Times Rated: | 421 |
Rating: | 8.648 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 421 |
life is not measured by the number of breaths we take , but by the moments that take our breath away ...welcome from me and the house of lunazure
Welcome to the Rave...
enjoy your stay here.....come by and visit anytime....i love the quote..its very much true..
kfmvmdarkcreature, dark greetings and welcome. Feel free to stop by my page.
Greetings, look within the shadows to find your kindred following closely behind you. Proud Member of La Bella Oscuridad
hey! welcome to the rave kfmvmdarkcreature. i hope you enjoy your stay here. please leave me know if you update so i can come back and rerate you. take care and talk to you later :-)
Greetings from NightCreature
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 421 |