yuppafubara's Journal


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13 entries this month


18:19 Nov 30 2011
Times Read: 781

Now a few of you out there may be feeling out of place these days. Hell, many of you have been out of place since you could remember. This is not because you are weird or strange or crazy, it is because you are simply different.

Not everyone on this silly planet gets the luxury of being a sheep, blissfully stupid, consuming and being sheered and eaten...

Some are dogs or wolves or shepards or sentinels or watchmen...

This being wired differently is a blessing not a curse. In a world gone mad I would rather be a nasty battlelord than a farmer who is owned by a greedy bank miles away.

No, we are not crazy... we are their salavation.

If we choose to protect them after what they have done to us.

There is a natural order to things and as I have said before, all flocks require predators. This includes mundane humanity.

To date, mundane humanity has done more damage to the planet than the dinosaurs pulled off in 65 million years of mayhem.

The industrial age, the splitting of the atom, which was, by the way, not even an idea of mankind in the first place.

As the mundanes move on to their next atrocity what shall check them?

Seismic weaponry? Weather control? Great underground complexes tunneled out so that the elites got a place to go when they try to implement their new world order plans?

It's already all in the works boys and girls. Those that have come forward about this have been tortured and killed.

I have had friends that pointed out too much and were quietly gotten rid of...

Am I involved in this kind of thing?

No. My involvement with the government ended when I was medically discharged from the Navy back in 91. I have minded my own business for the past 20 years.

Put a lot of miles on my xbox to be sure. Rather xboxes... the red ring of death happens. I'm an xbox live ambassador with a 45,000 or so gamerscore.

Had to do something with my time while ignoring the plight of man. Events of late have gotten my attention. Being dragged out of the outer darkness and dreamlands was something that took archangels. Being exposed to the truth was something that really invoked some serious anger.

It attracted some heavy hitters, my awakening. Of course they knew not my intention so they right away tried to get rid of me too.

I was not unfriendly until they pulled this shit.

A demonstration of power was arranged and now they are being a bit more respectfull. They do not need to walk on egg shells around me or those like me, they just need to stay the hell out of our way.

We are not here to kill human beings.

In fact it is discouraged.

We are however here to kill that which assails them. Now think about all the branches of this tree of life here. Vampire, Lycan, Wicca, Avatar and so on are all off shoots of humanity and fall under our umbrella of protection.

All creatures here have a purpose and a function. We respect them all... it is the outsiders that are in for a rough ride.

Hostile ETs, recalcitrant demons that hear not the Call of the Throne, Walk-ins, dark wizards... vile cultists that would see Hell on Earth realized, they all got a spot on the hit list.

Humanity is not finished evolving... and it is the strange that are the ones that are feeling it first. Humanity evolves in leaps and bounds mind you.

A cell phone for example that was the height of technology last week is now old hat... I don't even bother keeping up... hell, I don't even own a cell phone. That would infer me getting further involved with humanity more than I already am... and since they tend to rub me the wrong way every chance they get I keep em at an arm's length these days.

What is in me is very destructive.

Yes they have tempted my silly ass to violence... but they had no idea of what they were messing with and I went above their heads and took out what was giving them their power.

A very intense time, the Summer of 2010... and I am quite amazed that I survived the whole affair. Coming down from this was not easy and my brothers dogpiled on me to make sure I did not follow God into the next world.

It would seem that there is more to do... or He wants to reward me... as things are getting better all the time. That the gifts He has given me were meant to be used for the benefit of all mankind, not just the cute ones that meet in churches to compare clothing.

I think on this as I'm doing mundane things like walking through Walmart, just ripping negative energy off the auras of unhappy people... converting it and making it something useful.

I blast it out through the heart chakra and through my hands... just making the entire place feel good and safe... and maybe even get a good deal on something to boot.

And they are none the wiser. Like Ninja we come... as thieves in the night. Felt before seen. Since most are about as spiritual as a box of rocks what has happened to them is written off as something else... but it lasts... they are able to use their energies to heal while before they were locked in warfare with darker things that were feeding from them.

Turning this power on my brothers and sisters is strictly regulated. If it is warranted it simply happens. You see what I work for wants people to be free and happy. It wants them to feel and express love without conditions. It takes some iron balls to take the first step and offer an Olive branch to fearsome powers here.

In many cases the Olive branch has been fashioned into an arrow and handed off to Seraphic archers who never miss.

