All Profile Comments for Simonis
Times Rated: | 368 |
Rating: | 9.391 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 368 |
a mysterious stranger returns and rates your profile a 10 for now.....may have to amend at a later date.....let me know when you update
Greetings from The House of Caomhnóir-an-Eolas
I've always wanted people to remember me. I'll leave my mark on this page. I know my wish is coming true tonight. Another profile rated by,
The Vampyre Marius...........
You're beautiful and a bellydancer you get a 10 from me :)
Welcome and enjoy your stay here among us.
If you need help with anything, please feel free to stop by and ask. I shall be here for you.


enjoy the darkness!
If you have any questions message me or any acolyte
cool pro you have here
welcome to the rave
hope you enjoy the darkness
that lingers here

You've been rated by SwtEternity. Proud Member of House Eternal. I hope you enjoy the Addiction. Feel free to add me to your friends list. Feel free to rate mine also. If you need help ask. Blessed be.
You Have just Been Rated By The Dragon
Simonis, dark greetings and welcome. Hope you’re enjoying your stay. Stop by my page some time and check it out.


I am Prince Nighwolf, Scion of Clan Toreador, stopping by to give you a 10.
♠ Greetings! I love your profile and so does Bob.
♠This is Bob.

♠ He dances for you and your kick ass profile
Feel free to message Bob and I anytime!
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 326 - 350 | 351 - 368 |
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