All Profile Comments for Ravenskar
Times Rated: | 339 |
Rating: | 8.657 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 339 |
Feb 24, 2008
The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas welcomes you to the Vampire Rave if you have any questions just message me.
Good evening and welcome to the addiction. i hope you enjoy your stay.
*Bows with respect*
Be safe

you have been visited by me and found worthy of a 10 please return a visit and rate
Feb 24, 2008
Welcome to VR....rate back when you get the chance.
♥ Sire EmoDemon stopped in and rated you a 10!! ♥
♥ Please return the favor.
Feel free to bite, stalk or add me to your friends list.♥
Sire EmoDemon
Greetings. I hope you enjoy your stay on VR.
If you ever run into trouble dont hesitate to message me for help.
Welcome 2 the Rave...nice profile so far, Let me know when u update more or need any help!'s a v-10-v 4U!
Just stopping by to show a little Love & Appreciation from a member of The Coven of Lux Aeterna!


Welcome to the Rave, Be Safe.
welcome to the rave, great start, let me know when you update and I will return to re rate
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 301 - 325 | 326 - 339 |
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