Times Rated: | 1,309 |
Rating: | 9.797 |
Showing: | 151 - 175 of 1,309 |
Wicked Hugs and Kisses! Feel Free to Bite Me, Stalk Me or Message Me Anytime, You Have Been Rated by a Proud Member of The Coven of Inari! Enjoy The Addiction And May You Find What You Are Looking For Here On "The Rave" Please return the Favor, It will be greatly appreciated... Blessed Be... Darla...
Rated and enjoyed ~10~
Thanks for dropping by, and heres a ten right back at ya!
Nice site, great attitude!
Blessed be
feel free 2 rate me back
greetings, thanks for stopping by and rating
articulate, hnoest, and picturesque- well done
hey, luis royo is AMAZING i love his art and i love your profile ~10~
You've been rated by a proud member of: The Coven of Lux Aeterna...I hope you enjoy yourselve on the site...feel free to add me to your friends/Stalker list...let me know when you do, so i can add you too! If you rate my profile please rate my portfolio too! Have fun.....BYE :o )
nice profile. can you believe this weather we're having. can't wait til it warms up
Thanks for the comment and the 10...You can add me as well
Greetings from the other side of the night, your profile is really cool, the video rocks, and you have lovely kids. May the night smile on you and yours and keep you all safe for all times here is a 10 as well
pleasantly met m'lady
Salutations! Remember, Theatre is like an STD for the rest of your life. Just when you think you're over it, you get another itch.
Showing: | 151 - 175 of 1,309 |