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Author: Whispersinthewind
VR Publish Date: Mar 08 2008

When thinking about symbolism, what pops into your mind first...The Religious cross, the mystic pentagram, the Star of David, the Swastika? Or perhaps you think of certain signs such as the ever popular devils hand signifying "Rock on dude", or the universal sign for "Peace, man”.

What about these certain symbols makes them what they are? Is the present manipulated by aspects of the past? Most of the symbols these days are representations of past times of horror, of war. Symbols seem to stay the same throughout the years, but tend to change in meaning. For example, the original Star of David, this six pointed star...Was once called the Key of Solomon.

When it was first introduced, this Key of Solomon was a direct key to a door guarded by seven angels and seven daemons. Its representation present time is a symbol for faith. The Swastika, which represents the forces of "evil" at work, was once a symbol for good. This symbol being reversed from its original design was popularized by the orient cultures before being manipulated for the means of WWII.

Which ever symbol you look at through your own mind, is always a representation of another meaning. As we look back through the history of the world, we see many many symbols which have lost their original meanings over time, whether it’s for cultural manipulation, gain of pride, or mental prowess.

As we can see, most symbols deal directly with religion throughout the course of history. All magiks deal with symbolism accordingly, whether monotheistic, or polytheistic. There is no escaping the ultimate reality, the fact that we, in one form or another, fit into the Grand Guignol of symbolism and its use.

Aside from the religious concepts of symbolism, there are other facets as well. Just look to the ways of political symbolism, i.e. The flags of various countries, such as the Nations Flag, the General Lee or Southern Flag.

Symbolism from the Astrologer’s point of view, such as star signs; Virgo, Leo etc. Celtic symbology, certain signs for good luck, the infinity design.

As I have stated earlier, different cultures have their form of symbolism, as well as subcultures such as vampires lifestyles with the infamous Ankh of immortality, the eye of Horus.

No matter where you look, symbolism is everywhere. This frame of subconscious stand point is well documented as the vice of behavioral patterns manipulated throughout the centuries.

Since symbolism is the effort to send messages through images, through allegory, even certain societies use them to advantage...Letting their members take in the meaning of the symbol rather than learn through words what that certain symbol means. Educational purposes are well maintained through symbology. Let us say you have a cross in your hand...You know full well it has something to do with religion. But then you notice the cross is of a different design. It seems to be a Maltese Cross. What then? Do you mistake it for a Nazi symbol? When in fact it is a symbol for Alchemy? Different interpretations for different individuals throughout society.

As some parts of society take the context out of many symbols and use them for their own gain, this would be the main point to the discussion we are having at the moment. All symbols are changed to the benefit for either good or evil.

At this point you may be wondering, why all the rambling about symbolism? Well, you need to recognize the fundamentals of symbology before benefiting from the values they have. As all society recognizes each element with their mind, symbolism is justifiably important in all aspects of life. It gives the individual a certain amount of faith in what they believe to be their own reality. In one form or another, these different meanings for the same symbols would justify that statement.

Now for the good stuff, descriptions. In the emergence of Hermeticism, graphical symbolism became very important. The concept of the microcosmic world of Man as analogous to the macrocosm, the greater universe of spirit and elemental matter is a part of traditional occult teaching in both western and eastern philosophies. "As above, so below." The pentagram, the 'Star of the Microcosm', symbolized Man within the microcosm, representing in analogy the Macrocosmic universe.

In Freemasonry, Man as Microprosopus was associated with the five-pointed Seal of Solomon. The symbol was used, interlaced and upright for the sitting Master of the Lodge. The geometric properties and structure of the Endless Knot were appreciated and symbolically incorporated into the 72 degree angle of the compasses. The women's branch of freemasonry uses the five pointed 'Eastern Star' as its emblem. Each point commemorates a heroine of Biblical lore.

Of course, the meanings of these were lost over time, and the pentagram became a sign for witchcraft and devil worship. Most of society seems to relate symbols to the occult regardless of their origins. But then, that is how the human mind works. Perhaps something is borderline arcane, symbols are there to establish deeper meaning of said objects and or shapes. Once an individual learns the meaning of these symbols, it is certain that the meaning for them will change according to their own belief system. Which is why over the years symbols always change, not by shape, but by definition.

In conclusion, no matter where you go, or what you see, for each one of us, symbolism may change according to lifestyle, belief, religious view, etc. It is up to us not as a society, but as our own persons to establish the correct perception and to keep it in context without breaking away from the original meanings. Then again, what was the original meaning to begin with?

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