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Set at 01:26 on August 02, 2023

Quote: I walk with, and im guided by both Mother Night and Mother Moon

One who stumbles on her presence shall know the truth of the one most fear. She is known as Adam's first wife; in reality, she was much more than a mere human, a goddess in her own right, punished for defying her male counterparts. Lilith refused to put herself beneath gods or men for in her right; she was equal or above those who see her as weak.
Lilith became Adams's first wife even though she was a goddess. A Goddess made to live in human reality until Lilith acted out by defying this new species of human. When refusing her role as the weaker species, the Gods cast Lilith down to the underworld, which some call hell. Lilith became the dark mother to what some call Demons, Vampires, and other darker aspects of what humans don't want to see in themselves. Out of fear of being persecuted for accepting the darker elements and nature of what humanity inherited from our dark mother, those sides we forced to stay hidden instead of being imbraced.
We are all connected to the Dark Mother, Lilith.

My coven

My Alliance


Mother Night

Beautiful Mother Night first came to me in Sept , 2006. I had a very brutal awkening after the death of my father. She came to me in my darkest moments, she pulled me into her loving arms, and has never left me. She gives me tough love when I need it, she guides me when I need it, and she is always there to give me strength. Life is not always easy, especially when the way of men think they have more say, she is my spirit, to embrace my rebelious nature, to embrace and bring forth my warrior nature. To never allow life to break me.. She has always shown me love, and has pushed me to be my best enlightened self, and never allowed anyone to break me..
My Beautiful Mother Night, thank you for all you have done for me, and all you continue to do.

About myself:

I am a southern woman . I am a daughter, and a aunt,. I am a mother and a wife. I home school my children , and I am Ordained thru Universal Life Church. I am an Celtic Pagan. I don't fit into a box, I am myself. I have a diverse set of beliefs, and I'm currently going thru even more changes.
I am very blessed to have several Chylders. Yes I am Vampyric as well. I have a balanced life of both dayside and nightshade. I am very thankful for my family. Each one walked into my life and stayed no matter how hard it got... I love you and I'm thankful for each of you.
My path is one of sacrifice and service. I walk to both become educated and to educate and guide others. I don't always make the easy or popular choices, but I always do what I feel is right, and will stand by that. I honor my word. My word is my bond. If you show me respect, I will show you respect.
I am loyal and fiercely protective of those I love and care for. If anyone ever needs a shoulder to lean on, or a ear to listen, you are welcome to message me.
My path is to follow both Mother Night and Mother Moon.
Many Blessings

Member Since: | Oct 11, 2020 |
Last Login: | Aug 23, 2023 |
Times Viewed: | 3,734 |
Times Rated: | 275 |
Rating: | 9.963 |
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