Those of you who live life here for very long stretches at a time in a human shell, I commend you for holding out. You are bastions of wisdom and power and examples of how it is done.

That the world beneath the world is alive and well is a good thing to know.

All this life I have sought the truth and when the memories came in as a flood the first time I came near the Holy Land, I knew that this was not going to be another intel gathering hop spent in the company of hard men of war.

There are those of you that have hardened your hearts in the face of what this world can do. I don't blame you.

God loves, man kills.

Many do not believe in Him because of the cruelty here on Earth and that is a shame. If you look at it with the eyes of a stranger, you may discover that none of the cruelty was His idea.

It was men who have done this.

It was men who put locks on all the church doors.

He never wanted this for you. He still believes in you and so do I...

And so do all like me and we are everywhere now. We have returned for you. You must forgive us as there was pressing business at home and the ways of wicked men have enslaved you.

We shall help take care of their masters.

Without them, they are nothing but a bunch of lousy sell-outs. We are not the Galactic Council of Light but we are aware of each other. We find them to be impotent as it takes them way too long to arrive at a decision.

Besides, a council without an enforcement arm is nothing but a hot wind blowing. We have been beholden to the Elder Gods and councils despite the fact that we are older than they.

We work for the Original... the First... the CREATOR... and we are quite relentless this way. Sooner or later love WILL conquer all. You included. Strange?

I call it blessed and special.

Use your gifts.

Be what you are and apologize to nothing.




Behave Yourselves

18:57 Nov 28 2011
Times Read: 759

You know me.

You know what I am working for and towards... if you have forgotten I can spell it out yet again.

All people warm and fed and safe and free... and able to be happy.

To this end there must be a kind of truce if not peace. Respect of borders and codes is key to this kind of thing. This world is one way by day, another by night and that is how it shall remain.

There are those that predict war for millions in the hope that one appears.

This was not on the agenda when I showed up. What is going on now is the work of a very small percentage of power addicted madmen.

Addiction to anything is dangerous.

I will eventually kill you.

So if you got any sense, any reason, it is up to you to decide which end of the fence you are going to end up on in the coming days and years.

Make no foolish vows to powers that will abandon you as soon as the Throne runs out of patience. The job of the darker powers is to find out just who will sell out what they are in exchange for a short pay out.

Their way of making a point I suppose.

That mankind never rated the love they were given over the angels.

Prove them wrong.

I triple dog dare you.

A problem with men is that they are forgetful. They have forgotten the sacrifice of angels. They have become ungrateful and filled with pride that is going to get them into trouble yet again.

All the bullshit you think is so important is a gift... your very lives is a gift.

These things can be taken from you as easily as they were given. You cannot negotiate with the storm once it comes to where you live.

Believe me... I know.

If you do not stop hurting each other without a good damn reason I can guarantee interventions.

This is just part of what I do... passing on some messages... most of the time my hands do the work and I'm not even watching them... I go back and proof read. It's scary sometimes what comes out of me but it's a good scary. It means that hope is here and well defended.

I work for no agency of man.

After my time in the Navy I got to see just how incompetant they can be.

As for you, race of Arra, you got friends. Old ones. Powerful friends that predate even the Elder Gods. Our little dance has been going on for quite sometime, the rising and fallings of empires, comings and goings of messiahs and prophets...

It is all one big pile of instructions these old things as your history is a bloody one and defines you as a force to be reckoned with. No obstacle we put in your path was there for long.

Through ages of blood and war you have created art, did your thing and kept your head above water for the most part.

I could say welcome to your next event but that would be kinda silly considering I am but a ground agent and going into it with you.

I was not put here to lead you to reason but to walk with you as you make your own decisions.

You are each the Captains of your own souls unless of course you have sold out.

Some of you are beyond help.

Power comes with a price you understand. You can go the way of suffering and get it the proper way or you can take short cuts. It all comes out eventually.

Sweet people of Terra, there is so much more. It is waiting for you of course. So there it is.

Take it however you like. Truth will find you, every one of you.

As for me, I'm going to have another cup of tea and watch what you do next.





14:55 Nov 19 2011
Times Read: 782

Those of you that have been following my journals since I arrived here on VR may have noticed a shift as I have moved forward.

When I came here I was still getting the DESTROYER back under control and so I was still highly aggressive and just looking for a fight.

Some of you responded and I used you as mirrors to make adjustments to get it under control... some of you checked me with your wisdoms and for this I am grateful.

