Author: | XXgoddessXofXtheXnightXX |
VR Publish Date: | Feb 20 2008 |
For many years, Wicca has been shunned. Not necessarily actively, but passively. Many non-Wiccan people call us “witches” in a spiteful way. They call Wicca an alternative religion. They say “Neopaganists” and “New Age.” This doesn’t really make sense, because Wicca isn’t a new religion. It’s been around for a long time! I personally take it quite offensively when someone calls me a witch, because they don’t even understand the Craft. Those who understand have a better respect, and that’s what we “witches” strive for. “Perfect love and perfect trust.” And in those, respect goes hand-in-hand. So what is respect? Respect is many things. Respect is having an equal and fair say as anyone else. Respect is not being looked down upon. Respect is being valued as an individual. Individuality is an aspect of Wicca. The Goddess made all of us, and she made us different. We’ve all got a common interest, however, and that is to respect the Earth we live on, and her inhabitants. Wicca isn’t about casting hexes on your enemies, or ill-boding upon anyone. It’s about respect. We worship the Earth. We praise the Sun and Moon. We are thankful for the elements. We strive for equality, and we respect those who respect us. (Also those who don’t respect us— albeit how hard it is sometimes.) Now, many times, a lack of respect from someone is because they don’t understand, not because they don’t want to. If someone pokes fun at me, or even outright insults me, I don’t let it slide. I, in turn, ask them in a non-sarcastic way, if they even know what they’re talking about. This gives them roughly two options. One: Ignore me, and go their own way; or Two: Tell me truthfully no, that they don’t understand. If they choose the latter, I merely explain it to them. I don’t give the entire millennia of knowledge behind the Craft; I don’t know it all myself! What I do is explain the basic aspects of Wicca. We worship one Goddess and one God. The Goddess has three aspects—maiden mother, crone—which represent the phases of life. We worship the elements, the moon, the stars, the sun, and everything under it. I explain that there are eight Sabbats, the wheel of the Year, Esbats, and such. I give it to them straight. Nothing candy-coated, nothing sugar-dropped. Just the facts. And if they are truly a person worthy of respect, they will accept it. If not, they will scoff, or curse at it. They may even go on their way feeling the same towards me that they did before my speech. But by explaining that which they didn’t understand, I have planted the seed of knowledge. Maybe someday it will grow and blossom into respect, or maybe it will wither and die under the weight of hatred. But, as a Wiccan, I have done my job by spreading knowledge. And maybe, one by one, the world will stop calling us names in spite. Maybe one day, as do respect and Wicca, “witches” and “non-witches” can walk peacefully, hand-in-hand. |
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the Goddess doesn't like me