Will add more in few days.. for now in joy here is list of the pics. most taking while on visit in california
1 . me at home
2. pic of me where james dean crashed in california
3. me fishing with niece's and no did not catch any in california
4. me seeing if im equal to gorilla at zoo in california
5. me trying to be tiger for my niece's
6. my favorite beach in california " moro bay" quiet and not so crowded
7. where moro bay at on map
8. me wrestling lizard to make niece's laugh
9. niece trying to get in on the fun
10. my sisters left oldest right youngest.. but im the oldest of of all
11. my brother
12 my brother and my 4 pretty niece's
Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
The Gangrel
Of all vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to their inner nature. These nomadic loners spurn the constraints of society, preferring the comfort of the wilderness. How they avoid the wrath of the werewolves is unknown; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel are themselves shapeshifters. When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into a wolf or a bat, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel. Like the Brujah, Gangrel are fierce warriors; unlike the Brujah, Gangrel ferocity does not stem from anarchic rage, but from animalistic instinct. Gangrel have a keen understanding of the Beast in their souls, and prefer to spend their nights in communion with the animals whom they so emulate.
How evil are you?