In many cases... you provided a life ring to get me back on my Line...

Not only important for me but for everyone.

I don't have to get all in depth of the kind of power I am wielding these days as my soul has been touched afire.

Contact with me, even through these electronic spiderwebs can change your life. In most cases for the better.

Some of you steered me away from destruction and into the better realms of benevolence and compassion.

Life long friends... worthy friends.

Even if this is our only contact, it is, for now, enough. I got what I needed to get the cannons lashed down and not rolling around the deck killing people.

Some of you have connected with me via the dreamlands and other means and this was just what I needed.

Some of you more directly.

Research here has shed some light on what I am and how to deal with it... with grace and discretion.

It has also pointed out some injustices that have not been resolved here on good ole Earth... and I will get to these sooner or later.

There is LEGION and then there are their children... two different kinds of parties.

Getting everyone on the same page is important.

The Line specializes in this kind of thing.

We provide the safe passage and neutral ground for possible negotiations.

There has even been times when we simply dragged parties there and screw their old beefs.

We got an inside line on what is going on and if a common enemy looms we shall force settlements.

Right now the entertainment world is bombarding the sheep with zombies and vampires and lycans... when the young adult section started seeing the tales of the fallen angels I took notice.

You see, my line comes straight from the Archangels... Michael to be precise. So that means that the crazy uncle in my family is Lucifer himself.

As for this shell I wear now, it comes from strong lines as well... Cartwrights, English stock and very tough and Coss which comes from south of the border and traces its roots back to the Aztecs.

Being born into the body of a seventh son comes with it a battery of powers that can be used as I see fit. Since I have elected to remain what I have always been, the grey, I walk in both worlds for the benefit of both.

I have always loved the people of Earth in all their shapes and sizes.

Though there are some people that are testing even my vast patience.





01:44 Nov 16 2011
Times Read: 790

No clever retorts or invites to debates?

I expect better from you.

A sovereign race questions.

They break chains that bind them, seek alliances to strengthen them and generally kick some ass.

Slave races put their tails between their legs and serve their masters for hope of a few scraps from the table.

The Illuminati and their Annunaki masters have done this to you and I cannot say which species is worse, them for doing it or you for letting them.

Two thousand years agone we turned our backs on you and even raised a lot of hell as payback for putting your filthy hands on one of our best and brightest.

True the sacrifice was necessary but you took cruelty to a new level.

He was innocent of the crimes he was accused.


Water under the bridge I guess. Our gift to Rome was the Visogoths. We arranged a holocaust for others. To all the incarnations of them no matter where they went we were there waiting with unspeakable torments... and to their lines we followed and continued to abuse them...

Until the word came down...


So we stopped... and good for it, we were getting tired of screwing around with the idiots anyway.

We are however not done with you yet.

Not by a longshot.

By the warfleet that rings this place to each Linewalker placed in key locations along the ley lines globally, we are just getting started.

If we have to drag you kicking and screaming into your new age, so be it...

There is radiant light and there is the darklight.

Both are equally valid in the eyes of the Creator.

One way by night another by day... it is like having two Earths.

Though an oil spill or nuclear meltdown effect both... mad ju-ju... and can stir up all kinds of shit.

I'm very surprised that the Deep Ones are not menacing shipping lanes in reprisal. That Cthulu himself is not getting stirred from his slumber.

If these things rise and attack you I cannot blame them. Their home is being polluted and raped.

Typically I expect some kind of snide remark from somebody. Where is that famous pride race of Arra?

Now that you know the grade of powers that are among you what have you got?

I'll take silence for admission of guilt... that you have become slaves again here.

Pain in the ass. Liberations are a bitch.

You can always rescue yourselves and save me and mine the headache.

Look up and see the chemtrails being dumped on your population centers to cripple your immune systems so they can sell you more drugs.

Love of money, man... you know what it does. How many lives does it have to take for you to DO something?

Don't you realize that the crusades have started again? 10 years of it so far. Behind it all are the same fuckers that have been pulling the strings the whole time. The same assholes that killed JFK, Michael Jackson and countless others that would help the human race realize what they are.

They HATE freedom...

They want to depopulate the planet.

We have other ideas.

A bunch of lame white elitists that have sold out their own race... well we take a dim view of anyone fucking around with our plans, killing people we have selected and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

Their secrets are not very secret to people like me... I have an inside line so to speak.

Details are unimportant.

