone out there who can help her wholly?
She wants an anchor to hold her, yet she wants to fly.
Most people see her as the strong, hardened type
Very few see her true anguish and scars
Beneath the surface her heart is tarnished and marred.
She longs for the one who will love her as she has loved,
To encompass her wholly, like a hand that is gloved.
She used to hurt herself just so she could feel
With razors, scissors, anything sharp when she couldn't deal
For so long she tucked that pain deep down, or so she thought
But it was just beneath the surface, ready to snap if pulled to taut.
She hasn't felt so alone in years because of the front she has put up,
Though now she's tired of it all, she knows she's close to giving up, that she's had enough.
For so long she has been there for her people
But do they care as she? No - that, she doesn't doubt at all
She is in the prime of her life, she should feel whole
The nagging of her heart, she tries to ignore, and continues to roll
There is so much more she wants to say
About how her life growing up was been full of crap and dismay.
Sure, she was loved and got whatever she asked for
But there are dark things in her past, and so much more
Beneath the surface, there is a whole different person to see
Oh, and if you haven't guess, she, in this poem, is actually me.

(c) copyright 8/7/05 by Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning


encompassing wretchedness
anger, hurt, death
perpetual abandonment
sorrow, grief, death
melancholic desolation
hollow, void, death
undiminished abhorrence
despise, loathed, death
hideously malevolent
horrid, dank, death

(c) 1/29/08 lissateka

Back to the Beginning

Black Rose

Looking at my black roses sitting upon my crimson dresser,
I feel a pang deep within the walls of my heart;
How most see the black rose as evil and poisoned,
But in a darkened room can you still tell them apart?

Does not the red rose have thorns which tear as well?
The petals of the black rose, are they not as soft and velvety?
Their physical appearance, to you might not be as appealing,
But to me, they are known as dark beauty.

They look depressing, I will admit,
But it’s that darkness that draws me in,
Every time I look at those roses, they seems to tell a sad story,
Of longing; death; loneliness…. Just a few things I imagine.

To me, the black velvet petals hold secrets and mystery;
But to pluck them away it would mean its early death.
Do I want to know the secrets, or stare at its endless beauty?
I choose the latter, while imagining the secrets in their depth.

I breathe in their scent, knowing how shortly it will fade.
Try to store it in memory, to savor it for a bad day.
I could never get tired of admiring their grace,
Even when it’s time, and they begin to die, their beauty never completely fades away.

© copyright 4/11/06 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning

Which Way

The never ending tears I have cried,
Did you tell the truth, or had you lied
Every night the pain crushes me inside.
Why did I fall so hard; feels like I've died.
Why won't I ever learn to just run and hide
Seemed to be going on quite a smooth ride.
To words I said, toward the end, had not replied.
Knew I would disappoint you, though, to not, I tried.
The tears never have stopped, never have dried.
So often the memories bring the pain outside.
Walls go up around my heart, only to divide.
To misery, and loneliness I am your bride.
To this love; away I should have shied.
Into your world I am sorry I had pried.
The never ending tears I have cried
The never ending smile I befriend.
Hear the words, my heart did mend.
Pain is gone, no more need to pretend.
I fell so hard, loneliness brought to an end.
The way you loved me, I can only commend.
The non-stop laughter & joy that you did send.
Complete is how I feel with you, my love my friend.
The feeling of euphoria, makes me alive; now to ascend.
When thinking of you, all the time that I do spend.
To your heart I have burrowed and I have wend.
To be in your arms once more, I will defend.
To heal your wounds, I am happy to tend.
My love is real, and I will never offend.
I love you forever, never to descend.
The never ending smile I befriend.

(c) Melia Teka 6/8/08
Back to the Beginning


The night beckons as we hide
Not knowing the one at our side.
Faces of silver, blue, purple and reds.
Gowns flowing, swirling; top hats upon heads.

Mystique surrounds all, romance at hand;
Dark music fills the ears, the ballroom grand.
Night holds beauty, all fears erased,
Upon the brow, another masque is graced.

Hiding in plain sight everyone dances,
Looking at faces show everyone in trances.
Graceful bodies entwined around the floor;
Each hour passes more mysterious than before.

Red and white dresses orange and green suits,
Pipe organs, harpsichords, violins, and flutes.
In this labyrinth of dreams so surreal;
Nothing you ever seen, everything unreal.

Velvets, satins, lace all around.
Dim lights, midnight; a haunting sound.
Looking into eyes, who do you know?
To guess who is who, an impossible show

The night almost at end, the fun slows down;
The laughs & smiles, turn into sighs & frowns;
Magical dreams cease as the room grows light;
Alive once again, as it becomes night.

© copyright 2/13/10 Melia Teka

Back to the Beginning




(Past Coven) Coven Crest


Level Five: Veteranus
Favour: 1,000 to 2,000

Level Six: Eques
Favour: 2,000 to 4,000

Level Eleven: Rudiarius
Favour: 15,000 to 20,000

The Alliance Crest:

(won most favors for the coven week ending 2/5/10)

ending February 19th 2011

Mentorship: Please join!


Click Here to find out more about SB 861 and vote against it. To see over 2000 more pictures of Pit Bulls click Here.













Some of my favorite art (to view entire graphic, right click then click on View Image)



























Some of my favorite wolf graphics





















Miscellaneous Graphics








I don't know why, but I love this following image. There is something that gets me in this image (yeah it's Twilight, but its not that that gets me.) just something about it...









Dedicated to my favorite movie
Phantom of the Opera


Below are dedications to my 2 favorite bands!




All the following information has been from the H.I.M. website!

Killing Loneliness will be on the Rock Band 3 set list. Rock Band 3 is set for release on October 26, 2010. More information here.


Everyone on Team Heartagram wishes Linde a very Happy Birthday!
Posted Aug 12, 2010


Daniel Lioneye Pre-Listening Party

Meet Linde and listen to Volume II for the first time in the UK! The party is being hosted at The Asylum 10th of June and begins at 8pm!

Free admission!

For details and to répondez s'il vous plaît visit the Facebook Event:

Thursday, June 10, 2010
8:00pm - 11:30pm
The Asylum Bar and Venue
38-43 Hampton Street,
Hockley, Birmingham B19 3LS
Posted Jun 03, 2010


We are pleased to announce that HIM will be singing on Friday April 23rd, 4pm at the Hot Topic - Hollywood & Highland Center!
Purchase any t-shirt and or the latest record Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice and receive a wristband that guarantees the opportunity to meet the band.

6801 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028-6139
Posted Apr 09, 2010


Come meet HIM on Record Store Day, April 17th at Silver Platters in Seattle. The guys will be doing a special autograph signing to celebrate this annual national event. Pick up a copy of “Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice” and have the band sign it!

Saturday April 17th, 2:30pm

Silver Platters

(Lower Queen Anne)
701 5th Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 283-3472

Call store for more details.
Posted Apr 05, 2010

HIM Live In Toronto on 03/31/2010

Check out these live and behind the scenes photos of HIM at Toronto's Sound Academy on March 31st 2010. All photos by Karen Fader McBride.
Gallery view:

Read More
Posted Apr 05, 2010


Florida Rock Band Location

Here is a couple new locations for all of you HIM Florida area fans who want to take part in the "Heartkiller" Global Rock Band Performance on March 25th!
Visit for venue information.

Get more info:


Hot Topic Signing on March 25th in New Jersey!

HIM will be signing at the Hot Topic at the Deptford Mall on March 25th!
Purchase the new HIM CD, Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice, or any HIM t-shirt at the Deptford Mall Hot Topic and get a wristband that guarantees the opportunity to meet the band!
Posted Mar 16, 2010


Xbox Live Game With Fame with HIM!
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time: 9PM-11PM EST / 6PM-8PM PST
Game: Rock Band 2
Gamertags: HIM GwF (space between HIM and GwF)
Xbox GWF Link:
Xbox GWF Twitter:
Posted Mar 11, 2010


HIM is asking it’s fans from around the world to help them set the record for the largest global Rock Band performance in history. Just make a video of yourself performing "Heartkiller" on Rock Band and upload it to the HIM’s YouTube Channel and tag the video “Official HIM Rock Band Entry” on March 25th at exactly 10 p.m. ET and you will be entered into an official contest in which the members of HIM will choose the Top 5 best performance videos. The band are asking fans to film their performances and post them at the same time in order to set the world record for the largest global Rock Band performance ever!
Posted Mar 09, 2010


HIM Rockline Replay Now Online

The replay of the HIM Rockline interview is now available on
Posted Feb 24, 2010


HIM Tracks Available on Rock Band!

HIM makes its Rock Band debut with two tracks from their new album Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice. Tracks include: "Heartkiller" "Ode to Solitude" and also "Wings of a Butterfly" from Dark Light!
Check out the feature Here!

These tracks will be available for purchase as "HIM Pack 01" and as individual tracks on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, and as individual tracks only on Wii. Individual tracks are $1.99 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and $2 on the Wii. The pack is $5.49 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The tracks will be available February 23 on Xbox 360 and Wii and February 25 on PlayStation 3.
Posted Feb 23, 2010


HIM on Rockline! Feb 22nd.

HIM will be the featured guests on the nationally syndicated radio show ROCKLINE with host Bob Coburn on Monday February 22, 2010 at 8:30pm PT / 11:30pm ET. Fans are encouraged to call to speak with HIM toll free at
1-800-344-ROCK (7625). For a station near you and for information regarding how to log onto the Internet for the broadcast go to
The show will then be streamed on our website for two weeks, beginning the evening following the show.
Posted Feb 17, 2010


Utah Date Added!

HIM have added a new date to the US Tour at Great Salt Air in Magna, Utah on April 26th -

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All the following information has been from the H.I.M. website!

Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice

"It's not a happy album, I wouldn’t say that," admits HIM frontman Ville Valo of the band’s newest release Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice. "But for the first time HIM does acknowledge that there is such a thing called ‘happiness,’ even if it is far, far away. This album is more a speculation on how to get there, — and that it is possible."

Such song titles as "Heartkiller" (the simultaneously gorgeous and intense first single), "Dying Song," and "Acoustic Funeral" ought to allay any fan fears, even if the album opens with the inviting and intriguing "In Venere Veritas" — loosely Latin for "In Love There Is Truth." Still, Valo recognizes that even the emotional expansion from the full-brooding tone of the band’s breakthrough albums Dark Light (2005) and Venus Doom (2007), along with changes in his own life, might be of concern to some.

"I've overheard similar sorts of things," he says. "Somebody said somewhere that sobriety doesn't suit me. So I guess I looked better to them when I was fucked up and miserable and terrible. People need a Baudelaire or Bukowski to live the pain for them. Well, easier said than done."

The easy way has never been the way for HIM. Formed by Valo, lead guitarist Mikko "Linde" Lindström, and bassist Mikko "Migé" Paananen when they were teenagers in Helsinki, Finland, and rounded out by long-time drummer Mika "Gas" Karppinen and keyboardist Janne "Burton" Puurtinen, the quintet has been ever seeking to expand its artistic and emotional horizons. That has been the manifesto from the start, and in the course of what is now an impressive body of work with seven albums, it has made HIM one of the global superstar acts of rock.

Following a 1996 Finland-only EP (the now-collector's item 666 Ways To Love:
Prologue), HIM exploded in Europe with the 1997 debut album, Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 — the titles of both releases tipping off a playfully tongue-in-cheek approach to hard-rock images and assumptions. A few years later, Razorblade Romance put the band firmly in the top ranks of European rock, hitting No. 1 in Germany as well as Finland.

At the same time, the group entered the American market with a Razorblade Romance reissue and the album Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights (again a huge hit at home and on the continent). HIM also introduced the now-familiar heartagram logo with Razorblade Romance. Love Metal, in 2003, featured such now-staple anthems as "The Funeral Of Hearts" and "Buried Alive By Love." Dark Light broke open the U.S. with a Top 20 debut, building the following further with the rock hits "Wings Of A Butterfly" and "Killing Loneliness," as well as major touring and such high-profile appearances at the Download Festival — ultimately making HIM the first Finnish band to score a gold record in the U.S. Venus Doom maintained the rising trajectory with such hits as "The Kiss Of Dawn" and "Passion's Killing Floor" (featured on the Transformers soundtrack).

Through it all, HIM has sought its own sound, a mix of dark yearning and dense sonic tapestries, but cut with tenderness, vulnerability, and that ever-present (if sometimes buried) self-deprecating slyness.

But even by its own high standards, HIM has brought new senses of melody and, yes, humor to the Screamworks proceedings.

"The whole point of the album, what I was going for, is what I call melancholic
levity," Valo says. "It's the kind of hopeful ‘tragic-ness’ that Depeche Mode does really well. When they play 'Enjoy The Silence,' which is one of my favorite songs, it's a really sad song but it makes you dance. That was my idea for the album rather than the gloomy-doomy stuff of the past."

However, he notes, "it's way more tragic to see the light at the end of the tunnel, like if you know there's something better but you can't reach it. There's the urgency that there are things we want on a personal and spiritual level, that there is a possibility of swimming to shore, so to speak, but the beach is very far away and filled with natives with spears and shotguns. It's like the old torture method when you're in shackles and chains, tied to four horses dragging you into four directions to tear you apart. That's the vibe I wanted for this album."

There, does that make you feel better?

Produced by Matt Squire (Panic At the Disco!, Taking Back Sunday, Boys Like Girls) in a set of intensive Los Angeles sessions, Screamworks brings new sonic and emotional vistas to the explosive, supple ensemble. With Squire's support, they sought to use those talents to reconnect with some of the influences that made Valo an artist in the first place and, in the process, bring their music into new places.

"Matt and I were born in the same year, 1976, so we grew up listening to similar
kinds of music and we were able to reference the same things," Valo says. “Like, ‘We need that Top Gun thing there. That Bonnie Tyler thing there. That Cult thing over there.' It was kind of like being in a musical candy shop. I wanted Guns N' Roses meets Depeche Mode, or A-Ha meets The Cult. I wanted the fragile sensibilities of melancholy pop with rock muscle — the Smiths meet Black Sabbath. But the band has always been about contrasts in sound and we've been so fragmented in our tastes. It's great to include all our influences in the album rather than be a racehorse with blinders on just going straight."

It all helped him sort through and express the things he'd been going through in his own personal growth.

"One of the things I felt, probably because of the sobriety, is that my addiction had to be the album — work 24/7 on the music. That means there's a sense of catharsis, letting everything be laid bare, as naked as you can be on the musical level. There's nothing to lose, really. If I'm being honest, you can say you don't like it and that's fine. Let's just say the album doesn't lack in honesty. And by that I mean all the musical influences and lyrics, all the personal stories that are hidden within the lyrical mess, are true to me."

That's the case right from the start with the compelling opening song "In Venere Veritas" — the title a pointed play on the famous phrase “In Vino Veritas” (in wine there is truth).

"When the album was mastered we realized there's no better way to start than with the lyrics 'Let's fall apart together now,' and then the band just falling in so strongly," he says. "It contains the essence of Screamworks in six seconds, the sense that we will fall apart eventually. Everybody will. People are fragile and will wither away and die eventually, so why not do it together? It's very romantic in my mind — let's grow old together, but taken a step further. There’s no sense of irony. It's not 'Let's kill ourselves and be messed up,' but 'Let's celebrate that we are still here!' Pain is to be shared. Everyone feels that. Listening to a good rock record gets the heart pumping. That was my medication when I was a kid. I'd put on a KISS album or Black Sabbath and cleanse my mind of the things that were bugging me."

Continuing with "Scared To Death," ("probably the most Morrissey-esque thing I've written,” Valo says) and the unexpected twists of "Heartkiller," ("Our reference was the theme for Knight Rider with David Hasselhoff, laughing about our bad taste, and not afraid to use what we grew up with"), the album is clearly full of surprises. "Dying Song" is an experiment influenced by Interpol, the Cure's Disintegration and Jane's Addiction's Ritual de lo Habitual. "Love The Hardest Way" references Billy Idol in the music and Baudelaire in the lyrics.

Between those two comes the soaring "Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness)," a song that found Valo baring the contrasts and contradictions at the core of Screamworks — long before he was consciously aware of them himself.

"That's a kooky one," he says. "I started writing it back in 2001, but it never felt right until now. Sometimes you write things down that you're yet to experience and then find yourself in things you wrote. That's how this felt. Everyone in the band loves it; it’s one of those classic rock ballads. We never had one in the past. The album is all up-tempo, but then this and 'Acoustic Funeral' are more ballady. I love the Aerosmith vibe of that -- Steven Tyler meeting the Mad Hatter. Or Bon Jovi's 'Bed Of Roses' directed by Tim Burton…Keeping it more surreal, more left of center."

