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Author: Mischka13
VR Publish Date: Dec 10 2010

Diversity comes in many ways shapes and forms. It is also away of life in addition to thinking and belief system. Diversity will always be around and always be in the way of something at some point in time.

Belief systems in different countries tend to be very different from each other. It is a different way of thinking and differentiates itself depending on the country. In essence, a different mindset compared to other mindsets around the world. It is the way kids treat their parents in addition to them learning from their parents. To further explain, kids grow up in the mold of thinking according to what country they are raised in. In China, it is very strict and communist. In retrospect, in the Middle East, it is being a militant. There will always be different belief systems all around the world. People will choose and make decisions based on their beliefs. Some may change with experience in the world. Furthermore, some may also change with age.

Lifestyles all over the world are different from each other. Each country has its own lifestyle, way of dressing and way of life. Incidently all have a different way of approaching situations as well. A person that lives in the United States may approach death differently than someone who lives in Australia. Likewise, food is unique to each country as well. There is a vast variety of food selection in every country. Not only can one dish be used in several ways but one item can be used multiple ways as well. Lifestyle is something that is lived from day to day life but can be changed as well. Different aspects can be altered or drastically changed.

In comparison, cultures are differerent in their own right as well. A different way of doing things and rituals. Not all are the same. Most have their own unique way of living life in what way that they can. For example, the Middle East is very different from the United States. Women wear a burka in addition to a red dot being just above where the nose begins that symbolizes a third eye and wisdom.

Furthermore, the region is predominately Muslim. On the other hand, China is a very strict Communist country. There is no recognized religion and is possibly the most populated country in the world. However, the United States has many cultures in one country. Many that have immigrated from other countries keep their culture and heritage. It is a blend of all other countries over the hundreds of years in one nation. Rather, there are many walks of life. The US was built from people who came to this land to find make a new life.

Consequently, religion is one of the main topics that comes up in todays society. Many tend to judge those of a different religion due to the fact that they do not believe in the same thing. There are many different religions that are recognized along with a few that are not so well known. Everyone has the ability and right to choose a religion that they want to follow if one at all. Nevertheless, each religion bashes they other for the same basic reason of being different. Despite the fact that most sects of Christianity differ by one or two things they still bash each other. The common thing among those who bash other religions is that the other religions do not believe the same thing they do; therefore, they are evil. In addition, when they cry foul when they are bashed. Religion does not define by walk of life or skin color but the way that people believe. Each person is entitled to choose whether or not they want to be a follower of a religion or not. Not only are many people born into a religion but later on in life they will eventually find a religion that they want to be part of. Whether or not someone is part of a religion or not should not matter at all. People are people and going to believe what they do not and should be treated with respect.

Diversity will always be around and is in the forms of religion, culture, lifestyle and beliefs. It comes in countless other forms but the main ones tend to be better known for in that they are the more common ones. The not so well known ones will eventually come out and be recognized as well.

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Nov 21, 2023

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