The tyrant removal protocol shall continue and we shall nail them all sooner or later.

One way or another.

They think they own the place which is a surprise to me.

This cannot be true because we own the fucking place and while you are in the training cycles we own your asses too.

This is the reality of it.

We take this from you and hand it back... so you realize that you are the going concern, the work in progress.

Heads out of asses please.

If you would like to challenge me feel free. I'm not hard to find.

If you have a complaint I'll be sure to pass it on.





00:57 Nov 16 2011
Times Read: 794

Alright, I'm getting the gist of it again. I may have taken me 40 years to get my shit back in one sock, remember what I am and what I do best.

The players here are not different than they have been in aeons past... though they are a bit on the decaf side.

In other places they do not even bother to hide the bodies. Here it is all under the radar... we got a huge sleeping population polluting the world in their insane idea of progress and a very small percentage just hanging on by their fingernails trying to keep the gathering darkness at bay.

Mind you I'm no stranger to the dark. Spent a lot of time there... we may have passed in the night at one time or another.

In this life I have not been a hunter of anything that did not hunt me first. I am not them... these bleating sheep and I really have a distaste for their lukewarm nature. They deserve all Legion has coming for them.

Children of the sun have done some pretty fucked up things while in religious fervors. They have hurt my beloved tribes of the moon and despite the fact that I walk in both worlds, I see more wisdom and compassion with the monsters... but suburbia has produced more true monsters of late...

Don't you agree?

Soldiers of Christ?

All I see is a bunch of crazy jack-wagons looking for a fight.

It is Aquarius and the wars are supposed to be ending, not starting. She demands it... the Throne demands it... Nature IS God... Love is God... God is within you and that means that you are connected at the core with this all knowing all powerful thing.

It means that we can each be our own personal savior. That we are all divinities in our own right.

The players here are disorganized and consumed with old beefs and bullshit.

I'm afraid you are all going to have to stop infighting and come to a consensus.

Live together or die alone?

It's pretty simple.

If we work together as a team, the chains may be broken. The slavers that hold you under their fear like dogs can be brought down.

WE can do this shit on our own, it will just take longer and cost more lives. If you join hands with each other it will go faster.

We can meet up with you when you need us... which these days is all the time... I send out squadrons of war angels on a regular basis.

Not what I'm used to but that is the difference between what I used to be and what I am now.

It was only a matter of time before even I was kicked upstairs... I guess I should have kept my mouth shut when pointing out how fucked up it was getting down here.

Taught me a lesson.

There is an old saying that when demons rule Shiva incarnates and starts fucking them up. The jury is still out on this one... depends on the demons I guess. They want to drag their bloodwar up here on my fucking planet they have a definite problem.

They want to pull walk-ins and create random mayhem?

Another problem.

Now is not a good time to be an asshole... not with the laws of instant karma in effect.

Though I am not my brother and will not disturb Legion's work without asking why first... if the party in question deserves a good tormenting, who am I to bust a working stiff when he's doing his job?

That's what fucking exorcists are for... that's what the dumbass church is for. God likes to test his clergy and sometimes to this end he sends dark angels.

I've been known to call them in to crack a nut I've been having problems with myself.

All you evil folks out there... who believe that there is no living redeemer... you got a surprise coming. There is more than one.

You are already surrounded and in mine fields we have been sowing for centuries. So consider how the wind is blowing now and what you must do to survive what is coming.

You idiots think that we would leave you alone forever to founder in your own filth? That we would not one day return to check up on you and sort you out?

The man Jesus is older and wiser now and I'd be very careful around him... he's really pissed off most of the time. I don't blame him one fucking bit.

You do tend to stick your heads in the sand when updates are provided. New age, new rules.

Love each other... or at least respect each other I ask humbly...

The other half growls OR ELSE.

Our choices here define us. Actions are what creates a person, not words. You world is heading for something new and whether it is horrible or beautiful is entirely in your hands.

I'll be with you through whatever may come but it is time to do some soul searching and see what you find.

Everyone has a decision to make.

Make it now before Sandalphon shakes the fence and it is made FOR you.

Your partners in sin,

The Line.




To me...

20:42 Nov 07 2011
Times Read: 807

We want you to be powerful... more powerful than you are now.

To this end we shall be testing you. I'm sure that trials are viewed with suspicion by some but don't worry... we know what you can take.

Some of you can't wait for a challenge.

I promise suffering but it will make you stronger.

