All Profile Comments for SolaceBlood
Times Rated: | 252 |
Rating: | 9.628 |
Showing: | 101 - 125 of 252 |
Add me to your friends list and favorite journal and I will be sure to do the same for you, Thanks.
Kizarny |
Vamp | You Have Been Rated By Kizarny Proud Member Of The Coven Of Mystical Blood Moon Vamp | Kizarny | |
I snooped through your profile, portfolio,and journal while you were away and the only thing I left behind as a clue I was here is my stamp.
Consider yourself stamped
Rated 10-Add me if ya like,let me know and ill return the kindness...everyone needs a giant robot friend;)
Feel free to add me, if you do please tell me so I may return the favor & add your Journal as well.
You have been rated by Raziel23x Coven Master Of Dragons Nest RPG (Coven).
I wish you a blessed day and may the shadows protect your nights. I enjoyed my trip into your life, Watching a piece of your soul brought forth into your small space in time. May the darkness protect you and the light bless you.
Please feel free to return the rating. If you wish to add me as friend and also my journal please let me know so I can return the gesture. Much appreciated.
Great job, very interesting....I liked it.
Welcome to the Rave.....
DrowVampire, permanent inmate to the House of Nocturnal Retribution invites you to his profile,portfolio&journal
CHAOTIC Greetings SolaceBlood
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 151 - 175 | 176 - 200 | 226 - 250 | 251 - 252 |
Venerable Sire (133)
Haunt (40)
Venerable Sire (133)
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