Blackmeadow's Portfolio


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My portfolio is mostly about my life. Pictures of friends, family, and drawings that were made for me.


I was born in Lewisburg, PA and have lived in PA all my life. I have never been overseas or on the west coast. I have been to Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, Washington D.C., New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and NYC. I would love to live in NYC, but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. I guess you could say that I'm small town girl. I've lived in small towns my whole life and I would love to know what it's like to live in a big, fast-paced city.


When I was 13, my mother moved my brother and I to a little town called Montgomery,PA. I had decided that when we moved there I was not going to make any friends, because I didn't want anymore, haha. Well 1 day there and I met the girl I would be close to for a very long time. Her name was Nancy, and she befriended me my first day at school. I'll tell ya though, that girl is full of fire. She would and still does get cocky with whoever she wants, especially when she's drunk nowadays. I got the nickname "Bodyguard" from people, because whenever that girl was fighting with someone, I would always have to step in and block anything coming. I was in highschool, you know how everything was in highschool; drama filled bullshit. I spent 6 years in that shit hole of a school. I was in my senior year and they told me that the only way I would graduate is if I would come back for a half a year the next school year. Well I wasn't having that, so in January of 2004 I had all of my teachers sign a paper for me so I could quit. Now being 24, I wish I had never done that. I had 5 years to get my GED and only now started to take the classes.


These are my two beautiful cats. The gray one(Fat Boy) was a gift from my mother when we first moved to Montgomery. The black one (Little Boy)we got when my mother and I were looking for a cat for my grandmother and I saw him and I wouldn't leave the place until my mom said I could have him.

They mean everything to me, although they can be a little annoying sometimes, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

I lived in Montgomery for 11 years and I will never, ever move back to that town. I have met people who I wish to never speak to again and some I would love to see again. I unfortunatly know a lot of people, but only very few of them I would call friends. In the past I have learned to not care what other people think. When you focus more on yourself and what you love doing, the drama meter goes down drastically. I have went through so much shit, because people don't think first before they act.


This picture was drawn for me by my brother. My favorite shape which is a star and my favorite kind of star. I hate spiders, but I really favor the Black Widow(she's a mean bitch). And of course my name. My brother has a lot of time on his hands right now, so he draws me pictures to pass the time.

The year I turned 21 was the worst and greatest year I have ever had. I met a lot of great people, some who I still talk to. I only drink once in a blue moon and on my 21st birthday I was totally toasted in only a half an hour of being at the bar. The rest of the night is a blur. I only remember bits and pieces, but I was told it was a great night. A couple weeks later I became the "door bitch" at my what used to be my favorite bar. I stood at the door from 9pm to midnight collecting the $2 cover charge and got paid $20 a night to do it. At first it was cool, then you got those ignorant fucks who think because they knew the owner of the bar, they could come in for free. Then the shit really hit the fan. It was like drama and fighting hide in the shadows until it decided to show its ugly face. I'll list some examples. The DJ got punched in the face for no reason, my brother got his head knocked in about 5 times in one night, I got hit in the face by some dickhead dude, my best friend was in a controlling relationship with a COMPLETE FUCKING PSYCHO, fights broke out in the bar almost every single weekend, underagers tried to weasel their way into the bar, it was complete chaos almost that whole year. Finally I had enough of the shit and moved with my mom to where I live now. I gotta tell you, it has been so peaceful without people screaming in your face. My life is a little boring now, but I am completely fine with that. That year really put things into perspective and I very rarely go to the bars anymore and I have slimmed down the list of people I talk to. So here I am now almost 25 and I finally got my GED on March 10th of this year and I start McCann School of Business and Technology April 14th.


This drawing wasn't made for me, but my one friend loves to draw and paint so he told me to give him $5 and he would sell me this painting. It's hanging in my bedroom, above the foot of my bed.


This was done for me by one of my ex coworkers. I think he did a fantastic job, now I just gotta find him so he can make me another one.


This was made by my brother for me about 3 years ago. Marvin the Martain, if you didn't know. He is my favorite Looney Tune

Total Pictures: 5
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Last Updated: Mar 23, 2010
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