With "Katherine Wheel," the band manages to mix literal inspiration from the tale of St. Catherine of Alexandria, and the torture device tied to her miracle and martyrdom, and filter it through both the Romantic poets and Iron Maiden, who of course took their name from a notorious torture device, all to explore the notion of excess and insatiable urges.

"’You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.’ William Blake said that," Valo notes. "I'm that kind of person to a fault. I did that in my personal life, and I don't mean that I would test how many oranges I could eat."

And then he swings from "In The Arms Of Rain," and its sentimental memory of running in summer storms with his brother in their youth, to the examination of the fragile walls we build around ourselves in "Shatter Me With Hope" to "Acoustic Funeral (For Love in Limbo)," which finds the common ground between Black Sabbath (an explicit nod to that band's "Electric Funeral" and T.S. Elliot with its "not with a bang but a whimper"), as well as Depeche Mode and Neil Young's wistful "Long May You Run."

The emotional center point may be with "Ode To Solitude," in which Valo says he's reconciling his new approach to life without abandoning his "old friend" solitude.

"I need to break from you dear solitude,” he says. “You have been a wonderful companion all these years but I have to open the door to the world. Robert Lowell, an American poet, came up with the line that the light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncoming train. That's the classic saying for pessimists, the dry humor of appreciating hope. That's key to the whole album. We do have a light at the end of the tunnel and whether it is an oncoming train or not, we do have a few seconds to enjoy it before it hits us. That's my way of celebrating life."

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Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666 - 1997

Your Sweet Six Six Six
Wicked Game
The Heartless
Our Diabolikal Rapture
It's All Tears
When Love and Death Embrace
The Beginning of the End
(Don't Fear) The Reaper
For You

666 Ways To Love - 1997 EP

Stigmata Diaboli
Wicked Game
Dark Sekret Love
The Heartless

Razorblade Romance - 2000

Your sweet 666
I Love You (Prelude to Tragedy)
Poison Girl
Join Me In Death
Right Here In My Arms
Gone With Sin
Wicked Game
Razorblade Kiss
Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
Heaven Tonight
Death Is In Love with Us
One Last Time
Sigillum Diaboli
The 9th Circle

Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights - 2001

Salt In Our Wounds
Heartache Every Moment
Lose You Tonight
In Joy and Sorrow
Close To the Flame
You Are the One
Please Don't Let It Go
In Love and Lonely
Don't Close Your Heart
Love You Like I Do

Love Metal - 2003

Buried Alive By Love
The Funeral of Hearts
Beyond Redemption
Sweet Pandemonium
Soul On Fire
The Sacrament
This Fortress of Tears
Circle of Fear
Endless Dark
The Path
Love's Requiem

And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits 1997-2004 - 2004

And Love Said No
Join Me
Buried Alive By Love
Heartache Every Moment
Solitary Man
Right Here In My Arms
The Funeral of Hearts
In Joy and Sorrow
Your sweet 666
Gone With Sin
Wicked Game
The Sacrament
Close To the Flame
Poison Girl
When Love and Death Embrace

Dark Light - 2005

Vampire Heart
Rip Out the Wings of A Butterfly
Under the Rose
Killing Loneliness
Dark Light
Behind the Crimson Door
The Face of God
Drunk On Shadows
Play Dead
In the Nightside of Eden
Venus (In Our Blood)
The Cage

Venus Doom - 2007

Venus Doom
Love In Cold Blood
Passion's Killing Floor
Kiss of Dawn
Sleepwalking Past Hope
Dead Lover's Lane
Song Or Suicide
Bleed Well
Cyanide Sun

Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice - 2010

In Venere Veritas
Scared To Death
Dying Song
Disarm Me (with your loneliness)
Love, The Hardest Way
Katherine Wheel
In the Arms of Rain
Ode To Solitude
Shatter Me with Hope
Acoustic Funeral (For Love in Limbo)
Like St. Valentine
The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness

other albums not listed Uneasy Listening Vol 1, Uneasy Listening Vol 2, and other various covered songs or demos or import CD songs... (maybe one day, but this list would be way too long)

Your Sweet Six Six Six

There are things you should know
The distance between us seems to grow
But you're holding on strong
Oh how hard it's to let go, oh so hard to let go

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

I'm losing my faith in you
You don't want it to be true
But there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do - Yes, I've lost my faith in

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

How long we have to wait
For love is fading so slowly
I know it's too late
Oh my god you're so lonely

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
I'm ready for your call and I'm ready to take your six
six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
In my heart
In my heart
In my heart

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

Wicked Game

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you

What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do
To make me dream of you

No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

Now I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna brake your heart)
Now I wanna fall in lust
(this world is only gonna brake your heart)
With you

And nobody loves no one

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

The Heartless

Your pain ain't love

Can't you see he's the heartless
Your pain is not love
He's taking it too far
Don't you know it is wrong
You're the one for me lady
You're the one
If you'd only see in my heart
You'd know know all is not lost

Your time is running out
And you still haven't made up your mind
Can't you see he's the heartless
And you're one of a kind

He's the heartless

You can't you see he's the heartless
Your pain won't ever be love
It doesn't matter how hard you try
To you all is lost

He's the heartless

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

Our Diabolikal Rapture

In our diabolikal rapture we live on and on
And death keeps knocking at our door
So we open the door and we die a bit more
We're in love with with death and we die on and on

Won't you close our eyes
We'll be by your side

In your heavenly rapture we die on and on
And you keep waiting at our door
Yes - we open the door
Let us die a bit more
Because we're in love with you and we die on and on

Won't you close our eyes, eyes
We'll be by your side

Your love is the only thing I live for in this world Oh how I wait for the day your heart burns In these heavenly flames I've already scorched in I just want you to know I'll always be waiting

Your love is the only thing I live for in this world
Oh how I wait for the day your heart burns
In these heavenly flames I've already scorched in
I just want you to know I'll always be waiting

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

It's All Tears

I'm waiting for you to drown in
my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love

Open your arms and let me show you what love can be like
It's all tears and it will be 'til the end of your time
Come closer my love
Will you let me tear your hearth apart?
Now all holp is gone so drown in this love

I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love

So my love your laughter is finally turning into tears
And you're begging for more though the end is getting near
come closer my love
I'll violate you in the most sensual way... until you drown in this

I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

When Love and Death Embrace

I'm in love with you
And it's crushing my heart
All I want is you
To take me into your arms

When love and death embrace

I love you
And you're crushing my heart
I need you
Please take me into your arms

When love and death embrace
When love and death embrace
When love and death embrace
When love and death embrace

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

The Beginning Of The End

Your world is coming to it's end
But you don't have to be afraid - I'm here for you
Save your happiness for tomorrow
And today we'll drown in your tears
A drop of your blood tastes like wine today

Come closer my dear
It is just the beginning of the end
Yes, I'm here for you
Save your happiness for tomorrow
And today we'll drown in your tears
A drop of your blood tastes like wine today

And because I love you so
And I'm here for you
Save your happiness for tomorrow
And today we'll drown in your tears
A drop of your blood tastes like wine today
Save your happiness for tomorrow
And today we'll drown in your tears
Your blood tastes like life today

Will you let it rain
Let it rain
So won't you let it rain
Oh, let it rain
Won't you let it rain

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

Don't Fear (the Reaper)

All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity...
Romeo and Juliet

40,000 men and women everyday... Like Romeo and
40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine
Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like
they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn't go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew then disappeared
The curtains flew then he appeared
Saying don't be afraid

Come on baby... And she had no fear
And she ran to him... Then they started to fly
They looked backward and said goodbye
She had become like they are
She had taken his hand
She had become like they are

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

For You

In the grace of your love I writhe, writhe in pain
In 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same

I'm for you
I'm for you

I'm killing myself for your love and again all is lost
In 777 ways I love you 'til my death do us apart

I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are
I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

In 666 ways I love you and my heaven is wherever
you are

I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you

Back Home or Up To Greatest Lovesongs

Stigmata Diaboli

I can't see as I'm facing your pitiful lies
Don't have the strength to carry your heavy load of life
I'm your Christ and I want you
This world's not for us and you know it as well as I do

I can't see through your eyes, spill your tears on me
I will leave the body for your shoulder, you just have to killing
I'm your Christ and I want you
This world's not for us and you know it as well as I do

Oh as well as I do
Oh as well as I do
Just as well as I do
Oh as well as I do
Oh as well as I do

I'm your Christ and I want you
This world's not for us and you know it as well as I do
I'm your Christ and I want you
This world's not for us and you know it as well as I do

Oh, so you've come for more
And you say you want it all
And I kill myself for your love
I'm killing myself for you but you want more

I'm your Christ and you want more

Back Home or Up To 666 Ways to Love

Wicked Game

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
... With you

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do, to make me dream of you

No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
... With you

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no
Now I wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
Now I wanna fall in lust
This world is always gonna break your heart
With you

Nobody loves no one

Back Home or Up To 666 Ways to Love

Dark Sekret Love

For a moment the world turns its back
And you let me come closer
Though the hearts were filled with fear
For this dark sekret love

Oh let the world turn its back
And please let me come closer
Though the hearts filled with fear
For this love

Our 666 has got a name
We burn in its flames again and again
For is it our dark sekret love

Set me as a seal upon thine heart,
As a seal upon thine arm,
For love is strong as death
And jealousy is cruel as the grave.
The coals thereof are coals of fire,
Which hath a most vehement flame.
I love you - I love you

For a moment the world turns its back
And you let me come closer
Though the hearts touched with joy

Our 666 has got a name
We burn in its flames again and again
For is it our dark sekret love

Back Home or Up To 666 Ways to Love

The Heartless

Can't you see he's the heartless, your pain is not love
He's taking it too far, don't you know it is wrong
You're the one for me lady, you're the one
If you'd only see in my heart, you'd know all is not

I'm waiting, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting

Your time is running out and you still haven't made up your mind
Can't you see he's the heartless, and that you're one of a kind

He's the heartless... [6x]

You're the one for me lady, together we shall be 'till the end
And if the sun comes down when you're not around it will surely put me through hell
You're the one for me lady, together we shall be 'till the end
And if the sun comes down when you're not around it will surely put me through hell
Don't listen to the one with no heart he's tearing you apart
He won't ever let you go, do you know what that means
He's not the man of you're dreams if he's the one with no heart and he's tearing you apart

You can't see he's the heartless, your pain won't ever be love
It doesn't matter how hard you try, to you all is lost

I'm waiting, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting

You're pain isn't love

He's the heartless... [6x]

Back Home or Up To 666 Ways to Love

Sweet 666

There are things you should know
The distance between us seems to grow
But you're holding on strong
Oh how hard it's to let go, oh so hard to let go

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

I'm losing my faith in you
You don't want it to be true
But there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do - Yes, I've lost my faith in

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

How long we have to wait
For love is fading so slowly
I know it's too late
Oh my god you're so lonely

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
I'm ready for your call and I'm ready to take your six
six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
In my heart
In my heart
In my heart

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

I Love You (Prelude to Tragedy)

Can't you see my darling
That the harder i try
The more we grow apart
Please believe me
The sweeter the kiss
The colder turn your arms
And the colder grows your heart
And baby more i love you

I see it in your eyes
I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips
And baby more i love you

And you're in my heart my darling
The closer i get
The more you're out of love
Don't you feel it
The colder your touch
The more it turns me on
And the faster beats my heart
And baby more i love you

I see it in your eyes
I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips
And baby more i love you

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Poison Girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

A prey she was for the cruelty of love
While its serpent inside crawled straight towards her heart
The coldest kiss love ceased to exist
While we grew apart like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

the fire in her eyes
grew dim and then died
as the poison inside
reached her heart

And the coldest kiss
faith ceased to exist
as we grew apart
like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

And the taste of the poison on her lips is of a tomb

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

Poison girl [4X]

And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl
In this poison world

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Join Me In Death

Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
was so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before life tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

this life ain't worth living
this life ain't worth living
this life ain't worth living
this life ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

Baby join me in death

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Right Here In My Arms

She's smiling like heaven is down on earth
Sun is shining so bright on her
All her wishes have finally come true
Her heart is weeping. Happiness is killing her.

She'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go


So hard she's trying
But her heart won't turn to stone...oh no
She keeps on crying
But I won't leave her alone
She'll never be alone

She'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go


Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Gone with Sin

I love your skin oh so white
I love your touch cold as ice
And I love every single tear you cry
I just love the way you're losing your life

Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are
Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart
You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are
You're gone with the sin my Darling

I adore the dispair in your eyes
I worship your lips once red as wine
I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine
I just love the way you're running out of life

Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are
Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart
You're gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are
You're gone with the sin my Darling


[2x Repeat Refrain]

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Wicked Game

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
... With you

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do, to make me dream of you

No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
... With you

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no
Now I wanna fall in love
This world is always gonna break your heart
Now I wanna fall in lust
This world is always gonna break your heart
With you

Nobody loves no one

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Razorblade Kiss

I taste death in every kiss we share
Every sundown seems to be the last we have
Your breath on my skin has the scent of our end
I'm drunk on your tears, Baby, can't you see it's hurting

Mmhhh mmmhhhh

Every time we touch we get closer to heaven
And at every sunrise our sins are forgiven
You on my skin this must be the end
The only way you can love me ist to hurt me again
And again
And again
And again

Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips

Oh the taste from your lips, my Darling
Taste from your lips, oh my Love

Only inside I'm free
I'm tired of waiting
You've got to let me dream
Inside Baby
I'm not afraid to feel
I want your to love me
Cause you are the one
Cause you are the one
Cause you are the one

Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips

Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips
Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart

Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be self dead and gone
So far away from life
Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love
Your're all I ever wanted, just you

Let me never see the sun
And never see your smile
Let us be so dead and so gone
So far away from life
Just close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, oh my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love

That's the way it's always been
My heart stops beating only for you Baby
Only for your loving

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Heaven Tonight

I hold your hand in mine
I hold your hand and you're so lonely
Oh so lonely
Your eyes have lost their light
Your eyes have lost their light and you're empty
Oh my God you're so empty

(I'm in love with you)
You are my heaven tonight
(I'm in love with you)
You are my heaven tonight

Trying to find the heart you hide
Trying to find the heart you hide in vain
Oh in vain
And you're my haven in life
And you're my haven in death, Baby
Life and Death my Darling

(I'm in love with you)
You are my heaven tonight
(I'm in love with you)
You are my heaven tonight
(I'm in love with you)
You are my heaven tonight
(I'm in love with you)
You are my heaven tonight
(I'm in love with you)


That's right
(I'm in love with you)
That's right
(I'm in love with you)
That's right
(I'm in love with you)
That's right
(I'm in love with you)

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Death Is In Love with Us

I know it hurts too much
I know that you're scared
I know you're running out of trust
Wishing you were dead

In your misery
You're not alone
So come share your tears with me
And witness it all go wrong

I know it and I feel it
Just as well as you do, Honey
It's not our fault if death's in love with us oh oh
It's not our fault if the reaper holds our hearts

41+66.6 = our loss
We're breathing only to fade away
We're running just to get caught

What love's lies blessed
What love's light cursed
Just fear for the best
And hope for our worst

I know it and I feel it
Just as well as you do, Honey
It's not our fault if death's in love with us oh oh
It's not our fault if the reaper holds our hearts

Death's in love with us oh oh
The Reaper holds our hearts oh oh
Death's in love with us oh oh
And the Reaper holds our hearts oh oh

I know it and I feel it
Just as well as you do, Honey
It's not our fault if death's in love with us oh oh
It's not our fault if the reaper holds our hearts

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance


There was a time
When I could breath my life in you
One by one
Your pale fingers started to move
And I touched your face
And all life was erased
You smiled like an angel
(falling from grace)

We've been slaves to this love
From the moment we touched
And keep begging for more
Of this resurrection

We've been slaves to this love
From the moment we touched
And keep begging for more
Of this resurrection

You kissed my lips
With those once cold fingertips
You reached out for me
And oh how you missed
You touched my face
And all life was erased
You smiled like an angel
(falling from grace)

We've been slaves to this love
From the moment we touched
And keep begging for more
Of this resurrection

We've been slaves to this love
From the moment we touched
And keep begging for more
Of this resurrection

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

One Last Time

Is it so hard to believe our hearts
Are made to be broken by love
That in constant dying lies
The beauty of it all
My darling won't you feel
The sweet heaven in
Our endless cry

