Hello my name is Misty I prefer to be called by Missy or Misty. My legal name at the moment is Ashley I was adopted when I was nine months old.
I am nineteen.
I am a virgo in case it crossed your mind I am Italian/german/dutch/greek/Irish and Scottish and I think I have or might possibly have some type of indian in me.
I have tan skin my eyes are brown but they do change colors quite frequently depending on my mood.
I am short well I think I am I'm 5'5.
My natural hair color is brunnette brown but it changes every three months or so but right now its blonde and burgundy kinda purplish.
I am very Enemic its been untreated for almost four years now and I have a really low Thyriod and a Vitamin D Defiency and I have a Nutrition Defiency.
I dont get enough nutrition know matter how much healthy foods I eat its been a consistent struggle all of my life so because of all of those health probblems I have it makes it very hard for me to get up to do anything because im literally tired all of the time.
I bruise very easily and bleed longer and stay sicker longer than an average person would normally.
Everything affects me stronger than it would than an average person would It's quite frustrating.
I am a visual learner I visualize everything I think thats why I love reading and writing because I can picture things perfectly and I think also thats where my many abilities come from.
I analyze everything in life I always have I think faster than a normal person would It's quite irritating most of the time.
I am very smart and sacasticic am a smart ass alot it tends to run in my family im very kind caring amd loving im very respectful I have know tolerance for disrespectful people I do not sugarcoat things It's pointless and wastes my time I tell you how I see things I tend to speak my mind when I feel that it is needed or nessary,I do not involve myself in childish acts of stupidity I do not surround myself with drama I have a very low tolerance for it I am very honest and trustworthy I think a lie hurts a person more than the truth I think everyone should be honest know matter what.
I have had issues with drugs since i was a kid I am not proud of myself for it infact its one of the hardest things i have dealt with but as time goes on it gets better but for myself all I can say is dont do drugs and if you do be careful dont let it get out of controll because it might just be to late before anyone can help you.
I have had a really hard life but I have always had hope like right now i know things will get better in time well thats a little bit about me if you wanna know more just ask.....
Last Updated: | Dec 30, 2013 |
Times Viewed: | 2,341 |
Times Rated: | 200 |
Rating: | 9.802 |
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