Hi, I haven't been around here in about a week, but not because Steven had knocked me out with our boxing bouts, or nor that I had lost interest.
The closing out of business before summer has been chaotic, so between that and gym ...there has been precious little time left for self indulgence in things I enjoy. (yea, I have started to detest gym now, but I do it for my health and not enjoyment any more)
I got sorted out with a few things, for one.. the pressure is off as the Company flew through it's external audit today. That's always a worry, and yea.. even auditor's get worried when it is their turn to be audited!
Almost afraid, but I think... I think, I can safely say the summer begins at the weekend for me. Just a few more audits to go before holidays!
I wonder if anyone has ever spent the 12 hour limit here!? And if so, how did you feel afterwards knowing that you actually spent half a day of your life all at once in here? What happens.. Do you elated? Bored. Happy..or do you go cry n' die at the thought of it?
I've spent days on the 12 hour limit before. lol I felt okay because I was busy having fun. :P
Have spent hours on here having fun. The time flies by sometimes. Dont think I've reached the 12 hour limit though.
I did yesterday, but 4 hours of it was when the time reset. I was working on homework, literally all day I was on this computer for my online class. But I was chatting on here in the mix. It made my homework a lot less stressful.
Big difference to staying logged on and actually doing anything :-p
Aye, indeed Bloodlife :) i think it is just the younger ones with no responsibilities that would stay online using the rave for 12 hours. Wish I had a life like that though. I think i maxed at 4 once but that was the weekend and i wasnt feeling good enough to go out.
I don't think I have ever reached the limit..other peoples limit yes..lol
Looking out of my window wondering if summer is ever going to arrive. We still have winter time temperatures with some mornings being as cold as 10c . This sucks.. And it looks like I may not get to Tunisia, and have to wait to later in the year as hubby has gone and bought another restaurant. I shall have to set that up for him..but the rewards will be worth it plus it, will create employment for some people I know. He has promised me a cruise later in the year.
I got three phone calls from friends who seen this photo on the bus in just one day! So, I think I shall take covergirl bookings, terms negotiable! giggles hehehe
Thats you????????
WOW!! nice you go girl , dang I,m moving up in the world I know a writer , a model and a photographer and a therapist. yep I can now move to Hollywood.
wow. Looking good!
That is what I want to know too Oceanne! They are everywhere in Northern Ireland with their big bus and doing site inspections etc., so it's very possible. I. must .give. them. A. call. tomorrow!
But maybe it is my local doppelganger! I know I have one in America, MaleryNox to those who knew her. We used to giggle and laugh so much about our similarities!
Anyway, this will be fun to find out. My friends are already taking bets rofl!
It does look like you.,awesome girl .
That would be so cool!
If it is,I will need to be getting me an autograph!
Great news is always welcome ;-)
I'll keep an eye out for over here
The new week starts with a 6.45am spin down at the gym. It always gives me a kickstart to the new week, hell it was not much fun to start with but once I got used to it, its damn skippy to be up and around. It is energising. It fills me with radiance knowing that some of my neighbours snore idly in bed, and others widdle their time away painting toenails, tapping keyboards, fluffy bunny hunting, eating chocolate, etc etc.. whilst I am out achieving!
hehehe gosh, Homer stole my keyboard again eeeeek! Give it back HOMERRRR!
So now the week starts and finishes at the gym ... hmmm. Go to bed!!
I did.. I had a sleep-in today. The alarm went off, I groaned and rolled over to 7.15. Been down tonight though!
I love this song "Dont let the darkness get in your head" by Blue Rodeo, from the album "The things we left behind" so much I downloaded it on iTunes last night. Now, I am going back for the entire album!
I do that, I mean I get a bee in my bonet when I hear a track and then I have to have it all.
Hope you enjoy the album and don't play it to death :-p
That is just what I do, and then I get sick of it.
Boxing session with Steve tomorrow! in the evening and it's just the thing to end a long working week with :) I have a 6.30am spin to start the day though, so here is hoping I will not be that plum tuckered out to land him a few good thumps, giggles.
How is a boxing session the way to end the week?!! Surely a cocktail and a bag of fish and chips :-p
Go for the upper-cut...and follow with a right hook lol
Have a good session : )
Oh! I love my Frudsy boxing sessions! It helps put the stress of a working week away. I actually couldn't do without it now heh !
