'Merry Christmas' is more Pagan than Christian. Christians (many centuries ago) changed the celebration of the birth of Christ from Spring to Winter just to accomodate the Pagans who didn't want to give up their traditions.
Evergreen trees, yule logs, mistletoe, even Santa Claus- they were all part of the December Pagan holiday. Santa is a combintation of Poseidon, Thor, and Saint Nicholas. This is actually a time in history where Pagans and Christians joined forces and brought a happy medium to the Holiday. Instead of condemning the Pagans, there was a lot of combining to bring everyone together and letting them keep their customs.
If you're Pagan and hate Christmas trees, and yule-tide mumbo jumbo- keep in mind that NONE of that is Christian oriented. Today, Christmas is celebrated by everyone- Pagan, Christian, and those of no faith~ because what they are spotlightling more than anything, is simply bringing family together, appreciating them, and incorporating gifts and family meals to signify that thanks. It's like a world-wide Thanksgiving.
When people say 'Merry Christmas'- more times than not the greeting is coming from a person who doesn't go to church at all.
And as far as commericalism- we live in 2007! On the whole people enjoy shopping, giving, and receiving than those that don't. Retailers are making the most money at this time, but they are also working their asses off 'round the clock- I know, I was a store manager a Toys R Us during a couple Christmas seasons. The store was open from 6AM to midnight. We didn't see much of our families at all so we could accomodate the population AND keep our jobs. And did we deserve that bonus at the end of the year, for all that sacrifice- you bet we did.
Commericals are fun to me anyway- I surely don't mind being pointed in the direction of things I wouldn't mind owning. We aren't in ancient times- I appreciate modern conveniences like commericals.
Pagans need not hate a holiday that is almost totally pagan- the only things that aren't is that Christans decided to make that the moment they recollected the birth of Christ~ all the visuals are pagan- they took the real man St. Nicholas (patron saint of children, sailors, fishermen, the falsely accused, pawnbrokers, thieves, many cities):
...and that figure of Thor and Poseidon and fancied a new guy. Thor and his chariot drawn by goats (think of the reindeer and sleigh):
Poseidon- one of the six original Olympians and god of the sea, (this comes in because St. Nicholas was also a patron saint of sailors and fisherman):
Take those images and find a large man with a white flowing beard... To me Santa looked cooler as the old German guy in the flowing robe- but hey, Coca Cola felt differently :) Today's American Santa Claus image was an adaption of a Coca Cola campaign in 1931. And it's been the visual in children's dreams now for 75 years: