
*curls up glaring*
Set at 02:49 on January 31, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 14 years.

Status:  Vexer (13.53)
Rank:  Member
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Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?




Bite FallenAngel77

Stalk FallenAngel77



"Yes, Xayide, I will make my final wish................I wish..for you to have a heart."

You know how you have that one friend who in order to describe them, you have to get to know them? *waves* try a conversation, if you intrigue me, we may continue. if not, i will let you know. 2 most important thing is: FIRST) if you are not culturally open, go away. I have everything in my library from eastern indian, german, russian, asian, native american, and american. I cannot stand rap, *shudders* SECOND) I AM A BITCH, plain and simple. I know this, I love this, I am good w/it. So are my family and friends. So if you don't like ppl like me, LEAVE NOW OR DEAL WITH IT. I am a fairly interesting person once you get to know me apparently, what ppl in my life say anyways. I don't understand why so many of them like me as much as they do, but *shrugs* whateva. lmao I read all types of authors and watch all types of movies. If you are really interested keep on eye on my journal entries. that is where you will learn the most, not here. Basic Information about ME: I am a bookworm, I have two tarot decks: one manga and the other the necronomicon, I am in the market for a rune set. IF I was to choose a religion to follow it would be egyptian paganism. I am an odd combination, I know, lol. But such is me so, deal. if you wanna send me an email just b/c and are blocked on here b/c of limitations, then use the email addy below and call it good. *shrugs* I know I am perfectly sane, my doctor told me so as she unbuckled my jacket I'm one big sarcastic bitchy insulting opinionated bitch.....this is me this is how I am.......this is part of my charm, if you don't like it FUCK OFF! In being bored and looking over the comments of my profile, I have found that quite a few on here seem to think that my profile wasnot good enough for a ten b/c I didnot put effort forth on it? My response is: Yeah, and........SO FUCKING WHAT OF IT? I am not here for my profile to be rated a ten by anyone, that is the least of my concerns is to make sure that random ppl whom I will most likely never meet nor even tlk to think my profile is worthy of a ten. IF I wanted a ten, believe me, I would do so accordingly. *rolls eyes* Seriously, come on. I am here to see if maybe I cannot find ppl more like myself who I actually find quite interesting. *raised eyebrow* so if I ruffle any feathers now, ummmmmm, oh well? I don't care whose feathers I ruffle, b/c I just don't care. Opinions on profiles are overrated and not worth my while, it is the opinion on the actual PERSON who set up the profile that should matter, NOT what the profile of said person looks like. Plain and simple. If your profile ASKS to be rated in its description, whatever, I will give you a ten, not b/c I think its good, but just b/c you asked and I really don't care. If I like your profile, I normally end up sending a msg, not a rating w/a garrish stamp and obnoxious writing to let you know. It's kinda funny how most say "rate me, BUT if your stamp is too big, then I am blocking you." Its like, oh my gods! really?! now if you are going to be like some and leave a rating of one just b/c I visited your profile and didn't leave a rating, then I will rate you a one as well. Why? B/c see the first part of this: I AM A BITCH, IT IS MY JOB AND IT IS MY NATURE. you don't get something for nothing, ok?

What is the element of your soul?

You are cold and in some ways numb. You block out your emotions because you simply cant deal with them. Your favorate moments are ones you spend alone, and even then you dont quite feel yourself. You are seen as strong and "tough", and yes it is true but more then that you are fragile and sensitive. The blanket of stone around you is your way dealing with something. It wont be solved untill you face it.
How do you compare?
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A little more about me:

My fave groups right now are: Dir En Grey (Kyo is AMAZING), t.A.t.U (they are just hot), Rammstein, Pantera, White Zombie, DBSK, TVXQ, Rain (the sexy ninja from "Ninja Assassin" btw), Lee Hyori, the soundtrack from a Bollywood movie, and ummmmmm, yeah, I could go all day. I also listen to the classics: Buddy Holly & the Crickets, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Cinderella, White Snake, Twisted Sister, so on and so forth. I don't like most ppl b/c they are stupid and piss me off to where I just want to shove my steel toed 6 & 1/2 down their throat. I stay at home w/family and friends. I am engaged and have two kids, so no, I am not looking for anyone male or female b/c if I was not with the one I am, I already know who else I would be with. No, I am not a Marine, although I would have if I hadn't been stupid, as for the wolf/panther pics that will float across my profile from time to time, I am the panther and my mate is the wolf, although we are not currently together, he will always be my mate. :) as for those I have seen that are looking for subs or whatev, there are actual sites for that, so why dont you go try those?


Member Since: May 14, 2010
Last Login: Mar 16, 2011
Times Viewed: 2,598

Times Rated:277

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