yuppafubara's Journal


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9 entries this month


19:24 Feb 29 2012
Times Read: 855

As the great manta ray glides through the oceans, wraithlike in its passage, passing though luminescent algae so do our ships... Designed after their very shape though few get to see them. There is a reason for our stealth.

With so many fingers on so many triggers here it would be unwise to tip our hand that we are maintaining such a heavy presence here in this system.

We have made some waves though that have been felt throughout all the worlds of late. Some parties had to be taught some manners.

All part of the job.

Being a ground agent is only part of it. Eyes on the ground are very important. You can't just study a people from orbit and think to come away with true understanding of them. You got to get into their heads and figure out what makes them do what they do.

Otherwise no informed opinions can be formed.

We got people living as dirt poor peasants in India. We're everywhere. Rich, poor etc and so forth. We are always in contact with each other and are even working when we sleep.

I think that those above are having a better time of it though we do have our moments down here 'going native'. Putting on your costumes and dancing before great owls and the like.

Not that I am doing these things.

I live simply, content with small means.

Still does not change the fact I am the senior representative here from our people.

I maintain a certain distance from humanity because no other race invokes strong emotion in me as fast as they do. They make things complicated fast when it does not need to be.

If you just kept it simple you would know the secrets of the moon, Venus and Mars by now... but noooo, you opted for yet more war instead.

How many Vietnam vets you know that are not scarred?

Now we are doing it all over again. A decade has gone by with us tromping all over the world and causing all kinds of mayhem.

Now if your foreign policy looks like this you can only conclude that the ETs reluctance to contact you is that they regard you as dangerous and unpredictable savages.

There have been all kinds of incidents all over the globe quickly hushed up or buried... that's a lot of weather balloons don't you think?

You think that incidents that got violent wouldn't have pissed off certain parties?

It has been documented but heavily edited or just vanished.

Why the lies?

Wait, I forget... this is a world of contradictions. Why tell the truth when a lie will do?

Am I right?

Enough intrigue and drama. Someone's going to come clean sooner or later or else.

Phil Schnieder did and he was found tortured to death. This was after surviving an encounter with some very pissed off Greys.

So who is working for who down here?

Just curious.

Keep my lists in order for when the time comes to act.





18:34 Feb 29 2012
Times Read: 857

Ah, another leap year.

Delightful... it just means to me that I get paid late.

I was wondering what it takes to get attention... a good hard slap sent through the leylines and elements?

A good strong shaking?

The gentle approach does not seem to be working at all.

Love greeted with silence is bullshit.

What could I expect from such a defeated and demoralized people?

I figure that sending angels to all points of the compass armed with bombs of weaponized love, hope and Aquarian wisdoms every day would have a better result.

Perhaps sending them in with hard ammo will get me a damn result.

At this late date it may not make too much of a difference. We should not have to threaten anyone with doom to get a desired result.

You know the score, you are not stupid. You know that Hell's Legion are still proxies of the Throne.

Everything that is of a higher vibration is not stupid either. They know the terrible consequences of not going along with what the Boss has in mind.

Remember that an archangel has the sheer power to be gods themselves but prefer to serve. There was a time when Lucifer wanted to challenge the Throne but that has come and gone. The growing pile of chains that prevented the Fallen from reaching Heaven's vaults is a mountain, being melted down to form other things... as Heaven's armory is working overtime.

New contracts, refreshing and sandblasting the sins of man from them has been ongoing. It is a joy I cannot describe considering my involvement in the process.

Being able to provide a neutral ground has been a great honor and for this I seek nothing. Happy to be of help.

I've already been paid in full for this job and when my sword is bought, it stays bought.

With each demon restored to original status, the burden on mankind is lightened.

Not that their jobs will be any different.

They will still be testing faith and terrifying people the world over. Some of them really get into their work see.

They all love God, it was mankind that split them up and they don't mind kicking your asses when it suits their missions.

It is all true.

What you did not dare believe in.

We are back in plain sight again after ages of playing the shadows. You can poke us, we can poke you. Get used to it, as never before in our long history have so many of us been assembled in one place for the ascension of a single race.

You must be special indeed to warrant the attentions of so many ancient souls.

I hope you do not let us down and blow your selves up. This would be a HUGE let down. We have been working with you for a long time now.

Don't make me feel like an idiot for having faith in you.






time IS money

19:52 Feb 26 2012
Times Read: 767

And money is money... so here is some of mine. It is valuable as I could be doing all kinds of other things right now.

I would like to rant about a couple things that are not taught here in the good ole USA and that is self discipline and emotional control.

From a very early age, US citizens are conditioned to consume, not question and to become conformist drones. God help any who are not born into blue blood and rise above the flock. They are deemed unpatriotic or even crazy.

People like me have been, by our very natures been ostrasized from society at large and for good reason. They FEAR us.

We are the game changers.

They do not want us shaking up the status quo and upseting their shitty little monopolies. We would have helped you invent your way right off this rock had we not been treated so badly to date.

You know that FEAR is the mind killer. It is the little death that brings total obliteration. I had to rip that off from Frank Herbert.

Without being over come by fear, you can master anything. Even your lower self. The self destrustive impulses that all human beings have built in.

There is a lot of us in you... we have been blending with you a long time here... trying to breed out the stupid.

The gold fever the Annunaki put into your DNA make up for instance. If we can break that sense of materialism and get you more focused on each other then you got a shot at owning this system.

As it is now, you are leasing this planet with an option to buy and we are co-signing the loan for you. We have a lot of faith in you so don't make us look like idiots in the eyes of the Galactic community.

We have sent messengers, messiahs even to help you out, teach you how to behave.

Have courage around your children as they WILL walk all over you if you do not.

They are not teaching these things in school... they are only trying to crush the creativity out of them and feed them nasty procesed foods that further supress free thinking.

They want drones and workers see, not free thinking human beings. Feel the collars around your necks.

Every once in awhile the so called powers that be yank them to make sure you stay in line.

Try not to worry.

You can take the collar off if your balls are big enough. Do you want this to be the fate of your children?

It's never too late to TAKE IT BACK.

Shiny coins for you made of pure love... spend it freely, invest it but don't lock it away or it leaves you. We got no room for Misers on this ship.

No one gets out alive anyway so may as well free yourself and rise into Aquarius, the shackles falling to your feet.

Of course we got a use for the shackles... give them to master smiths to melt down and reforge into swords...

We are not wasteful of time... life is made of the stuff. I have taken the time out of my life and given it freely. Do with it what you will. There is a certain joy I find in giving, in enriching the karma pot shared by all walking this Earth.

Things are looking up at least from where I am.

For a long time I was convinced you would not make it to this point. That there would be another Atlantis incident...

Somehow the sacrifices of the valiant pulled you from divine intervention. You have had your share of heroes. There are still many here.

They cannot kill us all. We are LEGION here... but not the infernal one. We all got a job to do.

Them too.

Out of RESPECT for their sacrifices I stand down my forces when appropriate.

However, they WILL know their role in the order of things. If we get the stand-down order it applies to everyone.

Consider the consequences. We are by no means the 'new kid on the block'. We have been here as long as they have... perhaps longer. We have demonstated our power on several occasions and shown them the force of weaponized love and light mixed with hearts of darkness.

Attacking from so many directions with such speed and passion and precision makes for dead fiends.

You will not find me and mine starting shit with anyone that demonstrates proper respect. We are here to serve.

And we brought pals with us.



20:28 Feb 26 2012

True...the masses are purposely taken off the straight and narrow by shiny consumer goods. The more crap we want, the less we think for overselves, and see what we really need. My humble opinion, anyway.

23:47 Feb 26 2012

I always get something I needed from your journal ( :

Thank you ~hugs



14:39 Feb 25 2012
Times Read: 773

This is military speak for identify friend/foe. It's part of the avionics suite in military aircraft, ships and so on. For the individual, it is an informed thing on who is hostile combatant or non hostile. In an enviornment where an entire nation is getting hostile to you, even the women and children, things get muddled.

Gone are the days when mighty kings led armies onto the field to settle differences like men. We are for the most part goverened by secret councils that control the politicians who are mere mouth pieces for them.

So... identifying foes these days is not easy.

Not everyone is evil nor out to get you so to speak. They just want you to think this way.

It is this sowing of mistrust that has divided you as a people whatever tribe you call your own.

You were born into slavery... some of you have freed yourselves. Well done. You are going to be the ones that matter and there comes with it duties and responsibilities.

What about the others that are still enslaved?

Do we not go back for them?

Have we become that cowardly or just lazy?

Sometimes all it takes is a few suggestions and they will take it the rest of the way on their own...

The powers that be do not want us thinking or talking to each other. They just want good workers, just smart enough to work in the factories and die in the wars they engineer but not too smart...

Never knowing the truth, going from the cradle to the grave serving a military industrial complex that has gotten bigger and bigger over the years.

America is practicing Imperialism and not even admitting it. At least be as the Romans I say if you are going to be an Empire.

Yes. It is true. We have become the bad guys. It takes a stranger to point this out.

Your IFF should not be going off in my presence.

I am not a fucking agent of any agency of man. I do not work for them though I once did serving in my beloved Navy... who did not love me as much as I loved it in the end. I held clearance, was around classifed things as we photographer's mates tend to be but that all ended 16MAY91 when they got scared of me... when they found out that I was differnent than them... That honesty and integrity, something that was so foreign to them was demonstrated. All my problem was was a difficulty sleeping. So they slapped me with a psych diagnosis which is career death in the military. I fought them all the way to Bethesda but one guy against an entrenched system of fucking people over... they won that one.

But they were sloppy.

I still have the evidence.

Whether I use it or not remains to be seen. Since the US Navy has become more of a business than a tradition the worst thing I could do to them would be sue them and hit them where it hurts most... in the wallet.

This is where the old teachings come in.

To forgive is divine.

I have to keep reminding myself of this. Also, I will not take a mouthful of food away from honest hard working sailors.

I have made peace with certain things but I am doing it under orders. They are always guiding me... these benevolent angels. Call it better nature, or superior bullshit toleration skill...

I don't know. Maybe I should torpedo these schmucks for betrayal of love and freedom.

It took a long time to snap back from this shit as I am loyal to the bone.

My mistake. Forgetting how devious my enemies are here. I let my guard down with the military again at the Vegas Vets Hospital and they immediatley reminded me of just what I am dealing with. I am not them and they know it.

We are not of this Earth and they know it.

I did not just land on a ship and infiltrate into society, but was born to it... the ultimate in 'going native'.

That I was born this time in the City of Angels is ironic considering the destructive nature of my impulses and that LA is mostly demon-run these days.

Different times call for different measures.

I am that different measure.

A mean motherfucking servant of God that knows how to keep the damn peace without a shitload of normal people get killed in the process is what is needed.

Another messiah is not the answer. You'd only kill him and get everyone blown to white man's hell and we ain't got time for that kind of shit.

WE got damage to repair, a planet to explore more fully and slavers to get off your backs.

My role in all this is pretty damn clear. Save all I can... to help people and it does not matter what they are. We love all God's creatures not just the cute ones. There are those out there who are drowing in lonliness, cutting themselves just to get through the day, unable to quiet the angry voices in their mind...

These are the ones that need help, not the fat cats on Wall Street or the dipshit celebrities. To be a healer, one must go to where the pain is.

Imagine the power of a symbiotic psi-vampire applied in such a fashion... getting rid of negativ energy clinging to a person's aura so they can divert their own energy to healing THEMSELVES.

The potential is unlimited.

I'm currently working in an aggressive outpatient psych program at Saint Joesephs in Santa Rosa California and the work I am getting done there is phenomenal. Not just for them, but for myself as well. I am learning that Post Traumatic stress is something that CAN be reversed by stimulating the regrowth of the hippocampus, a region of the brain effected by enduring horrific shit.

I come into the place like a silent war angel, ripping all that negative shit right off people, running it through filters and spewing it all over the place. The mood and energy in my passage is fucking dramatic.

People gain hope.

Contact with me is something that few get to know as I have been something of a hermit for the past 20 years. I am, however getting back out there. Getting back to work.

If I got to pull a miracle or two out of my ass then so be it. That has never been a problem. I have saved lives when I was in the fleet and after... even a few souls and I was still in a haze, not fully awake and aware of what I really am capable of.

I'm not saying that I am Jesus and will wave my hand and everything is better, but I will get your feet on something solid if you are just treading water.

With me, you got to do the work or you simply won't pass the course. Though my line is that of Michael's, sometimes I feel I have more in common with Lucifer as tough love is how I deal with most situations... but I am learning to be gentler as we move further into Aquarius.

Just the effect of the age.

Turning even a battlelord such as myself into more of a nice guy to a certain extent. Less apt to smite... more observant of the peace process that is going to take effect.

Am I enemies with the Illuminati?

They have not gotten in my way yet.

I'll let you in on a little secret.

Me and mine are discouraged from taking human life unless it is in defense. With other things?

Not so much. We can rip off the fascade of civility and get medieval on their asses.

It's all case by case. We are huge fans of the natural order of things. The hunt we respect. Everyone's got to eat.

Who are we to interfere with the realm of the supernatural unless we have business there... which we do. I have heard some of you in my mind and it was a glorious thing... often ending with tears.

To be strong and majestic and proud for who you are is your birthright. Earth is two worlds. One way by day, another by night. A bit of Heaven and Hell right here and you have survived it all. For this I salute you.

With the utmost respect and sincerity I tell you that I am your friend. You will find no hostility here, just what you bring with you.






23:53 Feb 24 2012
Times Read: 776

I'm on 50 journal favorites. 50 to us is a Legion... ten crews of five, highly motivated and insanely well trained we are a veritable army that takes to the foe well behind their lines and we do it in such indious ways they feel like they've been attacked by a swarm of honey badgers or demons. Take your pick.

We infiltrate, sabotage, gather intel, leave no witnesses or plenty depending on the situation. Booby trap bodies and gear, generally being a mobile tornado spitting out bolts of lightning and fire balls.

It's all case by case of course.

If we go unheeded then there is a good chance we may be needed. If we get the word out enough then you may not have a need for us at all and we shall pass you by unmolested.

We are into getting the most 'bang' for our buck. One of us 'activated' at the right time and place is devastating. Teams of five... even more lethal.

We have been playing with you a long time and honing you talent for war. To ensure that you can survive it... we want or rather NEED you to succeed.

We want humanity and all her subraces to stand proud and strong in the coming days and years, everyone getting what they need.

Everyone is capable of being their own savior here. The key to unlocking the chains that bind you are within you... they have been all the time. You do not need the likes of my ass to save you. I may inspire you a bit though, piss you off with the truth and get you started but I am no messiah, rather a greeter of sorts... as you are becoming more equal to us all the time.

No more messengers.

We look at each other on even ground, a common goal, one tribe, one mission.

We all get what we need.

If the mundanes don't like it, fuck em... the joke's on them now.

Cry HAVOK! Let slip the dogs of war.

This ship is coming into port whether you like it or not. Let's have us some fun for a change. We are not monsters.

We are the specials.





17:07 Feb 20 2012
Times Read: 781

I know I may come from left field and take people completely by surprise... this is not something that happens in my day to day. Here I let it all hang out. We are all weirdos here and all have our own thing.

I am not a lone nut by any means. There is a shitload of us and we are a global force.

We connect via the astral, using the minds of the sheep to piggyback our thoughts to each other and so on. Often it is feeling and then there are various other ways we communicate with each other. Sometimes we use this, sometimes we pick up a phone and talk to each other directly or discuss great matters while killing aliens on Xbox Live.

The Line is no joke.

We are the ones that never left.

We are the ones that preserved humanity when God lost His temper. When the elder gods raged at each other and the angelic wars spilled into Earth we were the ones that shielded you.

We have put down the immortals in your defense.

We were the BANDAR then to you when the Necronomicon was penned in 700 AD. We have been so many things to you over your ages which go back further than you may even dream... or have you? The dreams have been getting clearer haven't they?

The ability to retain them...

As your subconscious processes old skillsets... ones that you may be needing. Pick up a sword sometime and feel how natural it feels. That extension of your arm... it may bring back memories... or feelings.

Each of us is different mind you and we have all been here before, some more times than others depending on care and slowness to learn.

Some of us 'get it' and are free to move on to other things but just are crazy enough to come back to help those still struggling. I am one of these.

The more the merrier I always say. I'm tired of being enlightened all by my lonesome and work to see to it that I help others get to this lovely place where all things are possible... and it is also a mission imperative assigned me by the Throne of God itself.

All are welcome in my sight.

There are no damned in my book.

If the damned love then how can they be damned? God is love and it is as simple as that. There may be some simple differences between us, a few bridges to cross but they are no matter. We provide the wall of shields to keep us safe from the arrows of the ignorant.

Also me being a SEVENTH means I can offer a few services you may be interested in and they are all of course free of obligation. I can take that hopelessness from you. I shall eat it and spit it out as positive energy. Not all light is radiant you see. There is also the darklight which is a boon to those born to darkness.

I remember what I have been and I am still the loyalist, the one that never fucking wavers. Once my word is given that's the end of the fucking story.

I have been tested many times in this matter in this life alone. I have kept the military's secrets, I have kept the secrets of other things and known when to shut up and listen when in the presence of greatness and things older than even myself.

Chai Lattes in Flagstaff indeed.

The gentle tide and the wave of a wise sea turtle, the corner of the eye spotting of the Seelie and the darkness retreating in my wake.

The wise council of archangels day and night which are teaching me the one thing I have seem to have forgotten during my self imposed exile... patience and compassion.

Would I be a hunter of vampires?

Not if you paid me.

Would I put the fear of God into unruly soldiers of Christ?

You bet.

I do not tolerate rude behavior in men.

Or women for that matter.

I will challenge you but there is a purpose in that. I will challenge you to be better. Just like my crazy rebellious great-uncle who once refused to bow to man.

We all have two families you see.

You are the children of gods and stars and angels... you are all the children of God Himself and He shouts His mighty love for you from the center of the whole show.

All things serve His will whether they know it or not. Even helpers to Lucifer are doing His will. As Lucifier's job is to seperate the wheat from the tares. To see who he can tempt away from the true path. He is very good at his job and he has put me through the same schools he put everyone else through albeit a bit more roughly as those with potential are always singled out and beat on a little harder to make them shine brighter. For this I shall always be grateful.

I love and respect and revere my angelic relations now and forever as they helped shape me into this engine of destruction you see before you now.

Though I have to wonder what role I may play during Aquarius, which is an age of peace and wisdom... I imagine as long as free will is king here there will always be a need for us, the Linewalkers who often avatar greater divinities during times of need.

I have done this five times so far while here starting back in 1990 when Shiva took control of me and I got shoved back into the back seat.

This dread priest did his thing and I got to pick up the pieces of my life and get on with it.

I guess that's why they call him the DESTROYER.

At least he is talking to me now.

Now that I am fully awake and aware and we are looking at each other on a more equal ground.

They say that when demons rule, Shiva incarnates. Remember the tale of the three cities where he just cleaned house?

With the two of us working together perhaps arrangements can be made when before there was only destruction. My patience is greater than his. Always has been.

Remember it was not my idea to be this thing. I just wanted to get back into the SEAL teams and go play with the band again.

There were other ideas from the parties that be and I have been deflected from any of the killing trades... I see that now. It was a subtle miracle I did not end up an mechanic, in the CIA or the Foreign Legion. My skillset is geared towards this kind of thing but I also have the capacity to be a diplomat of sorts and keep people from doing stupid things when I'm around.

I do not wish for world peace, rather world RESPECT. Sovereignty of borders and eventually of the entire race.

Yes there will be a new world order but not the mad dream the GMOs and banking cartels have in mind where they genocide about 80% or Earth's people for their own selfish agendas.

Any of you that are sensitive feel the changes, the new presence of our star cousins... the alignment of the planet and miracles abound.

Keep your camera phones handy as you may be witnessing history in the making.

You think I come out of left field? You haven't seen shit yet.





00:30 Feb 17 2012
Times Read: 790

Here it is, the 400th entry in this silly journal of mine. My thanks go out to those that have found and heard the word of the LINE. I hope you have been somewhat enlightened reading them as I have been writing them as I have been going back and looking back at them, using it as a kind of measuring stick in my journey out of the dreamlands and outer darkness and back into some kind of state of grace.

Will this be my last entry?

I doubt that.

I have been commanded to break silence where before I kept my own council, keeping my visions to myself. Keeping my warnings to myself and chuckling brutally when mankind failed again and again, prey to Lucifer's seven schools.

I wanted you bloody and beat-up.

I wanted you all to pay for the price of admission. Pay in blood sweat and tears for every inch of ground we allowed you to walk on.

We tempted you into mine fields.

We waved the power of the ancients before your eyes but did not warn you of the dread guardians put there to protect them.

We raged at the genocides of the gentle protectors of the land and the rape of nature.

As ages of work was undone we secretly planted the proper seeds that would one day breed the idiocy out of you. Bit by bit... day in day out. Century in century out... until it became ages upon this Earth.

We left you without hope, all the while knowing that you could create it yourself. You have been enslaved to believe you are not capable of these things.

You are.

You can take a chainsaw to the hedgemaze that goes on forever with no way out, designed by foreign powers.

We are warfighters true, but this is not our war.

It is yours.

The battleground is your own mind. If you free your mind, the chains shall fall and then everything shall become possible.

All you need is faith and love...

If you believe, you become the unstoppable force. Through fear you have been ruled since Babylon. If it wasn't a King it was a Pharoah or Caesar or Pope.

