All Profile Comments for AngelsSon
Times Rated: | 105 |
Rating: | 9.123 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 105 |
Jul 03, 2012
Darkest Greetings. It's nice to meet you. Please feel free to stop by my profile and look around. Add me and my journal as well as stalk if you would like. Just let me know so i may return the favor.
10 for you~
Feel free to add me, stalk me, favor my journal and rate my profile and portfolio. However, if you do let me know so I may return the favors to you.
I Have Seen What There Is To See ... May the Darkness Take You and Keep You Safe...
Greetings stranger! This is an automatic 10 for you and a small step forward to a higher level for me. Feel free to rate, add, stalk, or message me if you're interesting. If you're boring, please go on about your merry way. Have a great day :)
Jul 04, 2012
After looking at your profile i have rated you fairly.
The BITCH from the Coven of Demon Blood has Left you something. Feel free to add me if you wish to do so.
May Fire and Screams Haunt Your Dreams.
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 105 |
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