SuccubusQueen's Portfolio


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I am not sure what to post in here so I'll just try to keep everything vampire related...

Vampirism defined by http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/vampirism.htm


There is a natural life energy from which and with which one is supposed to live. When instead one lives off the energy of other people or animals, it is called vampirism. Some become the vampires or takers, while others act as victims of the vampires. Instead of a gentle natural energy, both vampires and their victims are out of touch with this energy and experience instead the ups and downs that come with obtaining energy from others.

The basic way one gets energy from others is by upsetting the other. The two basic methods are through intimidation or seduction. These take a person or an animal away from his or her center and cause them to give up energy to the other.


The most obvious example of vampirism is the dictator and his henchmen who literally live off the money and energy of the rest of the population. The dictator or ruling party grow rich and powerful while the people suffer.

Parents often victimize their children by nagging, scolding, yelling, inventing crazy rules, being inconsistent in discipline, dishonoring, flattering and other more subtle techniques. Other methods may not be subtle, like physical, sexual or emotionally abusing a child.

Couples may engage in vampire behavior with each other through verbal, sexual and other behaviors. Sexual intercourse is a very important area in which vampire behavior occurs. Bosses and employees may engage in vampirism. More often the boss is the vampire and employees the victim, but it can be the other way around. "Friends" may be vampires and victims of vampires.

Politicians, doctors, preachers, teachers, musicians and others in power positions may vampirize others. Others in these positions become victims of their clients, fans or audience and give up energy to them.

For example, politicians may make false promises (seduction). In return, people elect them. They gain power and people give up the power. Teachers routinely intimidate students ñ "do what I tell you or get a bad grade". The teacher gains while the students give up power. It can work the other way if the students learn how to control the teacher through subtle threats or seduction of some kind.


Some are born as vampires or as victims. Others are trained by their parents or other adults to become vampire victims or even little vampires. Once one has been "bitten" by a vampire, one often turns around and becomes a vampire oneself. This parallels the story of the mythical vampire.

The choice to become a vampire or a victim has much to do with the spiritual development of the individual. Less developed people tend to be vampires. More highly developed people are more giving and tend to become victims of vampires until they learn how to protect themselves.

Occasionally people shift. Some who start out as victims learn the game and turn around and become vampires. Rarely a vampire type learns the error of his ways and changes. Some of these go overboard to "be nice" and may become victims.

A stronger person will influence a weaker one. Most of the time, women are stronger and tend to be vampires more than men. Men can secondarily become vampires, often because their energy was drained earlier in life by their mothers. They become vampires in an attempt to regain their lost energy. This causes power struggles in relationships.


Vampirism is a major cause of illness, family discord, relationship difficulties, sibling rivalry and all social and political discord. Some political systems, for example, are set up as vampire-victim systems. These are the dictatorships, monarchies and totalitarian socialist states.

Societies with more individual rights and freedom have less institutional vampirism. The more each individual is given control and responsibility for his own life, the less vampirism occurs. Too many laws, restrictive traditions and too much government meddling in peopleís lives produce more of the vampire phenomenon.


As a general rule, fast oxidizers tend to be vampires, while slow oxidizers tend to be victims of vampires. Eventually, however, even vampires burn out physically, and become slow oxidizers. Those who are neither vampires nor victims tend to have a more balanced oxidation rate on hair mineral analyses provided they are physically healthy.

It is normal for children to be vampires when young. This is part of the development of the ego self. Around puberty, however, they should change their energy source from other people to the etheric or natural adult energy source and stop being vampires. This transition corresponds to the traditional celebration of adulthood, independence and taking greater responsibility for oneself.

Unfortunately, most people in modern society never really become adults. Many hold on to childish behaviors including getting energy from others.


The most powerful energy exchanges occur between people in sexual encounters. This is due in part to the close proximity of the bodies. The phenomenon is induction, exactly the same as occurs in an electrical transformer. Transformers have two sets of windings next to each other. Although not connected together, a current applied to one winding causes a current to flow in the other.

In human encounters, a similar thing occurs. It involves the chakas, spinning vortices of energy of which there are seven main ones. As oneís spinning chakas encounter those of another being, they can alter the spin of the other's chakas. The closer the bodies are to each other, the more this occurs. While chakas spin either clockwise or counterclockwise, they also spin either inwards or outwards. A vampireís charkas spin inwards, sucking energy from others. A vampire victimís chakas spin outwards.