Helena can write my epitaph!
Where did you find this, I have searched but not found anything.
I used to do a lot of writing, poetry/prose in particular and found this in with my stuff. I just can't remember writing it.. but it had the name Helena on the title, so I was trying to track it down. It sounds really heavy and depressive, and I just can't ever remember being in such a state... It's a mind boggler!
It's very good : )
Being in your forties "Suddenly" appears to be funky, and the "in thing" Heh, is it just the junk I am reading in magazines, online and in newspapers etc, that everyone appears to be in their 40's these days.. or nearing it?
I know, for sure I am not the same person I was in my 20's, or 30's (thanks be) as priorities change as well as prospective.. but geez so many 40's around! Like a fine wine.. smiles, preferance.. Sauvignon Blanc, or a rich flavoured Port :)
40 is a great age - young enough to have as much fun as the youngsters and old enough to appreciate when to stop having fun.
A win-win for me :)
Hee hee...I remember joking on how the 40's are the new 30's...it's cool with me - lol!
OMG, you mean I'm in ... yippeeeeeeeeeee I'm in, I'm in!!
Wait a sec, just as long as it won't cost me anything!!
Chuckles at BLOODLIFE.
I like the idea of a rich flavoured Port..and as for knowing when to stop *coughs* Half past four the other morning I crawled in from ladies night (Guitar practice, with beer) Mrs ban wasn't very pleased!
God save me from road rage ! And thankyou for patience! If that turd who wanted the whole road for her pathetic 30 mph driving, why the hell did she pull right out in front of me! Geez, some drivers SUCK!
You've blown my vision of the peaceful country roads of Ireland. You should try London :-p
try being a pedestrian anywhere... motorists shoot out of sideroads without signalling... Arghhh.
haha, BloodLife.. well if you ever visit I will avoid the busy areas, as I would not like to shatter your illusion of donkeys and haycarts!
Btw.. I will be in London in July *something* just trying to get dates sorted out what with holidays occuring at the same time. So, undoubtely the London traffic will scare the beejesus out of me.. want to jump in the car for a scoot with me? lol
That's just about 110 miles away for me I think...wana pick me up for a MC Donalds?
Our weddimg anniversary trip away in Kildare, and Dublin was just wonderful :) it was just all about chilling out, and not thinking about work. I almost resent going back to work tomorrow after mellowing out for a while, but it has to be done. Least for four weeks anyway until I get away to the Med, and a bit of sun for a change :).
That is so great...I'm glad that you had a wonderful time!
Happy anniversary!
Glad you had a great time it's always sad when trips like that come to an end.
Sounds like a good time- but like you said... you'll be gone again before you know it. For me, vacation is an every couple of years thing. I'd like it more often, but you can only do what you can do.
Bring back the Sun with you..
You take a little bit of us with you when you go, you know? :) Happy Anniversary!
Aww, thanks a bundle you good people for the wishes :) It was wonderful!
I want to keep this for all time.. so I have decided to put it into my own journal for long-term keeping.... Thank you a lot, once again and you have a masterful way with words Pagan :)
10:06:21 - Jun 05 2011
Times Read: 111
One of the first friends I made on VR was a fellow Celt. There was just something about her that made me instantly warm to her. This young lady has been on VR since the very beginning, and she even remembers when the VR manual was being written!
I wanted to know what my lovely Irish friend enjoyed most about VR, if she knew any leprechauns, and if she could dance an Irish jig...
Being only a few steps from Scotland to Ireland across the Giant's Causeway, I set off to meet the lovely xxEmaeraldxx...
"Top o' the mornin' to ye!" was the greeting from all and sundry as I walked. I couldn't wait to finally meet up with Emaerald, besides, I had been told by a couple of farmers that where she lived "was just over that hill..." and that had been millions of hills ago! The Irish were fond of a joke it seemed...
My first question was: who is Emaerald?
There was a time in life when Emaerald was a writer and dreamer and I would spend hours with my pen writing stories, songs, and poetry but in the past while I have been more devoted to personal development and achievements and have thrown myself one hundred per-cent into business projects and have been driven by my ambition to succeed and prove that I have done something with my life instead of idling my hours away.
My husband, family and friends encourage that energy in me, and I have learned so many new things over the past seven years. Being a soulful person people often try to take advantage, but now being in business I have toughened up a lot. I have learned how to say no.
