Western society has long assumed that we are separate from each other. We are separate from nature. We are separate from everything. Why are we separate? Because we are superior. People have superior knowledge and wisdom. People can forge weapons to compensate for a lack of fangs and claws to defend against predators. Ladies and gentlemen, we are superior to anything and everything!
That's the western thought, anyways. And I'm not one to take western thought and tradition blindly, so I asked myself, how superior are we to everything else in existence? After all, if we were to consume our entire food supply, would we not kill ourselves out in a cannibalistic free-for-all? If we were to drink the planet dry, would we not wither up and die? If we were to enter a nuclear war, would we not die with the planet?
The fact is we are dependent on the very things that many of us consider ourselves superior to. We're even dependent on the things we create to make survival easier and more comfortable. All our technology and wonders enslave us as much as the natural world does. The truth is we cannot escape nature. We are a part of it. We are just as much a part of the natural cycles of our world as anything else within it is.
Then are we truly separate beings? Our interactions within the natural cycle have an impact far reaching. Right now, we could be seeing the results of a negative impact on the natural cycle caused by us. Then again, we may not. Those "brilliant" scientists can't agree whether we are or not. But, assuming we are, once the planet dies, so will we. That is the way it's gonna play out. Were we separate beings, we could survive beyond the death of our planet and everything on it.
Expanding this thought further, our world is a part of an even bigger picture. The vast cosmos that we've only seen a fraction of comprise many other worlds other than our own. Cosmic events can have the same effects that our own natural cycles can. Events lightyears away from us could have drastic effects on us here and now. Would we know the cause? We'd have our theories, but could never truly understand what started it all.
So, we're not just one with each other and with nature, we're one with the cosmos. Everything has an impact on everything. The smallest change can cause massive effects on everything in existence. We're just an extremely tiny part of a massive picture we can never fully understand. Modern science is only beginning to realize that this is very true of the nature of existence.
The idea of separation is a dangerous one. It places us on a pedestal we may never be able to bring ourselves down from until it's too late. It harbors the idea of superiority over everything and fuels the idea that there's nothing we can't do without consequence. The truth is, every action has a consequence. And some consequences won't easily be undone by anything we can do.
What is the point? We are not separate. Not physically. Not mentally. Not spiritually. We are One. We are of one Cosmic Form, one Cosmic Mind, one Cosmic Soul. The law of action and reaction affirms this. Let's stop thinking that we're the best there ever will be and come to terms with the fact that, in the biggest picture of all, we're absolutely nothing. Nothing at all!