Author: | GlindaLynn |
VR Publish Date: | Dec 23 2010 |
Abstract The Big Bang and God How can it be so ill put to conceive the notion that God does exists with no clear sign of how he was created, when the American people so eagerly cling onto the idea that the world we live in was created in such a manner, called the Big Bang Theory? First, a description of God is necessary, is there one that can lend merit? God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. God is simply everything, but this does not mean that God resides in your coffee cup or in your TV dinner. God is simply a part of everything because without God nothing else would exist, since he is the creator. Who is to say that God was not created through some type of Big Bang theory that would cause such an entity to exist as well? God created the Earth, mankind, all the animals, plant life, and minerals on this planet. God created the Earth possibly by using a, “Big Bang” just to get things started. This could be a stretch, but could God’s origin come from another planet? Could God be an extra terrestrial? Delving deeper into thought and to surmise a possibility, coming from the beginning of Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. Satan could have tempted Eve, using an intimate encounter as a forbidden fruit that gave life, from the tree of life, (the tree of life is a metaphor) meaning giving life to a child, namely conception and birth. Could the fruit Eve partook of, actually been an intimate encounter with Satan who enticed her when Adam was not present? Eve then tempted Adam with an intimate encounter afterward, causing Adam to sin. God warned them not to partake of the tree of life, which could have been an intimate encounter; (a metaphor) after Adam and Eve had an intimate encounter and sinned they were cast out of the garden. Eve became pregnant with Cain, from Satan and then later gave birth to Abel from Adam. This is how the world became populated. This I theorize is also why Cain killed Abel, because Cain came from an evil seed, and was jealous of Abel because God favored him. If Eve had two children that were not full blood relatives, it could have been possible for her to have an intimate encounter with them as well, thus continuing the offspring of the human race, without so much inbreeding that mental retardation or physical mutation may not have been such a huge factor. The Bible is written in parables, and one must be able to decipher the meaning, as well as being able to maintain an open mind, because without an open mind, very little is possible. If God is an Alien If God is an Alien from another planet, then Satan would have to be one of his spires, if God was the ruler of the planet. When Satan sinned by trying to take Gods place, God asked one of his soldiers, called Michael to cast Satan out of Heaven, which would be the planet they derived from’s name. Michael cast out Satan from the planet named Heaven, so Satan found a new planet that he named Hell. This other planet could be the Sun, as hot as it is. Another possibility is that God found a planet that was void of everything, and he took this void and created life. If God is indeed an Alien, then he used DNA from himself to create mankind, in his image and then used DNA from Adam in the form of a rib to create Eve. Is the human race so self-absorbed that the possibility of other populated planets other than our own is such a farfetched idea, so farfetched that it deserves no further investigation? Cowen (2009) Researchers can go as far back as 3.9 billion years where the planets coalesced and water among other elements and compounds that were essential to sustaining life were delivered to the inner planets. There were several things that could be derived from this one statement, one of which includes the use of the plural world planets, lending to belief that Earth was not the planet that held water and the possibility of life. Another such theory goes on to say as, Steinhardt (2009) states, there was no initial, “Big Bang’, that created everything that instead a succession of small bursts that needed periods of black mass-space to cycle through to create new mass, planets, stars and galaxies. This one theory which is new, within the last few years, suggests that indeed everything was not created all at once, it goes on to explain that periods of dark matter-space were needed to seed this new phase of growth and renewed matter. This theory would lend proof that indeed a Big Bang may not have been responsible for the creation of the Earth. If there was no initial Big Bang, would God be another viable reason for mankind’s existence on this planet? It was stated earlier that water was one of the first elements formed on this planet which lends life to everything else, if water was present, then God just needed to populate the planet and then fine tune it with other elements and minerals taken from other planets, and who is to say that God did not transport water from another planet? The theories that follow this train of thought are limitless. There are pyramids in Egypt that contain Hieroglyphics that resemble beings from other planets. There is ancient artwork with UFO’s painted in, such as The Madonna with Saint Giovannino, which was painted in the 15th century, the artist is relatively unknown but it associated with the Lippi school. Haunting Proof How would one try to prove the existence of a being whose origin is unknown, as well as creation, that cannot be seen, touched nor heard? To answer this, other proof would be needed, such as Plato’s Form. Light cannot exist without darkness, and so on, that God does not need a physical form to exist. One should analyze what it truly means to exist. Does one have to be born in order to exist? No, books are not born; they are made, through a concept, through thought and action. One cannot give birth to a book, but it exists nonetheless, because it was created, it can be touched, seen and even smelled. This perception proves the book to be real through an intimate encounter, by touch and sight, a book holds actuality. What actuality could God hold then if we are unable to touch, smell, see or hold a conversation with him? This is, of course the ultimate question. Science and the world of Spiritualism have been consorting to help answer some of these questions through the use of newly developed equipment that was intended for use by persons investigating a possible haunting. Some of this equipment is new on the market, some not so new. EVP- Electronic Voice Phenomenon, for example which uses a tape recorder or similar device to pick up disembodied voices, below is a scientific explanation of a human voice frequency, which cannot reach the same frequency that EVP’s do. ELF = Extremely Low Frequency 30 to 300 Hertz Measuring terms: 1,000,000 cycles per second = Megahertz MHz 1,000 cycles per second = Kilohertz KHz 1 cycle per second = Hertz Hz ELF = Extremely Low Frequency 30 to 300 Hertz Measuring terms: 1,000,000 cycles per second = Megahertz MHz 1,000 cycles per second = Kilohertz KHz 1 cycle per second = Hertz Hz These frequency numbers are in Hertz cycles per second: 1 Approx. beginning of brain waves 6.66 Theta brain waves 7.85 Alpha brain waves 15.7 Beta brain waves 30-30.56 