Strength you will need in the coming days and years.

Liberations shall continue.

Redemptions as well.

Many have switched sides already as they know which way the wind is blowing.

They know what is coming... though I must confess... it is already here and awaiting.

We would not let you founder forever.

Since the lines between us are all but gone, it really does not matter.

You make us smile.

You drive us crazy...

You amaze us.

Your enemies are our enemies.

We are one.

You can oppose us all you like but in the end, that is irrelevant as well.

The truth will burn away all the filth and make you into something else... a superior version of yourself that is worthy, not respectable.

If you are reluctant to be involved that does not matter either... you are all involved.

I spent decades in denial.

I paid hard for that.

I don't reccomend it much. It is lonely and painful and damaging and hurts like a bitch coming back from.

Chin up.

Have fun.





15:05 Nov 06 2011
Times Read: 810

I have read the code and am in full agreement with it. I have had visitors and our conversations have been good. This ship does not leak. I am what I am and care not who knows it. Being a seventh son of a seventh son makes you at once a stranger and all tribes.

A bit of everything.

Mind you, I am pure Linewalker.

Given the choice between empire and you, you would lose.

We are not here to annex you.

We are here to help you in the hope you will become allies... meaning your enemies would be ours. Meaning we would teach you things.

We would help you invent your way off this rock.

Did you know that mining one asteroid can get you more gold that has been discovered on this entire planet to date?

If that is so important to you...

That the resources are so very close yet you kill each other over the ones here.

The 1% hoards most of it and starves the whole planet. Even in America the effects of their evil is everywhere. They are poisoning your children... both in mind and body.

Just wanted to point this out.

I'm not worried about my daughter. She's tougher than a 2 dollar steak. She beat west nile virus when she was little and in her line of of work she gets kicked by horses.

Beautiful and terrible and strange is my daughter... another of my Line.

She should have been born wearing a winged helmet.

Yes... I will keep your deepest darkest secrets as I know much and always want to know more.

I held security clearance in the Navy as well... and I have not shared a damn thing with anyone.

Gentle acceptance is best as without your walls is a mighty battering ram. My words are gentle for now and I am not without grace or patience.

Next move is all yours.

As am I...

I was put here to make sure shit does not go sideways. So solving the great mystery means becoming part of it.

So be it.




true versus fake...

17:28 Nov 05 2011
Times Read: 820

1% versus 99%

A simple formula. One of us is a legion unto ourselves.

We are many, we are one.

We are invincible yet strangely delicate.

We are crazy because the norm is quite insane.

We have nothing to lose that we have not lost before.

We are as the hydra, cut one head off and many regrow to fill the void.

Our blood is rich with the divinities and the angelic.

We are unstoppable yet wait for the day when the time shall again be our time.

We watch, listening to the scratching behind us of the feathered quills writing down everything.

We mind our business and that business is you.

We have no choice but to get involved.




Attention Juggaloes...

00:46 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 829

I read somewhere that the scurvy Feds are classifying you as a gang now... not good. Just passing it on. I wonder what's next? Veterans to be rounded up and put in camps?

My Kukhri is sharp these days.

Be careful out there.




Finding ME...

18:37 Nov 03 2011
Times Read: 833

It is not rocket science. Look for the strongest power source on the Russian River. Look for the Fire of the Archangel Uriel... look for squadrons of angels dark and light. Look for the signature of the Archangel Michael and you will find his line here on a lonely hill in a canyon by a bridge.

The essence of Shiva is also a thing that exists here. Approach friendly though.

My guys smite first and ask no questions.

Messiah grade powers can be taxing and sometimes I resort to chemicals to lessen the thunderous songs of the Seraphic choirs... the voices of my fathers.

The suffering of my mother.

The hurting of the tribes...

It bombards me night and day.

Trying to figure out how to take care of this is driving me mad. It is what I am here for.

I have opposed destiny for a long time and it's biting me in the ass now.

It has sharp teeth this thing that gnaws at my very soul. Good thing my soul is a tough motherfucker.

I look into the eyes of the mundanes and I see monsters.

I would like to kill them but something stops me.

Damn compassion.




Symbiotic PSI

16:40 Nov 02 2011
Times Read: 842

Well this is interesting.

Now I mentioned before that it is not my intent to hurt anyone unless they get stupid.

I also mentioned that I was a seventh son of a seventh son. So no, I did not turn out to be a sanguinary. That would defeat the purpose of the power to heal now wouldn't it?