My work is all about keeping people safe which I think says a lot about who snd what I am :)
Quintessentially there is a romantic side to Emerald as well, and I find I have a great fascination with the past in Ireland, the castles, the legends and when I do get spare time there is nothing I like better than a night in a castle, and preferably a haunted one! (That would make for a great girls night out! heh)
Like everyone I have my faults! I can eat too much chocolate! And then have to carry out a double boxing session down at the gym next day!
Seriously though, my faults are mine, and self-improvement is something I feel we all as human beings could work on. I also adore the opportunity to participate in many sports including tennis, skiing, and honing my social skills in the local club and wine-bar at least once a month!
I like to show that I care for people, and that just doesn't stop with my friends and family. I spend time reflecting by the fireside as sometimes watching the flames conjure up the imagination and the thought process in a kindly way
As always when I interview folk and ask that particular question, the answer I got from Emaerald was a modest one and I knew there was much more to her than that...
Being that Bram Stoker was from Ireland, I suddenly wondered if Emaerald herself was a vampire or was there another reason she had joined VR. Tell me how you found VR, and what was it like in the very beginning?
Of course I am a real life Vampire, how dare you ask me that!!
Lolololol !!
I always had a fascination with Vampires in a metaphorical sense and going back about ten years ago I stumbled into a chat channel on the Undernet called #Vampires which was owned by Cancer. I was instantly hooked as the characters there were a sketch and to this day keep in touch with a few of the members. Scarlett, and Cancer scared the beejesus out of me in the beginning! But as time went on I felt more comfortable in their presence. Time rolled on and we got to hear about a new project the bossman was developing and this was called, "Vampire Rave" and so a new era was born and well... #Vampires got left behind.
So, Cancer created Vampire Rave and in the beginning there were only a few here, something similar to the Adam and Eve story but no apple to bite! However, bites were created! As was the forum! We worked on sourcing links initially and cataloguing everything Vampire which is still on-going today. Can you imagine a Vampire Rave without the ability to message another member? Can you imagine Vampire Rave without staff? That is how it was, and so feature-by-feature new things were added to Vampire Rave including the societies, and so the community grew.
(I also remember the message center being written as originally VR was just a forum posting board with links to sites of interest. We were not able to talk directly to other members! Just through posts in the forum or via email)
Cancer once told me several years back that Vampire Rave was still in its infancy when we had about 5,000 members and feeling a bit gobsmacked about that, and now I can see by our present membership of over 22,000 exactly what he meant way back then! Oh, the vision of that man really shines!
Seriously though I have been honoured to be part of Vampire Rave, to work on it and to see it grow from three members to what it is today, and have been through at least three keyboards since its inception!
Now, who'd have thought that VR had started out with so few people. Emaerald really had an interesting story to tell about the beginning, and I wanted to know much more...Have you any favourite VR moments you can share with us?
My favourite moments on Vampire are those when I can sit back and look at the success of the creation of Vampire Rave and think that in some small way I may have contributed a bit to that as I feel a part of it. I have never been able to shake that off and, I am in awe of how it has it expanded over the years. *Smiles*
There was a character called Miz, I think most of us oldie members remember him, he was one intelligent cookie and used to ruffle feathers a bit but his wit always made me laugh, even when I had to blast him for it if it wasn't within the TOS guidelines. My favourite line to him when naughty, was to go stand in the corner! heh!
I miss a few good people who are seldom there any more, or rarely there to be more accurate. There have been times, and even recently I have had to leave the keyboard in fits of laughter with tears rolling down my cheeks. The dramas have been hilarious at times. I remember a forum thread in particular about fairies.. that was a hoot, and to this day have it saved in my journal.
...and that brought me onto my next question...I wanted to know what advice Emaerald had for new members of VR so that they could get the most out of their time here on VR?
Don't get bogged down in drama! Your energy is too valuable to waste on people you won't meet or don't like anyway, so why waste it on them? Focus your energy, time and thoughts on those in Vampire Rave that you care for and those you feel akin with, and let all the other stuff go. Then you will enjoy Vampire Rave as much as I do :D
That was excellent advice, I thought. Thats the kind of person Emaerald is - she knows how to keep it real but at the same time, there is a certain air of mysticism about her too. My time was coming to an end but before I had to go, I wanted to share something special with you all...