Oh at least you could try
For this one last time

So amazed how bright are the flames
We are burning in
Ever smiled at the tragedies
We hold inside
My darling won't you cherish
The fear of life that keeps
You and me so alive

Oh at least you could try
For this one last time
It could be alright
For this one last time

Oh at least you could try
(and we just will be closer)
For this one last time
(let me fall into your arms)
It could be alright
(don't let us grow colder)
For this one last time
(let me close to your heart)

Oh at least you could try
(and before it's over)
For this one last time
(let me fall into your arms)
It could be alright
(before it's all over)
For this one last time
(let me close to your heart)

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Sigillum Diaboli

I can't see your sad face in your pitiful lies
Don't have the strength to carry your heavy load of life
I'm your Christ and i want you
I just woke up for hearse and you know it as well as I do


I can't see through your eyes, bring your tears on me
I will leave the body for your shoulder you just have to killing
I'm your Christ and i want you
I just woke up for hearse and you know it as well as I do

Oh as well as I do
Oh as well as I do
Just as well as I do
Oh as well as I do
Oh as well as I do

So I'm your Christ and i want you
I just woke up for hearse and you know it as well as I do
So I'm your Christ and i want you
I just woke up for hearse and you know it as well as I do

Oh, so you've come from above
and you say you want to
and I kill myself for your love
I'm killing myself for you, yes you

I can't see your sad face in your pitiful lies
Don't have the strength to carry your heavy load of life
I'm your Christ and i want you
I just woke up for hearse and you know it as well as I do

Yes you do
Yes you do, my Darling
Yes you do..oh
Yes you do, oh my Love

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

The 9th Circle

Is it so hard to believe the hearts are made to be broken
Can't you see that the beauty of love lies in constant times
Don't you want our hearts to be torn wide open
Won't you feel the heaven in our endless cry

Oh at least you could try
Let me just to be closer
For this one last time
Let me fall into your arms

It could be alright
Don't let us grow any colder
For this one last time
Let me close to your heart

Ever amazed how bright are the flames we are burning in
Ever smiled of the tragedies we have locked deep inside
Aren't you obsessed by our hand was on the verge of beginning
Won't you cherish your fear of life that keeps us alive

Oh at least you could try
Let me just to be closer
For this one last time
Let me fall into your arms

It could be alright
Don't let us grow any colder
For this one last time
Let me close to your heart

Let me just to be closer
Won't you let me be closer
Just to let us be closer
oh, my Baby
You gotta let it closer
Baby, let me closer
Won't you let it come closer
My Darling

Oh at least you could try
Let me just to be closer
For this one last time
Let me fall into your arms

It could be alright
Don't let us grow any colder
For this one last time
Let me close to your heart

Oh at least you could try
Let me just to be closer
For this one last time
Let me fall into your arms

It could be alright
Don't let us grow any colder
For this one last time
Let me close to your heart

Let me close to your heart
Baby, let me close to your heart
Let me close to your heart
Baby, let me close to your heart

Back Home or Up To Razorblade Romance

Salt In Our Wounds

Here we are
In the maelstrom of love
Waiting for the calm
To soothe our hearts

Here we are
And don't know how to stop
Waiting for the war
To end it all

Love is insane and Baby
We are too
It's our hearts little grave
And the salt in our wounds

Love is insane and Baby
We are too
It's our hearts little grave
And the salt in our wounds

Here we are
Right back where we began
Waiting for sweet love
With open arms

Here we are
Just like before
Waiting for the warmth
Of that tender storm

Love is insane and Baby
We are too
It's our hearts little grave
And the salt in our wounds

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Heartache Every Moment

From lashes to ashes
And from lust to dust
In your sweetest torment
I'm lost
And no heaven can help us
Ready, willing and able
To lose it all
For a kiss so fatal
And so worn

Oh it's heartache every moment
From the start 'til the end
It's heartache every moment
With you
Deeper into our heavenly suffering
Our fragile souls are falling
It's heartache every moment
Baby with you

And we sense the danger
But don't wanna give up
'Cause there's no smile of an angel
Without the wrath of god

Oh it's heartache every moment
From the start 'til the end
It's heartache every moment
With you
Deeper into our heavenly suffering
Our fragile souls are falling
It's heartache every moment
Baby with you
My darling with you

From lashes to ashes
And from lust to dust
In your sweetest torment
I am lost
And we sense the danger
But don't wanna give up

Oh it's heartache every moment
From the start 'til the end
It's heartache every moment
With you
Deeper into our heavenly suffering
Our fragile souls are falling
It's heartache every moment with you
That's right

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Lose You Tonight

Don't run away
Cause I can't live without you
Please stay
And I learn to love you right

I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
I've been crying for you
Die for you all this time
I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I'm not going to
Lose you tonight

Don't run away
I never wanted to hide you
Please stay
And I learn to treat you right

I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I've been crying for you
Die for you all this time
I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I'm not going to
Lose you tonight

I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I've been crying for you
Die for you all this time
I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I'm not going to
Lose you tonight

I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life

Oh, I can't live without you

And I've been crying for you
Die for you all this time

I never want adore you

I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I'm not going to
Lose you tonight

I'm going to lose you tonight

I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I've been crying for you
Die for you all this time
I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I'm going to
Lose you tonight

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

In Joy and Sorrow

Oh girl we are the same
we are young and lost and so afraid
there?s no cure for the pain
no shelter from the rain
All our prayers seem to fail

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

Oh girl we are the same
we are strong and blessed and so brave
with souls to be saved
and faith regained
all our tears wipe away

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

and my home's in your arms
and it is breaking my heart
my home's in your arms
and it is breaking my heart

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights


Love is a flame that can't be tamed
And though we are its willing prey, my darling
We are not the ones to blame

Trust is a word all lovers know
The glorious art of staining souls, my darling
We are not the ones to blame
The more we have the more we want
And the more it hurts our hearts, my baby
It always ends up in tears

So keep on pretending
Our heaven is worth the waiting
Keep on pretending it's alright
So keep on pretending
It will be the end of our craving
Keep on pretending
It's alright

When doubts arise the game begins
The one we will never win, my baby
It always ends up in tears...

So keep on pretending
Our heaven is worth the waiting
Keep on pretending it's alright
So keep on pretending
It will be the end of our craving
Keep on pretending
It's alright

So keep on pretending
Our heaven is worth the waiting
Keep on pretending it's alright
So keep on pretending
It will be the end of our craving
Keep on pretending
It's alright

Love is a flame that can't be tamed
And though we are its willing prey, my darling
We are not the ones to blame

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Close To the Flame

The kiss sweetest
And touch so warm
The smile kindest
In this world so cold and strong

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

The arms safest
And words all good
The faith deepest
In this world so cold and cruel

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

You Are the One

No I won't surrender
At any cost
You're something so sweet and tender
From my heart

Yes I've done my evil
I've done my good
Just believe me honey
I won't let go off you

You are the one
And there's no regrets at all
You are the one
And there's no regrets at all

We've had our share of misfortune
We've had our blues
And God is not on our side
Yes it's true
We keep forgetting baby
The others too
There is no one who can take that away
From me and you

You are the one
And there's no regrets at all

You are the one
And there's no regrets at all

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Please Don't Let It Go

We're drifting apart
But I want you to know
Wherever you are I belong
Love's singing our song
But we fail to sing along
Wherever you go I will follow

So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you don't let it I won't let it go

You try to be strong
But you're always so alone
Whatever I do I do it wrong
Death sings our song
And we eagerly sing along
Whatever you do I adore
I adore

So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
Oh no

Don't let go of life
Let go of love
Let go of all we have

So don't let go of trust
Let go of lust
Let go of all we share
All we share

So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you don't let it I won't let it go

So please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
Hey my darling
Please don't let it
Please don't let it go
'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
Oh no

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights


Just one look into your eyes
One look and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one kiss and I'm alive
One kiss and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one touch and I'm on fire
One touch and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one smile and I'm wild
One smile and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

Oh and you're so beautiful
My darling
Oh you're so beautiful
You're so beautiful
Oh my baby
You're so beautiful
And you're so beautiful
Oh my darling
Oh my baby
And you're so beautiful

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

In Love and Lonely

In love and lonely
In love and lonely

I'm not with you my baby
Just to see you cry
I'm in love with you
Not the tears in your eyes

I can't remember
The last time you smiled
Oh I know how it feels
I know what it's like

To be
In love and lonely
In love and lonely

Don't what to do my baby
It's not alright
This can't be the end
The time to say good bye

No I won't walk away that easy
After all this time
Oh you know how it feels
You know what it's like

To be
In love and lonely
In love and lonely

Oh you know how it feels
You know what it's like
You know how it is
But you just can't stop crying

In love and lonely
In love and lonely

In love and lonely
In love and lonely

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Don't Close Your Heart

I know how it feels to be on your own
In this cruel world where hearts are bound to turn to stone
Where you are alone
And tired of breathing
It's all going wrong
And you just can't stand the pain any more
You're too numb to believe in
In anything

Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Darling don't let me down

I know how easy it is to let go
Surrender to despair lurking at your door
To lose your soul and all your feelings
Strength all gone
And so many things left unsaid
And deeds undone
You've stopped caring
'Cause it's all in vain

Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Darling don't let me down

You are so alone
And tired of breathing
It's all going wrong
And you just can't stand the pain

Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Darling don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Just don't let me down

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Love You Like I Do

On my heart I'll bear the shame
No prayer can ease the pain
No one will love you
No one will love you the way I do
No one will love you
Love you like I do

And there's no escape
Just countless mistakes
No one will love you
No one will love you the way I do
No one will love you
Love you like I do

It will never be the same
Witness trust fade away
No one will love you
No one will love you the way I do
No one will love you
Love you like I do

No one will love you
No one will love you the way I do
No one will love you
Love you like I do

Love you like I do
Love you like I do
Love you like I do
Love you like I do

Back Home or Up To Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights

Buried Alive By Love

Again the burden of losing rest
Upon my shoulders
And its weight seems unbearable
Your tomb is where your heart is,
I should've told her
But within me hid a secret so terrible

To cry is to know that you're alive
But my river of tears has run dry
I never wanted to fool you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart

And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
And if I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

The kiss of vanity blessed me with a spiritual murder
And fed the gods of war insatiable
Your tomb is where the dark is, I should've told her
And embraced the fire indestructible

To die is to know that you're alive
And my river of blood won't run dry
I never wanted to lose you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart

And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
And if I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

Oh, they say to cry is to know that you're alive
But my river of tears has run dry
I never wanted to fool you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart
And a deserted soul is gone
A cold heart is a dead heart

And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
And if I wake before I die,
Rescue me with your smile

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

The Funeral of Hearts

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the sun shining upon
The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
He was the moon painting you
With its glow so vulnerable and pale

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the wind, carrying in
All the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget
He was the fire, restless and wild
And you were like a moth to that flame

The heretic seal beyond divine
A prayer to a god who's deaf and blind
The last rites for souls on fire
Three little words and a question: why?

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

Beyond Redemption

Oh I see your scars I know where they're from
So sensually carved and bleeding until you're dead and gone
I've seen it all before beauty and splendour torn
It's when heaven turns to black and hell to white
Right so wrong and wrong so right


Feel it turning your heart into stone
Feel it piercing your courageous soul
You're beyond redemption
And no one's gonna catch you when you fall

Oh I see you crawl you can barely walk
And arms wide open you keep on begging for more
I've been there before knocking on the same door
It's when hate turns to love and love to hate
Faith to doubt and doubt to faith


Feel it turning your heart into stone
Feel it piercing your courageous soul
You're beyond redemption
And no one's gonna catch you when you fall

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

Sweet Pandemonium

Today tomorrow seems so far away
An the wait in vain, yeah
So safe, in the blinding light of love unchained
In yesterday's grave, yeah

The truth that could set souls free
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Afraid that everything remains unchanged
In this fragile dream, yeah
Ashamed of the shattered remains
Of promises made, yeah

The truth that could set souls free
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Drained by the anger and grief
Phased by the envy and greed
The secret cries for a release
The lucidity hidden deep in sweet pandemonium

The truth that could set souls free
Is buried within sweet pandemonium
Concealed by disbelief
The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

Soul On Fire

There's a flame
That leads all souls astray
No one's safe
From its tender touch of pain
And everyday
It's looking for new slaves
To celebrate
The beauty of the grave

We are like the living dead
Sacrificing all we have
For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
We are like the living dead
Craving for deliverance
With a frozen heart and a soul on fire

And Again
We're falling for disgrace
And hate
Will shelter us from the rain
We are enslaved
By the sacred heart of shame
And gently raped
By the light of day

We are like the living dead
Sacrificing all we have
For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
We are like the living dead
Craving for deliverance
With a frozen heart and a soul on fire

Addicted to our divine despair
The venom of the cross we bear
The guilt will follow us to death

We are like the living dead
Sacrificing all we have
For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
We are like the living dead
Craving for deliverance
With a frozen heart and a soul on fire

With a soul on
Soul on
Soul on

Soul on fire
Soul on fire

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

The Sacrament

I hear you breathe so far from here
I feel your touch so close and real
And I know
My church is not of silver and gold,
Its glory lies beyond judgment of souls
The commandments are of consolation and warmth

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you

I hear you weep so far from here
I taste your tears like you're next to me
And I know
My weak prayers are not enough to heal
The ancient wounds so deep and so dear
The revelation is of hatred and fear

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

This Fortress of Tears

No one can hurt you now
In this haven safe and sound
No one can save you now
From this grace you are drowning in
Just hold your breath on your way down

This fortress of tears
I've built from my fears - for you
This fortress won't fall
I've built it strong - for you

No one can free you now
From the chains around your heart
Don't be afraid now
Just dive in this emptiness
And hold your breath on your way down

This fortress of tears
I've built from my fears - for you
This fortress won't fall
I've built it strong - for you

No one can hurt you now
In this haven safe and sound
Just hold your breath on your way down

This fortress of tears
I've built from my fears - for you
This fortress won't fall
I've built it strong - for you

This fortress of tears
I've built from my fears - for you
This fortress won't fall
I've built it strong - for you

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

Circle Of Fear

Heartache's knocking on her door
Shadows dance outside her window
Tears keep falling on the floor
As the world around her crumbles

If you wanna save her
Then first you'll have to save yourself
If you wanna free her from the hurt
Don't do it with your pain
If you wanna see her smile again
Don't show her you're afraid
'Cause your circle of fear is the same

Love can be as cold as grave
A one way ticket to endless sorrow
An empire of gentle hate
Today without tomorrow

If you wanna save her
Then first you'll have to save yourself
If you wanna free her from the hurt
Don't do it with your pain
If you wanna see her smile again
Don't show her you're afraid
'Cause your circle of fear is the same

It's the circle of regret
The circle of hate
The circle of death
Your circle of fear is the same
Your circle of fear is the same

If you wanna save her
Then first you'll have to save yourself
If you wanna free her from the hurt
Don't do it with your pain
If you wanna see her smile again
Don't show her you're afraid
'Cause your circle of fear is the same

Your circle of fear is the same

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

Endless Dark

Softly the light shines in through
The gates of grace on me and you
Deceiving our restless hearts
A flickering flame so serene
Devours the night so we could see
The fear we hold on to so strong

But I know where I belong
Away from your gods
That heal our wounds
And light this endless dark

Lonely the light shines on you
Through the gates of fire entombed
Feeding on your love
Weak is the blaze that kept me away
From cruelty and tenderness embraced
Saving my soul no more

And I know where I belong
Away from your gods
That heal all wounds
And light this endless dark

And I know where I belong
Away from your gods
That heal all wounds
And light this endless dark
That shine on you and tame your burning heart
That bury my truth right into your arms
That worship the tomb of our forlorn love

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

The Path

There is no turning back
From this unending path of mine
Serpentine and black
It stands before my eyes
To hell and back
It will lead me once more
It's all I have as I stumble in and out of grace

I walk through the gardens
Of dying light
And cross all the rivers
Deep and dark as the night
Searching for a reason
Why time would've passed us by

With every step I take
The less I know myself
And every vow I break
On my way towards your heart
Countless times I've prayed
For forgiveness
But gods just laugh at my face
And this path remains
Leading me into solitude's arms

I see through the darkness
My way back home
The journey seems endless
But I'll carry on
The shadows will rise
And they will fall
And our night drowns in dawn

Amidst all the tears there's a smile
All angels greet with an envious song
One look into stranger's eyes
And I know where I belong

I walk through the gardens
Of dying light
And cross all the rivers
Deep and dark as the night
Searching for a reason
Why time would've passed us by

