Well, it makes me sad(ish).... but it seems to be that I will be leaving Vampire Rave again. Yes, I said that... leaving! Well, at least for a little while to tan and torture my inner vampire being with burning sunlight under the sunny north Africian sun!
I just luv my sister having a place out there.. and a place that I can truly chill. Facials of all different flavours run at about five pounds for 30 minutes! I have already booked one for Thursday.. a chocolate and orange blossom one! YUM sounds good enough to eat, and I will be booking one for each day I am there too LOL, so I will be coming home with the best moisturised face in the whole of Ireland!
The ocean is a stone throw from my sister's villa and well the temperature is just right for my fair skin at 28C right now :)
When I come back in October.. I will be focusing more of my energy in the Dark-net work on the North Star Group. It has been neglected of late, and I promise to make some changes around there :) Sooo.. if anyone has any input now is the time to think about it!
Well bye-bye for now.. see y'all in a couple of weeks! :)
I feel ill. I went to a kiddies party and it was their choice of menu. Cheesy chips and ice-cream. *buak* The birthday cake did the job. Why do kids luv that stuff.. it beats me!
The kid got a hummer which was full of balloons over to the bowling alley.. like 12 or so kids, it was hilariously *LOUD* like girls ALOUD playing.. and fizzy pop and gums for the length of the trip over. The driver even stopped to tell the kids not to put their heads out the window or roof! It was a riot! But my Gad cheesy chippppppppps hahah *rubs tummy* OUCH!
I use to luv being a kid ... don't know why. lol
Cheese chips.. how can you not like cheesy chips? :)
Oh I'd eat all of that! Then play, then go on the bouncy castle, then the hummer, then be spectacularly sick on the floor. Such is the life of a twenty year old.....I mean a five year old! Honest! *looks around furtively*
Teehee, maybe I am just getting old.. wait a minute, umm I am old! lol
Yay! it is here.. the weekend!! Tonight we are off to a wee old victorian school which has recently been changed into a restaurant up at the Giants Causeway :) We are meeting some other folks up there too so all in all it promises to be a good night out :)
Tomorrow evenng we have been invited to a dinner party.. I believe Thai Green curry is on the menu, so I will bring over a bottle of that incredible Australian sauvignon blanc called, "Fault Line"
All in all the weekend is shaping up to be a good one! Roll on 7pm. I am hungry already! :) :)
I really wish we had a direct link to the Status tables ... it would be dead handy and also save a lot of explaining to members where to find it, or to explain how the system works!
Go here :)
At the bottom are the other 2 links that are needed for full explination!
Ask and you shall receive,
Thanks Saharia, but I meant a link in the main menu of Vampire Rave so that all members can see it without having to ask, "where is the status tables" or "Can you give the url for the status tables" I think it is a core item and should therefore be more visible. Just a thought..
That's what Acolytes are for. Just send them to the VR Manual. ;)
Yea, I already have oodles of links and stuff in a notepad that I copy/paste for a quick reply to members' questions, and know how and were to find links on the site and make them..... I'd be a Vampire Rave retard if I didn't after spending so much time here..but I was just sayin' and making an observation of how handy a menu link to that really would be. But hey, isn't a notepad handy to :) Thanks B & S
If Cancer is in message hell....... I am wondering where does this leave me? (Taken from my work address)
LOL, yea.. it makes me want to hide under a *rock*
The wedding was beautiful..the weather was just perfect for the lawn ceremony outside of Ardtara House. Everything was perfect, the singer.. the music, the scent from the flowers, the poems and prayers. I never seen such a setting for a wedding before except on television and in sunny climates.. you just would of never of thought it had happened in Ireland. Imagine that.. another blissful day without rain in the Emerald Isle!
The wedding party continued all day and night at the hotel, and dinner was excellent and our glasses never empty :) A happy occassion and one that everyone enjoyed!
I do have photos.. lol I must catch up on photographs some time in this journal. So many to show!
Pretty much exhausted this week... *yawns* it has been a heck of a week. You know I really am excited about going to sleep because I know I dont have to get up at 6.30am!
Tomorrow we are off to a wedding.. it promises to be a nice one and the sun has finally come out in Ifreland after a summer of rain.
Sunday we have a lunch invite.. busy enough weekend. If the evening is fine we may do a bar-b-que. and ask family around.
Discovered the delights of "Fault Line" it is nearly as nice as the Sauvginon Blanc I tasted in Chateauneuf du Pape winery. It is a new world wine from Oz.
Gosh, I haveta sleep, or my eyes will need matchstiicks to help keep them open!
You mean you don't get excited about getting up early in the morning ? lol
*groans* Sinora, it is getting more and more difficult!
A Client is taking me out for dinner tonight.. one of the perks I umm think!!!
A photo of my recent cruise during the moonlight. My little Lumix 14megapixels did a super job taking in the shaft of light across the ocean :) I really like this photograph so much that hubby is printing it out on canvas for me!
