My Vampire Visualization

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Author: Fizbop
VR Publish Date: Oct 04 2006

First and foremost I do not claim to be an expert on anything related to vampirism. I’m only a student learning as we all are about the true view of what a vampire may or may not be. I’m a long time Wiccan and I also believe in the existence of vampire’s, and vampirism. Remember before you go and accuse me of slander or any misrepresentation. That this is only my view point of what I believe. I’m not saying it’s a stone hard fact.

I’ve heard so many talks about how it’s not feasible to have a person that is Wiccan be a vampire. I wanted to set that record strait. I have a few friends that are both. Now it seems to me that people debate that hey you’re a vampire don’t you go out and kill people or make them undead. That’s not a true form of a vampire or vampirism by today’s standards.

In my personal opinion a vampire today shops like the rest of us. Eats like the rest of us. When they need blood, they can get it from other means then senseless killing of innocence. We have blood banks, or maybe they just go get it from other creatures. Today’s vampires still go out in the night and have a job just like the rest of us. To pay the bills or what not or perhaps there sitting right there next to you, and or Even perhaps; writing this opinion as we speak.

So many things are misunderstood. The senseless killing of other people, or the making of more of their own kind. My opinion on this matter is as follows. Once Vampires do not do any senseless killings the need for this died out century’s ago. The making of another Vampire; I believe that they only make another vampire if the person is willing to become like this. Not done out of spite or a taste of revenge. Being no longer hunted but by only a hand full of people that think only that they are evil and tools of the devil. The number of vampires today has grown in a vast number of people.

What you have to know is that they are just like us. I restate this to drill it in your head. I firmly believe that no Vampire wishes any ill will on anyone. They just want the right to live just like anyone else.

Back on the subject of Wiccan Vampires, and how they are a possibility. Some Vampires cherish this planet we call home. I don’t see why they wouldn’t be Wiccan, but then comes the debate. Which is as follows: Well they are evil beings that just take and take and give nothing back. Again, you’re going by the past you’re basing everything you know on what happened century’s ago. Something you may have read in a book or an article.

Point is you believe in the lie. The lie being that they do nothing but kill drink blood and have evil tensions on the “Human Race”. I believe the opposite they want to make this world a better place. Clean up recycle and reuse natural resources. Bugs or other creatures that are not well liked by the populous have become there source of food. Blood donated have become their drink that quenches there thirst. There the ones that will sit in a forest only to reuse Mother Nature gave them to use. Have a fire made out of only the dead sticks or lumber. Not go out and chop down a tree.

Point two: They use spells as well as the most advanced Wiccan easily. They use natural resources to put in there cauldrons. They ritual and call out to there Devine god/goddess. Using dead or broken twigs or logs and not going out and buying new stuff. Reusing what’s available to them as a recycling method.

I know it may be hard for you to swallow. That theses beings known as Vampires are good people. They just like anyone else want to survive. They are out there helping the “Human Race” and wanting only our acceptance. You never know if you may or may not be sitting by a Vampire.

Take the time to learn about a culture rather then just go out and ridicule it. We all live on this planet. We all want the best in life has to offer. Make that first step and learn and be more accepting of Vampires.

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Nov 23, 2023

vampires can believe as they wish

Sep 21, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Aug 29, 2023

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