I see through the darkness
My way back home
The journey seems endless
But I'll carry on
The shadows will rise
And they will fall
And our night drowns in dawn

The Shadows
They rise and and they fall
And our night drowns in dawn

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

Love's Requiem

Confusion writhes around our hearts impatiently
It drains the faith that lights the dark and sets us free
From the chains of our war
And the pain we once called love

The poison of doubt enslaves our minds and we bleed
We abandon the trust that kept us blind and disappear
Under the crimson wings of hate
Where the lost are safe until they love again

The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
And that hope will be our love's requiem

We pray to the serpent of delight desperately
The questions are answered and we try not to weep
Until we are sure
We're suffering for love

In the dungeon of our dreams we're so weak
The promise made to be broken still haunts our sleep
And we won't open our eyes
Afraid we would die for love again

The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
And that hope will be our love's requiem

The salvation we seek will be waiting us there
In the heart of darkness lonely and scared
With a promise of death for our love

And now that we're free
From the chains of our dear love
I'm lost
So lost

The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
And that hope will be our love's requiem

Take me into your arms
And sing me your beautiful song
Hold me until we're one
And sing me you're beautiful song

Back Home or Up To Love Metal

And Love Said No

Love's light blue led me to you
Through the emptiness that had become my home
Love's lies cruel introduced me to you
And that moment i knew i was out of hope

Kill me, i begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Kill me, i cried and love said no

Love's icy tomb dug open for you
Lies in cemetery that bears my name
Love's violent tune from me to you
Rips your heart out and leaves you bleeding
With a smile on your face
Kill me, i begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Kill me, i cried and love said no

Love's light blue took me from you
And that moment i knew i was out of hope...again

Kill me, i begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Love said no
And love said no

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Join Me

Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

We are so young
Our lives have just begun
But already we're considering
Escape from this world

And we've waited for so long
For this moment to come
Was so anxious to be together
Together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
(baby join me in death)
Won't you die
(baby join me in death)
Won't you die tonight for love
(baby join me in death)
Join me in death

This world is a cruel place
And we're here only to lose
So before life tears us apart let
Death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
(baby join me in death)
Won't you die
(baby join me in death)
Won't you die tonight for love
(baby join me in death)
Join me in death

This live ain't worth living
This live ain't worth living
This live ain't worth living
This live ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
(baby join me in death)
Won't you die
(baby join me in death)
Won't you die tonight for love
(baby join me in death)

Baby join me in death

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Buried Alive By Love

Again the burden of losing rest
Upon my shoulders
And its weight seems unbearable
"Your tomb is where your heart is"
I should've told her
But within me hid a secret so terrible

They say to cry is to know that you're alive
But my river of tears has run dry
I never wanted to fool you, no
A cold heart is a dead heart

And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
If I should die before I wake
Pray no one my soul to take
And if I wake before I die
Rescue me with your smile

The kiss of vanity you blessed me with a spiritual murder
And fed the gods of war insatiable
"Your tomb is where the dark is"
I should've told her
And embraced the fire indestructible

To die is to know that you're alive
And my river of blood won't run dry
I never wanted to lose you, no
But a cold heart is a dead heart

And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
A cold heart is a dead heart
And a deserted soul is gone
A cold heart is a dead heart
And it feels like I've been buried alive by love

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Heartache Every Moment

From lashes to ashes
And from lust to dust
In your sweetest torment
I'm lost
And no heaven can help us
Ready, willing and able
To lose it all
For a kiss so fatal
And so worn

Oh it's heartache every moment
From the start 'til the end
It's heartache every moment
With you
Deeper into our heavenly suffering
Our fragile souls are falling
It's heartache every moment
Baby with you

And we sense the danger
But don't wanna give up
'Cause there's no smile of an angel
Without the wrath of god

Oh it's heartache every moment
From the start 'til the end
It's heartache every moment
With you
Deeper into our heavenly suffering
Our fragile souls are falling
It's heartache every moment
Baby with you
My darling with you

From lashes to ashes
And from lust to dust
In your sweetest torment
I am lost
And we sense the danger
But don't wanna give up

Oh it's heartache every moment
From the start 'til the end
It's heartache every moment
With you
Deeper into our heavenly suffering
Our fragile souls are falling
It's heartache every moment with you
That's right

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Solitary Man

Belinda was mine 'til the time that I found her
Holdin' Jim
And lovin' him
Then Sue came along, loved me strong, that's what I thought
Me and Sue
But that died, too

Don't know that I will but until I can find me
A girl who'll stay and won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
A solitary man

I've had it to hear - being where love's a small word
A part time thing
A paper ring
I know it's been done havin' one girl who loved you
Right or wrong
Weak or strong

Don't know that I will but until I can find me
The girl who'll stay and won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
A solitary man

Don't know that I will but until Love can find me
And the girl who'll stay and won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
A solitary man

Solitary man

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Right Here In My Arms

She's smiling like heaven is down on earth
Sun is shining so bright it hurts
All her wishes have finally com true
Her heart is weeping, happiness is killing her

She'll be right here in my arms
So in love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go

So hard she's trying
But her heart won't turn to stone... oh no
She keeps on crying
But I won't leave her alone
She'll never be alone

She'll be right here in my arms
So in love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

The Funeral of Hearts

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the sun shining upon
The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
He was the moon painting you
With its glow so vulnerable and pale

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the wind, carrying in
All the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget
He was the fire, restless and wild
And you were like a moth to that flame

The heretic seal beyond divine
A prayer to a god who' s deaf and blind
The last rites for souls on fire
Three little words and a question: why?

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

In Joy and Sorrow

Oh girl we are the same
we are young and lost and so afraid
there's no cure for the pain
no shelter from the rain
All our prayers seem to fail

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your amrs
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

Oh girl we are the same
we are strong and blessed and so brave
with souls to be saved
and faith regained
all our tears wipe away

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

and my home's in your arms
and it is breaking my heart
my home's in your arms
and it is breaking my heart

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Your Sweet 666

There are things you should know
The distance between us seems to grow
But you're holding on strong
Oh how hard it's to let go, oh so hard to let go

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

I'm losing my faith in you
You don't want it to be true
But there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do - Yes, I've lost my faith in

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart

How long we have to wait
For love is fading so slowly
I know it's too late
Oh my god you're so lonely

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
six six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
I'm ready for your call and I'm ready to take your six
six six in my heart
I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
six six six in my heart
In my heart
In my heart
In my heart

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Gone with Sin

I love your skin oh so white
I love your touch cold as ice
And I love every single tear you cry
I just love the way you're losing your life

Oh my baby, how beautiful you are
Oh my darling, completely torn apart
You're gone with the sin, my baby
And beautiful you are
You're gone with the sin, my darling

I adore the despair in your eyes
I worship your lips once red as wine
I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine
I just love the way you're running out of life

Oh my baby, how beautiful you are
Oh my darling, completely torn apart
You're gone with the sin, my baby
And beautiful you are
You're gone with the sin, my darling

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Wicked Game

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
With you

What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do
To make me dream of you

No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
With you

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

Now I wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna brake your heart)
Now I wanna fall in lust
(this world is always gonna brake your heart)
With you

And nobody loves no one

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

The Sacrament

I hear you breathe so far from here
I feel your touch so close and real
And I know
My church is not of silver and gold,
Its glory lies beyond judgment of souls
The commandments are of consolation and warmth

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you

I hear you weep so far from here
I taste your tears like you're next to me
And I know
My weak prayers are not enough to heal
The ancient wounds so deep and so dear
The revelation is of hatred and fear

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you
The sacrament is you

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you

You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Close To the Flame

The kiss sweetest
And touch so warm
The smile kindest
In this world so cold and strong

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

The arms safest
And words all good
The faith deepest
In this world so cold and cruel

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Poison Girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

A prey she was for the cruelty of love
While its serpent inside crawled straight towards her heart
The coldest kiss love ceased to exist
While we grew apart like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

The fire in her eyes
Grew dim and then died
As the poison inside
Reached her heart

And the coldest kiss
Faith ceased to exist
As we grew apart
Like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me an d my poison girl

And the taste of the poison on her lips is of a tomb

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

Poison girl
Poison girl
Poison girl
Poison girl

And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl
In this poison world

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits


Love is a flame that can't be tamed
And though we are its willing prey, my darling
We are not the ones to blame

Trust is a word all lovers know
The glorious art of staining souls, my darling
We are not the ones to blame
The more we have the more we want
And the more it hurts our hearts, my baby
It always ends up in tears

So keep on pretending
Our heaven is worth the waiting
Keep on pretending it's alright
So keep on pretending
It will be the end of our craving
Keep on pretending
It's alright

When doubts arise the game begins
The one we will never win, my baby
It always ends up in tears...

So keep on pretending
Our heaven is worth the waiting
Keep on pretending it's alright
So keep on pretending
It will be the end of our craving
Keep on pretending
It's alright

So keep on pretending
Our heaven is worth the waiting
Keep on pretending it's alright
So keep on pretending
It will be the end of our craving
Keep on pretending
It's alright

Love is a flame that can't be tamed
And though we are its willing prey, my darling
We are not the ones to blame

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

When Love and Death Embrace

I'm in love with you
And it's crushing my heart
All I want is you
To take me into your arms

When love and death embrace

I love you
And you're crushing my heart
I need you
Please take me into your arms

When love and death embrace
When love and death embrace
When love and death embrace
When love and death embrace

Back Home or Up To And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits

Vampire Heart

You can't escape the wrath of my heart
Beating to your funeral song
All faith is lust for hell regained
And love dust in the hands of shame

Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
And lead you along this path in the dark
Where I belong until I feel your warmth

Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

I am the thorns in every rose, you've been sent by hope
I am the nightmare waking you up from the dream of a dream of love

Let me weep you this poem as heaven's gates close
And paint you my soul scarred and alone
Waiting for your kiss to take me back home

Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Rip Out the Wings of A Butterfly

Heaven ablaze in your eyes
We're standing still in time
The blood on our hands is the wine
We offer as sacrifice

Come on and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul, my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

This endless mercy mile
We're crawling side by side
With hell freezing over in our eyes
Gods kneel before our crime

Come on and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul, my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Under the Rose

I dream of the winter in my heart turning to spring
While the ice gives way under my feet
And so I drown with the sun

I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
To prove you wrong and scare you away
I admit my defeat and want back home
In your heart under the rose

I open my eyes with a sigh of relief
As the warmth of summer's sunlight dances around me
And I see you with dead leaves in your hands

I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
To prove you wrong and scare you away
I admit my defeat and want back home
In your heart under the rose

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Killing Loneliness

Memories sharp as daggers
Pierce into the flesh of today
The suicide of love took away all that matters
And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness
With the warmth of your arms you saved me
I'm killing loneliness with you
The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

Nailed to a cross together
As solitude begs us to stay
We disappear in the lie, forever
And denounce the power of death over our souls as secret words are said to start a war

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness
With the warmth of your arms you saved me
I'm killing loneliness with you
The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Dark Light

Shivers run through the spine
Of hope as she cries
The poisoned tears of a life denied
In the raven-black night
Holding hands with -

Dark light
Come shine in her lost heart tonight
And blind
All fears that haunt her with your smile
Dark light

In oblivion's garden
Her body's on fire
Writhing towards the angel defiled
To learn how to die
In peace with her God

Dark light
Come shine in her lost heart tonight
And blind
All fears that haunt her with your smile
Dark light

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Behind the Crimson Door

Covered the carcass of time with flowers
To send the scent of blame to the grave
Set the darkest thoughts on fire
And watched the ashes climb to heaven's gates

We hide behind the crimson door
While the summer is killed by the fall
Alive behind the crimson door
While the winter sings:
"Your love will be the death of me"

Death served wine for lovers
Brought from the world where devils reign
And intoxicated angels with sorrow
They witnessed in the eyes of their slaves

We hide behind the crimson door
While the summer is killed by the fall
Alive behind the crimson door
While the winter sings:
"Your love will be the death of me"

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

The Face of God

I'm drained but aching for more
And the devil inside is reading
The words of the saddest poem
To be engraved on the stone on my grave

I'd kill to share your pain (and carry the shame)
And sell my soul for you just to say:

"I dream what you're dreaming
And feel what you're feeling
Love's the shadow on our wall
With the face of God"

Nothing will be enough
For the ones who keep on stumbling
In the garden of withering trust
Without the courage to leave

I'd take my life for your kiss (grant me this)
And lose it all to take you across the abyss

I dream what you're dreaming
And feel what you're feeling
Love's the shadow on our wall
With the face of God

You dream what I'm dreaming
And see what I'm seeing
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the face of God

Labyrinth in the shape of a heart
Loves' secret architecture
I find myself to be lost in the
Arms of your fate

I'd kill to share your pain (please let me stay)
And sell my soul for you just to say
Loves name in vain
Again and again...

I dream what you're dreaming
And feel what you're feeling
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the face of God

You dream what I'm dreaming
And see what I'm seeing
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the face of God

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Drunk On Shadows

Hiding underneath
The veil of broken dreams we find her weeping
On her once white wings
She will be carrying the weight of our deeds

And she bleeds for love forever gone

Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie
Killing ourselves, a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie

Finding souls to feed
The nightside of Eden
We see her struggling
For her love's last breath And walk off

Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie
Killing ourselves, a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie

She's blinded by the fear
Of life and death and everything in between
We smile when she cries a river of tears
A mirror where we see nothing but a reflection of heaven too far away

Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie
Killing ourselves, a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Play Dead

A moth into a butterfly and a lie into the sweetest truth
I'm so afraid of life
I try to call your name but I'm silenced by the fear of dying in your heart once again

I see the seasons changing
And in the heart of this autumn I fall
With the leaves from the trees

I play dead
To hide my heart
Until the world gone dark fades away

I cry like God cries the rain and I'm just one step away from the end of today

I see the reasons changing
And in the warmth of the past I crawl
Scorched by the shame

I play dead
To hide my heart
Until the world gone dark fades away

I stay dead
Until you veil my scars and say goodbye to fate
Before it's too late

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

In the Nightside of Eden

Divided we stand in the light of a frozen sun
Cursing the Gods we have become
We steal the fire from a sacred heart
And bleed the wine unholy
We fall in love with the serpent's song
And fear nothing

In the nightside of Eden
We're born again -

"Forever we are
Forever we've been
Forever will be crucified to a dream"

Deranged we're tearing away the petals of desire
Learning the mathematics of evil by heart
We deceive ourselves to start a war
Within the realm of senses
And descend to the circle number four
Where we are nothing

In the nightside of Eden
We're born again -

"Forever we are
Forever we've been
Forever will be crucified to a dream"

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Venus (In Our Blood)

Her heaven's a lie to those who threw away the key
Her god is alive and well when the higher believes
And you can't bend the river of her dreams
Or understand the divine words she speaks

Venus denies your severing tides above dark waters
You can't quench her thirst with the fear hiding away from the day
Venus denies you in your dark waters
The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood

Her savior was never on a cross pierced with nails
Thirty pieces of silver never retraced her mistake
She'll always be free from the arms of your sins
That made you weak as your world started crumbling

Venus denies your severing tides above dark waters
You can't quench her thirst with the fear hiding away from the day
Venus denies you in your dark waters
The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood

(She's in our blood)
Venus denies your severing tides above dark waters
You can't quench her thirst with the fear hiding away from the day
The Venus denies you in your dark waters
The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood
In our blood
In our blood
In our blood
(She's in our blood)

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

The Cage

For years I've seen you fighting
Against your heart
Living like you're dying
So far from the sun

Waiting for a guardian angel
To lead you through the dangers
That lie ahead on your way
Towards tomorrows arms

Tears have turned from sweet to sour
And hours to days
You're hiding yourself away
From our cruel world's embrace
And as your days turn to weeks
You'll cry yourself to sleep
In the cage

We all have our fears but yours are
The scariest of them all
Lift your head and let us taste
The horror you adore

And it all starts to makes sense
All the blood wisely shed
Just wait until the truth comes
Knocking on your door

Tears have turned from sweet to sour
And hours to days
You're hiding yourself away
From our cruel world's embrace
And as your days turn to weeks
You'll cry yourself to sleep
In the cage you're locked in

Tears have turned from sweet to sour
And hours to days
You're hiding yourself away
From our cruel world's embrace
And as your days turn to weeks
You'll cry yourself to sleep
In the cage
And as your days turn to weeks
You'll cry yourself to sleep
In the cage you've locked yourself in

Back Home or Up To Dark Light

Venus Doom

Leave all behind now to watch her crawl
Through our dark gardens of insanity
She’ll be the light to guide you back home
Just give her a kiss worth dying for
And open your arms

Watch me fall for you
My venus doom
Hide my heart where all dreams are entombed
My venus doom
All dreams are of you
My venus doom

Grieve all your hearts out and she’ll writhe enthralled
In tragic ecstatic agony
And in her flames we will die some more
Just show me her life worth living for
And light up the dark


Hold me inside your infernal offering
Touch me as I fall
Don't lose yourself in this suffering yet
Hold on

Watch me fall for you
My venus doom
Hide my heart where all dreams are entombed

Watch me fall for you
My venus doom
Hide my heart where all dreams are entombed
My venus doom
All tears are of you
My venus doom

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Love In Cold Blood

Serpentine love's thighs wrap around me in search for death
Drenched in blood the adored and beloved will give in to'

Love in cold blood.
Breathe me in sweet suffering.
Love in cold blood.