Well there are some new things coming in.

Try not to freakout and shoot at potential friends. Show not your fangs to that which is friendly.

If Earth was to be annexed or conquered, WE would already be on you like a cheap suit. We have seen what you are capable of all on your own with a little direction here and there and you have impressed all the right people.

Inclusion? Glimpses of a place where you would fit? I'm sure alot of you are feeling and dreaming of these things... that everything is going to be alright.

We must work together though.

This is something I cannot stress enough.

Time to get your asses off the fence and get the fuck involved with your own damn planet before the assholes fuck it all up.

They claim they own you you know.

To them you are just another commodity and their mad plan is to kill you in vast numbers to achieve their aim at this new world order.

If you are not in their club you are simply another disposable asset.

That is what it looks like with all the bullshit stripped away. We have common interests. They want genocides, we want expansions.

It's a simple choice actually.

Remember a brave man dies once, a coward dies a thousand deaths.

This is all I have to say.





22:49 Feb 05 2012
Times Read: 808

The hand that has guided this race since its inception reaches out from the shadow.

I know you really are mistrustful and filled with fear of the unknown and that you are easily frightened but know that we are and always have been your protectors... even at times from yourselves.

It was Anu or Poseidon as you may know him that warned you of the great flood so that you would not perish from this Earth and I know him of old.

When the great race of Yith inspired you to build the tower of Babel, inviting dire consequence who do you think shielded you from full divine wrath?

AS the old gods return to have a look at you and how you have progressed here, you need us more than ever.

Not all of them are very nice.

If you look beyond the hand that extends you shall see the dread weapons scabbarded for now and the smile behind them.

We were designed to bear the brunt of the battle and we do this joyously.

However, this is your world and you have got to DO something about the state of it. It used to be like a parent telling a child to clean up their room.

Now it is different. So many of you have reached enlightenment and are equals.

A great many of you are now ready for what is next... helping the others to wake up is what you should be concerned with.

It is going to be a time of change and I know you are all feeling the power of Aquarius just wash over you.

This is power from the source and is going to free your mind and open you up to the truth. It may piss you off, but that is the nature of truth.

2012 is a year of bumps and grinds and I am not going to blow sunshine up your ass. It could get rough and downright scary.

Now the powers that be are pretty black and white on certain issues. If you are not with them then you are against them. Just the way it works.

Life and sanity or death and insanity is the choice you have to make now.

You want the party to continue?

Then treat each other well. That's all it takes.

Pretty simple if you stop and think about it.

Instant karma is making the rounds and the game players and mind fuckers are going to get their comeuppance and fast.

If only you knew what is walking amongst you already... things that have not graced Earth with their presence in some time in number.

To each soul that reads these words, I am sending something... something that shall help you remember... cleanse you of parasites and restore you to your natural state.

From here it is up to you.

The time draws near and the Great Angel Sandalphon will shake the fence and whichever way you are leaning is going to be where you are going to end up be it in the camp of the beast or the celestial stewards.

Naturally you know what happens when light and love is rained upon a crowd of foul dark things. They get fucking owned.

There is still time to make a sound choice. Earth lets you see bits of Hell and Heaven, such is its nature so you can make an informed decision.

We seek balance here, not an extermination of dark elements... without them what fun would it be?

I have the utmost respect for both light and dark. Have learned much from both. I love all equally.

We love you.

No matter what happens remember that.





guess what?

19:42 Feb 03 2012
Times Read: 816

Monsanto, the company that is famous for poisoning your food supply has now bought the company formerly known as Blackwater so now they have the world's largest private army.

Oh, and the National Defence Authorization Act was signed into law on New Years day by the president meaning that the military can put the arm on anyone at anytime for any reason without due process.

We are now under martial law albeit a quiet one. The NWO is making its move. Watch your asses. There are no curfews yet but give them time. They will divide and conquer you if you sit idly by.

Just another warning people of Earth. You are in some deep shit now. I don't know who is worse, them for doing it or you for letting them.

Councils got no balls, the Pack is scattered.

Only the Line remains.

Dark Cabals, you get no warnings.

We are now in a state of warfare here.

I had hoped you would see reason before it was too late but obviously you are too arrogant to realize that something not of this Earth is here and getting ready to cut alot of throats.

So much for including you in the plans for a better future. You are in the path of the wheel of fate and it WILL crush you.

your pals of the Line.



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