Times Rated: | 2,858 |
Rating: | 9.85 |
Showing: | 426 - 450 of 2,858 |
I adore your profile hun. Im bi too^-^ you can add me if you like, maybe we can chat sometime =) MCR rules and I totally agree with the fact that guys are totally hot when they dress gothic and wear the make-up. =) hope to hear from yea
Sweet background and awesome profile.
I adore the background... and profile... lovely to meet you :)
Thanx for he generic stamp, showin he love... interesting pro
Very Extremely Awesome Loving the Black on Pink Pink on Black whatev
i absolutely love the background and your taste in music
its been a long time since i was in hear good lord..... yep rerate time lol........ awsome is all i can say ..... i really love the background.....
Love it!etings, my dear!
You ROCK Lucy m/
Darkest Greetings
Thanks for the comment..I love care bears...Nice background...
cool...really bright...bt interesting
thanx for the rate have a ten
hiya and great profile. enyoy.
Love the pro
Have 10 X
Wonderful profile - I am sorry for your pain. Feel free to e-mail ne if you wish. Sara is heartbraking - especially since I have 2 kids. I could never understand hurting a child like that.
Thanks for the bite. Sorry to hear about your father. Here is a 10 for you.
Showing: | 426 - 450 of 2,858 |