Government VLF stations 32-33 Government VLF stations 34-42 Government VLF stations 50 Approx. Upper limit of brain wave frequencies 60 Produces an audible sound Although this explanation alone is quite hard to understand, it simply means that the human voice is not capable of reaching the same frequency as a disembodied voice when picked up on a tape recorder or other type of recording device. Does this alone prove that God exists? It could if thought through, theorized or analyzed; although more solid proof is needed, this is a great starting point to indisputable proof that humans do have a soul, and that life after death does exist, therefore God must exist as well. Yes, souls have been born and then and then as a result died, but this is irrelevant to God who did not need to die in order to be in spirit form, or did he? If God is an alien, who is to say that he did not live once and then die as well, lending precedence to him being in spirit form only. Relation to Chimpanzees One might ask, why is God not showing himself, why do he not appear on Earth and rule? If God ruled us on planet Earth, then our pseudo free-will would be no longer be in existence, and free will is what humanism was founded on. The whole basis for God’s existence proves that mankind is not just another mammal. Humans cry, they feel regret, they have a conscience, and are capable of committing acts that are not instinct driven, such as murder, lying and theft. If humans did not have a soul, why do people feel the need to lie then? If people had no soul, no chance of life after death, would people feel the need to lie, to perceive themselves as being something they are not, by having to lie about an action they took or something that was said? Why would people feel the need to convince someone else of something that was done or said if it was not true? Why is it so important that people think well of each other if people were not so worried about some adverse consequence? Animals do not need to lie, nor do they have to murder, steal or judge. Animals do not have a conscience, they do not feel regret. Why is that chimpanzees are related to human beings because human beings evolved from them? That theory can be switched around easily by saying that God created chimps much in the same way he created humans; so that humans would have an animal they could feel a close kinship with. The thought is not so far off, to possibly conceive. Another such reason, for the link could be so that humans would have a species other than themselves that was closely linked for the purpose of scientific study, not too far off the beaten path one would hope to be a possible reality. Another concept is that the link is just a fluke, not to mean anything at all. Human’s share DNA with many things on this planet, that does not necessarily mean humans are all those things, it could just mean that humans are somehow connected to other things on this planet simply because we are all derived from God and this planet, therefore we have to share some type of similar bond in order to all coincide with each other, we are somewhat relative. “The paradox is not that we are so genetically similar to the chimpanzee; the paradox now is that we now find the genetic similarity to be so much more striking than the anatomical similarity” (Marks, 2002, p. 31). This statement clearly shows that if humans were so closely related to chimps that humans as a whole should look more chimp like and less human like. After all, humans share an astounding 25% of DNA with Dandelion’s but does that mean that we are 25% Dandelion (Marks, 2002). This type of thinking and comparison are absurd, and not relevant to humans being anything other than human. There is in fact, a very clear distinction between humans and chimps clear and defined, not only from physical appearance alone but by general mechanics as well. Humans do not walk as chimp would, humans have a clearly defined speech that chimpanzees do not, humans also have the ability to grasp objects in a way that chimpanzees cannot, and biproxy humans are far more intelligent than a chimpanzee will ever be, no matter how long the evolutionary ladder becomes. To even insinuate that human beings derived from apes, chimps or monkeys would be like saying, we came from flowers because we share 25% of our DNA with them. Satan Without Satan there cannot be a Good. With evil there has to be good, with light there has to darkness, a Yin and Yang type of balance. Everything on this planet has to maintain an equal balance, an opposite, one from the other, a negative and a positive. It goes without saying that to prove the existence of God one must be able to prove the likelihood of Satan as well. To prove that Satan exists as well as Hell would be a much different feat than proving the existence of God, without adding God into the mix, but once again, one cannot be without the other so saying that because there is proof that God does exist through proving that humans do have a soul that lives on after death, that in it of itself would be enough to add Satan to the list of variables. Satan is evident in the actions of mankind, dating back to the beginning of time when the second sin was Cain murdering his brother Abel, which was only second to the original sin. Cain killing Abel was the first recorded murder in history. Serial killers, war, famine, suicide and drugs are all tell tale signs that something ominous is going on. Human beings were not born with the knowledge of good and evil, it has to be learned, taught. Human beings are all born pure, without fault, without sin. It is with age, and knowledge that sin takes place. It is evident that some human beings are born with a psychological disorder that predisposes them to have tendencies toward violent acts or behaviors such as Schizophrenia, for instance. Not all disorders can be blamed on Satan, such as possession and the like, thought of by the Catholic church to be characterized by acts of violence, cursing, inhuman strength, speaking unknown foreign languages, fear of Godly images such as the cross and Holy water and so on. Satan has always been affiliated with the snake and the pig. The first exorcism in the Bible involves a demon being cast out of a human being into a pig. If God does truly exist, with or without sufficient proof, it is safe to state that miracles do happen, every single day. Healthy babies are born, diseases are cured, people are saved, good deeds are performed, lives are saved through medical miracles, and people love and marry for all the right reasons. Life will go on, and that Metaphysics plays a role in the everyday life of everyone, that God is an omnipotent being regardless of there being no unquestionable proof. Nothing in this world is unattainable, including the concept of God. The terminology that refers to, “Playing God” revolves a common concept that God does indeed exist, just not intangible, non-physical form, as Metaphysics suggests. Metaphysics as a whole is the perfect house for many omnipotent realities to reside in. Can the question of God be answered conclusively? Yes, but only when his time to come to Earth is revealed, and nothing but time will undoubtedly unfold that event. |
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