winterdarkmoon's Journal

winterdarkmoon's Journal


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13 entries this month


05:09 Nov 29 2007
Times Read: 640

La luna palida lamenta

sobre mi nino

congelado en el polvo

como las hojas de invierno

enterrado en la nieve

mientras el agua quieta

se salpica en las laderas

oigo sus risas sin parar

en la noche

en la manana

sin parar

su sollozo

sin parar

colgado como cuerda rota

cerca de mi puerta


The pale moon laments

my child

frozen in the dust

like Winter’s petals

frozen in the snow

and yet the quiet water

spatters in the hills, I

hear its laughter without cease

at night

without cease

at morning

without cease

the sobs

without cease

draped like broken thread

around my door





04:27 Nov 28 2007
Times Read: 643

No matter the friends I keep

It's always alone I sleep

No matter the people with whom I talk

It's alone I shall be forced to walk

When night drops cold across the land

and I'm searching for someone's hand

I know that none shall be found

for their distance does abound

With time I've grown so cold

I've slipped beyond the edge of my fold

and in darkened corner I shall face the night

distanced from this evil fight



forever alone





02:13 Nov 15 2007
Times Read: 646


Am not a joiner, nor am


A follower, or a leader


Will walk alone, but


Will always be close enough to catch you if you fall


Will not always talk, but


Will always listen


Do not love easily, but


Love deeply


May never let you see me cry, but


Bleed too


Do not crave attention, but


Hope to not be forgotten


Am just another face in the crowd


Am just one more voice in the cacophony, but



I AM....winter




Demon of Suffering

18:39 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 652

Your sorrows of the past brings your closer

Bringing out the turmoil that must be learned

Tomorrow will be here sooner than you know

Will the pain subside or will it grow

Open your mind unto me and feel the suffering

For I am your hell that you so long to desire

To feel the burning touch of those long past

Tomorrow is closer than it only appears to you

My Pain brings you suffering that you desire

I am the hell that you are searching for

Desiring me brings you pain that you so long

Pretend nothing is so wrong in your empty life

Open up your corrode wounds for me to see

Let me feel what you so what to know

Place your blood soaked hands upon me

Giving meaning to your wasted tormented life

Let me fill your mind with despair and sorrow

Wishing for death and yet you will not have it

Knowledge is not granted to you for I hold the key

Nothing will be granted to you so easily




King of Darkness

18:38 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 653

Demon born from blood and lust entwined

Stare in my eyes and feel the hypnotic urge

Cave in to my charms and sweet melody

Open your blood to my carnal devilish delights

There is none before that will ever be the first

None before will equal to my power and control

Destined to be the greatest, most powerful being

Stare into the darkness of my eternal damnation

Take my hand to the land of death and suffering

Follow the path of despairing screams of the tortured

Enter the realm of the forgotten and unwanted

There you will find me waiting for you

Demon of carnal pleasures to ensnare your mind

Hypnotic beast calling your lustful desires to life

Feel me deep within your eternal damned soul

Source of all evils beyond your wildest dreams

Embrace the darkness as you explore forbidden regions

Allow my black pleasures to touch your fragile mind

Opening your eyes to my demonic hypnotic charms

Hear the melody of the cryptic abyss singing painfully

None shall reign in my region of untold pleasures

Lord of demons beyond the caverns of the abyss

So much to tell of the delights my darkness provides

Cleave your black soul upon the King of Darkness




Tormented Heart

18:36 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 654

What can one take before the heart slowly breaks

Hearing the sounds as it is torn from the inside

Many lies are spread from your mouth of venom

Head thrown in to a whirlwind of confusion

Uttering words upon my eager waiting ears

Believing everything your mouth had poured

Now I stand here looking deep in to the abyss

Ready to fall with out having been heard of

Once eyes full of life faded to the dull emptiness

Knowing from the start that you were nothing

Screaming to the heavens begging for release

Decaying from the inside wanting deliverance

Razors of truth have finally formed with out reason

Flipping an entire universe that revolved around you

A tormented heart breaks a thousand times over

More than ever awaiting death to come take me away

Salvation is the key to my eternal broken heart

Tormented my heart for so many years it seems

Tears flooding through an open damn to my soul

Forever tormented by the lies you have poured

Scars now deep in to the unseen human spirit

Wanting to feel the warmth again of loving life

Finding your image glaring back at me with lies

The empitness grabs a hold of my fading light

Pulled under the terror of the waters of deception

Screaming for deliverance from the gods above

Wishing for release of the torment my heart shows

Release my spirit, it can transcend to the heavens

Finding myself full of empty thoughts and lonliness

Doubting everything that I have built to this point

Your torment will continue till your death beckons

Praying for deliverance from your eternal evils

Can some one save me from this evil...............