Love's feline eyes in darkness shine on her web
Demonised with divine insight we draw our last breath

Love in cold blood
Breathe me in sweet suffering
Love in cold blood
Put me out of my misery

Love in cold blood.
Breathe me in sweet suffering.
Love in cold blood.

Darling take me home to the castle made of skulls and bones
Sing me a song to remind me where I belong in your arms,
My love, in cold blood


Love in cold blood
Breathe me in sweet suffering
Love in cold blood
Put me out of my misery

Love in cold blood.
Breathe me in sweet suffering.
Love in cold blood.

Darling take me home to the castle made of skulls and bones
Sing me a song to remind me where I belong in your arms,
My love, in cold blood

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Passion's Killing Floor

Its poetry carved in flesh
This beautiful Hell of ours
To the deadliest sin we confess
(Tears of joy fill our eyes)

We are safe where disfigured saints
Cry out their prophecies of doom

My heart's a graveyard baby
And to evil we make love
On our passion's killing floor
In my arms you won't sleep safely
And of lust we are reborn
On our passion's killing floor

At the first kiss the seeds of Hatred are sown
Back into darkness we flee (to tear our hearts out)

We are safe where all fates fail
The light inside of our tomb


(Oh my heart's a graveyard baby)
Oh my heart's a graveyard baby
On our passion's killing floor

(In my arms you won't sleep safely)
And to evil we make love
On our passion's killing floor


Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Kiss of Dawn

Blinded I am and so are you
By shedding tears
Confusion that separates us two
We hold dear
Just look into my eyes
Kiss our fears good bye

I'm reaching for your shadow drowning in
The kiss of dawn
Touching the pain that you left me with
At the kiss of dawn

I'm tired of the games I'm playing with you
When you're not here
Death frees from the fear of dying
it's true, have no fear

Let me look into your eyes
and see death pass us by

[Repeat chorus 2x]

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Sleepwalking Past Hope

I hid the keys to unlock love's heart
To hold you in my sweetest pain and suffering
Everything's unfair in our lust and war
Redemption beyond right and wrong

In our hearts love keeps sweet-talking to despair
And goes on sleepwalking past hope
All is lost in this war
And all we can do is to wail and weep to the saddest song
Sleepwalking past hope

I unlit the light to embrace the dark
To be near but not to turn into you my darling
Forever we're lost in our souls' storm
Reflections of each others faults

I gave up long ago
Painting love with crimson flow
Ran out of blood and hope
So I paint you no more

My hell begins from the 10th and descends to the circle
Six hundred threescore and six
And from there I crawl beneath Lucifer's claws just for one last kiss

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Dead Lover's Lane

Despair has a face and all these wounds remain unhealed
Bless to kill and enslave are all hearts around love's will
Thrilled to start all over again

Crawl down dead lover's lane,
The maze of memories stained
And sucks the blood right out of my heart

Scream out love's name in vain
Erase the pain again
And lose yourself alone in the dark
On dead lover's lane

Fear has a name written on unhallowed ground with dead leaves
Those words never fail to feed the hunger that dreams
Our needs beyond god's grasp

Crawl down dead lover's lane,
The maze of memories stained
And sucks the blood right out of my heart

Scream out love's name in vain
Erase the pain again
And lose yourself alone in the dark
On dead lover's lane

Crawl down dead lover's lane,
The maze of memories stained
And sucks the blood right out of my heart

Scream out love's name in vain
Erase the pain again
And lose yourself alone in the dark
On dead lover's lane

And suck the blood right of my heart
Right out of my heart

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Song Or Suicide

Sorrow rebuild me as I step out of the light
Misery strengthen me as I say my goodbyes

I heal my wounds with grief
And dream of you
And weep myself alive

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Bleed Well

You had demons to kill within you screaming
With a gun loaded with guilt you opened their eyes

Love preys the living and praises the dead
In the heart of our hearts by death we were wed

Bleed well the soul you're about to sell for passion deranged
Kiss and tell, baby we're bleeding well
Bleed well the heart you're about to fail for reasons insane
Kill and tell, baby we're bleeding well'
'In hell

'No love lost under her will', I heard you weeping
And on those words a church was built to keep the pain in

If death is the answer to love's mysteries
Then bleed on my darling to the sound of a dream

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

Cyanide Sun

Should've known how hard it is to stop tearing each other apart
Separating souls entwined with all these labyrinthine lies

I am dead to you, a shadow doomed
My love, forever in the dark
And of all untruths the truest is you
Too close to my heart

This emptiness I've made my home
Embracing memories of dreams long gone
One last caress from the corpse of love is all I want
Underneath the cyanide sun

We've sailed the seas of grief on a raft built with our tears
Looking for a way to disappear for a moment from our deepest fears

I'll be drowning you in this river of gloom
Forever in my heart

Back Home or Up To Venus Doom

In Venere Veritas

Let's fall apart together now
Zipping cupid in a body bag well-worn
Next to the mausoleum he was born in
Picking up the pieces of this gory glory of it all
From eve to morn, for eve to mourn

Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing in venere veritas
Come inside let the fire burn you alive
And sing baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas

Let's fall apart together now.

There is a method to our sadness
As we drag the mirror ball and chain
Through the twilight again dressed up in shame


We are begging for a reflection
From an unshuttered heart
To blind and chase us over the edge


These are the wounds that are not meant to heal at all

Let's fall apart together now
Let's fall apart together now

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice

Scared To Death

In the biblical sense and sensibility
Let me know you
I'll kiss that smile off your face just say when

Just say when.

I'm not afraid to say "I love you"
Any more than I used to be babe I am scared to death
To fall in love (with you)

All these pick-up lines from hell
Icebreakers infernal
From a heart so black and blue
Only for you

Just say when again.

I'm not afraid to say, "I love you."
Any more than I used to be, babe.
I am scared to death.
I am scared to death to fall in love with you.

With you.


I'm not afraid to say, "I love you."
Anymore than I used to be, babe.
I am scared to death.
I am scared to death to fall in love.

I'm not afraid to admit I adore you
Any more than I was before babe I am scared to death
To fall in love with you

With you. [x2]

I'm scared to death. [x3]

And you're sweet like poison.

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice


Farewell heartless world,
I'll send you a postcard burnt in flames
You've tried so hard to extinguish with the fear of failing,
I'll write down everything I have learned,
And edit it down to a single word "Love"
For you I'm waiting, anticipating

Sparks will fly beneath the Luna alight,
Lazarus at Frankenstein's,
Babe I'll be a flatliner for a heartkiller
A little we die above the lesser light,
For you I'm open wide,
Babe I'll be a flatliner for a heartkiller


Top hats off to the return,
Of the beat to lick a wound
Too cursed for some and blessed for a few,
It doesn't have to make any sense at all,
Come hither and we'll fall in love
For love I'm crawling out of patience, baby


Paint all your sorrows for me to sing hearkiller
Draw your pain and hear me hum it out



Babe I'll be a flatliner for a heartkiller
Babe I'll be a flatliner for a heartkiller

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice

Dying Song

I've seen you breathe life into the weakest of hearts,
And heard you scream out loud the sweetest poem,
Echo across the ocean reminding me why I still try
To hold onto whatever is left of you and I.

Shedding skin to a dying song,
We hum along to the evening sun 'til we are no more,
Little deaths to a dying song,
Sound a lot like life.

I've seen these dreams be crushed by a single thought,
And felt the envy of sadness engulf all warmth
Barely alive under ice by exchanging sighs,
With tomorrow quivering in the loneliest light,

Shedding skin to a dying song,
We hum along to the evening sun 'til we are no more
Little deaths to a dying song,
Sound a lot like life and love,
Life and love with you

Crawl back into bed tomorrow's trembling at the sight of you and I.

Shedding skin to a dying song
We hum along to the evening sun 'til we are no more
Little deaths to a dying song,
Sound a lot like life and love,
Life and love,
Life and love (dying song)
Life and love (a dying song)
With you (a dying song)
With you (dying song)
With you (dying song)
With you (a dying song)

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice

Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness)

The promise of heaven pushed us right back to hell
Turned three sevens into three sixes again
And you laughed at my face when I told you how much it hurts
And said...

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness telling me how you love

You keep on tempting me to go on whatever the cost
To witness the prettiest flower in bloom wither to dust
So I'll break all the rules in this endless game once called "Love" for you...

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before and
Deceive me out of my emptiness telling me how you love
Me with all your heart no more

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before

Disarm me with your loneliness just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness telling me how you love me with all your heart no more

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Love, the Hardest Way

Love is the devil counting teardrops in the rain
To the sound of a chalkboard symphony played with nails
For what it's worth I don't wanna see you hurt anymore
Than you have to

Dine on glass, wine on blood
Baby, love the harder way
Baudelaire in Braille
Baby, love the harder way
Won't you lose yourself into
I promise you to love the hardest way

Would you like if I wrote till you want
In truth lie the last arrows of your soul
Only I'll react to free
Highlight the weep
Oh, no more
Unless you want


Love the hardest way [x3]

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice

Katherine Wheel

Come on and break me a limb at a time
Wrap me around your spokes so tight
There is no letting go
Spin me around to blur the line between you and I
What are you waiting for

Lo and behold baby
These are the things you make me do
Katherine wheel I'm burning for you
Please don't stop until my heart no longer screams
Katherine wheel

Holding hands wont be enough
In a world giving head to a gun
Love in theory and practice chapter one
I twist and turn in your arms swirl
The dizzier I get the clearer I see with you
I'm at peace with the war within

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In the Arms of Rain

Once again we found ourselves to be lost
Holding hands while straying from the path in the forest dark
Aren't you happy to see me crawl serpentine towards the sun to you

Lift the lid off your heart's casket in the arms of rain
Drift along this river of sadness 'til we feel no pain
Baby stop, hail Marys for the secret you get from me
Hail Marys for tomorrow's dream
In the arms of rain we are free

Again, I fought myself and lost
Come bite the apple and I'll coil around your heart
I'm so happy to see you weep along
In these arms you belong


Ave Maria we try [x3]

[Chorus x2]

It's the end of a road, hold me
It's the end of a road and we're free

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Ode To Solitude

Easy on the eyes, uneasy on the heart
Sew my wrists shut, sew my wrists shut with hope
Straight into the light shining bright
I dare you to dream this
And I dare you to dream this gone
What I want to know is which makes you smile less

Here's to the pain the light of the oncoming train
Come on ode to solitude in chains
Here's to the pain as always heaven in flames bleeding
Ode to solitude in chains

Map the scars of a heart bruised and torn
Loosen the noose love loosen the noose with love
What I want to know is why you keep me hanging


If I should fail to stay
Remember not to forget this feeling you have
I've failed please pretend it never happened baby

[Chorus x2]

Ode to solitude [x4]

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice

Shatter Me with Hope

The girl who cried at "Love, won't you come and play with me?"
You can be Cassandra, underneath the sword of Damocles
We'll tear this baby apart wise like Salomon

Run, come shatter me now, shatter me with hope
Crawl, come breathe me in, bleed out sorrows
Scream me a dream, untouched by shadows
Baby, shatter me now, shatter me now
Shatter me with hope

She'll be the witness to the repulsive bitter end
Push the needles into the of canticles of ecstasy
Turn to page 43
And you'll know how I feel


Swear on your heart that I'm wrong
And run like your life's depending on it
'cause it is!

We'll tear this baby apart, wise like Solomon
Turn to page forty three, and you'll know how I feel


Shatter me now, shatter me now, shatter me now
Oh, u oh
Shatter me now shatter me now shatter me now
Oh, u oh
Scream me a dream
Shatter me now shatter me now shatter me now
Scream me a dream
(Shatter me now, shatter me now, shatter me now)

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Acoustic Funeral (For Love in Limbo)

You missed the winter and it followed you back home
Where sun kissed the crimson footsteps in the melting snow
We are doing our best to disown the golden mean
By these acts of cruelty in the name of beauty to be free

The acoustic funeral for love in limbo
We're dancing with tags on our toes
I save my last breath for your window
To write you this song
For the acoustic funeral

On the verge of a vow to kill all reason locking that door
To a nightmare within a nightmare we are bound to adore
Let the planchette in the shape of heart glide to you
And finally confirm all fears to be so real

It's so real.


It's unreal underneath the ice so thin I am turning blue
The one last thing I know to be real is the shadow of you
Killing love with a kiss

[Chorus x2]

Let's re-enact the fall for the acoustic funeral

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Like St. Valentine

In the name of love lost
I'm frozen to her and I want you
To come build me a bridge soaked
In gasoline and pass the torch

Hey baby let me be your Valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine

Like the couple from Pompeii
Our drama is put on display
Along with a dove stuffed in a coffin of glass
Entitled "Love lust and the holy ghost"

Those were the days

Hey, baby, let me be your valentine
St. Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try to keep the lie alive

Hey, baby, let me be your valentine
St. Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try to keep the lie alive
Like St. Valentine

Love is the only war worth dying for
Lift me up to knock me down I'm all yours for now

Hey, baby, let me be your valentine
St. Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try to keep the lie alive

Hey, baby, let me be your valentine
St. Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try to keep the lie alive
Like St. Valentine

Hey, baby, let me be your valentine, St. Valentine. [x4]
Like St. Valentine

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The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness

By your heart strings I'm hanging from a dream,
Gently swinging in the warm autumn breeze.

Come look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.
Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up, no more.

Tip toeing along a strand of your hair suspended between,
These thoughts and actions miles above reality.

Come look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.
Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.

Come look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.
Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.

Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.
Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.

Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.
Look at the scars, smother a heart, opening up.

Opening up, opening up, opening up, opening up.
Look at the scars, You open me up, open me up.
Smother a heart, Opening up, opening up.
Look at the Scars, You open me up, opening up, open me up

Back Home or Up To Screamworks: Love In Theory And Practice


I got these from various sites. Not taking credit for any of these

Pictures of Ville - Vocals

Pictures of Linde - Guitar

Pictures of Mige - Bass

Pictures of Gas - Drums

Pictures of Burton - Keyboards


Pictures of entire group

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Feb 26 2010 2pm Melbourne Australia Soundwave Festival
Feb 27 2010 2pm Adelaide Australia Soundwave Festival
Mar 1 2010 2pm Perth Australia Soundwave Festival
Mar 8 2010 7pm Hamburg Germany Docks
Mar 9 2010 7pm Amsterdam Netherlands Paradiso
Mar 10 2010 7pm Dortmund Germany FZW
Mar 11 2010 7pm Esch-Sur-Alzette Luxembourg Rockhal
Mar 13 2010 7pm Norwich United Kingdom UEA
Mar 14 2010 7pm Manchester United Kingdom Manchester Academy
Mar 15 2010 7pm Edinburgh United Kingdom HMV Picture House
Mar 16 2010 7pm Newcastle United Kingdom 02 Academy Newcastle
Mar 18 2010 7pm Bournemouth United Kingdom 02 Academy Bournemouth
Mar 19 2010 7pm Birmingham United Kingdom 02 Academy Birmingham
Mar 20 2010 7pm Nottingham United Kingdom Rock City
Mar 26 2010 7pm Philadelphia, PA US Electric Factory
Mar 27 2010 7pm Baltimore, MD United States Sonar
Mar 28 2010 7pm Boston, MA United States House of Blues
Mar 30 2010 7pm Montreal, QC Canada Metropolis
Mar 31 2010 7pm Toronto, ON Canada Sound Academy
Apr 1 2010 7pm Cleveland, OH United States House of Blues
Apr 2 2010 7pm Pontiac, MI United States Clutch Cargo
Apr 3 2010 7pm Cincinnati, OH United States Bogart's
Apr 6 2010 6:00pm Grand Rapids, MI US Orbit Room
Apr 7 2010 7pm St. Louis, MO United States The Pageant
Apr 9 2010 7pm Chicago, IL United States House of Blues
Apr 10 2010 7pm Milwaukee, WI United States The Rave
Apr 13 2010 7pm Calgary, AB Canada Macewan Hall
Apr 14 2010 7pm Edmonton, AB Canada Edmonton Events Center
Apr 16 2010 7pm Vancouver, BC Canada Commodore Ballroom
Apr 17 2010 7pm Seattle, WA United States The Showbox
Apr 18 2010 7pm Portland, OR US Roseland Theatre
Apr 20 2010 7pm San Francisco US The Regency Ballroom
Apr 21 2010 7pm Anaheim, CA United States House of Blues
Apr 22 2010 6pm San Diego, CA United States House of Blues
Apr 23 2010 7pm Los Angeles, CA United States The Wiltern
Apr 24 2010 7pm Las Vegas, NV United States House of Blues
Apr 26 2010 6:30pm Maga, UT United States Great Salt Air
Apr 27 2010 7pm Englewood, CO US Gothic Theatre
Apr 29 2010 7pm Dallas, TX United States House of Blues
Apr 30 2010 7pm Houston, TX United States House of Blues
May 2 2010 7pm Orlando, FL United States House of Blues
May 3 2010 7pm Atlanta, GA United States Center Stage
May 4 2010 7pm N. Myrtle Beach, SC US House of Blues
May 7 2010 7pm New York, NY United States Irving Plaza
May 8 2010 6:30pm New York, NY United States The Fillmore New York at Irving Plaza
Aug 7 2010 2pm Pori Finland Sonisphere Festival

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H.I.M. Official Website
H.I.M.'s Myspace Page
H.I.M. at Facebook

Have links you would like to see posted here? Send link to me and I will be happy to post it!