Beautiful shot I must say
lovely shot
Thank-you! that shot was taken on one of the formal evenings the 2nd last night from the end.. it makes me smile seeing my chubby face, lol, I put on 10 pounds on that cruise!! yummmm the pina coladas were to die for! How could I resist!
This is a great picture!
I love the play of the lights.The artificial lights and the mysterious moonlight reflected by the immense ocean!
We see the moon so big...
Awesome shot!
And you look lovely!
Love the picture. :)
Aww, thanks a whole bundle yousons ;) x x
Truly an awesome pic.. :)
I don't think I will bother taking the Acolyte test again, if it meant so little to take it away after holding the position and working on the site for two years, and more as a Dominar and supporting the site financially ... then it will be of little value or consequence to me also. *shrugs* I can't understand people cheating. tho .. I thought the test was infalliable *le sigh*
It's not about that (meaning so little). It's about the Acolytes who give the wrong information to members and don't keep up with the VR Manual enough to give correct answers. It makes perfect sense to do this, and I really don't understand it when people go for the lowest idea of Cancer's intentions. He needs to know his Acolytes are up to speed. It's not different than various positions in other parts of life where you have to re-certify to make sure you know what you are doing..
Financial support doesn't mean you know the inner workings and can do the job. I am not directing this at you, it's just common sense. Plenty of people here have several PMs and have bought VR merchandise that don't know much in regards to the site rules.
Bingo!! Images hit the nail on the head perfectly. I agree.
I never said that Cancer’s idea of an Acolyte test every 90 days is a bad idea and nor did I misunderstand his reasoning behind it, but I thank-you for promoting your thoughts on it in my journal Images :)
On the contrary I support his motion assuming it applies to all existing Acolytes. If not, that is where my thoughts on the subject enter the grey area and the feelings portrayed but I am sure I probably did a “shotgun Annie” on that assumption.
It is nice to know you still pass by my journal Images, please feel free to do so more often :)
You said: ...if it meant so little to take it away after holding the position and working on the site for two years, and more as a Dominar and supporting the site financially ... then it will be of little value or consequence to me also. I added nothing to it. I commented on what you said. There's really no misinterpreting it.
If you didn't misunderstand his reasoning behind it, then I don't understand you pointing out he felt *little* of Acolytes for taking it away.
You appear to focus and build on the negative and forget to compliment on the good but that’s okay I have little expectations of more. (Sidetracking, maybe I should learn from my own words when I audit Companies …They might like that :) )
There have been times in days gone by when I was a Dominar that I seen questions sit in queue whilst Acolytes have been online and so I went answered them when it got too embarrassing.. but now with the new system I can see a benefit to making Acolytes recertify and so it keeps them on their toes. I think 90 days is a bit excessive though.
What pisses me off about it is, the Administration around here is "above the new testing law". The Sentorans, Dominars, and Procurators are all chosen from the ranks of Acolytes. If we have to do this test every 3 months ... they should have to do this every 3 months. If they don't have the ability to pass an Acolyte test every 90 days ... they have no business being an Admin for the site. And I would include Regents and MV's in that list.
And to be bluntly honest; I don't really want to work that hard when I come here to relax after using most of my brain power all day at work, so it cool-beans for now . If things change I will re-sit if it suits using my free time in that way again.
For me the people matter more then position.
Some things had change on VR but the people who supported and support the site and are an example for others, will never change!
Please don`t let a title discourage you!
You are our Emerald, no matter what!
Oops ! I said a title? I should say a test!
Come on now, why make this about me focusing on negative, Emmy? Was there anything positive in this entry you made? No, there was not. You either understand or you don't. I have no reservations in supporting the site as I have from day one, never waivering. Not once.
You said something quite different in my journal than you are responding here. And and Procurator, Sentoran, Dominar, Master Vampire, or Regent who gives out bad information to a member or screws up has little mercy... they will get taken off their position right away. If you don't have confidence in the middle and Upper Admins as opposed to Acolytes- feel free to question them on anything, I am sure you will find you will get the right answer. They are chosen for a reason. And if they fall short of Cancer's expectations, they are removed. For instance, one would always be supportive and not decide to rant against him or the site in their journals. Only common sense here- not about being heroic in any way. Meeper saud, >i>I personally think that individuals who openly rant against VR policy or Cancer's decisions might really not be the best individuals to representing VR in a site wide position. I wholeheartedly agree.
I have been an upper Admin for 3 1/2 years without any gaps. When people say negative things about Cancer's decisions, it does bother site moral and encourages people to view it negatively. I'm pretty well-versed in dealing with bad attitudes that breed from this sort of thing.
You can try all you want to spin this about me, but they are your words I respond to- not something I am making up or trying to focus on instead of something else... if there was anything positive in what you said here, it may have give me an alternative, but there was not.