I feed off negative energy that prevents healing, converting it to something else. I need little so the rest I give to the planet for her use.

I also drag power from the sky and give it to her.

My thanks to Cancer for helping me find the answers to some questions. His providing the venue and Pagan's research has without a doubt proven invaluable in my search for some bleeping answers about why I am the way that I am... there have been other visitors in my life of late and they have also helped.

I extend to them love and friendship and mayhap in time alliance.

What this body I find myself currently in is capable of all kinds of crazy shit, a shadow of what I am in true form. The spirit of what was once a God to the ancients resides here.

Trading in godhood for being a man is the smartest thing I have ever done.

Never before have I learned so much so fast.

Never before have I gotten this close to the Creator himself.

They have said before that KORD is an unaligned God... things change. When the Maker puts you through your own personal hell and makes you start over from scratch, true wisdom follows.

HE is the only thing I bend my knee too.

So, being mortal for the most part is a good thing. I know I am not one of them.

There is not an agenda here other than improving life here.


Call me a liar at your peril. I got powerful friends. Come close to me and I will rip that negative energy right off your aura and eat it... and then you can HEAL... the hopelessness shall fade.

I bring hope.

I am a living redeemer... and I am not the only one on the ground here. We are LEGION among you. Archangel Michael does not set up his operators for failure. He is not as tentative as the Archangel Gabriel. With a prince of Heaven (well two of them) running the show, we should get some real action now.

When I ask you to believe, look into your heart.

Even hearts of darkness are loved by the creator and they all got their niche.

I am the shades of grey and walk in both worlds due to the nature of my job. I love all God's creatures, not just the cute ones.

I have been a madman... I have suffered... it is because I refuse to adapt to an insane world.

I am unbreakable monolith of faith, unstoppable winds of change.

I am the hand that pulls you from the burning pit of sorrow.

When I show my teeth at you, it is because I am smiling. You are so lovely.

I can't wait until we breathe the same air.





Secret Societies

14:33 Nov 02 2011
Times Read: 843

There are a purpose of these... there are some things that John Q. Public has no business messing around with.

Some powers that would just wreck their shit.

Though we all know the bit about power corrupting. It happened to the knights Templar and they paid a heavy price for it. Now with groups like the Bilderbergs and the Illuminati running around doing all kinds of ill shit it seems there is going to be some more...


There are a lot of groups out there that despise the light of day... that scatter like roaches when looked at because they KNOW that what they are doing is wrong.

For the longest time they have thought there are no consequences.

That money can buy anything. That murder will quiet everything.

Running out of places to bury the bodies you idiots. They shall all be found. You're lucky you do not have to deal with revenants.

You are not secret to me.

Never were.

They call us the Watchers for a reason. We do spend a lot of time watching... and what looks through our haunted eyes makes its own decisions.

Shiva destroys demons you understand.

I am more of the mind to get them home.

I got a pretty cool 'you don't fuck with me and I don't fuck with you' policy concerning my darker cousins.

Of course some motherfuckers are stupid and challenge the destroyer. So fuck it, I'll let him loose. He'll impale a poor fellow with that horrible trident while that big ass cobra of his just bites the shit out of them... right before he skins them alive.

When Shiva kills something here, it is different.

It is not merely a return to their home plane but something more permanent.

Shiva will make his victims his subjects.

And they will be grateful.

So don't piss me off, we are one... or if you are going to piss me off, make sure you got a lot of time because shit just slides off me. I have a very even temper...

Like any weapon, I got safety features.




Another Samhain

18:57 Nov 01 2011
Times Read: 847

I hope you all had some fun out there.

With the mana flow strong again, Earth is an interesting place again. It heals... shakes off those that poison her.

She has pulled off a few fantastic bitch slaps in recent times hasn't she?

Though that is not all that is at work of course. There are always other parties that want to piss in the pool.

We have issued all the warnings to them that can be possibly be issued.

So the time for that is over.

Fuck with the Lines and I can pretty much guarantee something WILL take you apart and then go after everything you care about.

So there it is in a nutshell. A simple formula really.

Love will prevail. It always does.

Call it what you will.

I am only one servant of it among a LEGION of them. Each one of us has their own speciality though we are driven to learn everything we come into contact with.

The Great Work will continue despite those would just like to see the world burn.

Remember fire works both ways.

We do like a good weinie roast and there are a lot of weinies out there.

Blessed be.



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