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Feet.....are KILLING me. Okay maybe not so bad, but yeah, they hurt and are swollen. I wore my slippers at work the rest of the day, and leaving the trade show after the fashion show was done.
It was awesome, super fun! I loved making the crowd laugh and cheer, cause I was a bit of a goofball and attention whore on stage.
And I loved evvvvveeeerrrryyyyy second of it. =D
I said to my manager that maybe I should be a model. She said I think you should.
Giant Cretaceous Sea Turtle (70 million years) Archelon ischyros, a cast Replica
Courtesy of Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Inc
The original skeleton is on display at The National Museum of Natural History in Vienna, Austria.
Bones of giant sea turtle found in South Dakota
Rapid City, S.D. Sept 30 1996 (Reuter)
The fossilized remains of one of the largest known sea turtles - probably 20 feet (6 metres) wide has been found in South Dakota.
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology said the skeleton was found near the city of Pierre in a shale bank last month.
The animal, called Archelon, had a shell 12 feet (3.6 metres) across and from tips of its flippers could have been 20 feet wide and more than double the weight of today's sea turtles, the announcement said.
The turtle roamed the region toward the end of the age of the dinosaurs, about 70 million years ago, when much of the area was covered by water.
The fossilized bones are not the first Archelon found in the state but compromise one of the most complete remains yet uncovered, the school said.
The skeleton eventually will be put on display at the school's geology museum.
I HATE doing last minute things. I really, really do.
My store is putting on a fashion show at a trades fair on Saturday, we wanted 8 models, we had 5. One bailed on me today because she is sick and contagious.
Sooooo.....I just got off the phone with a friend, and I sweet talked her into being a model for me. ~bats lashes cutely~
Now, that's 5 again. I have a few more phone calls to make, PRONTO!
Also, I am excited for this Saturday. My store is having a fashion show, and I am going to be one of the models.
This week is going to be crazy with a lot of scrambling around to do. We still don't have enough models. I asked a friend today so she said she will get back to me.
It's going to be bigger then the other in store ones we've had.
I am just so entirely thrilled today. I am loving everything about today. I feel like my heart could explode with all the happiness that I am feeling right now.
Everything is just perfect, and only going to get better. I wish everyone could feel how I feel right now. It is one of the best feelings in the world. To be filled with such joy and love.
Now, I remember a song I used to sing as a child that was taught to me. It's called....
"Popcorn Popping"
“I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree. Spring has brought me such a nice surprise. Popcorn popping right before my eyes. I can take an armful and make a treat. A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet. It wasn’t really so, but it seemed to be, popcorn popping on the apricot tree.”
And then I messed up one bag really out of the 24.
Me 23 - popcorn 1 HA!!!
Now times for the flavoring......which is going to be more of a pain in the ass then popping them because I have no idea where to put all of it. lol And I have to sort out the kernels and.....
I wish I had my own personal stylist. My hair just hates me, I really believe it does. It has natural curl to it so with my current hairstyle it needs to be flat. And my flattening iron sucks.
DRESS UP!!!! Alright, I forgot I had this wedding dress. You know sometimes you just want to forget things. I have never worn it down the aisle, and it is also my intention of selling this, because I would NEVER wear it if I eventually ever get married.
I get bored easily and have to entertain myself. I wanted to show my roomie this dress and even pretended I was a Princess and she was my maidservant.
ANYWAY!!! Haha! That's, you know just in my own little fantasy world.......-____-
Even this morning I woke up happy and still in love. Fell half asleep and hearing a song in my head. I had such a great sleep and undisturbed. I went to bed early for me. It was so nice.
No snow, no wind. All sun and birds. Too bad I can't enjoy it and have to work.
And after said work, I am picking up my cat from the ex's, and bringing her to a sitter. who will loves her, and takes care of her, and spoils her.
My poor kitty. I wish she were allowed here but the Manager said absolutely no cats or dogs or it's an immediate eviction. And well, I love my baby girl, but I also love a roof over my head. At least she will no longer get any abuse from the ex's current girlfriend.
Hmmmm now I dunno a reason to associate with them.....unless, no wait, I do still have mail going there. Haha!
SOOOOOOooooo much better mood tonight. I am so glad I went out instead of being a downer and pouting at home.
I got home not too long ago, but boy I tell ya my feet and the rest of me are glad to be in pj's now. =}
The dance was fun and it was great meeting more people around my age and just so much nicer then the bar scene and everybody is sober.
Also nice seeing faces from my old home town, from like 5 years ago.
It was a formal dance and there was a program before it and awards being given out. There was a funny music video and a few singers. It was just so much fun.
The most fun was getting ready before the event. Doing hair and makeup......then going HOLY CRAP WHERE DID THE TIME GO!!!!! I did one girls hair and EVERYONE loved it. And I blushed like mad.
Good thing I am going out tonight because I need to get away from this computer. All it ever seems to do is depress me and make me think things that aren't true.
I am so tired of myself, and being wishy washy, and crying over things. Yeah, okay, I DO feel unloved sometimes by certain behaviors. And it doesn't matter how many times it happens, I am still left feeling like crap and like I don't mean anything.
I hope that really it's just all in my head, and that you are just having a bad day, but it would be nice to just know every once in a while that I am loved.
And yes I am ranting in here because I feel like I can't always tell you how I feel when I am actually talking to you. I am SCARED to tell you how I feel just because I don't know how you will react to it. Once before you've laughed at me, and really, why would someone that says they love me do that?
I just don't get it. I don't even know how to feel anymore. I don't even know what love feels like anymore. I know how to give it, but it would be nice to have it returned.
Is that really too much to ask?
If you love me, then PLEASE tell me.
God, sometimes I really hate being a woman. Would a Midol help me right now????
Opening numerous tabs for rating profiles and then being SWOOPED away to a profile in particular because of those damn pop ups is seriously distracting.
My FIRST block. Sabrefang, well this goes out to you. I know I am not your first, so I am just a tad little jealous of not feeling so privileged to receive such a high honor from a dumb ass such as yourself.
You have nothing to gain from your child like behavior, yet STILL you persevere to continue being the jack ass that you are.
BUT HEY! NEITHER DO I! Absolutely nothing to gain from my own behavior.
So I stick my tongue out to you in thanks of the opportunity of calling you out for the dumb ass that you are.
Kudos and muchos gracias to xXDisproportionedMalcontentXx for reminding me that I am a silly, delusional, helpless froggie, and I can still use the Blast! button after running out of messages. =}
I think this lil froggie is tired of all the hopping around I've been doing.