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30 Seconds To Mars



All the following information has been from the 30 Seconds To Mars website!

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Call Kanye West Collabo An ‘Unexpected Surprise’
September 24th, 2010

Last year, when 30 Seconds to Mars were still laboring on This Is War, more than a few eyebrows were raised when Kanye West posted a photo on his blog of him, Jared Leto and the Killers' Brandon Flowers in the studio, where the trio had apparently just finished recording a "dope-ass song."

Later, Leto explained to MTV News that the "dope-ass song" was called "Hurricane," and it featured West singing, minus the Auto-Tune he'd been dabbling with at the time (there was no mention of Flowers' involvement). It sounded like a promising collaboration, but, sadly, fans never actually got to hear it: When This Is War hit stores, "Hurricane" was on there, but West's work wasn't.

Leto explained that the band had to remove Kanye from the track at the last minute, due to some rather restrictive deadlines and a lot of back-and-forth between record labels, but he and his 30STM mates were so impressed with West's contributions that they pledged that someday, somehow, the song would see the light of day.

And, as it turns out, they kept their promise. On November 2, 30STM will release a deluxe edition of This Is War, featuring a DVD, a pair of live tracks recorded for the BBC (including a version of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance") and, at long last, the full, Kanye West-ified version of "Hurricane." It's been a long time in the making, but, as Leto told MTV News on Friday (September 24), the song is worth the wait.

"Let's put it this way: It's a collision of two worlds, and I think it's a completely unexpected surprise. He's not only on the track, but he's phenomenal on the track. ... It's one of the strongest things that he's done, in my opinion," he said. "His singing is incredible on it, and he's done a lot of really wonderful work, and I think this only adds to his work as a whole. ... Working with him was an incredible experience."

Leto said the new/old version of "Hurricane" (he prefers to call it "an alternative experience") doesn't stray all that far from the version that ended up on This Is War — they're both decidedly bleak ruminations on death and lust and sacrifice — but it does feature West getting darker than he's ever gotten before.

"It was an interesting time. ... I remember, he started here at the house, where we made the record, and then we finished in Hawaii," Leto said. "It is a song that's on the darker side of things. It's the flipside of 'Kings and Queens' — which has a through line of optimism and hope, and a really strong spirit to it — this song explores a different territory, and his lyrics do the same."

Leto added that, if it were up to him and West, the song would've ended up on the original version of This Is War, but now that 30STM are gearing up to shoot a video for the track, it does present a rather interesting opportunity — perhaps a cameo by Kanye?

"I think that would be an interesting element to add for sure," Leto laughed. "We'll just have to see."

Closer to the Edge for ROCK BAND
September 24th, 2010

“Closer to the Edge” will be available for Rock Band on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation 3 systems on Sept. 28th!

In addition, the song will also be available for PlayStation 3 in Europe on Sept. 29 and is available to download for LEGO Rock Band Music Store.

Inland Socal: Epicenter: Thirty Seconds to Mars connects with fans
September 23rd, 2010

Thirty Seconds to Mars plays Epicenter this Sunday, on the heels of winning best rock video at the MTV Video Music Awards for the group's "Kings & Queens."
Formed by Jared Leto, center, who sings and plays guitar, and brother Shannon Leto, right, who plays drums, the band has had hits with songs like "The Kill," "From Yesterday" and "This Is War." Tomo Milièeviæ, left, plays lead guitar.
The band hasn't had the smoothest of paths. In 2008, the group was sued for $30 million by Virgin Records; the company alleged breach of contract in delays getting an album out. That experience inspired the band's latest album, "This Is War."
But, with the album, the band also grew closer to its fans. The band members invited fans to join their "Faces of Mars" campaign to get their pictures on the album's cover. They also hosted a fan "Summit," where fans got together and the band used them as an instrument for the album.
Shannon Leto took the time to talk about the band's connection with its fans while on tour in Mexico in late August.
Q: You've always been devoted to your fans. You've had the Summit and the Faces of Mars. How are you able to get so engaged with your fans? Is that something you set out to do from the beginning?
A: My brother and I were always interested in sharing the experience with the people who were watching and listening. It grew from there. It kind of took a life of its own. From the very first show, meeting them after we played to doing special little secret hunts on the Internet to doing the 2000 Faces of Mars for CD covers to having them come up on stage and sing "Kings and Queens," our last song, we try to do as much as possible to incorporate them.
Q: You're very active on Twitter. The Internet has been helping keep that interactivity with bands. How do you think that has changed the ballgame for artists in general?
A: Accessibility. The reach on the Internet is worldwide. I think even when I started playing, it wasn't like that. We try to utilize that as much as possible. It's an important vehicle to get the word out and let people know what we're doing. It's fun, and they can communicate with us and vice versa.
Q: Your sound has evolved over the last three albums. Do you look at each one as a snapshot of the time?
A: Absolutely. It was a direct reflection of that time. The first one was everything Jared and I experienced throughout our lives. The second one was that period of time. This third one really encapsulated the couple of years we experienced: We were being sued for $30 million; the financial meltdown around the world had an impact on us; the challenges around the band and personal growth. There's more of our personalities in this last album than any other one.

Crowd project strikes a chord
11:39 AM, Sep 22, 2010

The brothers Leto -- singer/guitarist Jared and drummer Shannon -- have returned stateside with lead guitarist Tomo Milicevic to deliver more spacewalking rock from their popular power trio Thirty Seconds to Mars. Along for their interstellar ride is the crowd-sourcing project called Faces of Mars, in which fans can upload their mugs onto the cover of limited-edition copies of the multiplatinum band's latest effort, "This Is War," released last December.

They scored Best Rock Video for "Kings and Queens" at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, to go along with their various trophies from Kerrang! and others, as well as a string of No. 1 hits. In advance of the band's Oct. 3 performance at Egyptian Room, Jared Leto talked about Kanye West, tweets from Iran and more.

» You went crowd-sourcing with the Faces of Mars campaign by pulling fans into the creative process online and in a real-time gathering called "The Summit." Are you raising an army to take over Earth?

It was great to do something interactive and include our fans. We ended up doing the first one here in L.A., and about a thousand people showed up from all over the world. It went so well, we did it in eight other countries.

» What impact did that social engineering experiment have?

It really added something special to the songs. I got a Twitter message from someone in Iran who was disappointed because they couldn't make it to any of the global summits that we did. That gave me the impetus to do a digital version of the summit, where people could participate from anywhere.

» What was it like working with Kanye West on "This Is War?" (Editor's note: West's contributions to the track "Hurricane" were removed due to label conflicts.)

He was a pleasure to work with. Easygoing, nice and really hospitable. I think what he did on the song is some of his most interesting singing to date.

Thirty Seconds to Mars on PING
September 9th, 2010
We are now on PING, the social network for music.

Check out our artist page and follow us HERE.

MTV: 30 Seconds To Mars Want To Be ‘Kings’ For A Night: Better Know A VMA Category
September 9th, 2010
Shot by Bartholomew Cubbins (also known as 30 Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto), “Kings and Queens” is one of the few videos nominated for an award this year that doesn’t contain complicated special effects or wacky animation. Rather, “Kings and Queens” features little more than a small army of people riding around bicycles through abandoned streets in downtown Los Angeles, which sounds simple but is remarkably arresting. There’s something truly electric about the images that Leto captures, which is a testament to his abilities as a filmmaker and video artist.

Read the rest of the article at the MTV Newsroom

MTV- Thirty Seconds To Mars Win Their War: A VMA Cheat Sheet
September 7th, 2010
The success of 30 Seconds to Mars’ This Is War album is as much a tribute to the band’s unyielding dedication as it is to their general insanity. After all, they were, for a long while, a band without a home — having been famously sued for $30 million by their label, Virgin Records — or a plan (Jared Leto told MTV News that he intended to sell their still-unfinished album “door to door”) if the band couldn’t rectify things with Virgin).

Continue reading the article HERE

MTV: Thirty Seconds To Mars Plot ‘Crazy’ Entrance For 2010 VMAs
September 2, 2010
MTV News:
You would probably think — based on, well, practically everything — that Jared Leto is not the kind of guy who likes to play things close to the vest (or studded leather jacket, or whatever). And in most instances, you’d be right. But not when it comes to 30 Seconds to Mars’ arrival at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards. Because while he’s certainly got big plans, he’s not about to reveal them just yet.
Read the rest of the article on MTV

Candlelight Triad Mission
September 2nd, 2010

Inspired by many of your triad global assault submissions, the CANDLELIGHT TRIAD MISSION has ignited!
Create the triad symbol using candlelight or any form of light in high-profile locations in your area! The bigger, the better. Get creative!
Submit your candlelight triad photos to the Triad Global Assault page, tagging photos as ‘candlelight’
ALWAYS abide by local laws and Candles Safety Rules.

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All the following information has been from the 30 Seconds To Mars website!

Thirty Seconds to Mars’ newest album title – This Is War – is more than a just a reference to the band’s personal battles, a commentary on global crises and economic turmoil and homage to their now infamous $30,000,000 lawsuit with Virgin Records. This Is War also represents the result of an 18-month creative battle, fought ferociously, but privately, inside a studio built into the side of a house tucked away in the Hollywood Hills. The result: a triumphant, sonically epic game-changer that builds on the vision laid out in their 2002 self-titled debut and 2005’s multi-platinum A Beautiful Lie.

This Is War is a major leap forward for Thirty Seconds to Mars, one that cements the trio (lead singer and guitarist Jared Leto, drummer Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Milicevic) as a world-class arena-crushing rock band. The L.A. Times calls This Is War “combative…sinister…the most confident-sounding thing the band has done.” Alternative Press echoes the sentiment, giving it four stars and hailing the album as “an artistic triumph for Thirty Seconds To Mars” and Kerrang! Magazine agrees, calling it the band’s “strongest and most accomplished work to date.”

Jared Leto comments: “It took two years, we went to hell and back. At one point, I thought it was going to be the death of us, but it became a transformative experience. It’s not so much an evolution as it is a revolution. It’s a coming of age.”

To guide their journey, Thirty Seconds to Mars enlisted two of the most influential producers in the world: Flood (U2, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Smashing Pumpkins) and Steve Lillywhite (U2, The Rolling Stones, Peter Gabriel).

“Flood has a karmic ability to work with bands in these intense transformational periods of their creative lives,” Jared says. “We knew we were ready for something new, something different, something unexpected. Flood was the perfect person to help guide us down this path.”

“Sonically it’s a new beginning, a rebirth,” Tomo says. “And as a songwriter, Jared was relentless. He went to a place that I’d never seen before.”

Flood and Lillywhite gave the band the freedom and confidence to explore different sounds, textures and ideas. “It’s a process that requires truth, honesty and a lot of hard work,” Flood explained, telling the press that the band set out to make a classic album by pushing themselves to a place they all knew wouldn’t be easy to go to. He added, “Those sorts of things I find very rewarding.” It was a process that began with Flood at the helm and concluded with the reigns in Lillywhite’s hands. The duo succeeded in heightening the emotional power of the songs, revealing themes of faith, morality, vindication, freedom and resurrection in recording their most personal and politically charged project to date.

“Flood began this long journey with us and it was an unforgettable experience. He helped us on this quest to find out more of who we really are as a band and as individual musicians,” says Shannon. “Steve helped us finish, which is often the most difficult part of the recording process. We went to war alongside each of them and came out with love
and respect for both.”

In addition to Jared’s searing, no-holds-barred vocals, propulsive and melodious bass, guitar and keyboards, Shannon’s huge and inventive percussion, and Tomo’s searing six-string, This Is War buzzes with dozens of imaginative effects and indomitable layers of vintage synths. Authentic Tibetan monks chant to begin the album on “Escape” and close the album on “L490,” the voice of a French girl narrates “Night of the Hunter,” and the cry of a wild hawk screams to introduce the first single, “Kings and Queens,” which the band wrote in the same house in South Africa where they recorded their smash Modern Rock single “The Kill.” And that hawk scream is no studio trickery. “The hawk lived
above the house,” explains Jared. “We spent hours waiting for him to appear so we could climb up on the roof and record him live.”

But perhaps the most stunning and profound instrument on the album is the euphoric sound of thousands of Thirty Seconds to Mars fans – a more-than-100,000-strong legion infamously dubbed The Echelon – singing in unison throughout the record. Initially a simple recording experiment, “The Summit” took place at Hollywood’s Avalon Club in April 2009 and was comprised of roughly 1,000 Echelon who traveled from around the world to lend their stomps, shouts, screams, claps and hums to the record. An unmistakable success, Buzznet called this 1000-piece human orchestra “field recordings of fandom” and “almost custom-built to play live.”

The success of the initial Summit quickly manifested into eight additional Summits held around the globe, resulting in tens of thousands of participants. Additionally, the band received a Twitter message from a fan in Iran who couldn’t get to any of the Summits, prompting Jared, Shannon and Tomo to open the experiment even broader. Embracing the digital culture that has for years buoyed the band’s global success, Thirty Seconds to Mars introduced the “Digital Summit” in August 2009 and invited anyone with a computer or mobile recording device and an Internet connection to record sounds and vocals and submit them through TwitVid. As a result, entries poured in from the U.S.,
Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Mexico, the U.K., Canada and Iran, giving Thirty Seconds to Mars’ biggest supporters around the world an opportunity to be a part of the new album.

“The Summit was an integral part of the making of this record,” Jared says. “It was an interactive recording experiment that succeeded far beyond our hopes and became a defining element to this album. It was an exciting and unique way for us to share the experience with our family around the world.”

“Kings & Queens,” which emerged as This Is War’s first single, has been called “epic rock at its most affecting” by Billboard and inspired a short film called “The Ride,” directed by Thirty Seconds to Mars video director alum, Bartholomew Cubbins (“The Kill,” “From Yesterday”). The film features a critical mass crank mob movement,
founded with forward-thinking and eco-conscious intentions, and celebrates this amazing community of riders on a nighttime journey from downtown L.A. to Santa Monica, a fitting love letter to the city of Los Angeles, an ever-present character in the band’s history and certainly in the making of This is War. Soaring into Alternative Radio’s top 3 barely a month after its impact, “Kings & Queens” has set the pace for the promise of things to come.

This Is War was released by Virgin Records on December 8.