Dark Romance

18:34 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 655

Captivating my heart with your dark ways

Pulling at my heart strings till I was yours

No one gripped me like you did that first day

Knowing the right words to make me smile

My dark lover how did you know the key

I hid it so perfectly where no one can see

Finding the entrance way to my heart

Your eyes burned right through my soul

Knowing eternally I was going to be yours

Taking me up in your dark embrace

Our Dark Romance under the shadows

I saw the pain and torment in your soul

Placing my hand over your beating chest

I knew I was the one to make it all go away

Needing to stand at your side for all eternity

My dark Lover, my eternal soul mate

The love I feel in my heart belongs to you

The smile you bring upon my face is true

In your bed do I belong to be wedded

Eternally and fover your dark soul mate

Our Dark romance written in the heavens

Your eyes burn so clear in my minds eye

Your words whispering in my tender ears

Shrudding me in your loving arms of night

Heart beats only for the dark love you give

Take me forever as your lover and bride

Our dark Romance is all I ever desire now

Your soul gripping touch over my body

Together we belong in this vast universe

Healing the wounds that have been done

Our love and desire fills each others will

Knowing now, I'll cherish our Dark Romance




Calm Chaos

18:33 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 656

No one can see my life is a shadow

The Calm Chaos that death is watching

No one can see inside

The screaming that won’t stop

The darkness it brings

All I want is to be happy

To have peace

The release it would bring my lost soul

No one can see me slipping away

Into an abyss of pure chaos

No one can see I’m losing myself

The anger it brings is tearing me apart

All I want is to stop this pain

To have the love I need but don’t deserve

I need to get away from myself

To become something else

You don’t want to see what is behind these eyes

What I have turned into

You don’t want to know what is unraveling inside of me

You don’t want to hear this damn noise that is going off in my head

You don’t want to care about me

You don’t want to know about me

It will only bring misery and pain………





18:33 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 657

Caged~A poem for the short story Adulterous magnify

I sit here with tears running down my face.

With a cigarette in one hand

And a glass of Jack Daniels in the other

Staring out a starless night.

I sit alone in the dark with an empty feeling

My heart goes out to a person

A person that no longer lives among us

I sit here crying for my special some one

I wanted a better life for me

Searching for a better future

Instead I found love with some one

Some one, I can't have any more.

My special some one isn't among us

Dwelling in the land of the dead

Far beyond my reach

I sit here alone for what I have done

My heart cries out for love

It finds silence and emptiness

My soul craves affection

Only finding despair

What have I done?

I have forsaken the one person

The one person I truly love

Finding my heart in a gilded cage

A cage I have created

Bars are surrounding the outer walls

Crying my heart wants out

Desperate and wanting to love

Scared, I placed it in this cage

Afraid, for what it is capable of

Tormented of the past

A distant past that will never be again

My heart aches for my special some one

What have I done?

I sit alone with tears running down my face

Staring at a starless sky

In the darkness that has engulfed my being

Beckoning me to come home

I feel the rage surfacing

I want it to go away

What have I done?

A river flows from my eyes

Knowing I won't feel that love again

I place my heart in this cage

I can hear the screams of a love lost

Please some one save me

From the beast that is eating me away

Please save me from the beast....

I am destined to become....




Dark Night

18:32 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 658

Entering in to the realm of the unknown

Seeking solitude with the black night

Knowing there is no love in the world

For who can love some one of the dead

The blood that flows through my heart

It is no longer red but black as night

Tormented through centuries have past

Seeing the darkness through sadden eyes

No joy do I feel as I walk the streets alone

Only to find those that will soon become bone

Watching them live their pathetic lives

Not knowing they will become my special snack

Spotting my chosen one so pure and fragile

Grasping your body in my mighty grip

My teeth ripping away your sweet flesh

Letting the blood flow in to my hungry mouth

The beating of your dying heart engulfs me

Sweet blood that fills my senses through

Knowing you have filled my nightly need

Drained of your blood a simple corpse

Seeking solitude with the black night

Knowing there is no love in the world

Even the light has foresaken my kind

Blood lust for our deaths by her hand

Seeing the darkness through sadden eyes

Tormented through centuries have past

Entering in to the realm of the unknown

Take my hand if you dare love the undeadD




Angel of Death

18:31 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 659

I hold you in my cold hands of death

Your life's ember has left your breathe

The eternal soul I must remove

Though you saw you didn't see life

Gorgeous and wonderous with full of light

You saw the misery that was laid before you

The tests of endurance to make you great

Not seeing the joy of eternal reverence

I hold you in my cold hands of death

The saddness that deepens my heart

Knowing the joys that you didn't see

Though my duty is to claim your soul

My admiration goes so deep with in you

When you are at your weakest, you don't know

That is when you become the greatest

Trying to fight to survive in this world of tests

I hold you in my cold hands of death

Tears fall from dark hollow eyes

I have claimed many before you

The pain in my being still aches

I place my hand in your chest

Removing your splendid life force

Only if you could see through my eyes

How beautiful your life really was

I hold you in my cold hands of death

Memories that plague my eternal being

I lay you gently back to your place of slumber

Taking with me your eternal soul of glory




God of Wolves

18:30 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 660

My domain ranges farther than you can see

I am every where and I am no where

I am the shadow and I am the light

I am the God of wolves

Look deep in to my yellow eyes

Find the remorse I shall bestow on the weak

Find the death of those that did wrong

Fuck with my followers and you will die

You don't have to be a wolf or a were

I'll love you when others shun you

Come and become one with the night

Speak our ancient tongue with song

Return to the ancient ways of life

Fuck with those I love and you shall die

I will not have any remorse for your soul

You lack respect for those I love

The God of Wolves is who I am

I'll shetler you from yourself

Cradling you in my strong arms

Whispering tender words of love

My paw stretches out to the weak

My yellow eyes glow with remorse

You may not belong any where

Take my paw and enter my world

Return to the ancient ways of old

The God of wolves welcomes you

Search your soul and you will see

My image staring back at you





18:30 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 661

I am the woman that haunts your dreams

Ready and willing to steal your soul

Looking at me in my beautiful form

Casting aside what you have beside you

Let me in your mind and your dreams

Allow me the opportune moment to strike

You know you want to cave in to the feeling

Tempation is in your sight to witness

A lovely form as gorgeous as can be

Your lustful intentions are beginning to show

The will to fight the urge has fled your body

Temptation has finally set into your blood

My hour to strike is near at hand

You should have stayed with your love

A cheating heart has just one price to pay

Death at the hands of a Succubus



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