Those who are spiritually developed also have chakras that tend to spin outwards. However, the latter have learned to control where their energy goes and how much to give. Becoming a victim of vampires is in fact a necessary stage in learning how to give forth oneís energy.

Induction occurs most powerfully during sexual intercourse. Orgasm enhances the energy exchange. It is a reason to be mindful of whom one is with.


Vampirism is associated with addictions. Addictions may be defined as unhealthy attachments. The vampire is addicted to the energy of others. The vampire victim and the vampire are often depleted of natural energy and may crave substances or habits that provide temporary energy.

Both vampires and their victims may also feel very anxious at times without understanding the reasons. Depressing addictive substances like sleeping pills or alcohol may provide temporary relief.


At times, some vampirism can be tolerated if other aspects of a relationship are working and beneficial. For example, it may be worth staying at a job with a vampire boss if one wishes to learn a particular business or skill. One may choose to stay in school in order to obtain a diploma even if conditions are not ideal. In these instances, there are ways to protect oneself and even outgrow the habit of being a vampire victim.

There is never a reason to continue to act as a vampire. The alternative is to turn to a more spiritual source of energy. Most vampires do not do this due to laziness and unconsciousness.


Awareness. If you are the sensitive type, trained to be a victim of vampires, improving oneís awareness is the best protection. One needs to be aware of the possibility of vampirism, even around the nicest, gentlest people. Remember that the phenomenon is pervasive in families, relationships, schools, business, politics and elsewhere.

Watch your attitudes and listen to the attitudes of others. Do they encourage you to be independent and think for yourself, or do they somehow encourage dependency, discourage you, intimidate, cajole, threaten, flatter or seduce? Often these latter approaches are really an effort to get a response from you ñ along with your energy.

Keep in mind the thought that there are no victims. Each is sovereign and responsible for himself or herself. This way you will be more alert to those who think otherwise, including those who believe they are special and can ëfeedí on you.

Avoidance. Until one learns not to be a victim of vampires, protection in the form of avoidance is most helpful. This is particularly true if you are ill or debilitated. While individual situations vary, some general principles may be helpful.

Avoid most hospitals, bars, noisy discothËques and other locations that may sap your energy. With practice, you will realize sooner which places to avoid. Insist on your personal space, your sanity zone. Be mindful of who goes in and out, whom you allow to visit, and especially whom you might allow to stay overnight. Maintaining a pure, quiet, private personal space is very important. If others donít like it, that is their problem.

Another method of protection is to take wonderful care of your self. This means eating well, sleeping plenty and keeping your lifestyle sane and relaxed. Read and listen to inspiring material and seek to maintain a positive emotional state. This will help maintain good health and assist your awareness of vampires, as they will feel more upsetting to your standard.


For many people, just taking care of themselves and avoiding negative people or places is not enough to handle the vampire problem. A more permanent and better approach is to undo the training or tendency within oneself to allow vampires to take oneís energy. This approach is more work, at least initially, but has many rewards.

Several methods are helpful. An observation type of meditation can be very helpful. I used the meditation exercise taught by Roy Masters. I recorded a modified version of his exercise on a cassette tape. This is much better for most people than reading about it in a book. The exercise slowly teaches detachment, witnessing and brings in the etheric energy which replaces the need to please people or for that matter to gain any energy from other people. You become more independent and nourished from within. Click here for more details about the Meditation Exercise For Healing.

A second method of undoing the victim habit is to live, not just to study, A Course in Miracles principles. This is the basic mystical approach to life. It is an entirely different and rigorously logical thought system. The basics are discussed in a small book I wrote, The Real Self. It takes several years to retrain the mind to think about others and about all situations in the new way. Once this occurs, however, one is quite immune to most vampires.

A third method is to radically improve oneís health. This requires a careful diet, nutritional supplements and often sauna detoxification of toxic chemicals, infections and heavy metals. The light sauna is particularly helpful. As physical blockages are removed, one becomes far more aware, energized, independent and happier. All of this diminishes the effects on you of any vampire. Click here for more information about more intense health-building programs.


Vampirism is unfortunately rampant in all human society. It is less, by the way, in America than in any other nation. This has to do with the founding principles of our country ñ the sovereignty of each individual ñ and the right of each individual to the pursuit of happiness provided the rights of others are respected.

It is wise to become aware of vampirism, not to fear it but to avoid it when necessary and finally to overcome it completely.

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Last Updated: Jun 26, 2007
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