I have seen posts on here and known people that have won the Jamaican Lottery, was related to some Prince somewhere or another, had a relative in jail, etc etc....They needed money to take care of the task at hand. I got an email this week on Monday. It was a yahoo email account, which is a red flag already. The person states that they have been watching me via my camera and that they see me masturbating. This is repeated multiple times along with knowing I visit porn sites. They use the abbreviation "ur" for your through the whole thing. They state that they will send the video out to my email list and the internet unless I send them money. There is of course an attachment. They will know when I see this. And don't respond. They will give me 48 hours.
It's Friday. Nothing. Worse thing they saw me do if they could watch was pick my nose and eat food...lol
I guess if it gets sent to enough people, someone takes the bait.
First thing I did was go to yahoo where I have an ancient email. There was a breach. Go figure. Time to dump that one off.
Tomorrow I go for my second Pfizer vax. I am nervous as to any side effects I may get. The first round I had some fatigue and muscle achiness. I hope round 2 is the same. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Good luck. I hope your symptoms aren't too bad
Thank you!
I think your body will be kick ass in handling second round. You got this!
So far so good. Sore arm. Making a nice dinner today so if I feel like crap tomorrow I can just heat and eat.
I got mine on the 30th. I was fine the first day. The second day I had a terrible headache, stomach ache and was generally tired. It didn’t get worse. I just stayed hydrated and slept. I was glad I took the day off work the day after. I was able to work the rest of the week. Hope you are feeling ok. Hugs.
Thank you. So far so good.