All Profile Comments for dragoneyes
Times Rated: | 1,786 |
Rating: | 9.881 |
Showing: | 1,676 - 1,700 of 1,786 |
LORDMOGY, Proud ACM of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs has rated you a 10!
However, down the dark decades of your pain, this will seem like a memory of Heaven.
You see what you think of as pain is a shadow.
Pain has a face.
Allow me to show it to you.
I... Am... Pain!
you have been visited by me and found worthy of a 10 please return a visit and rate
You have been fairly rated by Vladvampirelord Dark Lord and Destroyer of Souls.
Rated fairly by LostWithinMyself
I have stopped by and Rated
Your Profile Fairly.
Enjoy the madness
Etiam In Morte Superest Amor
I have rated you a ten. Please be so kind as to rate me back as you see fit.
Have a blessed day and/or night
You've been rated Darling!
Feb 01, 2014
please feel free to rate,add,favor my journal
just let me know so i can return the favor
I have added you and your journal as well as rated. Please feel free to do the same.
You have been fairly rated by Kat. Feel free to Rate, Add me and my Journal , and Stalk me. Please let me know so I can return the favor.
Feel free to add me as well as favor my journal. Just let me know so i can return all.
May 04, 2014
Assistant House Master of The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas Lady Jigsaw has rated you.
Feel Free to Add me, Favorite My Journal and Stalk Me.
I am also Master Mentor of Secuutus of Jigsaw if you're seeking mentoring, let me know.
Showing: | 1,676 - 1,700 of 1,786 |
| 1 - 25 | 1,601 - 1,625 | 1,626 - 1,650 | 1,651 - 1,675 | 1,676 - 1,700 | 1,701 - 1,725 | 1,726 - 1,750 | 1,751 - 1,775 | 1,776 - 1,786 |
Venerable Sire (135)
Haunt (40)
Venerable Sire (135)
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