The Black Rose
(by Emaerald)
I am patiently waiting
Beside your gate
I hold a small but
Beautiful rose in my hands
I press its thorns
Deep within my skin
So that I may let
My blood run free
With my idolatry.
If I don`t see you soon
I idly speculate
Who will survive the longest
The Rose.. or myself?
An Appendage - Forever More
How deep your beauty, oh sweet Rose:
Yet so sharp your thorns.
Take me from this garden and
Let me die my mortal death
So you, who were in my flesh and thoughts,
Are no more
Forever more.
~ Acrimony 2005~
Who, or what inspired that poem?
It just fits my profile, and my thoughts. That's all I am saying about that... x
...ah...I sighed at that...perhaps it was nothing more than the fresh cool breeze over the hills...perhaps it was the magic of the lovely Irish lilt to Emaerald's voice, but I swear I had a tear in my eye at that poignant story ...and I have to add, that poem was more beautiful than anything that Yeats ever wrote.
My time was at an end (although I could have stayed forever just chatting), and so, I took my leave of the bonniest Irish lass to have ever graced VR.
Thanks Emaerald!
Heh, at the Miss Universe Iteland competition at the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. Hmm, some good lookin babes wondering around but, golly gosh I am so bored! Going to see the new movie X men and then hopefully to a club central Dublin somewhere! btw dinner in the Burglinton Hotel was great!
They would all drool at my feet if I was there *chokes* And if I had millions of pounds in my account..
I want to see the X men movie
the film was good: but I missed 'that bit' from the tv ads, because I was on antibiotics and... had been drinking a lot of water... before the film began.
Just a gripe. Over here at St stephens green to see the ThinLizzy exhibition and it's ten euros admission ! Darn Phil is dead, so who is making all the money ! Uncool to makemobey ftom a dead man.
Audit in the morning, a party in the evening and a two hundred mile drive inbetween! What a day yesterday was! I need matchsticks for my eyes today. Goodie thing is.. I get to go away tomorrow, and something tells me..that I will not be putting in an appearance down the gym today! Man, I feel like I am somewhere between the twilight zone and being unconscious..
Vampire Theatre hopefully you will be open this time when we are in Dublin because here I go... Three days, and counting down, then its Kildare, Wicklow, and Dublin.. guess what! you got a wee bit of Emaerald coming to you heh. Still, got to source me a castle in Kildare. I am sure there are plenty to stay in, and I already know where I am staying in Dublin. Right in the centre, hubble bubble of Parnell Street :>)
Cruel winter skies in summer, and lashings of rain make for a solemn Sunday. It was my intention to help down at the restaurants on Ford Super Sunday, but hubby pulled in an extra pair of hands to give me the day off.
I am tired, but I know whats wrong.. I haven't had a chance to participate at the gym, and well I get cranky and lacking in energy when I don't . Steve, is free at 10am so I am taking my boxing gloves down and he will put me through my paces for a hour :) Looking forward to that.
Sister is coming for dinner.. I am making steak diane strips, and some chilli beef with organic brown rice :) We will see how that goes, as I find cooking long grain brown rice a bit more difficult than cooking it's white cousin.
Also have a little writing to do, and two reports to do so being off duty and not helping in hubby's places means that on Ford Super Sunday I get to play catch-up with stuff :)
Hope the day peaked well for you :=_
have a lovely Sunday Em x
Thanks for the interview :D
Oh, thankyou.. and you are welcome Pagan :) to be sure, to be sure :)
Does Steve punch you? I am interested as I suspect you could kick his arse..lol
LO, Nope Mr. Ban .. I punch out at him. Good news is I am nearly knocking him of his feet now, but I think he is carrying on with me by doing that heh!
I love where I live, in the center between Europe and Canada/Ametica, but there are times that I wish Ireland was just a wee bIt handier to the US.
Me too! I would be over like THAT.
I like that the pond is there. It makes me appreciate my friends out there a little better.
I like it just the way it is, makes it more of an adventure : )
Love to explore it. Especially the countryside.
22:39 Jun 30 2011
You're livin life girl! :D
Yay holidays!
23:31 Jun 30 2011
Woo Hoo for making it through the audit (makes us all shake in our boots) At least you are keeping up with the gym even if it's not all that fun anymore. Hope the summer rocks for you and your hubby :)
11:23 Jul 04 2011
You just relax and your allowed time off from the Rave, I do it all the time.