• Thirty Seconds to Mars have sold more than 3.5 million albums worldwide.
• The band was formed by Jared and Shannon Leto and signed in 1998 to Virgin Records.
• Their videos have been viewed more than 100 million times on YouTube.
• The video for A Beautiful Lie’s title track and fourth single took the band 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
• “From Yesterday” was the first American music video ever shot in the People’s Republic of China.
• Thirty Seconds to Mars have won numerous awards and accolades, including an MTV Video Music Award, three MTV EMA’s, MTV Latin, Asia and Australia Awards, a Fuse Award, and three Kerrang! Awards.
• Thirty Seconds to Mars now boasts nearly 42 million plays on MySpace and more than one million fans on iLike/Facebook.
• A Beautiful Lie produced two Top 5 Modern Rock singles in “From Yesterday” and “The Kill”
• “The Kill” set a record for the longest-running hit in the history of Modern Rock radio when it remained on the national airplay chart for more than 50 weeks following its No. 3 peak in 2006.
• was created as a bulletin board for educating the public on environmental issues and instructing on how and where to take action.
• The band have played nearly 500 shows around the globe since the 2005 release of A Beautiful Lie, including festival performances at Lollapalooza in the U.S., Pinkpop in the Netherlands, Download and Give It a Name Festivals in the U.K., Germany’s Rock Am Ring/Rock Im Park and Japan’s Summer Sonic.

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30 Seconds To Mars - 2002

Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
Edge of the Earth
Buddha for Mary
Welcome to the Universe
The Mission
End of the Beginning
93 Million Miles
Year Zero
Anarchy In Tokyo [Japenese edition bonus track]
The Struggle [bous track]

A Beatutiful Lie - 2005

A Beautiful Lie
The Kill
Was It A Dream?
The Fantasy
From Yesterday
The Story
A Modern Myth
Battle of One

This Is War - 2009

Night of The Hunter
Kings and Queens
This Is War
100 Suns
Hurricane (album version without Kanye West)
Closer To the Edge
Vox Populi
Search and Destroy
Stranger In A Strange Land
L490 (instrumental)

Other miscellaneous songs

Occam's Razor
Phase 1: Fortification
Praying For A Riot
Santa Through the Back Door
Stronger (Kanye West cover)
Under Pressure

there might be other songs not listed that are from singles or from import CDs and stuff like that. I apologize in advance for any wrong lyrics. Please submit corrected lyrics to me, and I will fix them!

Capricorn (A Brand New Name)

So I run, hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I will disappear
I told you once and I'll say it again
I want my message read clear
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run, and hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
I was almost there
Just a moment away from becoming unclear
Ever get the feeling you're gone
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going
So I run, and hide and tear myself up
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

So I run, start again
With a brand new name
With a brand new name

So I run and hide and tear myself up (so I run)
I'll start again with a brand new name (start again)
And eyes that see into infinity (with a brand new name)

I will disappear

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

Edge of the Earth

You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

I know you know enough to say
I know you know enough to play a game

You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into this new future's face

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right inside of the gun
Look into the new future's face

(Stand out on the edge of the earth)

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
(Look into the new future's face)
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars


Yeah, I've been to Jupiter
And I've fallen through the air
I used to live out on the moon
But now I'm back here down on earth
Why are you here?
Are you listening?
Can you hear what I am saying?
I am not here, I'm not listening
I'm in my head and I'm spinning

Is this who you are?
Some sweet violent urge
A weak fallen man
With the promise of an end?

All the pretty people died
Innocence is out of style
All the whores have gone away
Now there's nothing left for me

Why are you here, are you listening?
Can you hear what I am saying?
I am not here, I'm not listening
I'm in my head and I'm spinning

Is this who you are?
Some sweet violent urge
A weak fallen man
With the promise of an end?

Is this who you are?
Some sweet violent urge
A weak fallen man
With the promise of an end?

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars


The enemy arrives
Escape into the night
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Break into another time
This enemy of mine
Divinity defines
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run
Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
I'm waiting for the day to come

Come with us to the right
Join in the fight
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Break into another time
Unity divides
Division will unite
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run

Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
I'm waiting for the day to come

Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
America it's all so beautiful
Until it comes away

Under the burning sun I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
Under the burning sun I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
Under the burning sun I take a look around
Imagine if this all came

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

Buddha For Mary

A simple fear to wash you away
An open mind canceled it today
A silent song that's in your words
A different taste that's in your mind

This is the life on mars

Mary was a different girl
Had a thing for astronauts
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to play a lot
Mary was a holy girl
Father whet her appetite
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fall apart

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
Buddha for Mary, Here it comes

Mary was an acrobat
But still she couldn’t seem to breathe
Mary was becoming everything she didn’t want to be
Mary would hallucinate
And see the sky upon the wall
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fly

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
Buddha for Mary, Here it comes
Buddha for Mary, Here it comes

This is the life on mars

He said, "Can you hear me, are you sleeping?"
She said, "Will you rape me now?"
He said, "Leave the politics to mad men"
She said, "I believe your lies"
He said, "There’s a paradise beneath me"
She said, "Am I supposed to bleed?"
He said, "You better pray to Jesus"
She said, "I don’t believe in god"

Mary was a different girl
Had a thing for astronauts
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to play a lot
Mary was a holy girl
Father whet her appetite
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fall apart

Buddha for Mary, here it comes

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars


Look at the red red changes in the sky
Look at the separation in the border line
But don't look at everything here inside
And be afraid, afraid to speak your mind

It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?

What's with the fascination with the Echelon
What's with the constant questions that you have this time
What's with this circumstancial consequence
Find oversight before this night will ever rise again
It's all you've got inside your head, better get up and leave instead

It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?

To find ourselves lost here within we need the reasons why
So we take this bridge with the other's that will thrive in the great divide

Look at the red red changes in the sky

Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything

It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

Welcome To the Universe

And so the time has come, it's here
The silence ends, change is near
You wait in the balance libertine
Come into the pantheon

Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe

If there's a past into the clear
We better take the pace
Erase this face
In constant search for everything

You wait in the balance libertine
Come into the pantheon

Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe

A new day has begun

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

The Mission

I open up my head
Inside I find another person's mind
I'm gonna take this chance I've got
I'm underlying as we speak
Hiding my face among the weak
Some say the day is on the way
Into the wild
On with the mission
Over the hill
Come here with me

Into the wild
Into the wild

High above the serpentine
I cross below the well-worn lines
Entangled in a missing memory
A violent oversight
A formless order will give rise
To something some new world is here to seize

Into the wild
Into the wild

Into the wild
On with the mission
Over the hill
Come here with me

Into the wild
On with the mission
Over the hill
Come here with me

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

End of the Beginning

Here we are searching for a sign
Here we are searching for a sign
It's the end here today
But I will build a new beginning
Take some time, find a place
And I will start my own religion

As the day divides the night
Here we are searching for a sign

Watch the men multiply
See them ease out of the circle
Watch your friends run and hide
Help them fall back in this cycle

Here we are searching

You saw what you get
If you take what you take
Look in the eye of the test
It's all because...
Now there's a feeling I get
When I look to the left
But it should never be said
Start Searching for a sign

Can you feel it?
Things are changing
Can you see it?
Watch as the worlds colliding
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
Watch as the worlds...
Collide into themselves
Collide into themselves

Another time, another place
Another time, another place
Some paradimensional race
Some paradimensional race


[Chorus x2]

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

93 Million Miles

Where does your garden grow?
Tell me the secrets that you know
Another time, another place
Where are the holy ones?
Selling the secret to the sun
Welcome to the Universe
Cross the line
Lose your mind
Come crawl inside

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

The unified divide
Among and then deny
Now could you kindly cut to the chase?
It's like some other song
Pretty but something's always wrong
Show me the secret ancient sign

Cross the line
Lose your mind
Come crawl inside

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

It's in your eyes
Come break me down
Come break me

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

What've you got?

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

Year Zero

Be a hero
Kill your ego
It doesn't matter it's all just a pack of lies
Build a new base
Steal a new face
It doesn't matter it's all just to save you
We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away

I will stand my own ground
I will tear down myself
I won't fade

Year zero
Another hero
Is anybody alive here across the line?
Buy a new face
Start a new race
It doesn't matter it's all just to save your faith
It's all just to save you
It's all just to save your faith
It's all just to save you

We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away

I will stand my own ground
I will tear down myself
I will stand my own ground
I will tear down myself
I won't fade
I won't fade

We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away

We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade)
We'll never fade away

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

Anarchy In Tokyo

the moment of truth
It comes in the air
It's always the same,
it's so insane.
You cover your eyes
you fall inside
before it begins it's over.

Crash, Crash,
out of control
Lose yourself
Go and even the score
Crash, Crash,
out of control
Try and start a riot
while you're beggin' for more.

Anarchy in Tokyo.

They say the city is safe,
the keepers of faith,
the bullet is safe for one and day
Eclipsed by the one
Don't bother to run
The target is on your back
You're done.

Crash, Crash,
out of control.
Feed the source,
come join in the war.
Crash, Crash,
out of control.
Take it, break it
a million or more.

We're outta control [x4]

Crash, Crash,
Out of control
Feed the source,
come join in the war.
Crash, Crash,
out of control
Take it break it
A million or more.

Anarchy in Tokyo,

Anarchy in Tokyo.

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars

The Struggle

A military force established by deception of
sense that you deceive enemies so that they
do not know your real condition, and that they can establish supremacy.
It is mobilized by a game in a sense that it goes into action when
it sees an advantage, dividing and recombining
is done to confuse opponents and observe how
they react to you so that they can adapt and
situate and seize victory.
Therefore, when it moves swiftly it is like the ramp, when it goes
slowly it is like the force.
It is rapacious as fire and immovable as mountains, and as swift
as the wind in that it goes without a trace and
withdraws like lightning and it is like a force
in that its whirling and is rapacious as fire
across a plain, not leaving a single blade of grass.
But as immovable as a mountain, and it is dark all around.
It is hard to know as the dark ends up killing thunder.
To ponder a locality to line up your troupes to expand your
territory divide the spoils.
The rule for military operations is to feed of the enemy as
much as possible, however, the localities where
people do no have very much it is necessary to
divide up the troupes into smaller groups to
take what they need here and there.
For when then and there, there will be enough.

Welcome to the universe

Back Home or Up To 30 Seconds To Mars


I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted
Surrender to nothing, or give up what I
Started and stopped it, from end to beginning
A new day is coming, and I am finally free

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA

I would have kept you, forever, but we had to sever
It ended for both of us, faster than a
Kill off this thinking, it's starting to sink in
I'm losing control now, and without you I can finally see

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA

Your promises, they look like lies
Your honesty, like a back that hides a knife (knife)
I promise you (promise you)
I promise you (promise you)
And I am finally free

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll attack, I will attack

Run away, I'll attack, I will attack
Run away, I'll attack, I will attack

Run away (Run away), I'll attack (I'll attack)

Your promises
(promises, promises)
I promise you
(promise you)
I promise you
(promise you, promise you)

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

A Beautiful Lie

Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game


(Oh Oh
The end of the world)

Everyone's looking at me
I'm running around in circles, baby
A quiet desperation's building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game

(So beautiful, beautiful
It's a beautiful lie
So beautiful, beautiful
It's a beautiful lie
So beautiful, beautiful...)


Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

The Kill

What if I wanted to break
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do? (Oh, oh)
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take all this anymore
What would you do, do, do?

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for?
I'm not running from you (from you)

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now, this is who I really am inside.
Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance.
I know now, this is who I really am.

Ah, ah
Oh, oh
Ah, ah

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you, you, you.
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

Come break me down (bury me, bury me)
Break me down (bury me, bury me)
Break me down (bury me, bury me)

(You say you wanted more)
What if I wanted to break...?
(What are you waiting for?)
Bury me, bury me
(I'm not running from you)
What if I
What if I
What if I
What if I
Bury me, bury me

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

Was It A Dream?

Your defenses were on high
Your walls built deep inside
Yeah I'm a selfish bastard
But at least I'm not alone
My intentions never change
What I wanted stays the same
And I know what I should do
it's time to set myself on fire
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
Your reflection I've erased
Like a thousand burned out yesterdays
Believe me when I say goodbye forever
Is for good
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
(A photograph of you and I)
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
A photograph of you and I
A photograph of you and I... in love...

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

The Fantasy

With the lights out it's a little less dangerous
Even with a stranger never gets painless
Don't be afraid (afraid, afraid)

Every time I think I'm gonna change it (think I'm gonna change it, think I'm gonna change it)
It's driving me (driving me) insane (insane)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
In your mind, through your eyes, do you see
It's the fantasy

Maybe tonight we can forget about it all
It could be just like heaven
I am a machine
No longer living, just a shell of what I dreamed
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
In your mind, through your eyes, do you see
It's the fantasy

Say it, say it, say what you believe
Say it, say it, to me

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
Automatic, I imagine, I believe

Do you live
Do you die
Do you bleed
For the fantasy

Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy
In your mind, through your eyes, do you see
It's the fantasy
Automatic, I imagine, I believe
Automatic, I imagine, I believe

Say it, say it, say what you believe
(Automatic, I imagine, I believe)
Say it, say it, say it to me
(Automatic, I imagine, I believe)
Say it, say it, say what you believe
(Automatic, I imagine, I believe)
Say it, say it, say it to me
Automatic, I imagine, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie


Until you crash
Until you burn
Until you lie
Until you learn
Until you see
Until you believe
Until you fight
Until you fall
Until the end of everything at all
Until you die
Until you're alive

Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz
I don't care

Until you give
Until you've used
Until you've lost
Until you lose
Until you see, how could you believe?
Until you've lived a thousand times
Until you've seen the other side
This is my chance, this is my chance

Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz
I don't care

Until the truth becomes a lie
Until you change, until you deny
Until you believe

This is my chance, this is my chance
I'll take it now because I can
This is my chance, I want it now

Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz
I don't care

Save me, save me, save me
Save me, save me, save me
I don't care

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

From Yesterday

He's a stranger to some
And a vision to none
He can never get enough,
Get enough of the one

For a fortune he'd quit
But it's hard to admit
How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here

On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of shit
through the blood he can look, see the life that he took
From council of one
He'll decide when he's done with the innocent

On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message
He doesn't want to read the message
Doesn't want to read the message here

On his face is a map of the world

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here
From yesterday,
From yesterday,
From yesterday, the fear
From yesterday,
From yesterday
But he doesn't want to read the message
But he doesn't want to read the message
But he doesn't want to read the message here

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

The Story

I've been thinking of everything
I used to want to be
I've been thinking of everything
Of me, of you and me

This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)

I'm in the middle of nothing
And it's where I want to be
I'm at the bottom of everything
And I finally start to leave

This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
(I've created...)

And I swear to god
I'll find myself
In the end

And I swear to god
I'll find myself
In the end

And I swear to god
I'll find myself
In the end
In the end

And I swear to god
I'll find myself
In the end

In the end [x4]

This is the story of my life
These are the lies I have created
This is the story of my life
Thse are the lies I have created
(I've created)
This is the story of my life
These are the lies I have created....

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie


A revolution has begun today for me inside
The ultimate defense is to pretend
Revolve around yourself just like an ordinary man
The only other option is to forget

Does it feel like we've never been alive?
Does it seem like it's only just begun?

To find yourself just look inside the wreckage of your past
To lose it all you have to do is lie
The policy is set and we are never turning back
It's time for execution; time to execute
Time for execution; time to execute!

Does it feel like we've never been alive?
Does it seem like it's only just begun?
Does it feel like we've never been alive inside?
Does it seem it's only just begun?
It's only just begun

The evolution is coming!
A revolution has begun!
(It has begun!)
The evolution is coming!
A revolution has, yeah!

The evolution is coming!
A revolution has begun!
(It has begun!)
The evolution is coming!
A revolution has, yeah!

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

Modern Myth

Did we create a modern myth
Did we imagine half of it
What happened then, a thought for now

Save yourself
Save yourself
The secret is out
The secret is out

To buy the truth
And sell a lie
The last mistake before you die
So don't forget to breathe tonight
Tonight's the last so say good-bye

The secret is out [x4]

Good-bye [x17]

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie

Battle of One

ry and stop me
Try and save me

I want to fall...

Try and cross me
Take me, tease me

I want to fall
I want to fall
I want to fall...

I want to fall
I want to fall
I want to fall...

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie


If travel is searching
And home what's been found

I'm not stopping

I'm going hunting
I'm the hunter
I'll bring back the goods
But i don't know when

I thought i could organize freedom
How American of me
This is who I am
You figured it out, didn't you?

You could smell it
So you left me on my own
To complete the mission
Now I'm leaving it all behind

I'm going hunting
I'm the hunter
I'm the hunter
I'm the hunter

You just didn't know me [x6]

Back Home or Up To A Beautiful Lie


Time to escape the clutches of a name,
No this is not a game,
It's just a new beginning.

I don't believe in fate but the bottom line,
It's time to pay,
You know you've got it coming.

This is war!

