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"It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen." Alex Delarge, A Clockwork Orange, 1971
Please Challenge Me!
This profile will tell a lot about me to the intelligent mind, If you wanna know more, then You'll have to be bold enough to ask! or visit my Myspace Or Fubar. page till I get time to update more here! I promote Alternative, fetish, exotic models & exciting new bands so if you fall into this category hit me up, I get around 200 hits a day on my myspace page from modeling & talent business peeps...
I live life to the fullest and it gets pretty wild'll either love me, Hate me or both, either way is fine with me cause I'm a firm believer in Karma, and if you respect me then we'll get along great, but disrespect me & it will surely bite you in the Ass later on..
BTW..I'm still single & looking for a Girl who isn't freakin mental & has their S**t together, wants to enjoy life & live it fully....geesh, been dating some real winners lately, can ya tell?...Please "get a life" before you think of entering mine!...
Click on the film icon on the right of the player to change videos, just a few of my faves..
My Friends & Protectors Here, scroll down & Vote them all a v-10-v or just DIE!
This is "Kilanna" my first friend here, She is the greatest! Show her Luv!
This is "xKittenLovecraftx" a gorgeous model, Mad Luv & respect to her!
This is Babiesgirl, leader of Clan Black Rose (My old Boss), In The Coven of The Stone Guardians! (RIP) Show her Love!
This Is Rani70, A Kewl girly with an awsome profile, check her out!
The Women I Adore & would love to meet...
I Love & Admire all the Suicide Girls!
Milla Jovovich is my Dream Woman!
SHANNON *A.K.A.* CHROMEGIRL is an awsome model & Entertainer! (My favorite model!)
Bite ME!, Stalk Me! Add Me!, or Message Me!..Just don't wake me....
Clan Brujah!
A rebel with and without a cause, you belong to the clan of the Brujah. This clan is the muscle of the Camarilla and are always up for fights. However, you are difficult to control...especially since you tend to frenzy easier than most vampires. You are /the/ clan not to piss off or expect a missing limb. What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
The Brujah
The Brujah are inheritors of a majestic and ancient legacy, which is unfortunate. Tonight's Brujah seem less like a clan and more like a mob. Punks, terrorists, revolutionaries, criminals, gangbangers and the like make up the Brujah; the clan seems to be united in nothing save its contempt for the institutions of vampire and mortal society. Well, this is not entirely true; Clan Brujah are among the most savage vampires, and the most trivial slight or annoyance may trigger a howling Brujah frenzy. The Brujah's disunity keeps the clan tenuously in the Camarilla, but Brujah thugs routinely defect to the anarchs, the better to strike against their hated elders. Even the "tamer" Brujah annoy the elders and princes routinely through acts of defiance and rebellion. Despite their recalcitrance, however, Brujah are valued as warriors; they are perhaps the most dangerous vampires in a straightforward battle. To anger a Brujah is nigh suicidal - and Brujah are notorious for their tempers.