Times Rated: | 2,543 |
Rating: | 9.879 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 2,543 |
Greetings....welcome..I hope all goes well for you..if you need to talk, find me...
I read your profile all the way through, and i am sry that you have so much stress in your life and that he will return because the good ones always do.. and if you ever need anyone to talk to feel free to message me anytime and i will try to help you ... i am not guaranteeing anything... but atleast i will try... congrats on the profile..~1o~
Welcome to VR DireConsequences. Let me know when you update.
where is your guy ?????
Welcome to the Rave... 10 to start ya off ;)
hey dear welcome home to the dark side hope to se u here for awhile
greetings and hello
pop in some time
any time
dark greetings and welcome to the rave.
please enjoy the addiction.
please let me know if you have any questions about the rave.
greetings and enjoy the rave :)
welcome to the rave dire
Welcome Tiffany :)
welcome to the rave. feel free to message me anytime DireConsequences
DARK GREETINGS............10.............
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 2,543 |