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Night of the Hunter

I was born of the womb of a poisonous man
Beaten and broken and chased from the land
But I rise up above it, high up above it and see

I was hung from the tree made of tongues of the weak
The branches, the bones of liars and thieves
Rise up above it, high up above it and see

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil's inside

One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end, oh

(Une, deux, trois, cinq)
Blessed by a bitch from a bastard's seed
Pleasure to meet you, but better to bleed
Rise, I'll rise, I'll rise

Skinned her alive, ripped her apart
Scattered her ashes, buried her heart
Rise up above it, high up above it and see

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil's inside

One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end, oh

Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart
Honest to God I'll break your heart
Tear you to pieces and rip you apart

One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it'll all just end, oh

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Kings and Queens

Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
Father has spoken.

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell, Heaven and hell.

Into your eyes
Hopeless and taken
We stole our new lives
Through blood and pain
In defense of our dreams
In defense of our dreams

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell, Heaven and hell.

The age of man is over
The darkness comes and all
These lessons that we've learned here
Have only just begun

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell.

We are the kings
We are the queens
We are the kings
We are the queens

Back Home or Up To This Is War

This Is War

A warning to the people,
The good and the evil,
This is war.

To the soldier, the civilian,
The martyr, the victim,
This is war.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die,
The moment to fight, the moment to fight
To fight, to fight, to fight!

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

A warning to the prophet,
The liar, the honest,
This is war.

To the leader, the pariah,
The victor, the messiah,
This is war.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die,
The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
To fight, to fight, to fight!

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

I do believe in the light
Raise your hands into the sky
The fight is done, the war is won
Lift your hands toward the sun
Toward the sun
Toward the sun
Toward the sun
The war is won

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world

Back Home or Up To This Is War

100 Suns

I believe in nothing
Not the end and not the start
I believe in nothing
Not the earth and not the stars

I believe in nothing
Not the day and not the dark
I believe in nothing
But the beating of our hearts

I believe in nothing
One hundred suns until we part
I believe in nothing
Not in sin and not in God

I believe in nothing
Not in peace and not in war
I believe in nothing
But the truth in who we are

Back Home or Up To This Is War


No matter how many times that you told me you wanted to leave
No matter how many breaths that you took, you still couldn't breathe
No matter how many nights that you lie wide awake to the sound of the poison rain
Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go?
As days go by, the night's on fire

Tell me would you kill to save for a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn, let it all burn
This hurricane's chasing us all underground

No matter how many deaths that I die I will never forget
No matter how many lives I live, I will never regret
There is a fire inside of this heart in a riot about to explode into flames
Where is your god? Where is your god? Where is your god?

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to torture for my sins?

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to live the lie?

Tell me would you kill to save for a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn, let it all burn
This hurricane's chasing us all underground

The promises we made were not enough
The prayer that we prayed were like a drug
The secret that we sold were never known
The love we had the love had we had to let it go.

Tell me would you kill to save for a life?
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn, let it all burn
This hurricane's chasing us all underground

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to torture for my sins?

Do you really want?
Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead?
Or alive to live the lie?

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Closer To the Edge

I don't remember a moment I tried to forget
I lost myself, is it better not said
I'm closer to the edge

It was a thousand to one and a million to two
Time to go down in flames and I'm taking you
Closer to the edge

No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again
No no no no

Can you imagine a time when the truth ran free?
The birth of a song, the death of a dream
Closer to the edge

This never ending story take forward pride in fate
We all fall short of glory
Lost in ourselves


No no no no
I will never forget
No no
I will never regret
No no
I will live my life


Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge
No no no no
Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge
No no no no
Closer to the edge

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Vox Populi

This is a call to arms
Gather soldiers
Time to go to war

This is a battle song
Brothers and sisters
Time to go to war

Did you ever believe?
Were you ever a dreamer?
Ever imagine heart open and free?

Did you ever deny?
Were you ever a traitor?
Ever in love with your blood, lust and need?

This is a call to arms
Gather soldiers
Time to go to war

This is a battle song
Brothers and sisters
Time to go to war

Ever want to be free?
Do you even remember?
Want to be God, the devil like me?

Ever want to just stop?
Do you want to surrender?
Or fight for victory?

Here we are at the start
I can feel the beating of our hearts
Here we are at the start

Darkness falls here comes the rain
To wash away the past and the names
Darkness fall here comes the rain
To end it all the blood and the games

Far, far away in a land that time can't change
Long, long ago in a place of hearts and gold
Far, far away in a land that time can't change
Long, long ago in a place of hearts and gold

This is a call to arms
Gather soldiers
Time to go to war
Far, far away

This is a battle song
Brothers and sisters
Time to go to war
Long, long ago

This is a call to arms
Gather soldiers
Time to go to war
Far, far away

This is a battle song
Brothers and sisters
Time to go to war

This is a call to arms
We are the night
This is a battle song
We are the night

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Search and Destroy

Grab your gun, time to go to hell
I'm no hero guilty as charged
Search and destroy

Found my faith, living in sin
I'm no Jesus but neither are you my friend
I'm on hope above the broken dreams
This simple answer is never what it seems

A million little pieces we've broken into
A million little pieces I've stolen from you
Search and destroy, Search and destroy
Search and destroy, Search and destroy

Sold my soul, from heaven into hell
Sick as my secrets, but never going to tell
Lock the blame, burden of my dreams
Cause of faith in a blessing I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
Oh I believe (A million little pieces)
I believe

Search and destroy, Search and destroy
Search and destroy, Search and destroy
Search and destroy

Let go, Let go
Let me go, Let me go
Let go, Let go
Let me go

Search and destroy (A million little pieces)
A million little pieces
A million little pieces
A million little pieces (Search and destroy)
A million little pieces
A million little pieces
A million little pieces
Stolen from you

Search and destroy, Search and destroy
Search and destroy, Search and destroy

A million little pieces
A million little pieces to start

Back Home or Up To This Is War


No warning sign, no alibi
We're fading faster than the speed of light
Took a chance, crashed and burned
No one will ever, ever learn

I fell apart, but got back up again
And then I fell apart, but got back up again

We both could see crystal clear
The inevitable end was near
Made our choice, trial by fire
To battle is the only way we feel

I fell apart, but got back up again
And then I fell apart, but got back up again
And then I fell apart, but got back up again

Way, oh, way, oh
Way, oh, way, oh
Way, oh

So here we are, witching hour
The quickest tongue to divide and devour
Divide and devour

If I could end the quest for fire
For truth and love and my desire

And I fell apart, but got back up again

Way, oh, way, oh
Way, oh, way, oh
Way, oh, way, oh
Way, oh, way, oh
Way, oh

I fell apart, I fell apart
I fell apart, I fell apart
I fell apart

But got back up again

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Stranger In A Strange Land

Enemy of mine
I'll fuck you like the devil
Violent inside
Beautiful and evil

I'm a ghost, you're an angel
One and the same
Just remains of an age

Lost in daydream
What do you see?
If you're looking for Jesus
Then get on your knees

Enemy of mine
I'm just a stranger in a strange land
Running out of time
Better go, go, go

Angel or demon
I gave up my soul
I'm guilty of treason
I've abandoned control


The end is coming, everybody run
Now we're gonna live forever, gonna live forever
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

The end is coming, everybody run
Now we're gonna live forever, gonna live forever
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

The end is coming, everybody run
Now we're gonna live forever, gonna live forever
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

The end is coming, everybody run
Now we're gonna live forever, gonna live forever
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

The end is coming, everybody run
Now we're gonna live forever, gonna live forever

Lost in daydream
What do you see?
If you're looking for Jesus
Get on your knees

Angel or demon
I gave up my soul
I'm guilty of treason
I've abandoned control

Your soul

Back Home or Up To This Is War

Occam's Razor

Holy roller
It's your reality

I've seen the people that they've branded
They always come out open handed
Come to the mothership is landing
They're going to give us what we want
Open your eyes
Push yourself inside
Contemplate all of your senses
Tell them what you want to lose
They'll just spit in your face
Push you back in your place
Concentrate all of your answers
Tell them what you think you know

100 million miles they chased us
A paragon of nameless faces
Some say they see the coming changes
They're going to give us what we want

Open your eyes
Push yourself inside
Contemplate all of your senses
Tell them what you want to lose
They'll just spit in your face
Push you back in your place
Concentrate all of your answers
Tell them what you think you know
They're going to give us what we want

Holy roller, it's your reality
Are you tied down and in locks?
Held up and face fact
Holy roller, it's your reality
Can you taste this, the spaces?
Erase the sexes
Have you seen what's inside your mind?
Have you been fucking your own kind?
Have you been writing on the wall?
Have you seen anything at all?
Occams razor

Open your eyes
Push yourself inside
Contemplate all of your senses
Tell them what you want to lose
They'll just spit in your face
Push you back in your place
Concentrate all of your answers
Tell them what you think you know

Under the sun
Under your self
Under the sightings of your side
Under your cross
Under the gun
Under the meaning of your life

Back Home or Up To Miscellaneous Songs

Phase 1: Fortification

We will fight
We wont crash into oblivion
We will climb
We will draw our own conclusions
From this time

I need some kind of release [x2]

We will race
Through this fate
In the dawn of this dimension
There's a face
We will take up
Break up
These forgotten names

I need some kind of release [x4]

All of your life trying to be
You are the one you can not see
All of your life trying to be
You are the one you can not see

I need some kind of release [x2]

We will fight
We wont crash into oblivion
We will climb
We will draw our own conclusions
From this time

All of your life trying to be
You are the one you cannot see
All of your life trying to be
You are the one you cannot see

He swallowed his heroes
They fell out of context
He opened his windows
To decadent interest
He polished his image
Like that of a human
He battled the planets and won

He won [x4]

All of your life trying to be
You are the one you cannot see
All of your life trying to be
You are the one you cannot see

All of my life trying to be
I am the one you cannot see
All of my life trying to be

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Praying For A Riot

(Praying for a riot)
(Praying for a riot)

She walked outside,
Among the men,
Finding me,
Your last,

Ten million miles,
Her way was close,
To her inside,

Can't you see her life is
Turn back, believe,
Nothing is over.

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Tonight, it's a revolution
Tonight, we're going to war
Tonight, you better make a decision
Tonight, we're going to war
I'm not a patriot
I'm not illegal
I'm not a fugitive
I'm an American
I'm an American
I think you need some education
I think you need some thought control
Tonight, there is a situation
Tonight, it's the end of the world
Tonight, we'll take control of the nation
Tonight, we take control of the world
I'm not a patriot
I'm not illegal
I'm not a fugitive
I'm an American
I'm an American
I'm not a patriot
I'm not illegal
I'm not a fugitive
I'm an American
I'm an American
Come let's crush these weak defenses
Let's all lose our self-control
We will fight the false pretenses
And break the arm that has a hold
Come let's crush the opposition
And let us not do what we're told
We can kill the competition
And break the face off of the mold
I'm not a patriot
I'm not illegal
I'm not a fugitive
I'm an American
I'm an American
I'm not a patriot
I'm not illegal
I'm not a fugitive
I'm an American
I'm an American
I'm an American
I'm an American
I'm an American
I'm an American
I think you need some education
I think you need some thought control

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Santa Through the Backdoor

Dear Dad, How you been?
Thanks, I got the card and the bottle of gin
Wrecked the car, and killed a kid
And nothing has changed between my sister and me
Look forward to seeing you again
But I probably won't be there this year after this life of sin
But may you Christmas be as merry as me
And give thanks,
For you have not yet felt
The wrath of god

Santa Clause through the backdoor [3x]
May your Christmas be as merry as me

She said, he said
What's the matter I'm dead
25th gods birth
26th my birth

Snow falls, fire burns,
Memories I've learned
25th gods birth
26th my birth

Santa Claus through the back door
Santa Claus through the back door

Take a myth, build it up
Give a gift, better luck
Innocence sells well, give it up
Go to hell

Santa Clause through the back door [4x]


Santa Clause through the back door [4x]

[Jared's voice]
Merry Christmas from 30 Seconds To Mars.

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N- n- now th- that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
'cause I can't wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
'cause I can't get much wronger
Man I've been waitin' all night now
That's how long I've been on you

I need you right now
I need you right now

Let's get lost tonight
You could be my black Kate Moss tonight
Play secretary, I'm a boss tonight
And you don't give a damn what they all say right?
Awesome, the Christian and Christian Dior
And they don't make 'em like this anymore
I ask 'cause I'm not sure
Anybody out there real anymore?
Bow in the presence of greatness
'cause right now thou has forsaken us
You should be honored by my lateness
That I would even show up to this fakeness
So go ahead go nuts go ape bitch
Especially in my pastel on my bapeness
Act like you can't tell who made this
New gospel homey, take six, and take this, haters


I need you right now
I need you right now

I don't know if you got a man or not,
If you made plans or not
God put me in the plans or not
I'm trippin' this drink got me sayin' a lot
But I know that God put you in front of me
So how the hell could you front on me?
There's a thousand you's, there's only one of me
I'm trippin', I'm caught up in the moment right?
This is Louis Vuitton Don night
So we gonna do everything that Jared like
Heard they'd do anything for a Klondike
Well I'd do anything for a blonde-dike
And we'll do anything for the limelight
And we'll do anything when the time's right
Baby, you're makin' it (harder, better, faster, stronger)


I need you right now [x4]

Don't act like I never told you [x8]

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Under Pressure

Do you tear under pressure?
On fire your tearing me apart
Do you tear under pressure?
This love's become a war

A thousand mistakes Heaven's made
Only a miracle could save you today
A thousand mistakes Heaven's made
Only a miracle could save you today

Do you tear under pressure?
On fire your tearing me apart
Do you tear under pressure?
This love's become a war

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This is life
It's a test
It's a game
Did you pass?
Play again
In the hope
That you see
Where you've been

It's the fame
It's the drugs
It's the social circle that you're not part of
It's the fear
It's everybody else, it can't be me

You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself
You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself
I can't control myself

I am done
With this war
I will spit right in the face of all you whores
In the hope
That you see
Where you've been

It's the fame
It's the drugs
It's the social circle that you're not part of
It's the fear
It's everybody else, it can't be me

You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself
You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself

It's the world
On its knees
It's the heaven that everyone seems to need
It's the light
It's the focus that you cannot seem to find

The fame
The fear
The social circle that you can't get near
The drugs

It's everybody else, it can't be you

You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself
You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself
You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself
You're the reason I can't control myself
You are the reason I can't control myself

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I got these from various sites. Not taking credit for any of these

Pictures of Jared - Vocals/Guitars/Bass/Songwriter/keyboardist/pianist

Pictures of Tomo - Guitar/Bass

Pictures of Shannon - Drums

Pictures of entire group

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Dates to be re-scheduled are:
Sep 10 Worcester, MA Palladium
Sep 11 Clifton Park, NY Northern Lights
Sep 13 Niagara, NY Rapids Theater
Sep 14 Pittsburgh, PA Club Zoo
Sep 16 Minneapolis, MN First Avenue
Sep 17 Fargo, ND The Venue

The tour will resume on September 18th in Winnipeg, MT. Complete list of dates below:

Sep 1 Baltimore, MD Sonar
Sep 2 Myrtle Beach, SC House of Blues
Sep 3 Norfolk, VA The Norva
Sep 4 Atlantic City, NJ House of Blues
Sep 5 Hampton, NH HB Casino
Sep 8 Providence, RI Lupo’s
Sep 9 Hartford, CT The Webster
Sep 18 Winnipeg, MT Burton Cummings
Sep 20 Edmonton, AB Edmonton Events Ctr
Sep 21 Calgary, AB MacEwan Hall
Sep 22 Vancouver, BC Queen Elizabeth Theater
Sep 23 Medford, OR Medford Academy
Sep 25 Oreum, UT Utah Valley College
Sep 26 Fontana, CA Auto Club Speedway SOCAL
Sep 29 Kingsville, TX Texas A&M University
Sep 30 Oklahoma City, OK Diamond Ballroom
Oct 2 Clive, IA 7 Flags Event Center
Oct 3 Indianapolis, IN Egyptian
Oct 4 Murray, KY Curris Ctr at Murray St
Oct 6 Cleveland, OH House of Blues
Oct 7 Columbus, OH LC Pavilion
Oct 8 Kent, OH Kent State
Oct 9 Cincinnati, OH Bogarts
Oct 11 Louisville, KY Expo Five
Oct 12 Nashville, TN Rocketown
Oct 13 Charlotte, NC Fillmore
Oct 15 Tampa, FL USF Outdoors
Oct 16 Pensacola, FL DeLuna Festival 

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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