I know you are not happy that I commented here. But I don't like misinformation spreading around. And you may have friends who don't care for my comments either, and that is okay. Because in the end, they should respect that I am loyal in what I do, for Cancer has never given me reason not to be. You do however have a past of ranting against him in public. You'll view I as you will. But anyone who really knows Cancer, knows he doesn't do things without a damn good reason.
I've read all the comments in both journals. I seriously feel that you are mistaken about the Acolyte issue.
There is nothing that says the upper Admins are absolved from being demoted (or worse) if they mess anything up. No one once said that.... ever.
(I know of one Admin who admitted to needing a brush-up on the VR Manual and other areas of the site. Nothing wrong with that either.)
Being exempt over taking the test for the other Admins is Cancer's choice. Period. Making sure he has the right people doing the right job is important to the site...starting with the Acolytes because he chooses from them to have other positions. It's crucial for them to know their stuff to be able to advance.
Supporting the site financially has nothing to do with this. It's not about the money. The position was given to me by Cancer and I don't take it for granted. I take it seriously.
It's not a job or anything like that. It's being a part of something amazing, fun and different.
If you want to be a part of something this big, you better be ready to work at it. Devotion to something you enjoy is a big part of what I feel it's all about. And total devotion to Cancer. I only have a tiny idea of how hard he works to make VR what it is.
All I know is when the day is said and done.... I can honestly say I did my job with no regrets. I've been through a lot. I am glad to be where I am.
Think and say what you want.
Images said everything perfectly.... can't argue with perfection.
Thank-you Dragonrouge I appreciate your kind words and if I ever want a ‘title’ back again I know all I have to do is to take a test :)
As far as you go Images, I don’t really care if you write in my journal… I can always delete it if I did but respectively please bear in mind it is my personal space and I don’t care much for obtrusions into something I obviously enjoy and support.
If I did make derogatory remarks about Cancer then I very much doubt he would of either still allowed me his mark, his trust as an Acolyte of the Site, and nor would I have a position in my Society.
Basically I just come to Vampire Rave to chill…. Yes , I try my best when I have time to promote the website positively such as raising funds for charity, holding competitions etc and have made contribution to the Vampire database and contributed to members articles etc. Being an Acolyte is easy come and now.. it is easy go if you don’t re-sit the test… but why bother making an issue out of it publicly unless it is an effort to discredit me, or to promote yourself. Y ou could of addressed your concerns directly with me as I am not unapproachable.
Think about this:
Sep 07 2009
(Emaerald) You said: ...if it meant so little to take it away after holding the position..
Images said: then I don't understand you pointing out he felt *little* of Acolytes for taking it away.
There is definite difference of phrasing there – both mean different things and I never said ‘he’. I am not being derogatory towards Cancer in that statement at all. Period
I merely responded to your public entry with a public comment. Everyone on the site does it. We feel differently. No big deal.
A mark from Cancer doesn't mean he approves of everything a member does. That is something to note. He's also not one to take it away because someone says something negatively about his decisions. I do know this for a fact. He ignores plenty. He didn't even bother commenting here.
Feel free to delete whatever you want in your own journal, I'm well aware of how they work.
One thing that really makes me wonder though, is why you keep mentioning money.
Well as you already know.. Cancer and I do not speak to each other, so it is highly unlikely he is going to comment here in my journal Images, so all the readers of our dramatic soirée will have to refer to your journal for that . As I said, good to see you come by and hopefully it will happen again on a more positive note :)
I know my feelings can be called 'sitting on the fence' but I can see this from both sides.
Sinora, a laissez-faire attitude is sometimes the more diplomatic attitude to take, thanks dear for your comment :)
Money can't buy you friendship, nor should it guarantee status but most business have staff aware of the needs of the Company and keep customers happy. I have happily and openly supported VR and Cancer in many aspects, as well as sponsorship until lately. So it wasn't always about "money" Bleh, tired of this argument now, it is getting old. I don't have to defend my actions here to anyone cos I simply haven't acted out of order. Amen.
22:35 Sep 22 2009
You have a wonderful time and enjoy the facials and water but don't forget the SPF2000 :)
22:43 Sep 22 2009
Awwww sounds like an awful lot of fun. I hope you enjoy yourself and get lots of R + R. :)
23:53 Sep 22 2009
I loves you!! Don't burn to badly lol
Can't wait to get back to work with you on the North Star.
02:40 Sep 23 2009
Have fun and be safe. :)
21:03 Sep 23 2009
Oh I am so envious!
05:19 Sep 24 2009
Have fun I'm envious too considering the weather now :(
20:41 Sep 27 2009
Have a good time dearest. You deserve the break.
05:19 Oct 06 2009
I hope you have an amazing time. You deserve some pampering!!
00:40 Dec 04 2009
Enjoy, hopefully I will be able to navigate a little better by then !LoL